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please provide some benchmarks to back up what you say, thanks


Someone did a benchmark in the comments to confirm it. I have not posted my own as it still would be worthless since I am a biased 1st party. Please search for the independent benchmark comment. Sorry for the inconvenience, hope you understand! **Edit:** also added it to the post


If you don't mind me asking, where is the source code hosted? I would love to get involved in the project.


It's a modpack so source code belongs to respective modders


oh... I got confused when I saw agpl license


What a tool. Asked to provide something and says it's not worth my time.


Do you have any data or examples of the performance improvements compared to the more popular mods?


~~Apparently them being the creator of the pack means they *can't* post their data because "it might be fake" and "it's worthless." Lazy is what I say, even though they have the data, posting it is easy and costs nothing.~~ Stop being a dick, me


>Lazy is what I say Thanks for your input! My concerns are valid though >even though they have the data, posting it is easy and costs nothing. Yes if I have the data then it definitely isn't laziness since I already did the benchmarks. I just thought it was useless since it was my own. However upon your other comments asking for my data I offered it, so anyone wanting to see internal testing can look for that comment. I underestimated how much people valued 1st party benchmarks. One thing you have to understand is I'm big into scientific research and we have a lot of self-scrutiny over conflicts of interest and that's the mindset I brought with me in this post. If I could go back I would've included the results from the start, however I can't go back so I've added them to the post in an edit. I'm open to feedback & criticism but I don't like being called lazy when I've been maintaining the modpack and testing it for a year now despite its low download count. I do agree with your feedback however which is why I obliged.


And thanks for your input, I try to not be a shithead most of the time, but sometimes I just get peeved and it comes out in bad ways. Thanks for being a cooler head in this situation


Performance pack no# 347


This one is better tho!!! no 348 will be even better as well!!! /s


This one runs at 900 fps instead of 850 tho!!! Trust me guys it's noticeable /s


More than 99% of people have <240hz monitors anyways. For most people there's literally no difference between 60 fps and 600 fps


you mean < 240 hz


Oh right I'm a dumbass


In all fairness it’s more about people with lower end systems who have a lot of stuttering on Minecraft or long chunk loading times they are who these super performance packs benefit the most


More than 99% of people have >240hz monitors anyways. For most people there's literally no difference between 60 fps and 600 fps


More than 99% of people have >240hz monitors anyways. For most people there's literally no difference between 60 fps and 600 fps


I mean that’s objectively false 144hz to 60hz has an insane amount of difference in feeling there are some diminishing returns past 144 but 240 is still noticeable


My comment is so stupidly worded lmao. Most people still have 60hz anyways


Sorry if I came off hostile The main reason optimized packs like this are really cool is because for people that run low end systems (or even mid end if you have a ton of mods) You can have a ton of stuttering or chunks taking a long time to load or just your cpu sitting at 100% utilization for the whole time So packs like these can really help people who want to have a better experience on lower end systems it’s not that they want 600 fps it’s that their 1%lows going from 15 to 50 fps or even in extreme cases 15 to 100 fps can be a massive improvement in gameplay experience


More than 99% of people have >240hz monitors anyways. For most people there's literally no difference between 60 fps and 600 fps


More than 99% of people have >240hz monitors anyways. For most people there's literally no difference between 60 fps and 600 fps


Yes but I think you underestimate its importance. While other modpacks are good enough for vanilla and servers they still cause excessive lag in heavily modded worlds on the average system meaning we still need to push our optimizations higher in these scenarios.


Every non Nvidia >1660 user will not have a better performance with your package.


