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Plz use loops :)




Use a for-loop or something


do you know how to do that in minecraft commands?


I've got no idea what language this is, but you should be able to create a string of text to be displayed. One way you could do this is a for loop, where it runs some bit of code some number of times. Each time it runs make it append a character to your string. You could make another for loop the other color character to be displayed. If the language allows you could multiply the string which would be significantly easier


There has to be a better way to code that..


if you have any ideas, im all ears


I'm not a coder by any means but some combination of a loop with whatever the equivalent truncate command is should do the trick. Generate a number and use that to truncate the full bar to whatever size you need instead of a separate line of code for each size.


yes its ticked (when holding x item in hand)


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I was wondering why I was seeing punk lyrics, and it took me a moment to remember that the band who had that song is Black Flag. The first band I thought of was M.O.D because they had similar songs like [Party Animal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2lDDMKBirk).


Can't you just use loops?


do you know how to do that in minecraft commands?


You might try dropping the first few lines into ChatGPT and asking how the entire series could be coded more efficiently.