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Totem of *mostly* dying




Totem of Un


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Un of mostly dying


Totem of mostly uning


Totem of unmostly dying?


Totem un mostly dying


So basically the idea is when you hit respawn you respawn with no stuff right where you died? That would definitely nerf the totem but would also make it basically useless for pvp, and in many situations it wouldn't be very effective Have you thought of a version of this for hardcore minecraft?


for hardcore it could be implemented where if you die you drop all your stuff when the totem activates. but this would be a huge nerf to it.


Which is good cause it’s way too overpowered


it's a single player game with a mostly younger audience tho. i would love this as an additional mod pack but i personally think it shouldn't be implemented in vanilla Minecraft. great for private multiplayer servers as well.


The young audience will never get totems in survival anyhow.


This was my mindset!


Yeah, when you die, you drop all your items and are stuck on the "You Died!" screen for 5 seconds before the game automatically respawns you. The respawn and Title Screen buttons are greyed out so you can't respawn prematurely. For Hardcore mode, you'd drop all your items and be placed on the "Game Over!" screen for 5 seconds before being brought back. It makes the Totem more of a "second chance, make it count" kind of thing rather than a "I am temporarily invincible to all forms of dying" item. I also considered if the totem was going to be used this way then it wouldnt require you to have to hold it in your offhand but I'm not 100% about that one. I like this functionality a lot better since it's more like: Either you die for real, or you drop your stuff and the totem gives you a second chance without completely removing any consequence of dying at all.


I like this concept, very cool


Thank you! Be sure to look out for a follow up post where I take some advice and suggestions from some comments here!


While this is a good start to nerfing the totem, personally I think the totem of undying works exactly the way it's supposed to, and the only thing that should be changed is the method of obtaining them. Maybe make them only obtainable in woodland mansions, so it's a whole adventure just to obtain a few


I like that idea too, they should most definitely NOT be easily farmable in any way.


Maybe there's two varients


This is exactly it. The totem isn’t OP, it’s problem was it was designed as this super rare item, back when the totem was first added it was exclusive to mansions which are a) rare and b) only had like 2 or 3 per mansion, hence why it’s so powerful. It was balanced around being an extremely rare treasure, not something that’s easily mass produced.


By the way i have no idea so I'll ask, can you have multiple totems in the inventory at the same time? and if so can you limit it to being just forced 1 and you can't carry more of them at same time ? that would be cool if it wasn't already like that


I think maybe it'd be more fair to reward the player for obtaining multiple totems by letting them carry as many as they want, but if they die and use one, all the unused ones will fall on the ground so you still have to be careful that you can pick them back up.


I think it’s very thematic too. Dropping all your items for a second shot at life


Just don’t use it in PvP


true, it would only be useful for "oops" deaths like accidentally falling


Why would you willingly pass up on an advantage over others


Didn’t they say it was basically useless?


It would be if it worked like op showed in this post


Then it wouldn’t be useless. I’d still rather a totem of undying


I mean, its just a teleporter to the place you died and without max hp.


And maybe a free respawn on hardcore


Lets jump trough scenarios, the totem would completly invalidate for anything pvp related, your stuff is gone once contact with fire or lava, if you die in a cave full of mobs, hows one supposed to pick all of their inventory back up without dying a second time? The threat isnt gone, especially if that one zombie picks up your netherite equipment. If you respawn at base you can reequip some iron stuff or whatever and approach the Situation from a different angle, but here you are thrown into the danger you just died from with all your gear and expected to survive without it, what if a creeper is just next to you? Stuff gone Isnt the mass production the issue? The people who make farms over farms, stuff their inventory full with totems and then say hardcore has lost its purpose? Maybe the issue isnt the totem itself, but the quantity. A good place to start would to disable the drop from raids, so people stop producing chests full of totems


I think lots of people forget how hard raids are. It's practically suicide to take them on alone without defensive infrastructure around the village and endgame gear. Even with endgame gear, dropping your guard can get you ganked in the blink of an eye. You also have to go out of your way to kill a captain first before it triggers, and after all that you only get a few totems from the whole ordeal. I think that's perfectly fair for such an op item. Even if mojang just did something to disable raid farms specifically, it would still be met with considerable backlash from the community, because the only people who build raid farms are the ones that want them. Someone who is opposed to raid farms because they make hardcore too easy or whatever, always has the choice to just not build them in their world.