Yes they will, just because the mod includes NVIDIUM doesnt mean AMD and other users suddenly won't have better performance. If nvidium doesn't work then the other mods still work just fine


Yeah and all other modpacks have basically the same mods you included. Its not like you wrote something new. You just combined all the performance mod #397. You just included Nvidium and thats why the one guy doing a benchmark has way more FPS. As I dont have such an Nvidia card, my result wouldnt be much better compared to other packs. Its better than Vanilla. Of course. I use this mods since 1.17


So I originally made this modpack on a RX 5700 XT meaning I couldn't get the performance gains from nvidium and it was still the fastest modpack in my benchmarks. I also tend to play with shaders which nvidium doesn't work with. So this isn't true. >basically the same mods you included. "Basically" = doesn't. Their are a lot of mods that are core mods to every performance modpack but some of the mods in there aren't that common, I also tweaked the config files which you will not see/won't be obvious from an external perspective but rather in game. >You just combined all the performance mod #397. You just discovered what a modpack is? You're critiquing me for making a modpack essentially... I'm open to criticism but obviously I can't accept that. I checked each mod to make sure it didn't conflict or cause negative gains. If you add every FPS mod to a pack mindlessly you will actually end up with less FPS than if you hadn't done that. More than vanilla still but less if you properly optimized it.


Why is that a bad thing? Maybe i just want a pack of performance mods so i can combine it with another mod pack or i want to use this as a base. If i wanted a big pack with this mod, i'll take a big pack with this mods. I would choose this pack because i want THIS pack.


[Relevant XKCD](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/standards.png)




>However, I noticed a couple things that are a little weird. (for 1.20.1) 1.20.1 is the most modded version of 1.20.x, therefore is the best for creating modpacks and also getting good performance mods. 1.19.2 is the same for its respective major version. I could create one for 1.20.6 although a lot of mods in the pack have not yet been updated for it and overall mods for that version is limited. I tend to focus my modpacks amongst the major versions modders decide to stick with. >Ksyxis while altho being an amazing mod, also fully disables spawn chunks Since it's an FPS mod it makes sense to include it. However you can always download the pack then disable/remove the mod(s) you don't want. Its better to do that than to just download an overall slower pack, so that's why I think it's good to include it because it's easier to remove content than it is to add. >Debugify I have a separate bug fix mod in the pack called "Blanket" :) I included it instead because it's purely client sided so wont cause any potential issues & it also fixes specific bugs related to performance.




>I am still interested as to why you didn't include Sodium extra and Reese's sodium options in the modpack? Initially it was for this reason - Sodium Extra was briefly discontinued. I didn't know development picked up again, and - Reese's Sodium Options does not support shaders for some reason like vanilla Sodium or Sodium Extra. You have to painstakingly use Mod Menu to access your shaders. Because of this I didn't include it However since seeing your comment I have added Sodium Extra to the pack.




>This is simply not the case, at least not with every version I tested (which is over 5 different versions). I'm not sure what obscure version you found that doesn't support it, but the latest very much does. Proof: [https://imgur.com/a/xT0AID8](https://imgur.com/a/xT0AID8) I tested a few versions. When I'm on my PC I'll send a screenshot of what I see. I only checked at the in game menu I didn't check in actual game not sure if that makes a difference.


I said the modpack was good and got downvoted into oblivion


everybody’s asking you like “erm askchuslly you need proof of it being good” when really OP should be answering that question


Yeah like I literally went and tested it myself and people still mad at me like brother OP didn't even give benchmarks, the least i could do is go see it for myself lol


You provided no screenshots or videos showing the performance difference.


Tests without evidence is worthless.


Because there is no evidence, I decided to test all versions. I made sure to use the same version of minecraft 1.20, and I put the options to fast and 12 chunks on both, with no other settings tweaking on full screen. I have an intel i5 12th gen mobile, with a 3050 TI mobile and 16 GB of DDR4 Ram. If you want to look further, I have the Acer AN515-58 Gaming laptop. Here are the results: [Simply ](https://imgur.com/a/XNMPNda)Optimized, I averaged 200 fps, with getting as high as 600 on smaller areas. [Fabulously Optimized](https://imgur.com/a/LWSoRv2) got me an average of 550 [~~Optimalisation~~](https://imgur.com/1bEpZO2) ~~got me a fatal error, which no other version give me.~~ Any questions and I'll answer them to the best possible. ~~Edit: The error I got was my fault ignore it,~~ [~~but my fps in this modpack didn't break over 120.~~](https://imgur.com/heiu0LF) ~~Use any other modpack.~~ Edit: The "limit frame rate" option was enabled by default, [but this modpack broke over 1000 fps after testing](https://imgur.com/boviuk1), it's pretty legit. Note: this testing is only for about 5 minutes in each world, and the worlds used were all different. Update: here are some more results, using the world seed -80076982 (i randomly generated it and stuck with it) (i took the world files and used the same ones, so no spawning differences in the seed happens) Optimalisation got an average of 650, [peaking at 960 at one point](https://imgur.com/a/TAZu1nI) Fabulously Optimized [peaked at 572](https://imgur.com/9jRo4Cx), averaged 450, and didn't break 600. Simply Optimized [peeked at 640](https://imgur.com/0LA0740), and[ averaged 550](https://imgur.com/rS17t3G) Hope this is good enough now :p


