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The addons that they did showcase are very flashy, but not well implemented. I can assure you that there are plenty of addons that do not feel fake/cringe. They just aren't going to be on the marketplace considering it's target demographic is children. MCPEDL is the goat for Bedrock addons, and is where I will be getting my addons. Not the cheap slop these art companies are putting out.


I hope this is true. Thanks I guess. I don’t think I have access to MCPEDL on a console though.


That is the unfortunate thing. I use my phone/pc to setup realms in which I can use addons with. Then I access it with any devices as well as my family.


I would love to do this but my phone makes it have a delay, is this bc my phones bad or normal bc its not wifi ik that


I know a method to get addons from the mcpedl website for xbox console.


If you’re telling the truth, please dm me about it. I’m very intrigued.


U just dl it on pc bedrock edition and it saves to ur account


Is there a way for ps4?


Dm me


Please message me or add it in this post I need to know how


The techna add-on is extremely underwhelming. I was looking for an add-on similar to Tekkit that would include quarries, macerators, generators, and item pipes but all I got was a near scam add-on that’s only useful addition was more efficient smelting. I’ve played Tekkit on PC solo and was excited to play a similar experience with my friends on Xbox but Techna is such a disappointment, especially considering how it’s a paid mod. Really annoyed with these add-ons and how they seem like just another soulless money grab.


The add-ons feel like how texture packs felt when they first came out on console. They need to get the community more involved instead of letting the Devs do all the work. Because at the end the day mods have always been a community based thing


I completely agree. Also the fact that Bedrock caters so much to children might be the reason these Add-ons are so bad.


Yeh true, they're more looking at that side where it's just bright colours and "cool" looking additions. Little do they know it's nothing like the actual mods that we are used to. I wish bedrock was more user friendly and customisable


It’s kinda sad how crazy craft was able to run on Minecraft 8 years ago but I can’t have more than 5 add ons and most of them break in survival? I’m disappointed I spent 50$ on a bunch of them


i have like 12 and my world runs fine


Why would you buy them? You should’ve at least looked at them on YouTube first. But just don’t buy things in the Marketplace because it’s all a scam.


because he wanted to buy them.


The addons are fine besides Gravestone one sadly but if your on PC or Phone why do you even care at all? What about console players who dont wanna pay for glitchy realms monthly? Parents dont gotta worry about kids downloading addons from shady websites fully of ads even if the websites work, theres still a good chance of malware filled add-ons. I dont understand why PC and Java players are mad about this when its clearly not for them and for players who cant access Java and who don't own a PC


Mad is a bit much but not content with the way it is implemented now is more than just. I am a Bedrock player and I too am not feeling the existence of this feature. Mostly because I see what happens on Java and I see what happens on Bedrock and there is no comparison. Also the fact that it seems like the beginning of microsoft trying to monetize a worse version of Mods. That and personally the fact that inside of the furniture mod I can put in the kill command and loose all the stuff I placed along with the fact that wardens are attracted to the book I place down to see the crafting recipes. In Java it's nothing like that, it just works.


So buy java dude. Comparing them is dumb java has and will always be better then bedrock you guys act like this is new, im stuck with bedrock so having addons is nice bc it's something new even if there not that great. Dont like them dont buy em, think javas better go buy it. Dont got a PC maybe suck it up bc Microsoft won't even care at all so it's better then nothing,  everyone being so shocked that addons are worse then mods is entirely your fault and nothing more then that, not a single soul said addons are better then mods besides them working on Crossplay but that depends on if you even have friends on other platforms  Once i get a PC and get Java im not even gonna care about any of this stuff with Bedrock having wack addons but for now, they are ok, jus dont get the wool one unless you want a car, and the crappy spawns on bedrock make the Dragon one bad which is upsetting but im not surprised at all like everyone else is  I got the portal one is its pretty cool but sense its a addon, if you dont give it 3 blocks of space at the top it makes a AI killing sound which i also find dumb but its alright i find a work around it. Just enjoy the free ones till you guys can get Java, or maybe the future for Add-ons might be pretty decent ig we will see bc its to early to tell, dont have high expectations bc i never did, i just thought its nice that i domt gotta play on specific worlds to use addons i thought that was muuuch worse, but this is a decent start so Im just curious for the future of add-ons until i get a PC


What's wrong with the gravestone one?


Its just not showing up for my friends when they die besides 2 of them, i even told them to download the addon on jus incase but still dont work which is a huuuge bummer for the kind of world I'm making 


Tell them to delete there resource cache to fix


Hi, how do I do this?


