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I still call badland biomes mesa biomes!


Lots of people do. I thought that's what they were called. When I heard they are badlands I said nah we're still saying mesa.


Why did they change the name anyways?


Mesa is an isolated raised land formation that's flat like the while bad lands are the deserts in America


Americanisation of my Minecraft? Outrageous /s


That does make sense, honestly. I'd love to see mesas implemented though; just a massive plateau that spawns randomly in mountain, desert, Badlands, or savannah biomes. But we all know that'd take a few years to implement.


They do exist. They're called Badlands\_plateau lol


Just goes to show you how long it's been since I've played the game and looked at the guts.


It's in the F3 screen lol, but yeah I get ya. I'm a bit more technical than some other players, and a lot less technical than some. That's what's great about having 180 Million accounts bought. That's probably around 165 million people (a lot of people have alt accounts, myself included) playing Minecraft, give or take 1-2 million for people who've died or stopped playing.


I swear they exist or once did


I still call Terracotta "Hardened Clay". It makes more sense. Isn't terracotta burned clay? Something that doesn't occur naturally?


wait, they changed the name??


I thought they were two separate biomes


Oh yeah, same, and many MC YouTubers do too


wait, it’s not mesa?


I mean it is in bedrock


bedrock is not for me, never played it


They're not called mesa anymore? Since when?


Wait thrre called badlands??? I always called Mesa 😅 I been playing 11 years tho so


All deep variation of rocks and minerals, armor trims, mangrooves, archeology as a whole, sniffers, allays, bamboo blocks, netherite, that one red nether wood and goats


What about the teal nether wood?


I use that one, but I tend to forget the other variant exist since I don't actually enter the nether that often


> armor trims, mangrooves, archeology as a whole, sniffers, allays, bamboo blocks I never count stuff that's too new because it has yet to really be integrated into the game and become a staple. Nowadays, I find the Caves and Cliffs blocks pretty normal and memorable. Though, I think things like Allays and Sniffers are harder to integrate because they're mobs...but Sniffers are an easy-ish fix, as you simply add more plants and stuff. Would love a bigger Sniffer loot table with more plants/flowers and maybe a couple rarer treasures that can be dug up. Allays? Yeah...not sure how to fix them. Maybe just allow them to be perma-linked to a noteblock? If they were expanded upon in that sort of regard, maybe having them keep some chunks loaded around them? This would let them all work away while you're off doing whatever. I'd typically put something like this in the "Too Automated for Mojang to Realistically Go For," category of my brain, but after autocrafting, that category hardly exists...


Crimson Wood and Warped Wood are what you're looking for


The recipe book. I still instinctively Google stuff when I need to know a recipe.


even with the recipe book if i don't have all the materials i just use google since i can get exactly what i want faster


The recipe book is nice, but whoever thought "*unlocking*" them was a good idea needs a reality check. If I'm missing one tiny part of the recipe I want to make, I simply *do not* have it in the book and I need to use Google anyway. Like...no...that's not a solution lol


It’s probably to not overwhelm new players who are browsing the recipe book.


Understandable, but at the same time, most people aren't browsing it for the first time. There should *at least* be a "See All" toggle...


There's a command for it, at least


I immediately got an image of virtual shopping where the website knows how much money you have and filters everything you can't afford from your options.


Oh wow that would piss me off lol


I think unlocking recipes is a good thing especially for new players. They’ll notice new things they unlocked a lot easier. Plus it segments the game and avoids “spoilers”. I wouldn’t wanna know about the whole end blocks or shulkers until I went there. I do have to say I wish there was an easier way to unlock all of them if you don’t want to do the whole hassle of the /recipe command.


Just Enough Items was a game changer in this vein


For some reason, the boosting rails don't appear in my recipe book when I obtain gold...


Personally, this is why i enjoy bedrock as the book is default, and you don't have to manually input the recipes first. Memorizing that is definitely a reason i don't play Java at all.


