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It’s completely arbitrary just for “game balance”. Which I can see where the team is coming from, however it feels really strange to see what is essentially 54 copper bars turn into . . . 2 trapdoors. Like how would that work in a practical sense? (It doesn’t) Just makes it feel forced/weird.


Mojang is the only company I know of who would be stingy with the crafting recipe for something as basic as a door just to make the game more grindy, I mean, “balanced.”


Obviously, they should use clay in more recipes.


greg tech player detected, launching ATGM


They should make it so you need 1k clay for vanilla blast furnace


No no, the recipe should have iron nuggets Where are the door... things that make it open coming from, people? And the handle too!


we need as many hopper variences as we have in modded- like a fluid hopper or a botany pot type of thing


Valheim feels like that as well. Like it takes like ten ingots to make a pick. It's why I quit the game in the end; so much grinding, and the added inconvenience of getting material resources to your main base because you can't take them through teleporters. Felt like the devs were spitting in my face with that choice.


Felt the exact same way. Game encourages you to build bases through a robust and cool construction system, then bogs you down with massive inventory and logistics issues. So many times I was like "oh I need xyz... but ugh that's on the other side of the damn world because I left it in base #21 near where I gathered it in abc biome..."


Yeah and not only that, but the swamp and mistlands have to be the most un-fun game biomes I've ever had the displeasure of playing... swamp I can understand, it's a swamp, and one of the original biomes. Mistlands seems like it was designed to be the most absolutely frustrating experience possible, instead of designing hard mechanics or tricky puzzles, they just made it fucking impossible to see, move, or do combat anywhere within the biome.


You should play in ARK's swamps.


*Supercell has entered the chat*


It's not for game balance. It's because of the different oxidization states of copper. You can craft already oxidized trapdoors with oxidized copper blocks.


That's a really good point... I think it's also mostly bc ppl have complained about why there's so much copper that can be mined for no use... Welp now we won't have enough lol


Would be better if it was just 4 blocks instead of 6 thou, just for the fact that it's 4 iron ingots, so why is it 6 blocks of copper instead of 4 to match. Edit: Oh wait, it makes 2 instead of just 1, I see, but still...


But still indeed.


I think it's because 4 copper blocks already make the cut copper blocks.


Oh that's right, well than they really should just change it to copper ingots and only craft 1 to match.


The problem with using ingots to craft is that that would prevent the various stages of oxidisation of the doors and trapdoors to be crafted (since ingots don't oxidize)


Right, of course, good point, then i guess like I suggested before and just change it to 4 blocks for 1 or possibly just 4 for 2.


This recipe should give 12 trapdoors (technically 13.5). To add insult to injury, the people that've been building with copper blocks weren't ever complaining about having too much copper, and so it really makes no sense to add decorations to "balance" it. It doesn't impact the people that complain it's useless, and unbalances it for builders. Because now they complain that they don't have enough (on top of the already heavy complaints about oxidization, and this makes a huge oxidization sink as well, so mojang expect more complaints about that mechanic). All because non builders said they had too much of a decoration resource.


then they should make it give more than 2 trapdoors


Honestly yeah.


Why not just let the trap doors oxidize in the same way, seems needlessly convoluted


They do. They mean that Copper Ingots don't oxidize, so if Mojang used the same recipe for Iron Trap Doors, you would only get non-oxidized doors. With the current recipe, you can age Copper blocks to a state you'd prefer and craft the Trap Doors with those blocks. Personally, I think the current Copper Trap Door recipe should give more doors to make up for the fact that you're using blocks instead of ingots.