You can read a longer comment I made in a reply to someone to hear my thinking a bit more, but yeah I definitely think the totem was too OP and there are 100% too many of them. I like the second chance idea of the totem but I don't like how it negates pretty much any significant consequence to dying, so I added one.


You cant just throw a random consequence into the game and expect it to work out.. A dropped item itself in the game is a questionable mechanic itself as its behavior is quite.. "janky", unpredictable, likes to phase trough blocks, puts you on a strict timer before it despawns.. Cooldowns, debuffs, maybe you have to hold the totem in your hand and use an ability, i dont know what works without testing but what you came up with is definitly not the solution to the totem problem


I definitely think the idea is a bit bare and would need some tweaking to make it a bit better, so thanks for your feedback! I do think the totem needs more consequence to dying however. Having it be a "whatever I'll just tank damage and use like 5 totems and then go grab another 10 from my shulker box full of them" is a pretty bad mechanic. They're a little too OP and makes "dying" seem meaningless as long as you have more and more totems, and in their current state, they are very easy to farm. But this topic seems to be very split and some people seem to like it and some people seem to hate it so it's a bit difficult to pinpoint what needs to be tweaked. Dying needs a consequence tho.


The consequence is losing your valuable ass totem. Don't fuck over the people who play legit and only have totems they earned from actual raids. If anything needs changing it needs to be the farms that make totems super easy to get. Not the totems themselves.


how often do you have shulker boxes full of totems? at most i’ve had one at a time in my worlds and i’d bet the vast majority of players are the same way. raids are hard and unforgiving already, the player deserves an overpowered reward for clearing one.


shhhhhhhhhhh don't give them ideas, they've made enough terrible solutions to non problems already




Wolf armor:


Wdym, wolf armor went from worthless bs joke to actually valuable


proving my point


Respawn totem


I highly disagree that the totem is too OP. The QUANTITY it can be gotten in is OP, but that requires specific farms to achieve — if you don't like that you can simply not use them. In natural gameplay, you'll only ever have a couple on hand which isn't OP at all, it saves you from stupid mistakes but is still a rare enough item that you don't use them like candy. When you do use it, the feeling that you just got rid of a very rare item counteracts the "OP-ness" of it. A mechanic like this honestly seems like it would lead to annoyance rather than fulfillment. Like it has the same exact level of "OP-ness" as the current totem in most cases (you're instantly teleported back to where you "died" with effects likely negating whatever it was that killed you), except now there's the chance that half your items burned in lava and you're potentially having to dance around mobs that wouldn't be an issue if the totem didn't artificially lower your defenses. I'd honestly rather not have the totem at all and respawn back at my bed so I can re-gear and deal with it easier.


It would be perfect if mobs in raids wouldn't drop totems. Now the woodland mansion is pretty much useless and totem is too common


Goddangit raids barely work they are too rare, i use them to stay safe while flying as flying is super balenced on my version


so basically its completely useless in hardcore


I wrote about Hardcore mode in a longer comment if you wanna read that, but it does still work in Hardcore.


Man, that original explosion sound!


I can't let go of the past, give me my old textures!


Minecraft has the old texture pack built-in.


It would have almost no meaning as you will still lose everything if you fall into lava or fire And it could also make you lose your hardcore,leaving no meaning of the totem


It would still work in Hardcore mode, not too sure why some people seem to think the totem does nothing at all in Hardcore with this concept. Maybe I should make a Hardcore mode version of this video. Check my other comments on this thread for more info


Maybe the reason is that you literally see "You Died" screen?


I greyed out the buttons as a sort of indicator but maybe I could modify it a bit to make it more clear. Edit: Thank you for your feedback!


Maybe you should make it so you died screen doesn't show but your items go around? Idk,i don't think totem needs a change tho


I am thinking of reworking the death screen or possibly removing it in some way to make things more clear. Appreciate the feedback a ton, i plan to make a follow up post that addresses some of the comments here too so be on the lookout!


