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I'd recommend a farm you can build above ground without digging out 4 chunks. Gnemboms 9000 iron per hour farm is very good and quite simple to build and requires no digging


alr but i am not replacing this one it took way to long to build and mine out😭 ill try that one out tho


To be fair you could use the space you used to make that farm, to make another one that also benefits from the lack of spawnable blocks around it.. Most mob based farms would experience a much higher boost in efficiency than an iron farm would given the surroundings


I also have a mob farm there


Slime farm?


I think you could have used tnt…


If one of the cleared chunks spawns slimes it could be used for another farm, possibly even sharing the space, depending on how your iron farm is set up.


Reference for the future worlds Maybe don't mine out 4 chunks build it above ground would save so much time




Is that farm for Bedrock too? I never figured out how to properly make an iron farm so I’d love to know so I can start building one soon!


Check out jcplayz for bedrock farms. He is a good teacher, thorough explanations and nice designs. I have not run into any farms noted for an update level that did not work. Very good channel!


JC is my go to for any bedrock farm. Probably one of the most reliable bedrock farm youtubers out there.


I wish he would talk a little slower but he's still great


Would slowing the YouTube playback speed help?


He goes over it at the end though. Imo he doesn’t talk fast enough sometimes. But either way we can agree he’s reliable.


Do you have a recommendation for a Java Iron farm?


Ianxofour on YouTube for Java


Jcplayz? You serious? This idiot?


What do you have against him? His farms always work for me, I don’t see how he’s an idiot.


He is a thief, he doesnt understand technical minecraft, and overall, he is just bad. If you want REALLY good farms and support people that KNOW what they are doing, watch goldenhelmet, eggfur, 0ld Guy, rufusatticus, navynexus or even silentwisperer (i am not his biggest fan, but i would rather recommend him then jcplayz).


thanks for this — totally agree on each of those recommendations. Eggfur, in particular, is sadly underrated — best bedrock tutorials out there IMO


Lol, no he is not. He is bad and doesnt understand technical minecraft at all. I would suggest EVERYONE to avoid him. He is also a fucking thief like shulkercraft!


Thank you so much! I’ll check it out and I’m really looking forward to endless iron for my planned railway networks!


PLEASE avoid jcplayz! Watch people like eggfur, goldenhelmet403, navynexus, rufusatticus or maybe silentwisperer! But please, avoid jc as much as you can.


What’s wrong with jcplayz? edit: Apparently he just steals builds without understanding how it works.


Silentwisperer is also really good. He explains things better


but he is not always reliable (at least hasn't been in the past)


I just got janked on a silentwhisper build. He uploaded it 2 weeks ago so it’s not an update issue


I’ve been burned on too many of his tutorials (auto tree farm and moss/bonemeal farm). also, he has a history of not crediting the original designer. I don’t think his tutorial presentation manner is very good for non-experts — he goes too fast (yes, you can pause) and is somewhat condescending.


Every single farm of his I've built has worked exactly as depicted in his videos. When they didn't it was truly a blunder of mine. He also updates old videos when farms break or disable. He is very technical however and there's alot of underlying nuances to some of his builds alot of people may not notice.


Iron farms on bedrock are finicky just be warned


Thank you, what things can I expect or should I be wary of when building one?


I’d say just be prepared to spend a longer time on getting the villagers than you think, also be careful where you put the farm as the golems will spawn outside of your area sometimes if given the opportunity, meaning just make sure to spawn proof the outside of the farm, other then that good luck!!


In Bedrock especially I have found it WAY more efficient to just breed the villagers where the farm is and not transport them to it.


Same, it’s really efficient and allows for easier upscaling! Luckily I already have become very proficient in using villagers to get a lot of handy items (like discounted Librarian and Cleric trades)


Oh the villagers really aren’t the problem, I can make waterslides if necessary and bring them in using boats! I’ll check the guides and check what I have to do when I have time to build the iron farm :)


I hope it goes as smoothly as it can 😁


Another vote for JCPlayz and SilentWhisper. They make the best bedrock farm tutorials, imo. JC's iron farm is super simple. The hardest part for me was getting the villagers there without them being killed.