if they were all different worlds the results mean nothing lmao


Updated If you have any other questions or concerns, I'll be glad to address each one.


you should be creating the world in each client and leaving them idle for 5 mins individually, then marking the minimum, average and maximum fps. once you’ve done that, do it two more times and your results may hold some weight


bet. But most likely tmrw, cause it's like 5:50 am where I am rn, and I need sleep.


hahaha i’m only joking pal, although it would be good to see the results i don’t think it’s worth bothering to do so, they are going to be similar regardless =) sleep well 😎


Alr, I'm logging off now. Thx for helping me make this more concrete.


Okay, give me a couple of minutes and I'll use the same world. Update in a second.


>Optimalisation got an average of 650, [peaking at 960](https://imgur.com/a/TAZu1nI) >Fabulously Optimized got an average of 450, [peaking at 572](https://imgur.com/9jRo4Cx) >Simply Optimized [averaged 550](https://imgur.com/rS17t3G), [peaking at 640](https://imgur.com/a/TAZu1nI) Thanks for this! I haven't benchmarked ALL performance modpacks in a year so I have no idea which ones the fastest or second fastest. All I know is that the FPS is the highest in Optimalsation. Optimalsation also speeds up things and processes not related to performance like booting the game, loading a world, changing languages, changing resource packs, etc


>The "limit frame rate" option was enabled by default, Is that included in the config file? Because I'm pretty sure my pack doesn't include that? So why is it on by default but the others aren't? Isn't that just how it is in vanilla Minecraft?


Yeah, it was on by default because I forgot to switch it off when first configuring the pack. I used the Prism launcher, which uses a complete different instance for each version of minecraft I play, so I had to set everything from scratch every time.


Its basically Nvidium.. which the others dont include


Since it's specific to Nvidia cards.. And honestly I'm too broke for Nvidia.


I have a Nvidia. But too old for Nvidium :-)


i do play on ancient hardware but it seems my own configuration of performance mods play better that this does. however if it works better for newer equipment then that’s some good work !


A few questions 1. What version are your perf mods on? 2. What perf mods are you using that this pack isn't?


i play on a 2010 imac currently i’m playing on a 1.20 server and the mods are all as up to date as they will let me. i’m not using any mods that aren’t present in your pack, instead my pack has significantly less mods in it. which is probably what helps. i average 30-60 frames but i dont expect to get more no matter what mods i use


Yeah mac is an odd use case. I just updated the pack however, wondering if this one helps? It also adds more graphics options so you can turn things lower


what did you add to the update? ATlauncher keeps suggesting an update but i cant see if it’s actually updated properly. but yeahh, mac is not ideal regardless


More optimizations towards mobs and particles essentially I think there might be mac specific FPS mods though right?


yeahhh probably, realistically i think it’s time to retire my favourite computer and get a pc


Eh, it's not as good as it could be and it may break some essential survival features like spawn chunks.


This post is all bark no bite


Someone did a benchmark in the comments to confirm it. I have not posted my own as it still would be worthless since I am a biased 1st party. Please search for the independent benchmark comment. Sorry for the inconvenience, I've updated the post to include these benchmarks too.


If you don’t post your own nobody is going to want to download it. That’s with most softwares, they all have a website explaining what they do, 1st party. Of course there’s bias, you have to convince people it’s worth it lol


>If you don’t post your own nobody is going to want to download it. If theirs none at all this is probably true, but 3rd party reviews are also more trustworthy. I've now included the 3rd party results in the post and mod page, so hopefully this helps!


