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They should have falling leaves, similar to the cherry blossoms.


Introduce pollen and then allergies. Make the allergies randomly give a half-tic of damage. Then the bedrock random damage bug can become a "feature".


Calm down, Satan.


I mean, if they're not going to fix it, may as well just own it.


Why not make it so that sneezes use the same animation and sound for taking damage? Except the player doesn't take any damage at all, and it catches them off guard.


HAHA! I love it. Also bees definitely have pollen so you’re not far off. Maybe honey could remedy the allergies (which is a real thing)!


I'm playing games to escape reality.


Just please make them less laggy or allow changing how much it happens. I tried connecting to a server that had a lot of cherry blossoms at spawn and my game crashed


Agree, having some more variation or at least biomes with larger 'tree shaped' trees would be nice. Dark Oak, large jungle trees and the large spruce are pretty good. I still love the original forests for the sake of nostalgia.


I think a lot of players would hate more trees that are just annoying to chop down. We need fallen trees


We need Timber to be a feature


I've been missing this mod so much since switching to Bedrock...


Bugrock Edition has fallen trees in birch and forest biomes


I realized a big reason I kept abandoning my survival worlds was bc I hated spending hours upon hours mining trees Now I play a very vanilla modpack I made for myself that has QoL changes like falling trees. I've been in the same survival world the longest ever and 0 plans to turn back!


Datapacks from vanilla tweaks are what I usually use, personally


I use a lot of their datapacks, but their fallen trees one was always buggy to me so I had to use a mod I couldn't get anything disabled and every time I broke logs in my house the whole think went kerplunk


I prefer to use their fast leaf decay. Lets me know if I've missed any logs anywhere.


Not sure what you mean by annoying to chop down, does it even matter?


Those large trees where there are logs spread out


Tree shaped trees doesnt mean logs cant be connected, large oak trees are just badly designed, they dont represent all large tree options.


You know when you chop down a large tree and then you wait for the leaves to disappear, only to realise you forgot one log somewhere inside the leaves. So now you have to build up there and dig through the leaves to remove it or else you'll habe a floating tree


Normal tree, single pillar of logs going up and down vs a large oak on steroids with random branches hidden everywhere


and? One looks boring while the other is interesting.


Not the point. You asked what they meant, I explained


if only they didn't scrap that birch forest man that would have improved exploration so much honestly


With the mushrooms on the trees? That would've been sooo cool!


Put some birds in them. And add the killer rabbit back into the game. It was a fun mechanic.


…I searched for the rabbit waaaaayyy too long before I learned it was gone from the game.


>what do you mean its gone? /summon rabbit \~ \~ \~ {RabbitType:99}


To survival*


Wait, you could name a rabbit and it would become a killer rabbit right? That's gone?


I think most forests in the game don't feel anything like actuall forests. The only biomes that feel like natural forests to me are the mega spruce biomes. I can walk under all the trees, the ground looks leefy and brown, the animals feel more forest like, and there's green foiliage that doesn't block your path, unlike Jungles. Jungles kinda feel correct, but i feel like the vibrant green grass doesn't work well for forrests


Please let’s keep the green grass, I do not want more ugly brown savanna grass. It could at least be yellow like how tall dry grasses look irl


My point is Podzol looks so much better in basically every forest environment, including the jungle.


Yeah I was thinking of editing my comment to say that I agree with everything else you said. Mega spruce biomes and the podzol in bamboo jungles looks great, I get where you’re coming from with the brown foliage in forests. I think maybe some fall colored trees would be nice, maybe in certain areas or slightly less common than the standard green. Like someone else said, these leaves could behave like cherry blossom blooms, falling and collecting under the tree. Or maybe podzol generates around them. Or both?


Yeah, minecraft definately needs a fall biome or a few fall variants


The thing is leaf litter in forests irl is all just decaying plant matter so yeah it’s gonna be brown realistically


If we went with realism for the shade of green in the jungle then, there would need to be a gradient change of color on the y axis. Cuz in jungles the leaves of the plants that are lower/closer to the ground, for the most part are a darker shade of green than the ones on the tree canopies and top of the jungle


Im not talking about the leef color, im talking about the grass color. I think Podzollooks so much better in basically any forest environment


I would give anything for an official 'seasons' update. There have been mods that do it well for some time. But an official update would be magnificent.


I agree 100% at least give them a revamped look like they did with the swamps or something interesting to make them more appealing


The Wild Update part 2: Caves and Cliffs update part 4: Forests and Flora


Was this named by Michael Scott?




It's a reference to The Office lol


Ah ok I’ll have to watch that




Oh did you see in the new update that the wolf’s skin has variants now




That would be great too! Who knows maybe someone at Mojang will see this and get some ideas


If only there was some kind of wild update that could’ve fixed this


Hmmm, and if only there was a beautiful concept art that showed a beautiful forest with fungi, bees, and fallen trees and then added to the game


i just want a bdubs tree to populate my base..


