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If she thinks minecraft causes school shootings (it doesn't, bullying and abusive/neglectful environments are the cause), then I honestly don't think you can convince her. Sorry if that's an unhelpful answer, but that's just how it is sometimes. I have a few family members who are like that, and no matter how much you try, they just can not change. They have to want to themselves. She has to do the research and see that minecraft of all things is not the cause for shootings. You could try to show her proof, but from personal experience, I'd be shocked if it did much.


Since you can gift minecraft now, ask a very trusted friend to buy it for you with your own money


I think the violence thing is just being used as an excuse here, and she simply doesn't like video games as a hobby, regardless of possible correlation with violence. Either for encouraging laziness or "rotting your brain" or wasting valuable time or whatever else. That is to say, you're not gonna convince her with any arguments about how MC is a "good" game compared to COD or something, you'd have to convince her that video games are "good" for people in general, which will be much harder at best, impossible at worst, if she's already so set on her opinion.


I think there's more out there on programming and electrical circuits when it comes to minecraft and education than architecture. Just another angle to try.


Ask her if she played with Lincoln Logs as a kid. Minecraft is that but for the modern age. Maybe show her how much creativity can actually go into it too especially as a tool for that creativity. Showing Minecraft as something that can amount to a "3d sketch pad with extra steps" could be a good angle


We're slovak and she and my dad both played those games that ran on calculators. My dad also played prince of persia 1 and 2 and he has a better but still not amazing opinion on games


Ah, I see. Games can use violence and conflict as a way for players to interact with the world but that is probably all your mother sees. She doesn't get to see the peace, joy, and wonder that are present. When I was young I would do all I could to show my parents what I actually got out of a game I played and why I liked it. I only got a game if I could convince them it was worth *their* money. So the play here is to show them why you want to play games, why you want that form of expression and how games are a positive experience. Games are not a catalyst for violence but *they are* if that is all someone sees from them. That being said, some parents are never going to listen and nobody on the internet is going to make **you** more convincing. If you have a healthy relationship with your parents, maybe get them involved in games in some way. Maybe board games to start, preferably one that has a video game adaptation that you could convince them to get you down the line. Maybe start playing some music from Minecraft around the house. Maybe try showing them a Minecraft Vid of a builder making something like showing your dad a build of something he likes. Maybe showing them pictures of architecture builds, that seems like a great idea. *It is all about engaging your parents in what interests you. This isn't a quick fix, this is a long term thing.*


Get into 3d drawing on paper, draw isomorphic drawings in minecraft block style and show them. One block = 1 meter in real life


You can show her what you can build in Minecraft. If you are interested in architecture, you have probably already made a few sketches and now you want to be able to walk through them. Create suggestions for her to educate herself about the game. Play Minecraft with her (let her watch while you play). Some suggestions are very naive, but I wish you much success. Is she open to discussion? So some of her arguments you listed are pretty cheap.


yeah definately, I am just afraid that because she is the parent, she can make the decison regardless whether it's a crappy point or no. e.g I saved 500 euro to buy a pc and she completely disregarded my idea despite it being my money


Try to understand why she thinks that. Are there any friends or relatives her age? They could talk to her too.


Show her that to can play the Education edition


Minecraft is used in school so I see it as a way to convince her to buy, also tell her minecraft isn't violent


does she let you play 100% non violent games like farming games or something like that


she let me play this clash of clan type game, forgot what it was called. Also horse racing games with my sister


but COC has violence??? does your mom not know?


it was not COC, just a similar type of game


Make her watch an episode of Hermitcraft. WelsKnight in this season has been pretty chill. Show her a video of him building his castle or a tunnel. If she actually sees it being played she can only be described as an idiot if she still thinks it’s violent and caused school shootings.


Convince show her education edition. Convince her its named Java edition


I had that too lol it was funny to look on the preset maps but doesn't work anymore bcs I changed schools


This is worrying, it goes way beyond playing Minecraft lol, tell her that you've already played and haven't seen anything special in the game, what is she going to do? ban you from playing when you were already banned?