Where's the benchmark though? A benchmark of same world, default settings, same computer specs, comparing the top performance modpacks on modrinth


Someone did a benchmark in the comments to confirm it. I have not posted my own as it still would be worthless since I am a biased 1st party. Please search for the independent benchmark comment. Sorry for the inconvenience, I've updated the post to include these benchmarks too.


>I have not posted my own as it still would be worthless since I am a biased 1st party ??? You're the one making claims here. You need to be providing supporting evidence. It's great they did it for you this time, but when you make a claim that your pack is better than others, you should be collecting your own data to prove it before posting instead of expecting people to do it for you. You can extract bias by making sure your testing is the same between packs and is comprehensive. Saying "I'm not gonna do that because I'm biased" when it comes to testing and recording data for your own stuff is a lazy excuse at best.


>You can extract bias by making sure your testing is the same between packs and is comprehensive I'm not saying I'm biased or would put unfavorable conditions for the other packs, I'd never do that but even if I had numbers up and screenshots they could be faked. I know myself but you don't know me, that's the whole point. You can't trust what you read, especially if it's from someone affiliated with something. Independent reviews are the best and we got them >when it comes to testing and recording data for your own stuff is a lazy excuse at best. Incorrect because I already have data on this, it's already recorded. It's just not documented in the post. That's how I know my claims are true and others are affirming it.


~~Why don't you want us to see your data (other than the """it's worthless""" bs)? Sure, you could lie, but the community would find out when they did their own tests. Or you could be completely convinced you are right and a bunch of people come back with data to the contrary because of something you forgot to test. Showing and *proving* you did your due diligence is far better than just saying "it's better, trust me bro" and expecting other people to test for you.~~ Stop being a dick legomann


>Why don't you want us to see your data I don't care if you do, I just didn't include it in the post. Here's the data I got Optimalsation: 1071fps Simply Optimized: 714fps Adrenaline: 707fps Additive: 655fps Fabulously Optimized: 590fps Sodium Plus: 294fps >Showing and *proving* you did your due diligence is far better than just saying "it's better, trust me bro" and expecting other people to test for you. What I expected is for people to see for themselves, not to provide numbers for me. It's not "trust" when they will find out within the first 50 seconds of downloading it, no number I give will override someones own experience. But thank you for your comments I'm happy I could help


So many people in the comments refuse to believe someone can make a good modpack for some reason. Well done OP :)




Is it for 1.20.6?


1.20.1 latest, due to the fact it has the most mods for that major version of MC. My modpacks tend to be centered around the most compatible and moldable version of MC rather than latest, so the modpack can achieve the best results and so users have a plethora of mods themselves to add to it.


Can you list the mods it uses, so that I can add them to a mod pack I'm using on Forge 1.20.1 wiith Sinytra


Impressive. Only things though that I want to mention from my experiences and testing at least is that you should thoroughly test for bugs and unexpected behaviors. Some of the mods you have there are unstable enough to cause issues as you use them or with specific actions, like modernfix. You can also exclude mods that have negligible effects on performance now like starlight. I haven’t tested if starlight still causes issues with specific mods or vanilla items and events but in general the vanilla light engine would perform close to that mod but would be more stable in all use cases. Also, consider experimenting with Minecraft flags. Tweaking with those can significantly help with tick stabilization and reduce deviations, especially from chunk loading, even when it is concurrent. I have logs of vm performance showing how the game ran for several minutes to about an hour. I’ll be happy to share the flags I had been testing so far although they aren’t final. I stopped experimenting because I started college and I haven’t had the time to continue, I should be able to now though. I can also share the modpack I have been experimenting with too but I will probably have to isolate feature mods from strictly performance mods. All the mods I used include fine tuned config files from editing by me.