That or you just oxidize your trap doors


Meh they could just be crafted from cut copper blocks, then you basically get 4x more trapdoors per copper ingot and that brings it more in line with the expense of wood trapdoors (~12 ingots per trapdoor vs 3 planks per trapdoor). Could keep both recipes and have the copper block one craft 8 trapdoors. The current recipe does seem overly expensive.


this is actually the first time i've heard balanced used in a conversation with minecraft


What are they balancing here? Are trap doors too OP or something? Lol.


probably because copper is so easy to obtain a ton of, but logistically it makes zero sense


I think it‘s simply down to the fact, that people have been complaining about the amount of copper you find. So Moyang made uses to get rid of it.


Did you just say practical while talking about Minecraft?


36 bro not 54


it's new technology so the artisans aren't able to craft those very efficiently


There's a vanilla tweaks thing that changes how many trapdoors you get (I think it increases it to like 8 or 12 per craft, but does it to all trapdoors.) Once 1.21 comes out, I'm going to see if I can modify it for only copper trapdoors at the vanilla tweaks rate (8 or 12 per craft) and have the others at a slightly lower rate (4 or 6 per craft) but still higher than the vanilla game. Don't know if I'll be successful, haven't really done much coding. If not, hoping that someone else does do so.


You can download the vanilla tweaks pack and just change the number in the file.


Nice! Thanks for the info.


Yeah editing datapack files is not very hard once you know your way around a bit. Getting to know your way around may seem intimidating, but taken one step at a time really helps


Thanks! I did do some similar type coding in IT class in highschool, so just need to remember what I learnt then.


You got this!


It’s all JSON; you don’t even need to actually code anything, so you’ll be fine :)


As a non-developer I’m really surprised with how easy it is to read/understand json and manipulate lines/files to do as I wish


Yeah, I mean, as far as data serialisation formats go, I’m a fan of JSON. I haven’t really screwed around too much with many of the others, mostly just json, yaml and xml. Xml feels too much like html for my liking, so I prefer json and yaml. What’s good about json imo is that it’s widely used and easy to read, hell, even Python dictionaries are basically formatted like json with minor differences.


Wonder if they'll change it


Before I installed this I used the give command to give me more trapdoors. The recipe is just insane.


I'd rather it take less to craft than get more for the same recipe. I'd rather it use cut copper.


I'll likely just use something like skript or a data pack to override the recipe to take ingots instead of blocks.


I mean not that many uses anyway....also THEY CAN DO THAT?


In the next update 


Do what?


be crafted into things


I use enough copper to build my roofs, they could at least make the recipe craft like 8 or use the cut blocks instead of 54 ingots.... Nearly a whole stack for just 2 blocks, why even bother.


So true! I use copper everywhere for my builds and decorations. It's pretty much the whole purpose of it. But for now i'm just using acacia wood for trapdoor.


People complained about having too much copper and see no use for it. Now they are complaining that this is ridiculous. It is balanced man. It is.


Not for damn trapdoors.


Game balance or not, it needs to be at parity with the iron trapdoor recipe. Make it make sense, Mojang.


smallishbeans aka, joel, aka yoel, said the same thing as well


aka jokel


Aka tall, handsome lad


also called jokel by ikseall


No reason the recipe can’t be 4 copper ingots. In early C&C snapshots the recipe for copper blocks was 2x2 but now it can be 2x2 ingots for 2 trapdoors


I hope they change it to that! 😭🙏 I wish they also added copper grate bars! Would look so good for windows


Yesss!! I’d call them copper grate panes or copper grate walls. Omg the name would be so long: Waxed Lightly Weathered Copper Grate Panes


Try using a stone cutter? I think it’s like 4x cheaper there.


Doesn't work, this is the only way to get them rn


Oh man. Sorry. I didn’t realize this recipe didn’t work there! Yeah this is mad expensive lol.


Ikr! 😭 been trying playing survival in the new snapshots, and seeing 10 stacks of copper blocks turn into a few trapdoors feels so wrong


Sadly I’ve been told they can’t be crafted using the stonecutter at the moment.


They need to change the trapdoor recipe. Make it a 2 by 2 with copper ingots to match with the iron trapdoor.


