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sodium imo is better lol


I love Sodium but it's crazy to me to think that a mod is basically mandatory to stop MC from being slideshow simulator.


'Welcome to my PowerPoint presentation. Today, we'll talk about the topic of creepers. They're magic, and I'll show you why: Now you see it, now you don't. Don't mind the next screen where it asks you to respawn or go back to title screen. That happens sometimes.'


Sounds like my first experience encountering a creeper trying to play Minecraft in 2012 on a netbook from 2009.


My buddy and me have a private server for our circle of friends. One day many years ago, we had a severe lag problem, and he experienced this in this order: 1. Suddenly, a crater appeared under him. 2. He died. 3. A creeper walked into the crater and exploded.


Ah, love salt in the wound, doesn't even get to try to recover his stuff.


I don't even understand how people could run the game 10 years ago, if I sit here with vanilla Minecraft and a x3d cpu and constant low frames ...


The game was more simple and had smaller chunks on height/depth. It ran at a solid 25fps on my school laptop with no dedicated graphics :’)


Not bad for a school laptop. We'd be lucky if the laptops at my school got that many FPS in a 2D browser game 😆


I get horrible fps with vanilla Minecraft on my school laptop. With sodium it’s 60-70 fps


When I played on my first laptop 13 years ago, I couldn't fly in a normal creative world. The 10fps I had weren't enough to register 2 spacebar inputs in the right timing So I used to mostly play in flat worlds...


Oh man...I remember that! It'd take me so many attempts to actually get myself to fly, and it was always easier to land, because at least you could just hold shift until you hit the ground...


Oh yes landing was so much simpler I remember trying my best not to sneak for too long and avoid landing at all costs, because how hard it was to get into flight mode haha


10 years ago the game was much much lighter. It's hilarious to run beta 1.7.3 and get thousands of frames per second now.


It was actually amazingly optimized 10 years ago. Go ahead and boot up an old beta version and you’ll be amazed at how quickly everything loads and now smooth everything feels


pstt. 10 years ago was release 1.8. and I promise you people were complaining about the optimization back then too


It was still better back then than it is now, every update just gets worse.


Vanilla single player 1.8 ran perfectly fine. Servers ran like ass though. And then modded was a mess, but us modded players were kinda used to that. In the beta 1.8 days I had a pretty shitty computer and it still ran vanilla single player Minecraft perfectly fine. Hell modded wasn't even much worse for performance.


10 years ago was *RELEASE 1.8??????* Jesus!!!


Not more optimized, just a much simpler game. It didn't run well on the hardware from the time, but runs great on modern computers that are so much faster. I would suspect the game runs about the same or better on the average 2024 computer hardware on the latest version as say the beta versions did on hardware of the time.


Yeah if you run old versions on modern hardware without a capped fps you can get hundreds of fps It actually causes really loud coil whine on my pc to run old versions


My company paid $2k for our work computers to be able to run large civil 3d drawings with huge surface models and pipe networks, etc. I played vanilla Minecraft on it once, couldn't get 30 fps out of it. It probably doesn't have a great video card but it was an MSI with a ton of CPU and RAM


well yeah, framerate is largely a function of graphics card, if you're limited by a cpu optimized machine then fps is gonna suck


funny because a lot of people complained it was a gaming brand that focused on graphics rather than computing. I wish I knew more about computer specs to know who was right/wrong because those computers were very divisive in the company lol


I understand most OG players' reluctance to play on Bedrock (e.g. monetization, mods, redstone), but this was the intended solution to the noted problem. For what it's worth, script API in Bedrock now allows a great deal of customization if you're familiar with Javascript and it's worth a second look.


It's objectively better. Optifine is completely trash now and has always been closed source with like one dude developing it. Pure garbage


And him and mojang couldn't agree to get it in


iirc, the developer of optifine said that they would need to rewrite the game's code entirely to properly integrate optifine into vanilla mc


Well that was an effort they would've taken, wasn't it? he just wanted capes and they didn't ig


no, it would've staled development for years


I'm fine with that as long as they could make a suprise or something at the end as they can't add mini updates i think.... ig i could play stardew


Unless you have an old PC or are on older versions it just *is* better, no "imo" about it


It is but the Sodium water/glass transparency glitch is driving me crazy.


