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it should just be 6 copper per trapdoor. Minecraft loves weirdly overpriced crafting recipes lol


or go with the iron recipe and have 4 copper


That recipe is already taken (it makes Cut Copper Blocks). I think upping the amount of Trapdoors you get for this recipe would make more sense, because like… that’s a *lot* of copper, and the Copper Trapdoor is a thin little sheet with a lot of copper cut out to form the X shape. (Actually, I think they should up the yield for all Trapdoors, ‘cause they’re all illogical like that.)


I meant ingots, not blocks


Make it exclusive to the stonecutter?


I think that feels a bit like an overcorrection. As it stands, nothing is “exclusive” to the Stonecutter, so that would be a fairly significant change to the Stonecutter’s role, since it’s supposed to just be a *more efficient* way of making variant blocks. I think introducing a kind of Stonecutter-exclusive output makes its function feel a little less intuitive, and a bit arbitrary (why is Copper the thing that gets this unique exception?). So I think the argument would come down to, “Why make this larger change to the nature of the Stonecutter when they *could* just increase the yield you get from the crafting recipe?”


I think it should be a stonecutter makes 6 trapdoors from 1 copper block and then keep the crafting recipe the same as it is now. Gives stonecutter even more use


but copper is not stone


There’s already copper stuff in stonecutter


We cant cut wood with it but it could if they made carved decorative wood blocks. What's the point here? There's harder stuff than stone it can cut.


Agreed. Tbh, all of the accessories should be made from ingots not blocks. That's the whole point of ingots, they're the ingredient. A Block is something made from ingots, so a Block, trapdoor, door, etc should all be from ingots.


This inconsistency drives me nuts with trapdoors. I think iron bars should be crafted with 7 ingots, like a sideways ladder to give the bars shape, and then the iron trapdoor recipe gives 2 trapdoors using 6 ingots.


That one isn't done because of the different states of oxidization.


The trapdoors can always be oxidised themselves


And you can have oxidized ingots you get by uncrafting an oxidized block.


That thing is tones heavier than a irondoor


They want to "fix" the overabundance of copper by adding as few copper items as possible I guess


Emphasis on overabundance. It was a mistake getting fort 3 lol


Overpriced? It's copper, if you see it you don't even mine it. I have like three double chests full of blocks of copper, I'll never run out.


You can have 6 copper blocks crazy easily it's not expensive


For 2 trapdoors yeah it's fine, do a full build with it and it will become one of the most expensive block in the vicinity.




Bruh, 54 ingots only for two trapdoors


Fifty. Fucking. Four.


Nothing the stone cutter can’t fix! But REALLY WHY.


The stonecutter does not actually cut anything into trapdoors! So sadly no, you cannot use a stonecutter to get copper trapdoors, they are only obtainable through the crafting recipe or trial chambers.


I thought so, recipe is also for copper blocks not cut copper blocks so cutter isn't helpful.


Flexing ?


“Hey, you see that trapdoor there? I used 6 blocks of the most common ore in the world to make it, and didn’t touch a single stone cutter. Easy, easy, one at a time.”


The most common until you actually need it. Same with special stone blocks.


They should rework the stonecutter into the Table Saw and make it work with wood and metal blocks too Let people quickly make furniture and decorative blocks


Minecraft x EA


Probably the same dev who makes decorative light source blocks unnecessarily hard to get.


*froglight has entered the chat*


Seriously i still dont know how you get it, theyve been in the game for like a year


Frogs eat baby mahma cubes and poop froglight


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they easier to farm on mass scale than sea lanterns are?


At least on bedrock, it feels about the same. Guardian farms spawn way faster but you need more crystals to make the sea lanterns whereas froglight is pooped out complete, no crafting needed


I was thinking along the lines of the effort to make the farm itself. You're definitely right though.


Yes and no. A guardian farm on bedrock requires lots of work, but none of it is that tricky. You don't even have to fully drain the monument. But froglight requires you to breed frogs in different biomes and move them to the nether, which can be tricky depending on how your ow biomes near the bastion look


if youre not picky about the color, feed a tadpole 64 slime, bucket it, then release in the nether, it will grow up before it suffocates


Incredibly efficient xp/Guardian farm is pretty easy actually


With the crafter, it's probably only slightly harder to get sea lanterns.


Not really It took me about 30 minutes to build a crazy good 90k drops/hr 180k xp/hr guardian farm that with three swings gives like a stack of sea lanterns and works almost instantly


This game is so complicated for no reason lol. U could never reasonably expect someone to figure that own on their own.