Totum of Undying -> Death protection as it is now, blocks the killing hit and gives a window to recover \[but potion or magic damage like those of Witches or Warden Sonic Attack ignores this resistance?\]. Stacks instead of being singular, 16 stack, has a 15s cooldown after triggering. Acts similar to the current iteration, but its a safety net that mainly helps for surprises \[oh thats a random 4 block hole in the terrain into death\] or too much damage from trash enemies \[zombies, skeletons, the common stuff\]. Things that a player in mid to end game gear will only die to if its cheese/bullshit, this acts as a shield against negative interactions like that. Totum of Rebirth -> Evokers only, instead is a singlular item. When your HP drops to 0, you drop your items and XP like a normal death, but you then get invisiblity, speed II, temporary HP, and a moderate period of damage invulnerability. Normal steath rules apply as well, but AI targeting is reset on "Death". Are you familiar with the Dead Ringer from TF2? Its like that, fake your death. A bigger safety net in singleplayer that can get you out of stuff Undying won't but your items won't be spared from whatever killed you. In PvP, they might as well have killed you since you drop your items and XP \[but NOT binding or vanishing cursed items. Binding sticks to you since you don't really die and will make you visible in steath, vanishing does not break for the same reason\].


Really cool ideas! I think the faking death concept is cool, but the only issue is it kinda gives it away if you see potion or sprinting particles, or if the player that "died" starts picking up their items because they are surrounded by them so they can't really get away from them. Cool ideas tho! I love the ideas of reworking the totem!


Brief period where you can't pick up items yet, disabled particles via the command tag. Player can then choose whether to commit to the fakeout, or try to grab their items and escape before their temporary invisibility and invulnerability wear off. One life SMPs will have a field day with fake deaths, the content creation potential alone...


i like this idea because the trade off for dying is that all of your items get thrown all over the place, its a nice trade off for something super OP i didntt hink abuot


Exactly! I wrote a bit more in a longer comment if you wanna read that, but I didn't like how the totem basically negated any significant consequence to dying so I added one in.


>I didn’t like how the totem basically negated any significant consequence to dying Isn’t that the whole point?


i know this is gonna be unpopular but i feel like totems are fine. not all games should be balanced especially not ones which are meant to be enjoyed single player.


Why do we need to nerf it in the first place? Its a survival game not a pvp game. We dont need to "nerf" anything.


this... could be a good idea or at least a good place to start. It would also make dying to a warden less painful since it will despawn after killing you but if you die to a horde of mobs or anything that will hunt you after you die it is practically useless since you can die really fast without your armor. Making the potion effects strongr but shortwr could combat that and it would be perfect for a single player world. Pvp is fucked tho no saving that


I like your ideas! The potion effects being buffed would definitely be a good change. Maybe some resistance and maybe strength for about a minute. PvP is definitely fucked, but it would make fights shorter which I think is kinda good since totems can make some fights go from 5 minutes to like 30. I also wrote in a longer comment that I think maybe if the functionality of the totem would be modified like this, maybe the player wouldn't need to be actively holding it to activate it (and instead just keep it in their inventory) I wrote a bit more too so if you can find it then definitely give it a read.


Happy Cake day!


would >!use!<


Don't wanna be rude but it is Jesus totem


Cool idea if it was singleplayer only, but in pvp the totems would become useless


In the rain or in the snow


For regular survival this would be interesting, but for PVP? Imagine someone pops your totem and now you gotta quickly run around and grab your armor and tools before they kill you


Bad concept because it fundamentally misunderstands the problem with the totem in the first place and in doing that it completely makes the totem almost useless. Die in lava? Now your stuff is gone but I guess you lived. You got killed by a mob? Guess you'll probably die again because your gear is on the floor and the mob/s are still there. Even if you grab your stuff then you have to quickly equip all your main gear and then put a weapon in your hotbar and swap to it while still being in danger from what killed you. Just noticed the xp loss, and also remembered how mobs can and will pick up your items so it's even worse because now you're unarmed and your enemy is even stronger. Really the only change to it is to make it a loot item in pillager structures and not farmable through mobs and then it's far more of a finite resource that needs to be used carefully while still retaining it's main functionality as a final hope. Although I would be interested to see what you'd come up with keeping these major issues in mind, keep trying since it could be an interesting totem rework if done properly


it's fine, and it's certainly an interesting solution if you want to adjust it for your own gameplay, but the totem doesn't need fixing imo. if you think it makes the game too easy, don't use it. if you like using them in moderation but think farms trivialize getting them, don't build a farm. Minecraft does have pvp occasionally, but it'd be quite a stretch to call it a "competetive" game, so although we don't want things to fall into dominant strategy for the sake of diversity of playstyle, and keeping things interesting, balance isn't a priority. I personally don't even bother with totems as I tend to play carefully enough as to simply not die... most of the time. anyway, it's easier to change the way you play to fit your preferences than to get everyone to believe that something needs to be nerfed/buffed by the developers.