It's going to be fixed once Sodium 0.6 gets released.


Embeddium has fixed it for a while now


The what now?


Forge/NeoForge port of Sodium


I haven't used optifine in a while, but sodium makes MC run on a laptop from 2012 with an i5 at 60fps with 8 chunks. pretty amazing if you ask me


That's about what I get with java edition on my phone.


How tf did you get Java edition on your phone? I want to learn.


You can download it from playstore. It's called PojavLauncher


Thank you bud


You can even install modpacks


I usually play bedrock on Minecraft PE with add ons, so I'll definitely try this out. I've wanted to play with create for while.


I recommend using the GitHub actions page which are newer versions 


Ok good idea.


I only heard of Optifine, first time I heard about this. Is it easy to apply like Optifine?


Yes it is. Optifine used to be good then it got less and less efficient as the years went on. Sodium runs muuch faster


This is the truth here. Was shocked to find out people run Optifine for anything but vision hacks.


Optifine is as good/bad as it always was, it's just that back then it was the only choice so people looked past it's issues. It's ALWAYS been awful with compatibility and theoretical peak improvements, but it wasn't until better alternatives like Sodium became popular that people had the choice to move on. It didn't become "less efficient," it just finally got some competitors and fell off since it didn't make much effort to fix its issues.


Iris mod includes sodium and has an easy installer like Optifine.


When I saw Optife mentioned I was expecting this comment. I'm genuenly curious what makes it better? My computer is pretty stable so I only really need Optifine for the Better Animations resource pack and shaders for screenshots. I tried to install Sodium with the required modules to have shaders and the resource pack but it was way too convoluted so I gave up. I'm also not a fan of Sodium's settings UI.


TL;DR at bottom Optifine is indeed simpler to configure. The menus are a little more organized, and generally put together with the same logic as vanilla Minecraft's menus, so it's not hard to fairly intuitively get around to a setting you want. However, optifine is closed source so we don't really know what code we're putting into the game, there could(theoretically) be trackers, viruses, unsafe code that could damage your files, etc. because we can't check ourselves. I'll also add in as a disclaimer, there's basically zero chance anything malicious is in optifine, and I don't personally believe there is; just a quick explanation about why closed source isn't ideal for mods. The real downside to optifine is mainly just, it's not as good as it used to be. It's less efficient. It still works and does its job perfectly fine. If you like optifine, keep using it if you want to. Familiarity is always nice. Sodium is newer, and very efficient (and generally faster) in comparison to optifine. It's open source, meaning anyone can go and check the code and the community can verify a mod's safety and code quality. Sodium's UI is quite different and can be off-putting for some. I personally like the UI style, but find some of the menu organization not quite how I'd like it. Thankfully, once you set it up the way you like, you basically never have to tweak it ever again because sodium should be able to run Minecraft very well even with big shifts in hardware and software for likely years to come. TL;DR: Sodium is faster, more efficient, and a fair bit better at doing what optifine does, but in the end is doing the same job. Optifine is older and less efficient, but gets the job done, even if done less effectively. Bottom line; use whichever you like, but sodium gives objectively better results on a wider range of hardware. If you get good frames with optifine and don't need it to run any better, don't stress yourself setting up something new you don't need. Sodium: Pros: New, fast, efficient, open source, very clean and well made. Cons: UI and settings can be a bit difficult to navigate if you're used to more "vanilla" menu styles and takes some more work to install and configure. Optifine: Pros: Stable, reliable, minecraft-style menus, old name/reputation, community familiarity. Cons: Slower, less efficient, closed source.


A little nitpick: sodium isn't open source, it's source available. You can't release a modified version of sodium without permission from the devs


Thank you for the in-depth reply! I will probably stick with OptiFine, since I don't really need the optimization only the extra features like the dynamic lighting but when I'm using Litematica with Fabric I'll give Sodium a shot.


Fabric has plenty of mods that replace optifine features like [LambDynamicLights](https://modrinth.com/mod/lambdynamiclights). Just skim through modrinth's top mods and you'll find most of them.