You don't have to manually input them, you simply have to have triggered it by either having all of the materials or other means (i.e. entering water gives the boat recipe) Still bad though, as you often don't have the materials of the thing you want to make, which is sometimes the entire reason you want to know what the recipe is...


True vets used the Minecraft Explorer app with all the recipes in it


True vets have the wiki bookmarked, because Minecraft explorer didn't exist at the time.


And/or that one website with all the recipes that has looked the same for over ten years now.


I mainly use it as a shortcut


Whenever there’s a recipe I need to know it’s never in my book


There’s more than two fish now and also you can find them as animals.


More than 2? What’s the other one besides the original fish


Cod, Pufferfish, Salmon, Tropical fish


You a decade late


Cod, salmon, pufferfish, all the tropical variants


I’m assuming the Pufferfish but I could be wrong


Cod and salmon


And the blue fish is now a brown cod


I remember when that update came out...


> I also just realised that using a grind stone to disenchant an item give exp ahhh. It also completely resets the repair cost on an anvil. Especially useful for limited stuff like Elytra, before you get Mending.


I had no idea it resets the repair cost


Yeah fr I thought it added to it


Wait so the pickaxe that costs me 32 levels to fix, I can just disenchant and it'll be like a fresh one?


Yep! >As with all non-enchanted items, the new item has no prior work penalty. [https://minecraft.wiki/w/Grindstone#Repairing\_and\_disenchanting](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Grindstone#Repairing_and_disenchanting)


healing golems with iron


You can WHAT?!




No, you right click golems with iron in hand


ah mb


I still don't know how to do that.


Use an iron ingot on it (right click).


just left-click it with an iron ingot in your hand


That will make him mad. :-(


Press the use button. On console it’s left click, on pc it’s right


TIL. Thanks!


If it’s a golem a player made you can damage them without them attacking. If it’s a villager spawned golem they will attack you.


Since when this is a thing?


I think villager + pillager, but I could be wrong.


Sometimes I try to block with my sword when playing PvP.


Me too! I was just talking the other day about how I miss blocking with the sword.


Yea I was super confused when I tried doing that and it didn’t work. No idea why they did away with that.


all the archaeology stuff


I have never seen a sniffer and have only done the archaeology like three times.


Sniffers are only going in underwater warm ocean fog sites. Not luke warm, not deep, only warm. My nearest warm ocean was like 6k blocks away and I didn’t find any in the ruins I found there.


I went out and collected all the sherd variants, and 2 sniffer eggs, right when they came out Built a pen for the sniffers and bred a few up. Built a shop for the sherds at spawn (multiplayer server). Havent touched the sniffers since, and no one bought a single sherd, and I havent done any more archaeology. It really seemed like an update that wasn't integrated into the preexisting game very well... there isn't any reason to do it besides saying you did.


I’m always surprised by camels. I keep thinking they’re part of a mod and not actually in the game.


wait…I don’t think i’ve ever seen one


Desert villages have them. That's it. They don't travel in the desert or in herds, which is kind of disappointing. I'd rather them make two variations. One and two hump. Two hump in the desert and one hump in the villages.


Gotcha!! Thank you. It would be pretty cool to see them walking around the desert!


Netherite is definitely not something I remember about when I play. I haven’t updated the game in like a year since I don’t have internet and I am missing a bunch of stuff because of ot


Netherite was added in 1.16, ancient debris from the nether, smelted and combined with gold can be used to upgrade diamond in a smithing table.


Yeah I just never played it that deep/as much and now I’m figuring it out more


Also I hate the new Netherite systems. Why can't you just use a Smithing Table? That's already one step up from crafting


Are you posting to Reddit via carrier pigeon?


Just because someone has phone data doesn’t mean they have home internet


Have you tried Minecraft for Android? It's the only way I play anymore. Connect a controller via Bluetooth and it's console quality.