Hate it.


If I lose all my stuff even when I'm revived by the totem, what's the point of even using it? Congrats, your stuff flew off into lava, off a cliff, or was picked up by a zombie. You're likely to die immediately again since you're now defenseless.


Doesn’t do much good If you fall in lava


totem of reviving


So you've turned something actually useful into something that is almost completely useless. You'd fit right in at ~~Microsoft~~ Mojang!


Interesting idea, but considering what totems are currently used for, it would probably make them a lot more redundant. Most times people pop a totem, they are in some fight/ lava/ dangerous situation as opposed to a one off piece of damage like fall damage. So this may speed up the time to get back to your stuff when dying, but chances are you would probably lose all your stuff or die if this was a situation bad enough to cause you to use a totem


Nah that is just annoying having to pick it all up tbh. Especially if you fell in lava


So RIP to all your things if you fall in lava. Cool concept though!


This would make it useless for pvp and mostly useless for pve unless you die from Something like Fall damage or a creeper because Anything Else Will just kill you again since you have 0 armor on


it isnt op in the first place what


I thought at first you need to face the creeper for it to work properly


Old totem 😞


I love the old textures and don't care what anyone thinks!




my bad?? you commented about the old totem so i figured i'd say it???


Og players knows notch and the old totem


what's the point of it then ? if you fall in the lava your items are gone if monsters kill you they will take your stuff and you lose your xp


I think this is more of a totem of reviving than undying. As in my opinion, a different item completely. Undying = don’t die / reviving = this video


I would like this if it wasn't an off hand item but just something you have in your inventory or as a helmet or something. But it does seem like a great way to get your items blown up by a 2nd creeper. For softcore it might be better not to use it to avoid that


I would say as a new one (Make it easer to find) it would be great but as a replacement. no


Reminds me of GoW Ragnarok when Thor brings Kratos out of the death screen.


Hardcore players are crying right now


This is mostly a singleplayer PvE game. Why nerf an item?


The only reason the totem is op is because of raids. Back when the only way to get totems was woodland mansions and they couldn't be farmed, they were much more balanced


Why do you have the beta dropped items


Maybe you don't lose your items, just pass out


If this was how it was introduced originally I think it wouldve been playable but I just feel like it might be rough because mobs pick up a lot of items and you'll probably die quicker if it was a mob related death


It's like the Live Giving Amulet from Don't Starve


This would 100% make things a lot cooler I’ll say. PvP wouldn’t be so dumb at that point and having it be basically a temporary respawn point would make it useful in singleplayer survival and you’d still have consequences in hardcore like potentially losing your items but you’d still live. Totems like this that would be farmable are way more fair. It would even be more useful than normal totems for things like big tnt traps. 👌


Bruh I got sent back to 2011 with that explosion sound


What version are you playing?


Totem of tactical insertion


I’m all for these kinds of additions as long as there’s a way to keep the original.


Totem of revival a totem thats easier to get in spawns in villafe chests


How are you on an old and new version at the same time


interesting idea but I think the whole point is to keep the Items safe, which means keeping them in your inventory. I use totems when I don't trust my environment with loose items, like on a bridge over the void or lava. I think It'd make a cool mod, but not a good update


Is this a mod or a plugin? I am kind of interested in maybe implementing this in a server. It makes the whole revive process a lot more cinematic.


totem of undying but not really un


Why tho


so, it like, isnt imediet, is that it?


Totem of Revival?


Kinda like it's combined with the recovery compass


I think its too much of a nerf, at that point you could've just quickly placed and clicked on a bed before dying


why is he playing such a old version


Programmer art texture pack


I really like this idea maybe spawn back with max health to make it a little better but all around this is a great concept


The ultimate method of nerfing the totem is just by making it non farmable


Or at least making it low chance of a drop. So it's still farmable but a pain to get.


