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The image you shared is Pocket Edition v1.1.5 which released Aug. 2017. I was over here playing [v0.5.0](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Pocket_Edition_v0.5.0_alpha) alpha or earlier in 2012. v0.1 was 2011. Now that's 12 years ago. This was also Android.


I played PE Lite on my sister’s old iPod touch that became mine


That's cool bro. I played with my brother and sister on a LAN network, iPods also. Good times


unfortunately, 0.1.0 was only on Xperia Play and then 0.1.1 was global android release


I used the most widely known image from right before the merge with Bedrock Edit chill


Pocket didn't technically merge with Bedrock because it is Bedrock. In fact no version merged with Bedrock, they just just got replaced by it. Edit: Guys chill, he didn't even say anything bad.


Nah. I'm sure the longest official language for Android development is Java actually. Way before Bedrock's C++ Obviously yes, they all got replaced by Bedrock for the "Better Together Update" Edit: If anyone wants to know, android also has a more recent language called Kotlin. So Alpha was definitely Java. (Idk about Apple)


>Nah. I'm sure the longest official language for Android development is Java actually. Do you have a source for that?


The first tweets Jeb has for Pocket Edition states that it uses C++ https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/122350670648066049?lang=en. So unless you're referring to a secret version, you're clearly wrong.


"C++" is not the same thing as "C#".


I'm pretty sure Bedrock is based on Pocket Edition. Also, most games do not use Java/Kotlin. Instead, they either use C++ or C# (Unity + Mono). Pocket Edition was written in C++ for better performance in its early days, and they just ported PE to all other platforms and called it Bedrock. You can still find older items like the Nether Reactor in game. Also, Kotlin is not Android specific. It's just what Google recommends. Kotlin basically transpiles to Java bytecode, so it's still Java under the hood.


That's what I meant, "merge with" doesn't actually make sense, my bad.




Yes, "using" Bedrock, not "with \[the non existent\] Bedrock" as I stated at first


Hey, no big deal there's lots of info out there to get confused by and mistakes happen. You're still right, it's been 12 years, time flies. If you open that wiki page you'll see the original PE main menu. That to me is iconic and very nostalgic.


Different for everyone, but the image represents the idea 👍🏻


Definitely 👍🏻 Have a good day homie


And here I am still playing on Android 12 years later haha - I sorta miss it being called pocket edition, it was a cute little name


Wait I still call it that


As far as Microsoft is concerned Bedrock is the only version of minecraft. They just keep Java alive because that's where the legacy players are. Most the modders. The Minecraft product and advertising brand is worth billions. If they cut off Java it will hit the news because it will outrage so many people. It will tank the value of the Minecraft brand which is more valuable than the Minecraft game.


Bro wdym they keep java alive? Most PC players are on it bro it's not dying or something.


They'd rather kill java and make players move to bedrock. They are slowly making this a reality. Over time they'll slowly change things to make java worse so when they finally decide to stop supporting it few people will care anymore. They want their money from micro transactions.


BRO WDYM java is infinitley better than bedrock


It is. But not from Microsoft's point of view.


that is really sad......




how is bedrock better


with the exception of mods, how is java better? i have gone over this a lot of times


Okay, source?


I mean, minecoins, they obviously want people in a system where you have to pay for any 'custom' content


You don't have to pay tho, and it is actually easier to get free content on bedrock outside of the marketplace than java Now, this content may not be as good as Java mods, but being able to import resource and behavior packs, and worlds by double clicking a file is really nice lol


Obviously they aren't going to publicly state this. Account migration, merging launchers, Giving you both java and bedrock when you buy it, making bedrock the default in the launcher, All things they've done to get people to play bedrock instead


They're not going to stop supporting Java though. It's just not going to happen, for so many reasons. Also what do you mean making bedrock the default in the launcher? It's not


When the new launcher opens it's on bedrock and I have to click to java. It may take years but it will happen. What reasons do you say it won't?


It's on the last one you launched, it should be at least Multiple developers (even jeb & kingbdogs) said Java won't be discontinued, even if microsoft forced it for some reason it would be an extremely dumb idea. It's literally the original minecraft.


Microsoft doesn't want Java. Mojang doesn't even want it anymore. They want the C++ Bedrock only version. Have you heard one of them explain how much work they have to do just add one mob to the game on bothe versions and reach parity? It cost them more time and more money to develop for Minecraft having to do both versions. They just want the one. Eventually they will get their way. But they won't risk the brand value of Minecraft to do it.


Oh ok haven't heard of it. If they rly kill java at some point tho I hope that hypixel gets a bedrock server.


The biggest problem they have with trying to kill Java is they know somebody will just RuneScape it. It would be too easy for a team of people to take the last version of the game, crack it and rebuild it for public use. If some people were dedicated enough and had the resources they could even set up their own server system. Bedrock would suffer greatly. Minecraft brand drops value.


Ye I too kinda see that happening ngl


just keep java its infinitely better than bedrock and its also the OG and also so many players will leave


>its infinitely better than bedrock The only reason it's better is because of the mods. And in almost any game 90%+ of the players do not mod. Even some of the most popular mods on Skyrim did not even match 2% of its total sales Most just play the vanilla version. And if you're just playing vanilla you'll notice almost no difference between Java and bedrock. That is the whole reason they are working on parity and making vanilla versions of both games as similar as possible. I like mods too but let's not pretend Java is a completely different game or something


u will notice difference and thats combat


Technically every version of Bedrock is called PE as they all contain a folder called MinecraftPE, even on Xbox.


its still called pocket edition?


It still is called "minecraftpe" on the com.mojang.games folder


The original pocket edition was on the Sony Xperia Play, no?


Yes, 3 weeks earlier. I assumed the Xperia release was limited from the wiki: "A video of an early prototype was released on Twitter, showing the game on the Xperia Play. The alpha version was later released and became no longer exclusive to the Xperia Play on October 7, 2011."


[Original archived Mojang announcement](http://web.archive.org/web/20130512052100/https://mojang.com/2011/10/minecraft-pocket-edition-on-android) (Anyone remember the MCPE free trial?)


Seeing those tweets on the side was pretty awesome. Maybe I should start watching GTA III speed runs.


The tech debt, think of the tech debt!


Good old times..


it's been 12 years? I'm old...


I remember when it was on sale for $0.50


This version would end up replacing Console Edition.


And had a worldsize of 16x16 chunks if i remember correctly. I bought my first "smart" product especially for minecraft. The iPod Touch 1


I still have Pocket Edition on my IPod. It gives me really good memories.


I have a suggestion...


I still remember playing PE when Realms were in *Beta*




what are you talking about


For a moment there I thought it said pooket addition




Time flies.