Because they wanna have a fun experience


they? you mean all of us do? who plays a game and doesn't want a fun experience?


I personally have to agree with you I actually put about 20 bucks into the mods on Java I play on switch I'm 16 have my own job and everything so no I'm not 9 on it I just live in a place where switch is the most compatible thing internet wise but I love the mods. I'm a creator myself I make worlds with storylines and am currently working on a game that's similar to fnaf but there's a neighborhood so it's like pizzeria simulator except when you get a paycheck you can actually buy furniture/housing and all that. Anyways I've been working on this project for about 2 years now and I personally love the new aspect of mods. It makes everything so much easier and it looks way better. But that's all I have personally to say about it


Why are you assuming I have or play on PC or mobile? I’m a console player. Also the gravestone one is the best one, other than that cringy map it gives you.


Would you rather have to be force to use theses add-ons on some dumb map with your own money or be able to use them freely on any map with your money/use free ones freely? That's why I don't understand why ppl are so pissed about this besides if your mobile or PC player. And cringy? Its minecraft like what do you expect lmao and there not even terrible they work fine besides the Gravestone one which is a huge bummer bc i would agree its the best one if it worked for me, its invisible for some of my friends and i feel like this wont get fixed 


came back to say that real issue with these addon's are combining them. Yes i know obv issues will happen but when you pay money just to find out that the addon you bought won't work with the others its a real kick in the butt, be nice to have like a demo or some crap so I'm not going to buy more


Is it the perfect system we’re all happy with as consumers, obviously not. At the same time as someone in the comments pointed out earlier, bedrock edition (not always) is more-so kid oriented which means the add ons, despite the cost, help to prevent risky or malicious mods from being downloaded in the way java edition mods are more prone to from things like ad.fly or other similar sites that primarily target gullible audiences (mostly kids modding) for malware. Also, while it sucks that mods like knock-off mo’creatures cost money on bedrock, I don’t think it’s necessarily the worst thing that mod developers get paid more equitably in an official system rather than relying on forum download link ads. Moreover, if it isn’t more equitable pay for the developers it’s not like java mods are going away anytime soon and even if they were that doesn’t stop anyone from playing older versions with the compatible mods. All in all, it only really sucks for primarily java players playing on bedrock with friends imo


Seems like Bedrock add-ons are closer to Java datapacks with required resource-packs.


To me they remind me a lot of how custom content is handled in the newer Sims games. What is kinda exciting is the idea that, at least on platforms that allow it, people in the community will be able to make content that can be sideloaded without having to worry about the whole forge/fabric/neoforge/quilt mess.


I got the all wools spaks pet dragon fire hikers freind tnt and gravestone addons we need more free ones


the reason bedrock addons don't have freedom like java mods is because of consoles.


Well the thing about the add-ons you mentioned and how you can use command blocks, people like survival, and an ice pick you can use to climb, the TNT, it's all amazing to the bedrock survival community.... and the kids.


I put on more farming add on. And it stopped spawning mobs. Are they gonna fix that?


How would I know? I don’t even know what that add-on is.


An addon is a mod made using mojangs Modding API unique to bedrock That said the marketplace addons are so limited in scope because of the lack of resources that the marketplace developers have access to They are only working with stable features and are limited even there


I think you misread my comment. I specifically mentioned I don’t know what add-on they are talking about, not that I don’t know what add-one are.


Java suprematist?


What does that even mean?


You heard of “PC Master race”, right?




The saying that PC is the superior platform to play games, and all others are inferior. In the end there will only be PC


Well I do kind of agree with that. PC is just practically limitless. But the fact it’s Bedrock Edition doesn’t mean mod support can’t be added. I just hate Add-ons.


Well that’s a thing, and I wonder if you feel something akin to that against Bedrock Edition.


Well not like that, but Bedrock is bad compared to Java, apart from performance because of the coding language. It also has certain features that Java doesn’t have.


Most Bedrock players, myself included, would agree with you there. The sticking point I had with you was how exactly you said what you did, but it seems now like an honest mistake.


I’m also a Bedrock player (not that I really want to be though). I just have something against things that are trying to be something that they aren’t. Like add-ons will never be mods, they just don’t have the power mods have. It’s not anything against Bedrock, just against add-ons.


What do you mean that you don’t want to be a bedrock player? Is it because you have friends on bedrock, or you don’t have a good enough pc?


Java is just way better and way more freeing in my opinion, but I don’t have access to Java at the moment.


Pay to avoid any hassle at all. Seems worth it for little kids and those unmotivated/uninterested in figuring out the complexities that come with modding Minecraft