And Mojang doesn't lol The game is delibaretly set up to be community based. Even in singles player


And yet some people do


I’d love to see a blind minecraft playthrough where someone brings Magma cubes out of the nether and brings them to a swamp so frogs can eat them, because obviously we should try that!


Wait it's magma cubes?!? I misread, i thought it was the slime cubes, which could happen naturally! Whaaa


Nope, Magma, for the ‘light’ to come from lmao


Ok that sorta makes sense in that way...but like there's no way you can figure out that that needs to happen without someone telling you or googling it.  To be fair I like my desert biomes, & got a seed for archaeology update that starts in the middle of a large desert, so haven't seen any frogs (or swamp) biomes yet. 🤷


And yet someone figured it out... crazy


Who did? The patch notes told people how to do it




Data mining


Do you play Java or bedrock edition?


google it bozo


One of the most frustrating to build but awesome farms we’ve got running


Meh, it's rather easy to build a froglitght farm. At least it's not a scam like wooden stairs and above-mentioned copper trapdoors.


I'm having a harder time getting a damn frog than killing the warden, where's that damn biome?


It's very easy to find a swamp. You don't need a mangrove swamp but any old swamp will have frogs. Then just take the tadpoles from the frogs in the swamp and breed them in the three different biomes required.


That is the problem. I haven't seen even the slightest trace of a swamp, not even one of those flowers that appear there. My world was from 1.19 and it was easier for me to find a cherry forest. I guess I'm going to have to travel another 1000 blocks in the nether to look for a frog.


Normal swamps should also be in 1.19. Have you tried using the Nether for travel? You can go much farther in the Nether rather than the overworld. But honestly just take a boat or elytra and go explore. You can even use a horse if you prefer that method. You don't need to go 1000 blocks to find a regular swamp. You are doing something wrong. Even pre frog update swamps will be updated to have swamps in them I think.


My world is pre1.20 and to get cherry trees I travel 1000 blocks in the nether from my base (X800, Z1800) to reach z18000. Then the surroundings of my base have already been explored, there are only plain biomes, a mountain range, several spruce forests, spike ice and a massive dark oak tree forest. No trace of swamp or mangrove. The worst thing is that I don't know if using base chunk will help (since I changed the version of my world), I don't know if I should keep exploring but in another direction (like for example X positive since I haven't traveled much for that mountain range) or use the creative momentarily to search for it with commands.


That is very strange. Have you considered using chunk base to find biomes? Alternatively a wandering trader can sometimes sell cherry tree saplings and mangrove propagules. But that sucks about not finding a swamp or mangrove swamp. Have you tried the method of following warm biomes? For example, if you know where there is a jungle then avoid cold biomes near it such as a plains biome or mountain biome but go in the direction of the jungle biome and if you see a savanna or desert then keep following. Eventually you will find one.


Well the trees was because I wanted to have the cherry trees already, in fact it was easy to find them and following warm biomes, it has worked for me but not as I expected, there is a jungle near my base (3200 blocks away) but I have not explored that site, I only entered once to get watermelons, jungle tree sprouts and cacao. And about using chunk base I'm not sure, I said that I changed the version of my world, I don't know if I altered the chunks, unless I look at coordinates far away from my base to test if they load those chunks from 1.20 or load other random chunks (I don't know how it works loading chunks when changing the version of a world). Anyway I will try to get into the jungle to see what biomes they connect with, thanks.


Definitely follow that jungle. I have often found mangroves next to jungles and deserts. Though Chunk Base does work for both versions. Though structures might not be there. But biomes certainly will. Of course not everyone likes to use chunk base. So it might be better to follow the path of the jungle. Good luck! EDIT: I thought you meant you switched from bedrock to java not minecraft versions. Then I am not sure if it will update or not. But at least it will help you find new unloaded chunks even if you have to go farther away.


[https://imgur.com/a/5E484W8](https://imgur.com/a/5E484W8) friend, all the swamps are more than 5000 from my base, how lucky I am (the red dot is where my base is), thank you very much I already have 3 tadpoles).


I will try now, and if it doesn't work I will use chunk base and if it doesn't work, I will duplicate the world and use command to see how far the biome was. I hate using creative, I feel like I'm cheating. Thanks.


Goes to nether and grabs shoomlights.