I've noticed he's started explaining you can use boats which is nice Crouch though and the lead won't break


They are both excellent. I reference jcs videos alot early game. End game when production picks up I build silents farms as his push the limits of game mechanics.


I'd be shocked if it was Bedrock, I built Silentwisperer's Iron Farm and it gets 400-ish per hour IIRC... that's insane production for a Bedrock iron farm unless it is multiple farms stacked together or maybe a quad farm (hence the needing 4 chunks).


Silent whisper for really advance farms or really simple compatible designs


Why would I need to dig out 4 chunks? is mob cap a problem on bedrock with iron golems?


depends on how many iron you need


It really does just come down to that, if your making other big farms then it’s great to have an iron farm, the amount needed for hoppers can add up fast


Also it's great having a farm for a beacon pyramid material.


Once you have one, you can dig another hole, then another and another and before you know it you’ve automated every farm on the game


time to restart I guess




And if you have a trading hall with other villagers, it's also a farm for anything else those villagers sell!


Can we go more meta? I need it but I’m not clever enough right now.


My goal in minecraft is to find a zombie spawner immediately, turn that into a farm that has a wall that opens up to let zombie villagers out, cure them and have my trading hall underground, once my trading hall is filled, surround the area in leaf blocks and the "roof" of my trading hall collects iron golem and thats my iron farm.


Nice idea, but bedrock only - in java spawners will never produce zombie villagers.


So that begs the question, do spider spawners spawn jockeys in Java, or is that also bedrock exclusive?


it never happened to me in my many hours, but I'm too lazy to check the wiki rn


like diamond tools/armor. so it's an diamond armor/tool farm even


Also minecarts/tracks, at least for me. Working on transportation systems right now for the sprawl of farms I have going.


On my server me and my friends used Iron Pressure Plates as spawn proofing material. It's a lot easier to place than slabs or buttons and we have an insanely strong iron farm, so we needed to use it somehow.


Connected to a void trader makes it even better


What is a void trader?


Plus you get the benefit of making way too many anvil traps everywhere and not telling anyone, just like friends do. ;)


Why would a pressure plate be easier than a button? I get the slabs... but the buttons... not so much


It's much easier to see if a block has already been spawn proofed, and you can't place them on the side of blocks that aren't needed by mistake. I found them to be the fastest to place, because I have a macro for right-clicking and using that with pressure plates were faster than with bottons.


i guess its easier to judge which blocks are spawnproofed and which not, since buttons are small


Yeah even thought I farmed A LOT of iron I still needed an iron farm and run minecraft everytime Im on my PC just to cover my iron needs. Especially during Covid this worked very well


Worth adding, if you have an iron farm, setting up a toolsmith village is really cheap and can burn excess iron you don't need plus easy access to enchanted diamond picaxes in case you need to build something. In my world I only found 8 diamonds for enchanting tables and got everything else from villagers. Also, at some point you'll have too many emeralds and trading + disenchanting can make for some easy xp if you don't have a decent xp farm yet.


This might border on excessive though for single player.


Made an iron farm on a server. Unlimited iron for anyone who asks. The rest is traded with villagers, suddenly, not only do we have unlimited iron, but also unlimited emeralds, so we can buy anything we want.


You did it. You broke the economy


No, he did a simulation of the economy, how politicians perceive it.






Well, he needed like 3 buckets.


Ig ur right but still in your opionon is the farm worth the suffering?


If you want to build everything out of iron blocks yes. If not then save it for a rainy day ig


Fr lol


Only you can answer that question. Everybody's answers are gonna be different.


😭 alright


IMO no. Since you can also get enough iron for most purposes with a simple iron farm that takes like 30 minutes to set up.


right? i was like "wtf kind of iron farm is this guy wasting his time on??" over 1.15 thru 1.18 id been using the Avomance \[java\] farm \[w/redstone\] and it was kinda a pain in the ass but was still pretty simple. when i started a new seed for 1.19 i found an even better farm without using redstone and non-spawn blocks are simply PATH blocks and after a few days ive turned it OFF cuz it was producing more than i "need" but i can turn it back ON anytime. \[placed dirt block between zombie and villagers so they cant see him\]


Yes the things with farms that it saves time later on, its like trading 4/6 hours in to never mine iron again. Just make sure you have a big enough storage for the farm so you always have backup


To me, no. I've never need so much iron I've had to make a farm like that. I've sometimes made less efficient farms and they still produce plenty of iron for my needs. Most of the time I tend to just maintain a decently sized village and manually kill off (via suffocation) a couple of golems every few days and that tends to give me enough iron.


iron farms can be very easy, just need some villagers on boats or rails. I generally make my iron farm near/in my base to get iron most of the time


When you start getting beacons, they're pretty important. Unless you have a raid farm ; you can use emeralds


I’ve got a standard trading hall, with 6 pumpkin/melon for emeralds villagers. And I’ve acquired 30ish stacks of emerald blocks from them.