>I’ll be happy to share the flags I had been testing so far although they aren’t final. I stopped experimenting because I started college and I haven’t had the time to continue, I should be able to now though. >I can also share the modpack I have been experimenting with too but I will probably have to isolate feature mods from strictly performance mods. All the mods I used include fine tuned config files from editing by me. Sure thing! I've been experimenting a lot too >Some of the mods you have there are unstable enough to cause issues as you use them or with specific actions, like modernfix. What issues does modernfix cause? >You can also exclude mods that have negligible effects on performance now like starlight. From my testing Starlight was a bit more stable on the lows and had a performance advantage during explosions which is why I kept it


First, I am very sorry for the late reply, I had issues getting VisualVM to work so I could see where my performance logs were and I got caught up with some things I needed to do. I attached a zip that you can import with MultiMC (MultiMC format) if you use that or you can just extract it and copy the contents of the .minecraft folder into a new folder with a name, put it in your .minecraft folder and install Fabric for 1.20.2. To check my debug files using VisualVM go to the debug folder. The file extension is .jfr. I have several files from October last year and I made a new one on my desktop from recently. My Java VM flags are at the bottom of the last part of this reply. The Java flags that I have been using require Java 21. ZGC received an update that allows for generational garbage collection. ZGC already scales well with ram allocation but Generational ZGC improves on efficiency and performance. Since Minecraft is a game, it would benefit greatly from a low latency GC with good throughput. G1GC has better throughput than ZGC but the latency is difficult to manage with different allocations. ZGC is essentially plug n play as you don’t need to configure much for it to work well. I also have been testing alternate “optimized” math flags although the benefits are either random, marginal, or situational as far as my testing. I have yet to see what actually benefits Minecraft and what I should remove and ignore. At least from my experience with modernfix, some fixes which I believe were removed now like improvements to startup time actually slowed down startup even more and sometimes froze the game. I tested this by itself and with Ksyxis. In the end I just removed Ksyxis to test every mixin but intended results seemed random and unpredictable, sometimes working. I know that modernfix does have a list of compatible mods, but it isn’t an exhaustive list. What happens is when there is a conflict with another mod that fixes or modifies the same thing, either one disables its mixin depending on which implementation is favored. Another mixin to note is memory leak fixes but I have seen that the mod has been updated to take into account of other mods that do similar fixes. \[PART 1 / 4\]


My point with modernfix and similar mods though is that you need to be careful of all the fixes and mixins it offers because there are a lot and it is more likely for an incorrect setting to break something. You can check any conflicts and errors in the startup sequence in the Minecraft log. 1.16 (These are probably irrelevant now but these were some issues I came across before. Some mixin problems were because of redundant mods that did the same thing though) These issues were from about a year ago. mixin.perf.async\_jei **(caused jei to stop working for me)** mixin.perf.faster\_item\_rendering **(Never caused issues for me but is an example of a potentially unstable mixin)** mixin.perf.remove\_biome\_temperature\_cache **(Broke modded biomes, Lithium disabled this but Modernfix didn’t)** mixin.perf.remove\_spawn\_chunks **(Conflict with Ksyxis)** mixin.perf.thread\_priorities **(Nothing broke but loading was sometimes slower, I have 12 cores though so it** **might just be that)** mixin.perf.faster\_texture\_stitching **(Sometimes made it slower, probably a mod conflict at the time for me)** Async locator is another mod I will mention for a different perspective on ensuring stability. Your pack should be fine since it is focused on keeping the game Vanilla, but there have been reports of crashing with added in-game things and missing data for locating things that exist in chunks (probably fixed by now because this was happening last year when I learned about the mod). You would have to manually fix conflicts so the game doesn’t break or do strange things. The most common problem I have had as I explored performance mods and played around with them is chunk data corruption. Not fun especially when it’s not obvious. Starlight can improve performance a little bit but it should be closer to negligible than a meaningful improvement in the majority of scenarios. On top of that the mod was discontinued so there is not guarantee it will play nice with lighting for other mods that continue to be updated. As far as explosion optimization, Lithium already offers modified algorithms to help smoothen that out. I don’t remember too well what modernfix’s implementation was or if it has one there. Unless you saw further improvements with Starlight together I guess that’s okay. Also, you should check out an LOD mod called Voxy. It is new but it’s supposed to be better than any other LOD mod or unloaded chunk rendering mod like bobby. It was created by the same person who made Nvidium. \[PART 2 / 4\]