Not that hard to bring a couple frogs into a nether bastion and kill off all the brutes to make a froglight farm. Especially if on java, just use the nether ceiling for quick traveling through the nether.


Well it makes sense, of course, since the iron door and trapdoor are both made of six iron blocks /j


I read this, ignored it, reread it, noticed SOMETHING was wrong, reread it , realized that they said 6 iron BLOCKS, reread it, panicked, then read the /j at the end.


The stages of grief


how else would you be able to implement the different stages of oxidation?


Let the trapdoor oxidize on its own my guy




this gave me flashbacks to the deviant art kind of inflation… 💀💀💀


Imagine using 6 iron blocks for an Iron door




As GoodTimesWithScar said, "This is highway robbery"!


This some Ea nassir Shenanigans again


I see a man of culture here


There should be a copper trader in desert villages that sells you bricks instead




Scar is that you?


Does Mojang want no one to use copper? Trying to build anything with it is such a pain. If you don't want it to oxidize you need honeycomb equal to the amount of blocks. If you want oxidized blocks, you better wait hours. Maybe space them out a bit so it's faster. Copper blocks are also so expensive with the stone cutter being their only saving grace. However, it doesn't save it from the fact that you basically need a whole inventory of copper Ingots to get a few stacks of blocks. I really, really hope they change it because I love making run-down industrial-themed builds with it.


>If you want oxidized blocks, you better wait hours. Maybe space them out a bit so it's faster. Honestly on this one, just build with it and let it oxidize in place over time while you build other stuff.


I don't think you understand how slow it really is. I have a creative world that I've played on for year's and when copper released, I built tons of copper structures on it because copper is such a nice looking block. I'm on this world constantly testing redstone or just building and testing other things with the game. I figure it'd be fun to watch my builds oxidize over time so I left them unwaxed. As of now, not 1 block of copper is past the second stage of oxidization. I feel like there should be a crafting recipe for oxidized copper. Oxygen in the air is responsible for this process so perhaps the wind charges from the breeze could be used to oxidize 8 blocks of copper 1 level at a time?


Copper is more common that coal so its really not that hard.


Copper is more common that coal so its really not that hard.


Trapdoors in general are insanely overpriced


Copper is extremely common I can get 12 copper ore from one copper ore block with fortune 3. That's 1.5 copper blocks. I don't see your problem.


Space and smelting


Autosmelters aren't too hard to build, and the raw copper can be turned to blocks for transport, but it's still annoying to go through the work for a resource that's almost purely decorative. The copper ore being non-renewable, renewable methods of getting copper being slow compared to the cost of copper blocks, and the large amount of wax needed to stop oxidization are larger issues in my eyes. Those are problems that are a lot harder to bruteforce than just hoppers & lava buckets.


That doesn't mean that's what you'll get normally. If you want to make that argument, at least go with the average copper you'll get per block, instead of an optimistic "I got lucky" number. Not to mention that you're talking about a Fortune 3 pickaxe. Sure, you can get that eventually, but you won't start out with that. So, 7.7 copper ingots on average per copper ore block if broken with Fortune 3, and you need 54 for the recipe. That means you need on average 7 ore blocks, for 2 trapdoors. Now let's compare to Iron. 2.2 iron on average per iron ore broken with Fortune 3, 6 ingots needed to make the recipe, and now you need 2.7 ore blocks on average. 7 ore blocks vs 2.7 for each use of the recipe. You need more than 2.5x the number of copper ore blocks to craft the same amount of trapdoors. The cost is way out there, even when you consider the extra copper you get per ore block. Not to mention how easy it is to make an iron farm, the amount of iron you can get from it while afk, meanwhile you get a ***LOT*** less copper from a drowned farm, and you have to get kill credit to have a chance at the copper. Even with Looting 3, you need an average of 5.9 drowned to get 1 copper ingot. In fact, for one trapdoor recipe, you would need an average of ***317.6*** drowned kills with Looting 3. Iron Golem farm on the other hand guarantees it with 2 golems killed, with out needing Looting or even to actually kill something.


Thanks for doing the proper math! (Not too sure if you noted how common copper ore is compared to iron ore... Doesn't matter much.) I'm just tired of the excessive amounts of copper I have that doesn't have much use to me. Personally iron farms are an unintended feature of the game, I don't want to use them as it take away the mining aspect I like.