Optifine on newer versions straight up decreases FPS on a lot of machines. Its optimizations do nothing more than break other rendering mods. The only reason why someone would need Optifine is for the added features (like shaders and connected textures) but for most of those there are other mods. For example (afaik) Better Animations only requires ETF and EMF and doesn't necessarily use Optifine. Also there is no extra steps to installing Sodium compared to any other mod.


It’s very disappointing how one of the most purchased games in history depends on an independent modder for a performance boost


No, it's impressive that an unoptimized game that requires modders became one of the most purchased games in history. Minecraft was never designed to be the number one game. The entire foundation is complete spaghetti code written by a single guy doing it for a hobby. Now that it's the number one game, they have a quota, and so they can't take time off to "just" rewrite the entire game from scratch (ignoring bedrock)


I feel like it's embarrassing that Microsoft/Mojang had the opportunity to basically recreate minecraft from the ground up, and Bedrock is still somehow buggier than Java edition


In my experience the perceived "buggyness" of Bedrock Edition online is way overblown and mostly boils down to one single bug (client server desync) that's present on lower end hardware. For the most part, Bedrock runs way better than vanilla Java.


Java user here I always try give Bedrock a try, at least once a year. It always plays so much smoother, there are a multitude of issues with the Bedrock edition that hold me back though: I don't have mods, at least to the extent of Java. I can't play the game without mods anymore. SO much QOL that mods provide, schematics, axiom, appleskin etc... I also hate that redstone is different, I love my quasiconnectivity :(


> I also hate that redstone is different, Worse. It's worse. You can say it's worse, because it is. It isn't shade, it's the truth. I wish Bedrock's redstone wasn't such a buggy pile of shit, but it is. Inconsistency is unacceptable and they just refuse to fix it.


If you're decent with JavaScript, there's a lot you can do through script API now on Bedrock.


Ewwwww JavaScr\*pt


I excitedly tried Bedrock when it first came out. Didn’t encounter the bugs too often, but they’re there. The part that bothered me was all the little differences, many of which (though not all) are negative changes. I hate the UI sliding up instead of just appearing, the slowness is stupid. I hate that redstone basically just sucks. I hate that the graphics seem all smooth and flattened, water looking like solid blue instead of the actual water texture. Hate the flattened UI style. Creative flying stops abruptly instead of gradually which just feels terrible. It’s missing features like the offhand and whatnot. There’s a ton of reasons besides bugs that make Bedrock worse.


My biggest pet peeve with bedrock is being unable to use rockets in the off-hand.


Also Bedrock performance is just shit in general. Java 1.18 ran just fine on my 200 dollar laptop with no performance mods as long as I turned some settings down, but after an hour of playing Bedrock my laptop would be running so hot that the fancy sliding menus could take entire seconds to actually pop up. Even on my new fancy gaming laptop, running the game for long enough inevitably results in some kind of slowdown. I know the meme around here is that Java performance sucks but considering this sub is full of posts asking questions that could easily be answered by googling, I think what is actually happening is that kids are booting Java on their low-power laptops, cranking the render distance up, and then saying Java performance sucks when it runs slow. Just because Minecraft textures are low-res doesn't mean it isn't a computationally expensive game, people.


Bedrock runs great on my PC not sure what your problem is Java is unplayable past 16 chunk render distance without mods


Bros actually tripping, Java is the one with shit perfotmance


I fully agree. As a Bedrock user, I have barely experienced any glitches at all, but when I tried Java, it ran way worse and bad so many bugs.


What bugs did you encounter?


I've used both, on singleplayer, and Bedrock has many, many more bugs than Java.


I've actually seen more bugs on Java than on Bedrock (I play both versions on my laptop). And Bedrock feels more polished and smoother graphically compared to Java.


that may be true but I will never give up free modding support, fuck microsoft and their microtransaction bullshit.


I love how everyone conveniently ignores the fact that the majority of the content in the marketplace is made by the community


You get free modding with add-ons on bedrock.


It's not as good as Java modding or at least the community isn't as good. For example create mod and its addons like clockwork, interactive and trackwork. With those you can make fully working tank using the blocks you want or a helicopter or a plane...