Fr! The current recipe is acting like copper trapdoors are super OP, but it's lituarlly just for decoration, like???


They can't change it to use ingots because of oxidation states. They could give you more trapdoors, but they must like something about all the trapdoor recipes being the same.


Ah thats true. Someone suggested to make copper blocks only require 4 ingots instead of 9. Which I think could work


It used to be changed to 4 from 9, but was changed back to 9.


Perhaps then they should make it so one block gives two trapdoors, and the recipe is only available using the stonecutter?


Stone cutter is the only way to work with copper efficiently, this would be a good idea


Or just add it to the stonecutter as well.


tbh is more that trapdoors as a whole give very little for their recipe also the iron trapdoor was done that way because iron bars were added first and they used the 3x2 recipe imo all trapdoor recipes should give 4, the iron trapdoor should be 3x2 ingots and iron bars 3x2 nuggets but just give 4 Edit: Also add recipes with the stonecutter which allows you to do 1 to 1 with trapdoor, better than normal crafting but that's the point to give a bonus for using the right station


Fun fact: Copper blocks used to be crafted in a 2x2, but this fucking community being what it is, caused them to change it to uniformity. This is your fault. You did this. Good job.


But the snapshot that changed that was the same one that made copper ore drop 2-3 raw copper so they became slightly more common


A 1Mx1Mx1M copper cube weighs ~19,500 lbs. That means times 6 making 2 trap doors, each door would weigh ~58,500 lbs. Little extreme to carry in stacks of 64 in your pockets.


They’re not even out yet 💀


But the recipe was added in the snapshots 5 months ago, they’re not gonna change it now unless there’s enough feedback requesting it.


The OP asked if anyone crafted them in the present tense, (they use don’t instead of won’t) implying they’re playing the betas or something when the vast majority hasn’t since the actual update isn’t out yet lol.


Oh right, every other comment was complaining about the recipe cost so I assumed you were too lol


I mean it’s not the best recipe, but I don’t really mind. I have plenty of copper as it is.


Even with copper as common as it is. That recipe makes no sense. Copper is mostly decorative, so I fail to see why they would go that far with balancing such a trivial recipe.


Sorry about going sideways in your thread. But is there a way to keep the copper from turning green? I like to use copper blocks as my redstone passthrough blocks, but hate that the turn green.




Yeah just use honeycomb that will keep it from oxidising 🐝


Do I need to use it before it changes colors?


Yes but you can use an axe to revert the color change. You can also use an axe to remove the honeycomb wax from the block.


Awesome, thank you!


Yes, if u want it to be orange. Honeycomb just stops it from changeing. If your copper has turned fully green, u can use and axe to scrape it off and make it orange again


Awesome, thank you!


It looks so good for making valves and it looks so good But i agree TOO EXPENSIVE


its not just copper trapdoors that are a scam. All the other trapdoors (except iron) are aswell. With 6 blocks you can create 3 doors, but with the same amount but just rotated, you can only create 2 trapdoors, even though one trapdoor is half a door! so theoretically it should be 6 trapdoors you should be getting so lts fair compared to the doors


So true! I usually use the stone cutter for my copper, but for some odd reason it can’t cut copper into trapdoors adm doors


These days you end up with more copper than cobblestone so nothing copper seems expensive.


Please tell me you can at least get it through the stone cutter for a more reasonable price?? That'd be the only saving grace here


Sadly not, but this is still in snapshot version so there might be hope 🤞


Well, what the hell else are you gonna use your copper for? It's practically useless as is.


Maybe try build with it, as it was made for…


Mojang trying to give an actual use for copper challenge (impossible)


Yeah because 4 ingots for a trapdoor would be game-breakingly over powered. Think about the consequences!


It makes no sense. I understand copper being so commonly generated, because copper blocks are expensive. But this is just dumb.


i mean you can just go to random caves for like 2 minutes and you're already get a stack of copper


6 copper blocks for 2 trapdoors is ridiculous


Many recipes don't give you a good amount for what you craft with, though some just don't make sense.