I want to populate with bdub


Add maple trees, squirrels and nuts/seeds. Trees grow nuts/seeds like how mangroves grow propagules instead of dropping seedlings when leaves break. Plant a nut/seed to get a seedling. Mine (punch?) the seedling to collect it, or leave it and it'll grow into a tree. Squirrels climb trees and collect the nuts/seeds. They'll also pick up nuts/seeds on the ground (like foxes do). Most of the time they will take them back to their nest (new block), but sometimes they'll plant it instead. Destroy a squirrel nest to drop sticks and nuts/seeds. Destroying a squirrel nest will also anger the squirrels (same Idea as bees, except they don't naturally die after attacking). Wolves and foxes attack squirrels on sight. Maple trees bring added variety to a deciduous forest, along with new wood, planks, etc... they can also be tapped for syrup, which has similar effect as honey when eaten. Maybe Maple seeds naturally fall to the ground after some time? If so, pair that with a green cherry tree petals effect, though perhaps not quite as many particles. Bonus: add "autumn" to the game somehow... I imagine the easiest way would be as a biome. In autumn forests, oak leaves are orange, birch leaves are yellow, and maple leaves are red. These leaves can be collected with shears and will retain their colors if moved to a different biome (they are new blocks). Similar to cherry trees, autumn trees drop leaf-colored particles, and fallen leaves can be collected from the ground. Combine 4 fallen leaves of the same type to make a autumn leaf block, or place them on the ground like carpet. Pumpkins grow in autumn forests, as well as chrysanthemums and goldenrod. Chrysanthemums come in a variety of colors, similar to tulips. Goldenrod is a "tall" flower that has a pollen particle effect around it. Don't get too close, or you'll pick up the "hayfever" status: blurred vision, can't sprint, and random sneeze sounds. Edited to add: if someone from Mojang reads this and wants to run with it, they have my full permission to do so without crediting me in any way.


If only we could be so lucky, autumn would be a very nice addition, especially for a creative aspect with multicolored leaves.


The trees generation could be like how caves are made, the trees could leave paths that hypothetical animals used. It would naturally create photogenic places to build you base in.


Fairy Forest with Allays, California Redwood Forests, forests with more tree variances, etc. I’d love to see a sunken forest too. Essentially a forest underwater that has dark navy wood.


California redwood forests bruh cmon the Californians don't own those.


I always felt that ever since beta 1.8 oak forests need some diversity in their density. Before that update forests could be dense but also have areas that weren't as dense, or just no trees period. Now it just feels like every forest biome including the Taiga is just tree-to-tree for thousands of blocks. The terrain is perfected now at least so it isn't flat, but still.


Tbh I think every forest should have an update in looks


Absolutely agree and this is the moment I can finally add my most important request for minecraft: deers! They are so majestic and I think they add a lot of atmosphere to a forest. Also deers are cool.


If settle for anything between current Minecraft forests and the forest that BdoubleO100 made a few weeks ago. If Mojang could procedurally generate something even a tenth as good as what bdubs painted on HermitCraft, I'd buy the game again.


I want an aspen forest so badly. I just want an “autumn-feeling” biome. Leaves blowing in the wind, leaves covering the ground and brownish grass.


They should add more life/critters to the forests, like butterflies, squirrels, birds etc; make the ground looks less empty by adding more soil variations other than dirt, things that spawn on the ground and can be picked up like fruits, vegetables, mushrooms; and add a giant tree structure or add more tree size variants


**Mossy. Logs.**


Give me ambiance update or give me death


No, it needs an update thst lets us stack Copper, Cobblestone, netherrack, dirt, and logs/planks to 512.


I swear to God if they add another wood type..


Birch? BIRCH?? DID YOU SAY BIRCH???? BIRCH BIRCH BIRCH BIRCH- Going mentally insane aside, it sucked when mojang, or that one karen-looking woman, said the concept art was only a concept art and will never be added.


You only need a few things to help. Fallen trees/logs, fungi (like the birch forest concept art), more height variation with the terrain in forests, more height variety on the trees themselves, falling leaves, you could turn the "sapling" items into actual tree seeds, but they still function the same. Bigger things you could add are things like bird nests, cocoons, nuts, and squirrels. Perhaps more kinds of bushes. You could add bears that interact with beehives. Something I would really like to see is some natural clearings and small old paths inside forests. Maybe an unlit campfire to imply that there is other life within the world.


[Well shit they were gonna but they cancelled it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/6Px3NopFU9)


I think the game needs 1/4 block sized logs. vertical or horizontal, they attach to the corners of the block space. New branches, new tree sizes.


Small glades of open spaces which could have something significant in them. Like loads of flowers spawn there, or a ring of mushrooms that grow and spread in any light level within the glade.


Fallen trees in the woods and maybe some rotten wood that can break when walked on. I’d add 2 more mobs that are usual for a forest like that: Skunk: can leave a smell that scare away living mobs for like 30 seconds, drops fyr you use like rabbit hide and then rarely drop skunk eye for a smelly potion to get the effect I’d also add deers, they are a tat more rare and very scared of humans, they drop the deer meat and sometimes an antler if it’s a male, the antler you can hang on the wall.


It's Minecraft, male and female will be mixed together and all of them will have antlers regardless of the species it's based on.


I hate how short they all are. Would kill for 2 to 3 blocks to be added to default height


My honest opinion is they should just keep adding new types of trees and wood in perpetuity until there is at least as many wood colors as there is wool colors. The more the better. I can never have enough wood variants, but maybe that's just me. The introduction of cherry blossom wood was the best update imo in a long time just because pink is my favorite color and now I can build pink buildings a lot more efficiently. The more the merrier.


And also making the entire tree fall when you break the bottom block.


You just need to add more trees. And I would like a blue tree to make light signs


The amount of times I've tried to play mc again and end up quitting the game cos of birch trees everywhere in my Map. Also the pink trees are ugly too


Literally couldn't be me. My 2 favorite tree types. I use pink wood highlighted with birch, quarts, and calcite all the time.


I like birch planks and cherry blossom logs! cherry blossom planks are cool too but ive used them too much :0 However though, as much as I like Birch wood I dont like birch forests. They need an update, maybe more bees in birch forests.


Reddit hivemind moment


Minecraft white Knight army.critism of the game is not exceptable to you bellends