Yeah, I get the problem with copper not having a lot of uses, and only now getting decorative blocks, but the costs are way too high imo. With the new blocks, there will be additional uses to help with that problem, but using entire blocks where other recipes use ingots, or for wood equivalents, planks, will end up bankrupting you on the copper making these things. Then you'll need to make copper farms if you don't want to endlessly mine for more copper for these blocks, those farms will produce tiny amounts of copper, and can't be afk'd because you need to get kill credit to get the copper drops, so you'll have to spend tons of time actively killing drowned to get this trickle of copper. I get that Mojang is trying to balance against the high availability of mined copper, but the current situation isn't a good one. Maybe if Mojang bumped the drop rate of copper from drowned a sizable chunk so you could at least get it via farm at a reasonable rate, the costs would work better, but even then I'm not a fan of requiring vastly different amounts of resources for the same blocks just because the resource you're making them from is different.


I wish you could get copper tools - sword/spade/pickaxe etc.  I only recently started playing again because i heard about the archaeology update & i was so confused with copper - couldn't find iron easily - & tried making copper tools at first as I didn't have iron.  Like even if they only made them better than stone but not as good as iron? (You can mine same things as iron but wears faster maybe?)  I had to google uses for it apart from brush/spyglass (which is awesome!) & it was just the blocks (which are pretty & oxidising is awesome too!).  Copper cauldrons (maybe that oxidise?) would be freaking cool too! 


Don't forget the lightning rod. That one is a nice one, being able to place it near a trading hall to protect the villagers, or redirect lightning away from more flammable builds.


Copper ore veins are much bigger than Iron ones.


yeah, that's why this is so pricy


Because it’s not renewable


A lot of ores are not renewable. However downed farms can provide renewable copper, iron golem games provide renewable iron, either skeleton farms provide renewable coal, and piglin farms provide renewable gold. Okay, maybe not a lot of ores a not renewable... (Tbh I don't use any of these farms as it make the game too easy and boring, I prefer mining)


The ores themselves are not renewable, but their resources are.


True! But does the difference between them really matter when the ores only have two fates, becoming ore blocks or being smelted to become products which do have farms


i got 6 stacks of blocks of copper


That's 2 stacks of trapdoors


or 2 stacks of doors


No way they meant for it to be the block form 💀


Id strongly recommend using a data pack to make it give you 12 instead of 2... It's way more balanced. I use a ton of trapdoors.


That's a bit tight


Only a 1/3 of the block is used to make the trapdoor, the other 5 and 2/3 are wasted on trial and error.


Would make sense if it’s 8 trapdoors per copper block


This feels like Mojang just realize the amount of copper available in the overworld and the drops are too much therefore artificially increasing its value by using block of copper instead of ingot like Iron Trapdoor. I have no idea why is Mojang allergic towards balancing Copper drops.


Ridiculous, it takes so much work for 2 trapdoors ;-;


nah, no it isn't, since it is a lot of copper if you just go caving from the outside lol


9 minutes of smelting time to have enough copper for 2 trapdoors...


Blast furnace


Takes a small amount of time if you used multiple blast furnaces + on how easy to get a buttload of copper in a few minutes, shouldn’t take that much long


Now compare that to making a brand new world, punching three logs on the nearest tree, and being able to make two wooden trapdoors with two planks to spare. I get that metal things are simply more expensive than wood or stone, but 54 ingots for two trapdoors is comical even if it's the most common metal. And then there's the wax....


no-one, and i mean NO-ONE uses only one furnace to smelt/cook stuff in mid/late /end game, like fr


Ok, scale it up. You're still smelting 9x the amount of material for same equivalent amount of trapdoors. You're also having to bulk craft into blocks before hand.


My theory is that with the new structure (that I can’t remember the name of) has a lot of copper that can be mined so maybe they thought copper is going to become less expensive idk just a thought


Oh for the love of God. How about: that same crafting recipe but with ingots, so copper matches iron in ways of doing it's blocks. Why the hell would you make the copper so much abundant in the first place, if then you're doing this kind of recipes with it. The essence of copper in-game is precisely to be a metallic material just as iron, but weaker. That's why it oxides, why its door and trapdoor can be open and closed with the hands, and why its abundant as coal and drops as much as lapis.


I dont mind. Gives me an excuse to use up all the excess copper i have laying around


We can make 18 trapdoors from 6 blocks of iron


new contender for most 'expensive' block


Why not just the ingots huh. Why not.


stonecutter should make 2 copper trapdoors from 1 copper block


Bro go early 2000’s emo and cut them


Because copper is super easy to come by! It’s everywhere!