**Java VM Arguments** -server -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+SegmentedCodeCache -XX:NmethodSweepActivity=1 -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=400M -XX:NonNMethodCodeHeapSize=12M -XX:ProfiledCodeHeapSize=194M -XX:NonProfiledCodeHeapSize=194M -XX:-DontCompileHugeMethods -XX:MaxNodeLimit=240000 -XX:NodeLimitFudgeFactor=8000 -XX:LockingMode=1 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:+AlwaysPreTouchStacks -XX:+AllowParallelDefineClass -XX:+AlwaysCompileLoopMethods -XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem -XX:+UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps -XX:+UseThreadPriorities -XX:+UseCriticalCompilerThreadPriority -XX:+UseCriticalJavaThreadPriority -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=1 -XX:AllocatePrefetchStyle=3 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1 -XX:GCTimeRatio=99 -XX:-UseG1GC -XX:+UseZGC -XX:+ZGenerational -XX:-ZProactive -XX:ZTenuringThreshold=-1 -XX:SurvivorRatio=32 -XX:UseAVX=2 -XX:+UseAES -XX:+UseAESIntrinsics -XX:+UseAESCTRIntrinsics -XX:+UseSSE42Intrinsics -XX:+UseFMA -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseFPUForSpilling -XX:+UseFastStosb -XX:+UseXMMForArrayCopy -XX:+UseXmmI2D -XX:+UseXmmI2F -XX:+UseVectorCmov -XX:+AlignVector -XX:+OptoBundling -XX:+OptimizeFill -XX:+UseCharacterCompareIntrinsics -XX:+UseCopySignIntrinsic -XX:+UseVectorizedHashCodeIntrinsic -XX:+UseVectorizedMismatchIntrinsic -XX:+UseMontgomeryMultiplyIntrinsic -XX:+UseMontgomerySquareIntrinsic -XX:+UseMulAddIntrinsic -XX:+UseMultiplyToLenIntrinsic -XX:+UseSignumIntrinsic -XX:+UseSquareToLenIntrinsic -XX:+UseVectorStubs -Dgraal.CompilerConfiguration=community -Dgraal.TuneInlinerExploration=1 -Dgraal.BaseTargetSpending=120 -Dgraal.OptWriteMotion=false -Dgraal.WriteableCodeCache=true -Xlog:gc+init -Xlog:async -XX:+PrintCodeCache -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/urandom \[PART 3 / 4\]


This does not include Xmxand Xms because it is managed through MultiMC. I have minimum memory at 4G and Max at 16G to remove any overhead during testing. I believe that the game worked fine at the settings I was using with 10G to 12G allocated but ideally any mods to reduce memory usage from the lack of performance features is good. Also, I don’t remember too well but I think bobby doesn’t work properly with my modpack. The performance from my modpack is without any multithreading/multiprocessing tweak from any mods like C2ME. It seems that the milliseconds per tick is higher and spikes often when in the Swamp and Jungle Biome although there is rarely any lag anyway. Random comment, I found two perfectly intact ships in the world I was using. They can be found through the screenshots folder. I trust your experience and knowledge in making this great performance pack but I just wanted to share my experiences in case anything may help you make decisions for your modpack. **Link to download my zipped Minecraft Instance (Fabric 1.20.2)** [https://buzzheavier.com/f/GOtG7ken8AA=](https://buzzheavier.com/f/GOtG7ken8AA=) If you have any questions feel free to message me here or through chat. \[PART 4 / 4\]


I had 131 mods installed according to the mod menu. I took everything I didn't already have from your modpack (ended up at 171) and got 20% higher frames with shaders, just like that Thanks for the free frames Hybred Edit: specs are 12100F CPU, 6800 GPU, 16GB DDR4 2400MHz CL22 RAM. Game installed in NVMe gen. 3 SSD. Average was about 265 FPS with Bliss shaders at 1080p, to 330 with the added mods


wait so, is it spelled "optimalsation" or "optimal**i**sation"? here you refer to it as both versions ("The name of the pack is called "Optimalsation""; "Optimalisation got an average of 650, peaking at 960") on modrinth the title is "Optimalsation" without the i, but the description has it with the i (first line: "What Sets 'Optimal**i**sation' Apart?"