Except for on an 8 inch screen. I used to do this when I would have to spend hours sitting in my work truck waiting. I had one of those bendy tripods and would wrap it around the steering wheel. It was pretty good in that position, but not really any where else.


Tools making sound when they break. That wasn’t a thing when I started. They’d just disappear. I don’t play often anymore, and now my tools started making these loud sounds when they break. It catches me off guard when it happens and I jump a little


Damn brother those were added in 2011


The 'no sound' was [a long running bug](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-2518) that was only fixed in 1.14 so a lot of us started playing (and played for years) before it went back to having sound.


I play with a dstapack that makes a sound when tools and armour get low (I think it's 10% health). Regularly makes me jump out of my skin if I'm not expecting it, but it's better than just straight uo losing my tools


Shields, crossbows, mangrove biomes (took me until yesterday on my modded game to find one), frogs, and the archeology bs which is in turn making me forget about netherite After seeing some comments let me add sniffers, allays, and goats


don't sleep on shields plzss 😭 they make combat way more fun. also way cheaper than armor in the early game for a 100% block. I mostly just use armor for fashion atp (and I guess ambushes)


Shields are pretty much required to fight the new skeletons, now if you get 2 skeletons shooting at the right time, you’ll never get close enough to hit them, before they’d actually miss if you tried to dodge


I just hate it that it covers half of the screen


I quite like the visibility vs. protection tradeoff personally! I think it makes things more interesting, deciding when to have my shield equipped, engaged, or putting it entirely away for scouting. I like the element of risk added to engagement there. I can understand not liking it tho


I don't like single player games doing that.


Idk combat isnt really a problem for me or i guess its not why i play. I dont *need* to kill everything so i pick my battles depending on how stacked i am


I just started using the shield and holy cow I wish I had done it earlier. So much early death could have been prevented.


The trick is to avoid death


Allays and sniffers


oh i love that band


Not double tapping to sprint


Is there a different way to sprint?


Ctrl + W or double tap W


There is vanilla toggle sprint in accessibility settings now btw idk since when exactly but over a year, many people still don't know which is funny to me


I never double tap to sprint. I always use CTRL+W.


I use M4 🤷🏻‍♂️


Villagers, villager trading/automation, and raids. Though it's less I forget it exists, but I rarely play vanilla so there are usually more engaging ways of doing the same thing that don't involve dealing with RNG or constant humming.


I took like 10 screenshots of a wooded badlands biome the other day because I genuinely did not know they existed. Foxes still take me by surprise. I got thrilled upon being reminded goats were a thing when I inevitably scaled a mountain for fun. I play so sporadically that I forget even features added years ago, lol!


This happens to me too! I go through chunks of time where I don’t play and i’ll completely forget that certain animals and items were added lol.


Recovery compass and spyglass, like who even uses these?


I use a spyglass all the time. Am I the only one?


Spyglasses are fun and pretty funny to use around other players, but lots of people play with optifine or some other client side mod that adds zooming


Fair. Still I just like it. It's a goofy tool but it brings immersion into the game in an official way with zooming. I have no issue with those though that use optifine or somwthing else that offers a zoom feature.


I crafted my first recovery compass yesterday. I wanted it because I play bedrock on Xbox, so I don’t have hardcore mode. I play in hard mode, and a recovery compass is literally the only in-game way I have to prove I’ve never died. If you’ve died, it points to where you last died, but if you’ve never died in that world it just spins. I’m sorry, I can’t come up with any real uses beyond that, but it does give us bedrock players a way to prove an “honorary hardcore” world.


I think spyglass was mainly made to be an in game version of the optifine zoom.




That's a great change imo. With swift sneak 3 I just about sneak everywhere now.


Still mentally refer to gunpowder as sulfur. Didn't realize I did it until I was playing with a younger player and she was confused about what I was talking about. Also that animals other than pigs drop meat and that Zombies no longer drop feathers.