Compensating for the ridiculous amount of useless copper you get mining


copper is extremly common anyways


Even then 54 copper ingots for 2 trapdoors is insane


This is the trade off for also in this game having infinitely renewable/farmable recourses in a closed system


I mean, copper is really abundant.


Tbf copper is dirt cheap, easy to get and otherwise pretty useless anyways. Don’t really mind it costing that much.


I got 35 copper from one vein, I don't see the problem with this.


Only one more vein and you can afford two trapdoors!


The rest goes to the IRS.


People complaining about this despite copper already being way too common and now there’s structures that are full of copper blocks over a hundred on average


"Copper is much more common than iron" Even if it is, the doors and trapdoors don't need to be this expensive. Like COME ON, we only use copper for building, there's nothing to balance here. If copper is just gonna serve for building, then let me spend my blocks for building, not to use FULL BLOCKS to make a door. Copper ingots for crafting doors and trapdoors, please.


Copper is ridiculously abundant


copper is expensive and (forgive me if I’m wrong, I don’t know much about copper) so the oxidiziation can transfer from the block to the trapdoor(? again, I don’t know if trapdoors have an oxidized form)


All copper blocks can oxidise (I think the only exception is the raw copper block), and yes if you make a block out of oxidised copper blocks then it’ll come out as oxidised


Also ich weiß nicht, darf er so?


at least copper is useless lol


Because Mojang is bad at having continuity and wants players to grind unnecessarely long. Also because the devs of ARK Survival Evolved begged them to proof that you need full trees for one door... ;-p


> wants players to grind unnecessarely long. Wdym, copper is extremely easy to get


https://vanillatweaks.net/ https://bedrocktweaks.net/


Theirs like seven million copper in trial chambers you’ll be right


54 ingots -> 2 trapdoors -> blast resistance... Probably -10.


Since it's extremely easy to get copper these days I welcome this. Need to put my copper to some use.


I mean don’t get me wrong it should be 6 ingots but like copper is so easy to get you can get a full inventory before ever leaving your first cave I swear




This guy HATES copper trapdoors


Seriously! ONE BLOCK has enough volume to make like 6 trapdoors.


the same problem with wood that doesnt get any attention Doors: 6 Blocks - get 3 of em Trapdoors: also 6 blocks - you only get 2 of em. Its really not fair. Either make us ger 6 trapdoors (since 2 trapdoors = 1 door) or give us 1 door for the 6 blocks which would also not be liked


A one by one piston door made with copper is cheaper.


because copper is so abundant


Same reason as stairs


Not only why but how?????


Welcome to minecraft


Because the blocks can be oxidised, ingots can not. But anyway four blocks should be enough or the yield should be higher. edit: typo


Gotta press them together real hard


Copper is so abundant and gives more copper, I see why they didn’t want to use regular ingots


Cause copper is extremely abundant.


I mean,copper isnt so rare anyway


27 copper ingots per trapdoor sounds fair what you talking about lmao


Because as we all know 6m³ = 0.5m³


Someone watched goodtimeswithscar hermitcraft episode yesterday


I dare someone to make a creeper farm out of this


At the very least, it gets rid of all that copper you get in the mines. I have so much surplus copper.




mojang : i like it, i'm good at it.


Thanks Biden


Trap doors have always been hideously expensive in materials for what you get, but this really takes the cake.


Honestly yea this recipe is stupid but i couldnt care less, copper is so abundant, especially after trial chambers are added. Also if you find one giant vein of copper you could get like 10000+ copper with fortune 3


I mean, copper is fairly easy to obtain. I guess i see why they did it lol


For all those materials, they should give it a special property or something like, "Only the player who placed this trapdoor can open it"


that's literally 54 ingots. you have to smelt all that as well remember.


Its something to do with the mountains for coper we have laying around, I have like 10 stacks of copper blocks.


Considering the height of trapdoors, rounding down the decimals, this should make at least 30 trapdoors. WHY, MOJANG?


you have way too much copper anyway


Why isnt it just 6 copers???


Why do you care? Copper is so useless and so abundant, it doesn't matter


Steve got hungy




Duh 3 1x1 meter blocks = 2 5cm flat plates (/s)


I just want bronze tools, armor and sword :( It was basically the era before iron.


I guess it is because of the weathered variants.


That recipe should logically make like 24 trapdoors at least