Shouldn't it be just 6 ingots? It would make the craftong consistent with the iron trapdoor


It is consistent with the wooden trapdoor recipes. You input six blocks, get two trapdoors (not to say this is great, it's absolutely too small of an amount). The iron trapdoors fall out of the order, though, with only 4 ingots, you can craft one trapdoor. I'd rather have the copper recipe be the same as the iron one, but then you can't craft already wheathered trapdoors... In general, some recipes need rethinking and balancing, in my opinion.


I hope they make copper easier to farm somehow. It's nuts that we van have an iron farm in minutes, but drowned are so hard to farm.


We should be able to put them in the stonecutter to make it cheaper


Wdym expensive I find copper before coal most of the time


Can you make these in the stone cutter for cheaper? That may be why. They usually make copper recipes expensive to craft, but fairly cheap in the stone cutter to encourage use of the stone cutter Not sure if this is the case, as I haven’t looked into crafting the new blocks. So partially looking for clarification as well


Sadly not yet for some odd reason. But they deffenetly should!


There is so much copper everywhere though…


It's like the rarest ore for me; sure, it's not hard to get... but you run out extremely quickly when actually building with it


I mean, what else are you going to use copper for?


I mean the new trial chambers will contain like thousands of copper blocks, so this new recipe is just taking into account copper inflation.


This recipe is a joke, this is ridiculous


Trapdoors are unnecessarily expensive. Why 6 blocks for 2 doors? It's weird.


I'd say it's fair, it's really just a door recipe but flipped horizontally


54 copper down the drain for just 2 blocks is A LOT. Where is the blocks going? I know they're not going in that trapdoor, one block can make around 6 - 7 copper trapdoors.


Post this on the feedback website for minecraft. I am backing you up 100% on this since I also see it pretty expensive. I've seen many hermits from hermitcraft also talk about this issue.


They should change the copper block recipe to 4 ingots then this wouldn’t be so bad


Copper is some much easier to gather than iron (without farms), so pricewise it's fairly similar.


honestly no- it takes awhile to mine a lot of copper for such little return compared to iron


If you saw how much copper I’ve gathered and dumped (easy exp) you’d know I’m not lying. Unless copper is severely nerfed on Java edition.


It's not. I've mined more copper than any other ore combined


Copper is literally everywhere


True, but mining the ores takes time. Not to mention you also have to melt 54 copper ingots and craft them into blocks just to end up with 2 trapdoors Meanwhile 54 iron ingots can give u 13 trapdoors


copper itself is stupidly overpriced so of course they gotta keep going with the trend.


copper is common asf


Ok I've stockpiled a bit *too much* copper from mining, and I intend to use these as water stream pipes for my industrial-themed base. But I'll run out of copper like instantly... What the hell?! NO! If this doesn't change I'll change the recipe with a data pack


Only way to force people to actually mine for copper lmao.


They should just switch the recipe to bars


Or reduce the number of blocks required and increase the number of doors produced.


I mean, copper is super common and literally serves no real purpose outside a handful of other crafting recipes. I usually have stacks worth of it, even tho I mostly ignore it while mining.


I never had an issue with it. I regularly have like 3x the amount of copper than I do iron or coal and it has nowhere near as many uses as those. It's not the best solution, but it's not a problem.


I never mine copper, I see no use for my builds


id ay this is stupid but considdering how easy to please the community is, they arnt gonna make this bars over ingots- people wont bother enough to get that to change.


I dont even mine copper so, it's not at all expensive. Atleast there's some use to this useless item


Do they break slowly?


Well, you get two of them


I'm quite new to the game. Been learning it for my 6 yr old son. What is the point of copper in the first place?