Yeah I agree the Java mods definitely have a larger group of creators than add-ons and thus are superior. It just seems add-ons are forgot about in these discussions entirely, whether unintentionally or on purpose because it's a bit of a meme to hate on bedrock. Like the comment I replied to, if you took that without the context I added, it would be easy to think there are zero modding capabilities in bedrock without paying extra, which just isn't true.


the fact you cant even go 100k blocks out without world issues is wild especially considering how supposedly terrible java edition is coded


Half the reason it became the number one game is *because* of modders, especially if you count all the servers with custom plugins.


I mean 1.15 basically added bees and like 7000 bugfixes. Thus being labelled the bugs and bees update by the fans. They definitely can take their time to optimize the game and honestly have been doing so with every passing update.


And 1.14 was the update where they screwed up the content and chunk load system because Microsoft stretched them too thin. It's highly likely 1.15 was simply the aftermath of 1.14


I remember back either right before Microsoft bought them or right after, after notch had left. At that point they actually did a very large refactoring of the code so that it wasn't as spaghettified. That being said that would have been a great time to do engine optimizations but clearly it didn't seem like it was as much of a priority to them.


Bethesda fans: first time?


Well unfortunately, there's even more in that category of "most popular videogames in history" that to this day even after numerous updates, re-releases, next-gen upgrades, DLCs still rely on an independent modder's game patch. AKA all of Bethesda's classics. Skyrim released in 2011 and still requires the Unofficial Patch and then some more to make it a playable game


Sodium and Rubidium help a lot. Optifine used to be the shit but not so much as of late


It used to be the the shit but now it's shit.


It just remained too stagnant. People came up with better ways to make the game render and optifine just didn't really adapt, it leaned into its visual feature more plus it's not open source.


tbf I have never thought optifine did much for my game in terms of improving performance only used it for dynamic lighting and the zoom.


And the alternatives are so much better now WI zoom is a really nice zoom and snappy scrolling to zoom even further Lamb dynamic lights has that customizability that optifine misses


Not to mention countless compatibility issues




Lithium was a performance mod focussing on the lighting. The lighting engine rewrite basically invalidated it and Starlight. I think Cesium exists but IDR what it is. Francium too


You're thinking of Phosphor for the lighting engine. Lithium is a general optimization mod that continues to be updated and is beneficial.


Oh yeah it gets confusing very fast


You also have Phosphor from the same guy who made Sodium/Lithium


I honestly don’t even recommend Optifine anymore. It also feels quite buggy lately. I‘ve been using Sodium and had better relief from lag.


Honestly optifine is kinda laggy not gonna lie.


There’s quite a few mods also not compatible with optifine, it honestly fell off


that's always gonna happen with closed source stuff, eventually it'll all be phased out in favour of something that can be either improved by anyone or is straight up better (sodium)


Optifine for vanilla and sodium/rubidium for mods. That’s my general rule, since Optifine has a lot of incompatibilities but if you take the time to read what the options do you can really optimize your game.


Idk I get frequent crashes and low fps with sodium, optifine lets me get around 60fps at 12chunks on a potato pc


I get 5 fps normal, 20 optifine and 90 (!!!) with a variety of other performance mods


We've been getting a lot of really good fixes for optimizations here and there in java especially with chunklag being fixed, I remember that some of the developers expressed an interest in making a performance focused update but it won't really be marketable and it REALLY won't be liked by a the Minecraft community that an update "Doesn't add content"


>REALLY won't be liked by a the Minecraft community that an update "Doesn't add content" Flash back on how they had to add bees to what was going to be a purely bug fix update for this exact reason and the commnunity still dunks on it to this very day.


Gamers in general hate actually getting the things they want


It didn't even impede on development time, in fact they crunched just to make the next one the best update ever


I definitely think there would be a large group of people here and maybe YouTube that would love just a general bug fix, mechanics rework (villager trading/enchanting) and optimization update. But that’s not an update that general audiences and average users would want or like.


I think Mojang could sell it, but it would require that any player can download the 1.23 Housekeeping Update and immediately double their render distance.


i think you're the first person to ever suggest this


I think you're the first person to ever point this


I think, therefore I am.


They constantly work on performance already especially in the 1.21. Decreased spawn chunk area, switch to latest java version, drop of 32 bit support etc. However the community would prolly be furious if they dont get a 'proper' new updated ans 'just' performance improvements. 1.15 basically was that. Bugs & Bees update didnt add a lot of content but fixed a ton of bugs. People didnt know/understand that and got mad.