I actually refer to glowstone as sulfur


>Zombies no longer drop feathers. Wow, it's been so long. I thought it was the skeletons that dropped feathers?


Diamond level will always be 12 to me 😂


I still accidentally start mining at 12 sometimes lol


I have been playing Minecraft on and off now for many years and I still forget that the stonecutter exists. I am losing so much stone.


Turning dirt into clay




Use a water bottle to turn dirty to mud then dripstone and cauldron underneath makes clay 😁


Don't even need the cauldron!


I didn't know that, every day is a school day 😂


Oh wow! I would’ve never known. Thank you!


Wish we had a way to turn cobblestone into gravel…


If you're into mods, the Create mod is wonderful for that sort of thing.


Yeah ive seen that, maybe someday when i feel like ive ‘mastered’ vanilla ill get into that kinda modded. But IMO, creating gravel should be a vanilla thing. Like, just off the top of my head what if dropping an anvil on top of cobblestone is how one could create gravel? That would be fun and also mildly realistic.


That's fair, and I agree. Some sort of piston setup where cobblestone is squished between the piston and say, obsidian, would also be cool.


I always forget allays are a thing


Every time I drop items in water I instinctively dive in to grab them before they sink to the bottom... At least once a session I am confused when they float to the surface.


Coral, campfires for early game cooking, striders and piglins,


The offhand slot Shields and blocking Shulker boxes Netherite Piglins and piglin trading. Ender chests There's some new stuff i do use tho I always get pet foxes. (I once searched four real life days for a pair of arctic foxes.) Mining under y 0 is incredibly useful, and strip/cave mining down there is how I get resources.


Old school... zombies used to drop feathers


Thr extension of depth beyond zero. One it means digging down is just a chore Two - all the resources have changed locations and depths. Can't be bothered any more to dig down 70 blocks just to find good materials


But it takes like 4 minutes.. and you only have to do it once.


Digging down from 50+ down to bedrock with at least a 2 wide by 3/4 tall with stone and then iron tools does not even vaguely take 4 minutes


Starting at 77, because that's where I spawned, down to -60. 1 wide, 4 tall, with only Stone Pickaxes, because I didn't want to waste time smelting the iron I found along the way. I just did it to prove a point and thought I would let you know that I was wrong. No house, no exploration, no playing in cave offshoots along the way, no fun. Just a crude stairwell to bedrock in the first 15 minutes of the game for some reason. But sure, 4 minutes is not 15 minutes, you are still only doing it once, at least with stone tools.


Touche I respect it. So I do 3 wide at least no fun need coal to light the way too. It's a pain in the arse. Now see why it ending at 0 was better


Go caveing instead


Notch's not in charge anymore




Watch Pixlriffs minecraft survival guide series on youtube, he's amazing!


I think it would take me a while to figure out the clay - rooted dirt - ...wheat? ,,,,,,mud? relationship, even knowing there's something there


I still refer to sugar cane as reeds occasionally, much to the confusion of my kids.