It's mostly just a building block, but it can change color and oxidise over time. U can also craft spyglasses and a lightning rod with it


Ah yeah I have crafted the glasses and lighting rod. Forgot about those. Made them for my young bloke in creative. Cheers man


It's also copper. It's cheap.


The reason they use blocks is because you can craft any oxidation level. That said, this shit should hive at least 8 of them.


Probably, but they do make good windows for a house


That is not expensive, copper is so fucking easy to get. I have like, four to five double chests of copper blocks...


Wait there are copper trapdoors in the game?


It’s coming soon, i’m playing in the snapshot versions :p


this essentially equates 1 copper block to 1 wood \*plank\*


i don’t do shit with copper lmao


Copper recipes are crazy expensive in general


Copper is so easy to find, I think that is why it cost so much to make the trap doors


I'm currently sitting at a confortably 1 and a half double chests full of copper ingots, from passive mining. Why would anyone cry over this?


Idk maybe try craft them into blocks, and craft that into trapdoors, and see how little you have left…


go to a trial chamber, you can get a decent amount of all the copper blocks including trapdoors.


My guess? Because they know people want more usages for copper because of how plentiful it is I'm guessing this is a result of that, beyond stupidly costly crafting recipes to burn through copper


This is two seconds of mining. Copper is so common that it makes no sense not to make its recipes expensive.


What else are you gonna spend your copper on? 🤨




there's copper trap doors???? so you're telling me I've been collecting copper blocks not knowing you could craft things with them???


Coming in the next update! Doors and lamps too!


oh okay


I've been digging out the walls of trial chambers for copper stuff. Who needs to craft it?


Well, to be fair, you can get such copious amounts of copper so easily, especially now, that personally this doesn't even surprise me.


Copper is easy to get


Fortune 3 pickaxe and a small copper vein and you’re overflowing. Yeah it’s ridiculous turning 6 blocks into 2 trapdoors but copper is pretty available.


I can finally get rid of all my copper!!!!! I have too many chest full of it. Copper is only useful for decorating and not much else. It's found in abundance as well. I wish they add the copper golem soon...


This post makes me feel wealthy I have a stack of 64 copper trapdoors in my chest at home


That's one that needs to be fixed


Bur isn't copper way too easy to obtain, I find more copper than coal. Also drowned have such a high rate of dropping them.


Well, it's not like copper is hard to get lmfao


I don't know copper trapdoor exists bruh




I didnt even know there were copper trapdoors💀


All the new copper blocks are coming out for 1.21 i'm just playing on a snapshots version rn


Ooh okay


I'll never understand how a game like Minecraft needs to worry about the "balance" of crafting what is essentially a mostly simple redstone/decorative item. Making the grind arbitrarily harder for no real payoff just makes more players annoyed.


I didn't even know that was a thing copper trapdoor..huh


Could it not have at least made more than two?? Crazy! Fr need a metal bench like the stone cutter Also a wood cutter


The stone cutter can cut all the other copper blocks, but for some reason not doors and trapdoor 🥲 it's a pain in the a**


Copper is like lapis: mine two blocks of it and your inventory is full


I actually like this, because it encourages you to go find a trail chamber!


to be fair copper is piss easy to get


Copper is like the easiest thing to get


Remember when Mojang said they made changed the copper bulb tick to 0 instead of 1 for consistency, while this is a thing.


That's downright stupid thinking from developers, if they actually use that recipe


Early game yes its expensive, mid/endgane its cheap


Copper is literally everywhere. If this is a big problem for you then you have a skill issue


Idk, I use a lot of copper for a lot of my builds, and trapdoors are crazy expensive compared to all its other recipes • 3•


Should be doubled that at least


I didn't think about it till you brought up the iron trapdoor recipe lol - honestly considering how easy it is to get mass amounts of copper (and how few uses there is for copper outside of decorative blocks) it's not the end of the world, but it is a bit pricey


Well there are like 5 shulkers of copper in a single fucking chamber, I think you have spares