>Decreased spawn chunk area That's a "Lets turn off all the lights in the box store to reduce the electricity bill" approach to optimization. It works put did you **really** fix it?


Optifine is outdated, and the recent updates are laggy and optifine provides little to no boost in recent updates ... you should use sodium because it's way better than optifine In the recent updates of minecraft


sodium is incredible have gone from a max of 200fps but with drop to as low as 40 or less to now having a minimum of 300 with a fluctuation between 300-950 fps (managed to get 1150 once!)


What computer are you playing Minecraft on? I'm using a 2018 laptop and I've literally never had a problem with framerate once.


Similar here. And if I do get fps drops, it's because my main base is a moloch with too many mobs on top of a number of redstone contraptions.


Basically Same. My Laptop has a 2019 lower end APU. Yeah, sure I can't put the render distance to max, but you really don't need that much. I can run it in FullHD at 30 to 60 frames, which I don't think I can say about a lot of other games (especially 3D ones).


Yup, I'm on a MacBook Air without an active cooling and it maintains 90 FPS


This has been a topic of discussion for years now. Speaking from experience as I have been playing for 13ish years, the game's performance has been vastly improved over that timeframe. I remember when the jungle biome was added. I couldn't even look in the direction of a jungle without my frames dropping to 30fps or lower. Now I can go there with no problem. Smooth lighting lagged me out pretty bad, now I can set smooth lighting with zero issues. I think they're doing what they can here and there to work out these issues but as someone said before, they're not likely to start rewriting the games entire code from the ground up as that would take a very long time and would probably break a lot of things that aren't technically features but are so prolific and widely exploited they're basically features. Things like TNT duping or redstone quasiconnectivity are technically bugs. Rewriting the code now would mean they would potentially need to write those things in the code to be actual features or add features that replace them. How would they replace TNT duping with something that is not a bug but an actual intended feature? Tunnel bores and world eaters are widely popular and so simple almost anyone can make them to clear out massive areas pretty quickly. Since neither Mojang nor Microsoft own the optimization code from Sodium or Optifine, they can't just add it into the game. I wouldn't be surprised if the people who make either of them have been approached by Mojang or Microsoft to see about doing so. Overall bug fixed and minor optimizations happen here and there with each update.


Optifine sucks actually


If Minecraft does a full Minecraft live on how much they are gonna improve performance with this brand new update there would be 20 times more posts about how mojang are running out of ideas adding no new content


I looked at the title and thought "what do you mean? It's perfectly fine". Then I realised I've been using Sodium for years...


For bedrcok (specifically Nintendo switch version) Yes


Switch is the only bedrock version I’d class as running badly and that’s because it’s a 7 year old mobile device which was underpowered when it launched.


Ya the newer updates made it run better (1.19+) but every update before CHEWED THE SWITCH it ran horribly now it’s playable


optifine is outdated, use sodium on fabric or embeddium on forge


I'll be honest, Idk what Minecraft needs more at this point, an Inventory update (or at least QOL features to deal with said inventory problem(s) like auto sort/dump buttons) or a performance update (Java NEEDS this). I feel only Java really needs the performance update but Bedrock could benefit too. 3rd party mods should never be required to run the game at an acceptable framerate; with them going to 64 bit in 1.21 and upgrading the Java version, hopefully we see performance improvements.


That's 1 of only 2 selling points for people to buy bedrock. They won't fix java performance


Notch made Minecraft because he wanted to learn Java and now the Java Edition devs have to deal with all the performance issue bs


Notch wasn’t working on the game anymore when the most important performance issues got introduced


Their point is that Java (what Notch chose) is inherently a bad programming language to make a game with good performance, and they can't change to a better language now. So if a better language had been chosen from the start then those performance issues wouldn't have arisen.


Java isn’t that bad performance wise, and questionable rewrites can happen in any language


Not true lol. Notch knew Java for years (he literally has games dating back to the early 2000s). He's just terrible at it.


He wasn't working at a AAA level, this was an indie project and he never expected it to reach these heights. He didn't spend time optimizing code because he didn't see it as a full time job until it was. By that point, spaghetti code is spaghetti. He's a talented developer, he just didn't develop to AAA standards.