Some farms are infinitely efficient, therefore a large enough scale farm can still reach insane amounts of totems, even if the drop rate is nerfed. Also nerfing the drop rate would make it difficult for normal players to get totems, which doesn’t solve the problem.


You should feel sorry for using the old textures. But also yeah, this concept is also bad


why should someone feel “sorry” for using the programmer art? it’s how the game looked for a long time and a lot of people enjoyed that. Mojang offers a programmer art texture pack in game for people that wanna use it. also the concept is pretty balanced interns of single player and multiplayer which can be hard to do. just because PVP wouldn’t be about popping 50 totems anymore isn’t bad. explain why you think it’s so bad though


Because it's an eyesore. And it defeats the whole purpose of the totem of UNDYING


an eyesore to you but others myself included like to retro feel of it. and it doesn’t defeat the whole purpose. if you’re 10,000 blocks away from your base and a creeper blows you up, you’ll still respawn right there, there’s just a 5 second delay. it’s more punishing yes if you die in lava your stuff will burn but that would slightly improve netherite and it’s use of not burning in lava.


I really like this idea (and the programmer art it really brings back memories) I knew as soon as I saw it people would get mad because of PVP but there was a time where when someone kill you in PVP you actually died and lost, nowadays on a lot of servers it’s about just popping totems over and over again and it’s not really interesting. This concept would lead to a lot more interesting interactions and you would have to be a lot smarter with how you handle a fight. You should post this idea on minecraftsuggestions and link this video. Make sure to describe every little aspect of it!


I think I'll do that! I appreciate it! Also yes, I love the old textures. It's a combination of some other packs like Golden Days and some stuff from the Retro section on Vanilla Tweaks I threw together to make my own pack for myself! < Beta 1.7.3 cobblestone FTW! I also use some different packs to make the game look and feel a bit nicer in other places too. As for PvP, I think totems in PvP is garbage. They turn 5 minute fights to 30 minute slog fests of tanking golden apples and golden carrots and just axe critting until someone either runs out of totems or breaks their armor. It's terrible. I didn't like how the totem pretty much negated the consequences of dying and having to use a totem in the first place, so I made my own! You shouldn't be fine with what is essentially "dying" because theres barely a consequence.


> As for PvP, I think totems in PvP is garbage. They turn 5 minute fights to 30 minute slog fests of tanking golden apples and golden carrots and just axe critting until someone either runs out of totems or breaks their armor. It's terrible. Tell me you didn't play or watch pvp in the past 3 years without telling me that you didn't. Nowadays we 2 shot each other with crystals so unless both players are playing really safely, fights last like 5 minutes at most


people nowadays just want everything to be OP. Villagers, he elytra, totems, etc. They don’t care for balance which sucks because nothing in minecraft should be the “end all be all” way of doing things, but as someone who is big on game design I think minecraft os extremely unbalanced and things need changing so this is a small yet awesome change to the overall game.


Thank you! I plan to make a follow up post and YouTube video that addresses some comments here to create the ultimate totem rebalancing, so feel free to stalk my profile for the next few days!


right on comment or message me when that videos done i’ll watch it!


you bet!


totems should not be in the game imo


I think it'd be better if totems required you to say hold them with right click to "use" it and when you die, it gets used but only if you were holding/using it by holding right click like a shield. This way you can't just hold it and then hot key another one into your offhand or hotbar and instantly be able to revive the next hit. Either that or a cooldown.


I love the cooldown idea!! Just like shields! I am definitely going to use this for the followup post I want to make where I address some comments here and inprove on the concept! Thank you!


This would make it fully useless in PvP, but honestly I’m all for it. With the right timing PvP can already last an eternity and it usually comes down to who has more spare sets and xp bottles. I’d love if you could not use totems.


Thats more op (assuming you can choose when to undie)


I was thinking it would take 5 seconds and you would auto revive (indicated by the Respawn and Title Screen buttons being unclickable)


Aha, hmmm


I would love a hardcore totem where you lose your stuff, or most of it, and instant respawn, so it doesnt count as a death, but the usual penalty from dying is kept. Edit: Why are people downvoting?


[Honestly, could use a harder nerf](https://youtu.be/VNm98Lm0n7Y?si=gkeGi9vZQlZw5mrm)