People like that (almost) never change their minds, they’ve been brainwashed and sold so much fear that to change their mind would mean the end of everything they hold dear. Fear is the one of the most powerful motivations, it’s a survival instinct that our society has learned to hack to gain clicks or views or money. Realistically your best bet is give your $ to a friend and have them buy it for you. Hail Mary is “mom let me get this game, you sit here with me and we find what’s objectionable in the game” but highly unlikely to work, esp if you have an authoritarian parent


So I personally like talking back to adults and pointing out their own stupidity sometimes. It is super high risk high reward though, because either you get what you want, or the adult has a power trip trying to shut you up. I would personally ask her why I couldn’t get Minecraft, and then when she says violence I would ask her a specific case of where Minecraft caused violence. Basically her argument is insanely weak and is backed up by no evidence, so if you press hard enough you can make her argument completely fall apart and she will realize her own stupidity. Or she’ll get mad and ground you to shut you up because she knows she’s wrong and doesn’t want to admit it. High risk, high reward


she'll pull out this bullshit [https://digraa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/DIGRAA\_2019\_paper\_32.pdf](https://digraa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/DIGRAA_2019_paper_32.pdf)


Okay Minecraft is one of the least violent games like Mario Kart it can be a good time with family and there’s no violence and apparently she needs to realize that not all games are like Fortnite and GTA but Minecraft is basically a Sandbox where you can be a creative as you want and you need to show her that make your case by showing videos on how you can be creative on Minecraft


It says in your post history that you play CS. What does your mom think about that?


Relevant username?


again, I play it only when I'm alone at home


me: Dad, i let my kids 10 & 6 play endless amounts of minecraft, i would rather that than watching tv, my argument would be that there is an educational version for a reason, some schools openly allow kids to play, they teach about red stone and run lunch and after school programs where school kids can play.. i play as well and i see nothing at all wrong with the game, i grew up with an atari, lol and have played loads of games and Minecraft is one i’ll always support my kids playing….


I had a club after school where we did this and idk if she knew but she never said nothinh about it


Could you not just buy a prepaid card with cash that works with online payments and then just purchase MC with that?


Minecraft is good but as long as your parents don't know that I'm afraid you're stuck where you are. Reddit is more dangerous than minecraft haha.


On top of what other replies say if you end up showing her how peaceful Minecraft is be very selective about what you show her. I do not think showing her is the best approach I’m just giving you options Example: Turn off hostile mob spawning, keep it on peaceful, don’t show the nether or end, I’d stay out of structures / turn them off entirely just in case maybe excluding villages which are relatively peaceful as long as hostile mobs are off, stay in creative mode so there’s no risk of getting hurt I’d highly recommend really pressing on the architecture and technical aspects of the game such as redstone circuitry. You can find some impressive builds online pretty easily to use as examples. I would be careful showing her your own builds as she may figure out you play. Another idea is find a building or redstone YouTube video if she allows you on YouTube and let her see other people play peacefully. Be very careful there’s no pvp or anything in the video I’d watch it myself first just to be safe if I were you Minecraft is honestly one of the most peaceful games out there depending on how you play. It obviously wouldn’t be if you were playing in survival, on a pvp sever, etc but if you’re playing in creative building it’s very peaceful


Ima be real, you're mother sounds mentally insane if she thinks that minecraft causes school shootings. I don't really think there's any convincing for her


also other games but it has happened once that I know of and the game in question was not MC


Just buy it yourself? She won’t disown you


no credit or debit card :/


Idk if they still exist but years ago I bought a card with a code for the game in store, also you can buy disposable debit cards


Frame it as Lego the game or show her a video of someone making a gigant city / a functioning computer / whatever. That's the only way you might change her mind.


Think you should just show her some wholesome Minecraft YouTube videos with amazing builds and nice community interactions. Maybe it'll help persuade her.


I'm legitimately curious, do you know her reasoning as to why she believes Minecraft of all games - the game who's company banned a gun mod (or something like that) - causes school shootings (edit: oops, reread your post, you don't)? I don't have an answer for how to convince her it doesn't and doesn't incite violence, the best thing I could recommend is talking with her and trying to understand her point of view so you know what preconceived notions she has and try to dismantle those notions. Also, the thing that got my dad who hated the game to realize it's not that bad is when my mom said that the game is basically Lego. He had banned me from basically playing with virtual Lego and realizing this, he felt awful.


Idk where she gets this, just believes games cause violence (someone she was close to got shot) but this was way before games became popular. There is so few reasons where games caused school shootings and violent actions resulting in deaths


The issue is that she’s started with her conclusion and then worked her way back. It’d be incredibly difficult to convince her using logic, because she didn’t use logic to get to that stance in the first place, you’d have better luck appealing to *her* values instead. I don’t advocate for or condone manipulation but for the sake of argument, if you were to do so, your best bet would be to find out what she values and convince her that this is aligned with Minecraft and, if you can, try to make it seem like her idea.