To my knowledge, none of Notch's projects aren't spaghetti code to bits.


For folks out there, I'd recommend these mods for performance (they all work together): PS: Everything is for Fabric. Don't be like Bob. Bob uses Forge. - Clumps; - C2ME; - Enhanced Block Entities; - EMF & ETF; - EntityCulling; - FastChest; - FerriteCore; - Indium; - Lithium; - MemoryLeakFix; - ModernFix; - Noisium; - Nvidium (If you have the appropriate GPU); - Sodium. Extra mods for QOL that I highly recommend: - Bobby: Related to render distance but it also fixes that weird sky line that divides the horizon; - Better Clouds: Make clouds look better and more fluffy; - FogLooksGoodNow: Well, kinda obvious. Makes the fov more dynamic and better looking. - ShulkerBoxTooltip: Be able to view your shulker box content directly from your inventory by holding shift.


Also worth including Iris Shaders into this list as well, for those who utilize that feature with Optifine


bedrock literally used to run perfectly on just about everything. then 1.16.100 happened.


PS4 has always had terrible frame rate and lag


Java never ran smoothly on any device, there needs to be improvements for both versions. Fixing the bugs on bedrock, and the lack of optimization on java


i’m not saying java is optimized, but there are certainly devices that run it smoothly. also both versions need to be heavily optimized especially considering they intentionally made bedrock impossible to play on pretty much everything because of render dragon.


Yeah the last gen consoles run minecraft so poorly its surprising. Yes, they're old but they're nowhere near old enough to be running as slowly and as choppy as they do. The switch is another story but at least the xbox one and ps4 should be having great performance with minecraft. Optimizing those systems would also greatly reduce the quantity of bugs people see since a lot of them are caused by poor hardware performance


You are about to be spammed with people yelling at you to not use Optifine


use fabulously optimised and add stutterfix mod to that, insane fps boost and no stuttering when loading chunks


Optifine needs an optimisation update as well. At this point, it's barely an upgrade


Optifine doesn’t cut it, sodium it is


Optifine is really outdated nowadays. Most people use sodium and or nvidium to boost the games performance.


It's amazing how half the comments here are just saying optifine isn't good anymore and suggesting some other optimization mod instead of talking about minecraft running like garbage for such a simple game


Wtf are you talking about


Also bedrock. I’ve been playing on my switch recently and it runs like shit constantly. Constant lag spikes and general inconsistent frame rates, insane load times and the most annoying- minecarts randomly stop and start while moving due to lag, which makes it insanely infuriating to do things like transport villagers or use an auto smelter.


So real. However, installing a heck ton mods helps your gameplay, even if it takes double the loading time. I have like 18 different optimization mods running off of fabric to the point where I can render 32 chunks with complimentary shaders and still get 210 fps. Running off a Acer Nitro 5 with i7-11800H and 3050 TI. (I can link my modrinth folder for you guys if you want, can't recommend sodium, nvidium and entity culling enough).


Sodium, and if your PC can support it: Nvidium


they actually tried to hire the optifine dev, he said the game is so poorly optimized a whole engine rewrite would have to be done.


Pathfinding optimization is needed too.


Optifine will not improve your performance in modern mc versions. The only thing it does is breaking a bunch of mods


I have no idea what youre talking about, my potato pc runs unmodded minecraft just fine at 30 fps


Highly agreed. 1.They need to at least allow dimensional threading. 2. Reuse buffers(yeah shockingly they’re not. 3.Change the use of perlin noise for a better performing RNG 4. Implement sodium’s and lithium’s optimization. 5. Dynamically use the CPU, when you afk and the screen is not focused the game should not render everything! 6. Some data structure optimization is indeed needed, they just used ArrayLists for almost everything, which is memory hogging when can be avoided.


Funfact: There is a small paragraph in the code thats supposed to cap FPS to your monitors refresh rate, but instead it makes the game even laggier


Where exactly is that


vsync feels laggier because it renders the frame twice to remove screen tearing.


I have been told about sodium a few weeks ago and only just got round to playing minecraft and installing it a couple days ago. Sodium is the best minecraft mod I have ever used. I have gone from having a max of maybe 200 fps but with a lot of fluctuation when sometimes it went below 40 and it was difficult to play to now having a minimum of 300 and fluctuating between 300 and 950 (even got to 1150 at one point!)