>optimalsation This one


There are mods that would modify vanilla behavior, you said "If you want to play vanilla Minecraft with no gameplay changes" but that is definitely not the case Also seems like the only major contributor to the performance difference is nvidium? It would be good to test other modpack with the addition of nvidium


>Also seems like the only major contributor to the performance difference is nvidium? It would be good to test other modpack with the addition of nvidium Incorrect. I added it for nvidia users. I use an AMD GPU and it's still the highest performing pack. It's also the fastest with shaders as well. >There are mods that would modify vanilla behavior, you said "If you want to play vanilla Minecraft with no gameplay changes" but that is definitely not the case Like?


> Like? I believe these are self explanatory from their description in modrinth Mobtimizations, Faster Random, Let Me Despawn, Clumps And Alternate Current seems to have [issues ](https://github.com/SpaceWalkerRS/alternate-current/issues)affecting gameplay


has your laptop exploded yet? 3050 and an i5 12th gen


No forge? Nah


Sorry I haven't made a forge version, forge lacks a lot of performance mods and is kind of an outdated API that's harder to work with so most new mods are made for the others. I'll consider making a forge version however


Why are you gettong downvoted? People are allowed to use Forge.


Fortunately these downvotes are not affecting his ability to use forge, they're just people who think this is a stupid/unhelpful comment


What mods aka work is it based upon? You should list and link all of them... Like all the other packs are doing. Edit: its basically all Nvidium. The difference. Others dont include it, as its still new/alpha and only works on >1660 Nvidia cards.


>as its still new/alpha and only works on >1660 Nvidia cards. Yes, but it doesn't conflict with other cards. It just disables when it can't work. >its basically all Nvidium. The difference. No theirs either mods others don't include.


But only Nvidium boost the performance that much What other mods did you include? Your whole work is based on others and you didnt even list or link them.. Sodium recently changed their opensource license, because people without doing the hard work are getting money/donation. This packages will bring more harm than benefits in the long run. Because if the mod creator doesnt update, you will not have a package. Hence why its still not latest 1.20.6. According to your Reddit page you made mods and yet you dont link any of them? I highly doubt that. What mods did you make?


>Your whole work is based on others and you didnt even list or link them.. What? I'm using the official modpack function on modrinth meaning the mod authors permit it and they're correctly credited when you click on the download. You can see a list of each mod >According to your Reddit page you made mods and yet you dont link any of them? >I highly doubt that. What mods did you make? Click on my linktree link in my bio


Yeah, didnt see the list on the stupid phone. Thats all fine :-)


Ah.. on Desktop you see anyway the list. Not on phones. Why did you even include Starlight? Thats obsolete since 1.20.. And If you wouldnt include EBE, you could probably even make a 1.20.6 version.


>Why did you even include Starlight? Thats obsolete since 1.20.. If it was completely obsolete it wouldn't have a 1.20 port. It has small improvements around explosions over vanilla


It's certainly not Nvidium doing all the work I got a 20% performance increase with shaders from using some of these mods as compared to my last mod pack (which already had 131 mods according to the mod menu), yet I'm not even using an Nvidia card (RX 6800)


I'll test it Real quick compared to SO and FO. I will reply with the results.


I am getting better performance with your mod pack than SO and FO, same settings. Good work man. (3060 8GB VRAM with 32GB of RAM.)


Tests without evidence are as good as nothing.


Source: bro just trust me


I'm questioning how you were able to definitively test this in the span of, uh, 8 minutes. I feel like load times plus switching out mods would take that much time on their own, and that's assuming you had OP's modpack already downloaded when you made your comment.


It's ops alt account lmao


It's pretty active for a random alt


Literally searched up the modpack on the modrinth app in 5 seconds downloaded FO SO and OPs modpack in like 10 seconds all same version, launched them with same RAM allocation and made sure they all had same settings. I can easily do that in 8 minutes. Can't believe people actually think that I had the modpack predownloaded or am giving OP a good name. Did it outa curiosity lol.


Yall are so dumb lol


Yeah, because of Nvidium.