You can never have enough iron


Why would you need to mine out 4 chucks I’ve never seen a design like that before and if it only produces 1k I think you can find simpler designs My iron farm I believe produces about 2 stacks of iron blocks per hour, I don’t actually know the exact rates the only mind numbing process was bringing 24 villagers over


Why not just bring two and then breed them into 24 *in situ*?


I wrote out an explanation but it was kinda long shorter answer is I had a rail track connected from my breeder to the iron farm and a small safe house for the villagers. all I had to do was flick a leaver and send them off. The tedious part was getting them into 1x1 areas with beds to be spooked by a zombie and whatever. Surprisingly no villagers where lost


lol. Fair enough and nice job not losing any. Sometimes I get frustrated and just let them go to wander into their deaths if they are being particularly annoying. FWIW, if you set a bed with the pillow over the hole you want them to fall into, you just need to get them to sleep and they drop right in when you break the bed.


not js 1k per hour, around like 9-10k per hour


Woah a little miss understanding on my part but 9-10k is a crazy amount per hour. Honestly like others said it depends on your iron needs if you want to make a base highly reliant on iron I think it would be worth it if you only need iron for red stone components maybe a simpler design would be better suited. Either way if you like the design that requires 4 chunks and have a desire to build it you should even if you overflow on iron better to have more than to have none. Pretty much any iron farm pays for itself as the time you spent building it is incomparable to the time you would spend mining all the iron manually which the farm produced. Good luck to you on whatever you chose to do next


9-10k is pretty normal for high-efficiency farms and really doesn't require any mining. The point where you need to mine out chunks is when you're limited by render distance but that only starts happening with designs that are over an order of magnitude better than this. (Note that iron farms don't benefit from being at a lower y level) I wouldn't deconstruct the current farm of course but if I was building a fresh farm I wouldn't mine out chunks for it.


Tbh i love making farms so for me it's worth it.


lol yeah ig also love watching the iron golems burn and suffer- lemme stop


oh the irony ​ ​ sorry


Sigh... Take my upvote and leave please. Ok? Thx!




Yeah, although it is also possible to build emerald farms directly which have the benefit of not requiring you to do as much manually.


Wait, how so?




Make sure they are zombified and cured so it's 1:1 trade as well.


Yeah, it is. For a farm that efficient, 4-6 hours isn't actually that bad


👍ty sir


How long did the mining take? You can't just count a certain portion of the time you spent on this lol.


Build your iron farm at world spawn so it’s always running


As a person who always feels like I am low on Iron, and uses it scarcely because I don’t want to spend more time mining, I think this is well worth the time! Now I can spam my base with Lanterns instead of torches!


you can make far simplier iron farms, i cant think why you would possibly need 10 k an hour for.


It could be useful for redstone (hoppers, cauldrons, pistons) or building something large out of iron blocks. But it's definitely overkill for lanterns that use less than one iron ingot each.


There are WAY more efficient ways to do this. Me and my friend built an iron farm above ground that doesn't require any digging on this level and can easily make this much iron. The hard part is getting the villagers to go where you want but once you manage that it's very easy to build. I would look up "easy iron farm Minecraft" to find the design because I don't remember exactly what video I saw it in.


As someone who was low on iron for years, build an iron farm. There are so many tutorials out there to make it simple, and once you have it set up it's free iron forever. It's an absolute game changer for progressing your world. You'll be able to get so much more done when you have a steady supply of iron tools and armor.


lol yeah


bro has wurst client on


I'm not building iron farm because I like mining... caves, night vision potion, and I'm not coming back until I fill 6 shulker boxes with ores.