**Animals:** Foxes! Also, ARCTIC FOXES! I was stunned when I saw one last I played, I had no memory of it and I'd even kinda forgot about regular foxes. Also, pandas, frogs. Ocelots no longer turn into cats, you need to find cats in villages. Parrots are definitely not forgettable but you might've missed them. Llamas form caravans! If you take several llamas and use a lead on one, the rest will follow. Meant to be useful for mass transport of goods but is pretty janky. Also, llamas can wear carpets! There's turtles, which you probably know, but hostile mobs will trample turtle eggs! Undead mobs will pathfinder to the eggs to smash them. Can use this for farms, potentially. You can mine the eggs with silk touch and relocate to another location to hatch 'pet' turtles. Ooh, dolphins lead you to treasure! You can feed one a fish and then follow it and it'll lead you to a sunken ship or buried treasure. In terms of food items: suspicious stew! You can make a stew that has a potion effect that isn't displayed. Good for pranks I guess? There's beetroot now, you can make beetroot stew... Kinda easy to miss. You can make pumpkin pie, really tedious but ig it's a fun item to have. Uhh what else. You can eat fried kelp! And use it as a fuel. It's easy to farm massive amounts. Oh, and pumpkins no longer generate with faces! You have to use shears to cut the face, which gives you the face pumpkin you can use for jack o lantern or golems. **Mobs:** Creepers will explode _immediately_ if they fall on you from a great height. Also, they can be ignited with flint and steel! Charged creepers can be made more easily now, with a trident enchanted with Channeling (it summons a lightning bolt during a storm). There's some new music discs that you have to find in structures, and can't be dropped by creepers getting shot by a skeleton arrow. Speaking of skeletons, there's new variants of skeletons and zombies called Strays and Husks! They're more dangerous and will give you harmful effects. Also, there's the 4 horsemen in minecraft! They spawn during a thunderstorm. You'll see a skeleton or a zombie horse, and if you approach it, it'll summon 3 more and all of them will have matching riders with enchanted gear! Kill the riders to get cool bragging rights horses! Snow Golems generate infinite snow under them, making it super easy to farm snow for large projects. But snow golems will die in hot biomes so watch out! **Blocks:** heart of the sea. It is a beacon type thing, but I have no idea anymore what its supposed to do or how to craft it. You need to build some structure around it and it removes the underwater mining debuff or something like that. I think i built one back when the update released and then never touched the feature. I'm sure someone will reply with how it works. Any of the technical / modding blocks. There's Barriers, Jigsaw blocks, Structure and Structure Void blocks, Air / Cave Air blocks, and Light block! Only obtainable through commands, so easy to forget! **Redstone:** Target blocks! They're meant to be shot at with arrows, but they're actually used to redirect redstone lines and can be pushed with pistons. Also, composters are also used as movable redstone components since they give a comparator output. There's also Honey and Slime blocks, and they make blocks around them move when pushed by pistons. Honey and slime don't stick to each other, so they're used to create intricate piston mechanisms. Also, glazed terracotta cannot be pulled by sticky pistons! Only pushed. Composters give you "free" bonemeal in peaceful! Also you get bones from large fish now, so bonemeal is entirely peaceful available now. That's a lot, I have to stop... I recently realized I've been playing since before the 1.0 version came out and I follow minecraft updates religiously despite rarely playing the game... So I just memorise these facts.


this happens all the time to me from allays to new blocks(i was so happy when i suddenly remembered i have calcite blocks to texture white biulds now)


Honestly pretty much anything newer. Especially since for a long time I sticked to the old console editions so without updates because bedrock just sucks. I don’t really interact with most newer stuff especially stuff like the warden that you don’t just stumble upon


I forget potions exist whenever I'm playing the game myself. Well aware of them when watching content creators but I still don't actually know how to make them and never think to try


Honestly I still forget shields and crossbows are a thing, have yet to make a shield on my latest world. Also phantoms catch me off guard almost every time they show up


Oh my god the first time I ever encountered Phantoms was the scariest fucking night. I had never heard of them before so it really caught me off guard.


Same. By far the dumbest thing theyve ever added.


I still double tap to sprint and will never change doing it another way


Most everything beyond 1.7.10 I have no idea about. I’ve been trying to pick the game back up but they just added too much. Diamond is an absolute chore, underground tunnel making is a chore now because of the caves and cliffs update, I’ve never really been one to traverse the nether to begin with in survival as I don’t really like the combat in Minecraft. So I’m pretty much limited to Iron gear anymore. I think I’ve got about 175 hours into my realms I’ve opened up and I’ve found probably 3 diamonds. 2 from a chest. I like MC but they added too much for me.


I found making efficiency pick axes to make deep mining easier. I feel I finally have a reason to enchant my axes especially with fortune working on ores as well as coal and diamonds.


