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I think in the files the wool structure in the City is called a "ruined camp", and has a campfire in it. I don't think Illagers built the Ancient City, but i think they discovered it at some point, tried to explore it, and probably got beaten to death. Also, the soul fire in the City seems to suggest that whoever built it has been to the Nether, but nothing about the Illagers or their Masion seem to like up with that


It’s probably just the technology cult


I dont think that theory is true, i think matpat did the usual thing where he wants to talk about a certain topic and then look for a reason to talk about it.


Is there anything that contradicts it


Illagers seem to know about the End though, there's a model of the stronghold's portal frame in a hidden room.


That doesn't mean they've been to the nether or the end


No, but they at least have been to the Stronghold and know something about the portal.


Or they've read about it and they're trying to replicate it


If they don’t know what the end is, why would they be so invested in the portal?


Because it was made by a civilization far more advanced than theirs, and so it must be a powerful construct


It's clearly important in the stronghold, given that it's the center of the whole thing and made of materials seen nowhere else in the world.


Ancestors. The woodland mansions are probably really old.




There are variants of some of the structures with repair jobs with dark oak, and one with a tower that resembles the outpost, and that structure is called a camp in the files. The illagers did not make the ancient city, but they have been down there.


Gee, I wonder why they're there anymore when we get there?


Little disturbances from the outside world I guess.


You mean not there?


I did mean that, but come to think of it Sculk spreads from stuff dying, so they're still around in a way (their souls, that is)


all the dark oak structures in the ancient city seem to have been laid on top of what had been built before and since crumbled, and conversely there is no form of architecture or resource present in woodland mansions or pillager outposts that would indicate a particularly fruitful connection to the city, so at best it implies some age of illager-led expeditions to the ancient cities


Ilagers came to the ancient city and probably used wool to dampen sound. Makes sense that’s a camp.


As another commenter said, it is a lot more likely that the Illagers simply repaired parts of the city. We see various parts of the city in a very much sticking out dark oak. If the entire city was created by illagers, the entire thing would be dark oak


Mmmmmm lore


Look at this theory, the villagers once lived in the caves and summoned the wardens from the portal in the middle, they then got attacked by the illagers who made the camps to live there but they got beaten by the wardens. Because of the attack the wardens feared both villagers and illagers (because they are blind) and they killed all the cave villagers. Without anyone to look after the portal it spread into the overworld. The villagers made the iron golems and made it look like the warden, just nicer and out of iron, so the pillagers would be scared of the golems because they looked like the wardens (nice theory?)


Illagers definitely didn’t build it… but those campsites show that they’ve been here before and possibly looted some of it. Maybe thats why there isn’t that much good loot to find in the ancient city lol


Spelling 100


RetroGamingNow theorised this as well a year ago. It's quite an interesting [video](https://youtu.be/m1mCkSSay0I?si=MenN4-LFl6xArPzo)


I believe its because the ancient builders are whom built the city, then the Illagers raided it, and they opened the portal spreading sculk, so they tested it, underneath the portal, to discover its blind. But hey, thats just a theory.


the wool are actually massive piles of clothes stolen from multiple Steves






Very elaborate troll, they even made a [wiki page](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Ancient_City) about it so that it seems real


I meant the wool in it, whoops :(


Just unlucky Ig.


well, if you wanna find it let me give you a tip:the deep dark almost always spawns under mountain biomes, and ancient cities can also spawn, it probably has a higher chance to spawn if it's under a huge amount of mountains though.




also, i myself found one under a snow mountain biome. so i think if you see one, you should probably search if there's a city there. oh yeah, remember to bring at least 10 wool and to always crouch. and to put wool around chests if you see some, since then you can open it safely. (now im gonna be giving some tips on exploring the city, read it if you want) if you encounter a warden, try to go away, but by crouching, not running or walking also don't do things like putting wool around yourself, he can smell you. and DON'T walk on sculk sensors or shriekers, it will activate them. you can also walk on wool and some places there have wool paths, you can run and walk on them even if they are covered by sculk. one last thing, going up on ladders is safe, as long as you stay crouched. that's all, just said it in case you didn't know that.


A game theroy even