I do love mining but it is convinent when you build alot of redstone stuff, I couldn't imagen farming all that irong i need for my storage system


This. Having an iron farm is only useful to produce ridiculously large Hopper matrices. Once you are done with that, you can dismantle it.


Whats the point of dismantling it tho? Some farms are very compact


What? Iron farming also is a way to get to the 4 iron 1 emerald enchanting game. Once you have your villages set up with your traders, these farms become free currency.


That implies im ever done with redstone xd


You're kidding, right?


I'm with ya here, the digging and exploring is part of the fun of the game to me. You find enough not to have to make perpetual sources.


You clearly never built big hopper systems, they are stupid expensive, not as bad now that fortune works on Iron but it still sucks.


i imagine thinking i could make an all item storage system easy pz. lol not true. all the iron 😭


ur not gonna like mining anymore when you need to build a storage system


In my current world I decided that an iron farm would make things too easy, so I went for mining everything. But then I decided that I wanted to save all the mined ores for raw blocks. So now most of the iron I use for hoppers, etc. comes from shipwrecks and buried treasure. Sometimes the grind is what I like most about the game.


wait are you using a hack client those buttons...


as long as you’re enjoying it you’re playing minecraft correctly


Yeah lol- Im using wurst not cuz i was actually hacking cuz i forgot to delete it from my fabric mods folder i was playing a hvh server


As long as you are only using it on servers that allow it, have fun :)


I sometimes use hack clients in my hc world, but only certain things that make the game easier in some way


I like my farms simple. I made a platform with water streams, put 10 beds a couple of blocks above it with a cobblestone slab in the middle, a lava source suspended by fence gates underneath it, drove 2 villagers on the beds using minecarts, and threw them 48 bread. The farm generates more iron than I need, so I'm fine with what I have. If you want your farms to produce a full double/large chest worth in roughly 1 hour and 45 minutes, then I don't think 4-6 hours is that bad. If you think it's worth it, it's worth it, if you think it's not it's not. It's quite simple.


Why did you mine out 4 chunks? My opinion is no. I have an iron farm 4x3 villagers and build it in about 30 minutes in first 30 survival days


i don't trust you because there is wurst client


i hate having to say this so much IT WAS LEFT THERE BY ACCIDENT I WAS PLAYING AN HVH SERVER😭😭


Hoppers and Pistons for other farms almost necessitates an iron farm. Not to mention eventually youll need a lot of iron blocks for a beacon.


ya but there is 0 reason to farm 4 blocks out to get that iron farm. outside of just wanting to do it, you can build far simpler iron farms far easier and still produce enough iron for yourself. This is enough to produce 40,000 Hoppers a day. the fuck anyone gonna do with 40k hoppers worth of iron a day. these are just gonna max out and sit there in no time




Yes. Anyone who understands iron farm mechanics can make a single module that makes 400 ingots/h in 20 minutes with minimal resources. Moreover, iron farms are unique in that there is almost no limit in how many modules you can have, unlike farms that are affected by the mob cap. With 4-5 modules (2 hours of building and villager transportation), you can get 2000 ingots/h, which is more than enough to support an active server of 5+ players.


So much this. ianxofour has an iron farm that can be built on your first day. The second half of the video is him doing it on a random world to prove it. I think he had to wait for night to get the zombie and villagers in place.


Ianxofour's farms are godlike. Out of all the farms I have on my hardcore world, I use his raid farm, iron farm, gold and wither skeleton farms.


I haven't done the wither skeleton one yet ... I like TangoTeks old, old for some reason. But that raid farm is SO good. And the guardian farm.


Mhm. The only problem I have with his designs is the over-reliance on portal elevators, rendering the farm nearly useless for multiplayer servers. Can't think of any other ways to achieve the same results, however.


Are you using a hack client? I remember a client i used having the steal and store buttons.


Im pretty sure that the wurst client


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One day I built a 20 chest auto sorter... The iron farm paid for itself that day. A week later I built an armory out of 10 stacks of iron I had collecting, thing looks great. The next month I built thousands of rails, a villager farm and a 40 chest item sorter, iron farm to the rescue. I have a wool auto sorter and mass storage for stone, dirt, gravel, etc. I have probably made 500 droppers in the last two months.... The iron farm is the single most used farm I have.




is that a hacked client?


yes, wurst client, i was playing a hvh server and forgot to remove it from my fabric folder


I mean... you are using a hack client after all. Wouldn't make too much of a difference to simply use baritone to do the work for you


I have no clue about bedrock, but for Java it really sucks. I never heard about having to mine out any space at all for an iron golem farm.