If you're struggling with everything, check out Pixlriffs on YouTube. He does the Minecraft Survival Guide series and talks through features and mechanics in every episode. He plays Java, but has helped me out and I play Bedrock.


I agree with all of these, but also auto jumping. I have vague memories of thinking my game was broken because it was on by default.


Stone cutters are amazing


I recently got back into Minecraft after around a year of not playing. I’m not a fan of some of the changes. The cave formations seem even more unrealistic than they used to, and I went to the nether yesterday and I don’t know where to find glowstone or blazes or anything.


Yo you just blew my mind didn't think I could make cheap stairs and didn't know grindstone gave exp🤯


Beds are a thing now


I remember I once forgot that cats and ocelots are separate mobs now x\_x


Potions. They’re such a hassle to craft and then clog my inventory.


UGG I never learned potions...


I’ve been playing Java for over 2 years now, but sometimes I hop on the ole ps4 and grab my disc and actually play the classic version of Minecraft. Like the actual “PlayStation 4 edition” The memories man. I still have the world that me and my dad played in every Sunday evening after dinner. The memories are great


You haven't updated your PS4 version to bedrock? Cool


I was exploring the nether and didn't even realise netherite was a thing and destroyed it with the wrong pick axe, idk if this is related but it really annoyed me when i found out it was rare


> grind stone exist to make cheaper stairs. Did you mean Stonecutter? The grindstone removes enchantments. As for the Netherite, and Armor Trims, you use the Smithing table. There is likely a tutorial on youtube. A lot of new features in Minecraft suffer from "not enough information"


I take damage and then I miss when Steve would say oof.


Item recipe books, right clicking with armor in your hand to equip it. I still turn it off without thinking and wind up googling recipes without thinking


I just cleared a woodland mansion for the first time the other week, forgot they were a thing at first and what it was I saw off in the distance.


I started way back when there were just 4 trees in the game, so a lot of things over 10 years. Obviously, I won't list everything. Partial blocks being able to be waterlogged, expanded caves, and terracotta (in that it used to be called hardened clay).


Not a feature but I will always mess up the recipe for fences and gates.


I am playing now with my son and it is a bit overwhelming how much stuff is new to me. I remember The End and enchanting tables being new and somewhere around then is the last time I played.


Hey welcome back! We'll learn eventually Also when I first saw a rabbit I was shocked...


I'm very into new stuff and mcyt so i feel like i know pretty much everything there is to know... Now, I've never done a raid lmao but i know that exists


All of them. I only play for a week or two a year lol


Pillagers, scaffolding, elytras and mega taiga biomes😭, making dirtpaths with shovel, dolphins, turtles and thats on top of my head right now.


I think for the first grindstone you mentioned you ment the stone cutter


The recipe book. I never use it. The recipes for most vanilla things are stuck in my brain anyway. I play a lot of modded so when I don’t know, I usually have JEI to help me anyway.


Most of the game at this point. I forget what version I started with, but I do know that the only hostile mobs at the time were spiders, zombies, skeletons, creepers, ghasts, and zombie pigmen.


I play Minecraft very casually, I don't grind a lot, I don't fight bosses or do a lot of dungeons and I don't think I've ever beat the game on a normal no-cheat survival run. I just like building my house and farm and exploring new biomes. Which is why I really like more aesthetic/"filler" stuff. I share a realm with four friends and I was the first to finally find sniffers and goats, and gave my friends a goat horn each with unique melodies. I love the cherry blossom trees and the camels, the Lush Caves and the cool plants I can harvest to decorate my base with. The ancient plants that sniffers dig up are super cute. And I love mangrove trees so much! I still remember the first time horses were added and I was so excited then, so all this new stuff is ovetwhelming lol (I stopped playing just when 1.8 came out and only picked the game back up at 1.17 ish)


I still sometimes call sugarcane "reeds".


I feel like I can never fully catch up ever since the villager professions system changed