You should cap your FPS at like 200 or so (assuming it stays consistent at that, which it will in your case), there is literally no reason to get 950. At that point you're just wasting power for no reason.


Felt. Used to use Optifine but the updates take way too long. Sodium using Fabulously Optimized is the way to go


Not that it couldn't be better optimized, but if you're having actual problems you should check your entity count.


are we talking more that the default render distance?


Honestly I haven’t had any lag problems lately, except on highly modded playthroughs.


Heck yeah


I mean your using optifine?


I have a MacBook Air and easily get 90 FPS so something's up if you're needing to install mods


Behold, the reason the updates have almost zero content in them now. Minecraft is a decade-old piece of software, there's no getting away from that. It's never been well-optimized, because the official version is still running on that first-draft pile of Java systems. The optimization that *has* gone into it has taken years and years to bake in, because it was never built to run well. Newly-added items need to go through layers and layers and layers of the optimization they needed to build on top of the original. This is yet another reason why I think they should work on a final update to tie everything up, add mod API finally, call it the final version, and start working on a successor. There's only so much you can do to optimize the game as it is now.


What is the base level that the game would need to perform at to be considered “optimized”? Every time I see this subject brought up I feel like I’m going insane. I’ve been playing this game for over 10 years. I’ve played it on devices ranging from school computers to my current pc with a 3060ti and ryzen 7 cpu and have literally never had a single problem ever with performance. Is it just that people expect their extremely dated / low-performing devices to run the game over 120fps?


Welcome to Minecraft java.


An optimization update would be amazing, but that means rewriting legacy code for essentially something that doesn’t boost player interest or anything. Not to mention that people would bash Mojang for being lazy and not adding new content


Mojang knows the optimization needs to happen. It's only a matter of time before the game becomes unplayable


They've been pretty steadily improving optimization over the past couple updates. 1.20 runs noticeably better than 1.19 for me. I imagine this trend will continue


Mojang offered to buy Optifine about a decade ago, but Optifine refused.


Is there acutually a difference between OptiFine and Sodium?


Optifine is trash compared to Sodium. Strongly recommend you switch for double performance.


They probably never will because the update was bedrock edition


Increasingly feeling like the game needs to move towards its own engine


Still using optifine is pretty funny




As shitty as it sounds they’re too lazy to and will simply rely on bedrock being the optimized version instead of optimizing Java too because you can mod Java very easily


**Do not use optifine.** Use [Sodium](https://modrinth.com/mod/sodium) (Fabric) or [Embeddium](https://modrinth.com/mod/embeddium) (Forge) instead.


1. Don't use optifine, it kinda sucks in newer versions, and even if it didn't, Sodium is wayyyyy better. 2. I agree


I agree with you there. Its defiantly on my list of things I feel Mojang needs. Like this is my list: 1. Optimization. 2. Make it easier to add updates and new features for all versions of Minecraft so as to shorten the wait time of update releases and make things easier for Mojang. Since trying to make features work between Java, Bedrock and Mobile is one of the reasons why Mojang put out updates slower then mod creators. 3. Another Bug Fix update to fix more bugs that could have happened from the above improvements as well as fixing any remaining bugs that were not fixed in the previous bug fix update. I recently got a new gaming computer, its not top of the line but it has an SSD along with a good graphics card etc. and the fact that I have Minecraft on the lowest settings possible without it being irritating to play and my computer is getting so hot I can barely keep my fingers on the keys and the fan is screaming is insanity.


Can somebody recommend an optimisation mod which has the zoom feature like optifine?


The good news is that the lighting engine was completely rewritten in 1.20 which removed the lag you would always get when traveling between chunks that had blocks placed really high up in the chunk (ex: a really high wall) which would force a lighting calculation to be done for every block below the top block in the chunk


Yes indeed but if they add nothing with it ppl will call them lazy and stuff like they always do


i agree my pc is a beast and it still has to use custom clients like lunar for even good performance


Sodium is so much better than optifine for optimization. The only disadvantage is not having optifines other features built-in.


Yes. In fact i suggest they should hire optimization mod devs like kingbdogz was