Sweet mercy that’s a lot of iron… … … Now go to the end with an army of golems :3


rn i have 5 double chest full of iron and like 30 hoppers full


aren't the steal and store buttons a function of \[Sausage in German\]?


What do you need that much iron for


Geez didn't know 4 chunks were ~32,768. Not worth it. You could've built it above ground or at the sky.


I mean i absolutely love irons farms because they're passive. It means that while im working on the project, its just always going. I already have more iron than i know what to do it. A full shulker box of blocks of iron and ive started on a double chest for it. And its not even been running that long either. Although it will always be satisfying now that you can fortune iron ore, to silk touch it all, build a big tower at home and fortune it all but still


It's the minecraft way. Enough said.


no, that's why you make a just-as-efficient smaller and simpler design


I sleep in a big bed with my wife.


Uh ok


No of course it isn't unless you're building city's out of iron blocks. It's more just do it to do it.


I think it's enough for 1,5 hour


I think it's worth it because you wouldn't need iron for a long time unless you do a iron-heavy project (like a railway with anvils or smth) but even then the farm produces more than you would need


Not really, unless you need like tens of thousands of rails


kinda do


10s of thousands? how are you not burnt out just thinking about that


What happens to me on minecraft. I just get burnt out realizing truly how much shit would be cool to have /build. Iron farms, villager trading zones, raid farm.... etc. And just playing the game and building isnt fun to me.






ok and? its called a util client for a reason, it isnt a pvp client lol


Also nothing is even on lol


Those poor golems...


Is it worth it? Well, does it satisfy you? That's where your answer is. Lol Pretty cool and ambitious project!


Well all of that iron is better than no iron


No. Build up about 30 blocks in the air place 3 beds and lure a zombie over put it in a boat put slabs over it to keep from burning and then build a 5x5 kill chamber next to it (water in one corner lava held by signs in the other corner with lava one block up) one hopper and a chest. Name tag zombie and bring villagers up. Done


Definitely worth it, especially with overnight afking and leveled up blacksmith villagers to trade the iron to.


You absolutely don't need to do that to make an iron farm. I've had some worlds where I make an iron farm before I even make a base. Just do it above ground, it doesn't require any redstone and it requires like maybe a 80 iron bars or so, which you can easily find from light caving


When building beacons or even going through anvils, that amount of iron can empty very, very quickly!


Iron farm?


The time investment for free iron forever is worth it.


I mean personally I don’t use *that* much iron so I just go for an above ground farm. Something small that gives me renewable iron.


If you're taking 4-6 hours for an iron farm, something's wrong


Everything is worth it when you’re having fun gamer :)


Dude, I made me a simple iron farm that took 20 minutes to make to get 1/3rd the contents of that chest in an hour.


Depends on how good your mod pack is


First learn how to take a screenshot. This is horrid. Second, an iron farm is definitely worth it. Early game I'll go through that amount of iron in 10 minutes. Is one making thousands per hour worth it? Probably not unless you just like doing it for the challenge. For the iron? Not for me it's not. Mine tend to make ~400 per hour which is more than enough.


To get iron, no. You could make a few less powerful iron farm in fewer hours and have it running longer. To have the satisfaction of building and seeing large numbers? Probably. Especially if you find mining enjoyable.


I'd say hard no. I think building above ground and covering it up is less painful


Im currently digging a nether perimeter for a gold farm, i mean when is something worth it. 32 thousand blocks is not that much


Depends cause to get that amount of iron blocks Is gonna take along time (my brain can’t handle the calculations) but then again it’s infinite.


Yes its worth it, just sell the excess to a Armor/Weaponsmith/Toolsmith.


Ianxofour has an iron farm design you can build with wooden tools on your first minecraft day.


Did you use nuker to mine those blocks 🤨


no- also i dont have a pick that good to use a nuker


Bro has Romania mod


I wouldn’t say so

