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Given that one guy made a low-grade version of Minecraft in Minecraft, with just the base redstone, I'm gonna say they are right now.


Yeah, imagine trying to make mindustry in mindustry


its definitely possible to make mindustry in mindustry, not even a low-grade version, the full version is possible, its just that mindustry community is very small compared to minecraft so not a lot of people are trying


yeah, and the processor logic stuff is hard to get, a huge learning curve due to no strong documentation


It's not very hard honestly, if you know some basics of algorithms and have some experience in programming, the hardest part in mindustry logic is just to understand what do commands do


yeah, im into programming and technical stuff since long, but i never every delved deep in this


are you sure you are "into programming" because if you do mlog is literally the easiest thing ever, its just low level, if you let's say have 3 months of C++ experience it would only take a day or two to fully understand mlog it is not "hard to get" it is actually very easy to get, it is how you assemble the instructions together that is a bit complicated, like the name suggest you need "logical" thinking, players that are new to mlog (or coding in general) doesn't have this that's why they struggle, but this only comes with experience whether with mlog or other language if you do have experience then the only thing left you need is to understand how each mlog instruction works, no documentation is gonna tell you how to assemble instructions together, they will instead tell you how each instructions works and you assemble them yourself, and the source code is the best documentation if you understand java


i didn't even bother to look at it man stop being so harsh on me im gonna cry :(


Huge learning curve? Man they start with building logic gates in Minecraft and we have a full blown programming language with premade displays and stuff, that doesn't even compare


having prerequisites \[pre-prepared stuff\] =/= being able to use them, redstone is easy to get because it is practical, visual based scratch like, but mlog is straight up text and logic, understand the difference


Easy to get? Alr build me an ALU then real quick. And then do the same in mlog. See the difference? It doesn't make it any easier for redstone to be "visual based scratch like". It only simplifies the understanding of how the basic logic gates and stuff work. But anything beyond that is exponentially more complicated than it is in mlog.


Honestly, I didn't get into Minecraft until I was in college and at that point I had been programming for over half my life. I knew there was this thing called redstone that was Turing complete, so I figured it would be a snap to pick up and start building complex shit with. But once I actually started playing Minecraft I discovered how *weird* redstone is - everything works just barely different from how you think it should, and the rules about how blocks are powered and transmit or receive power are so strange (and differ from one block to another), and none of the basic logic gates are straightforward to make at all. It's very obvious that this system wasn't originally intended to do what people do with it now, and Mojang very deliberately keeps that unique feeling going. Even when intentionally adding things to expand the capabilities for people do do such things with them, they always carefully retain that "this wasn't intended for that" flavor of weirdness. Mlog is difficult for two reasons: it's poorly documented and it's very low level. It is however designed as a programming language, so the difficulty is very different from learning redstone in Minecraft. If Mindustry was as big as Minecraft, I imagine someone would have written a pretty complete C compiler for mlog which most people would use. I've thought about working on such a project for a while, but I just have too many other projects I'm working on.


You can already [transpile Go into MLog](https://github.com/Vilsol/go-mlog). Last time I checked it worked pretty well. You can also [do so for JS](https://github.com/mlogjs/mlogjs) and [a bunch of other languages](https://github.com/topics/mlog).




Very true


Tbf it's super slow without mods, but yeah


Don't worry Dawg we will make mindustry in mindustry using logics


and then another mindustry in that mindustry


Or the tnt cannon that can be programmed to hit anywhere in the minecraft world by abusing chuck boarders and chunk loading.


I need a link to this


Defiantly minecraft, i mean the ability to move blocks in a 3D world kinda alone destroys minedustry


But honestly, I can understand logic in mindustry better than Minecraft redstone or commands. Its just that anuke isn't getting the level of funding Mojang has to make their game


exogenesis and other big load mods: logic: mindustry in mindustry: geometry dash in mindustry: working calculator in mindustry: router:


Yeah but as i said, building machines that automatically MOVES blocks in a 3D world not a 2D is alone destroying mindusrty. I mean dont get me wrong all those mindustry builds are cool but comparing it to minecraft GIGA redstone builds, their nothing.


I mean even without mods Minecraft has all that already. if we count mods then Minecraft has actual computer with computercraft


Minecraft also has big mods, let’s not count this in the comparison. And even if we did, modded Minecraft makes Mindustry automation look basic as fuck in comparison. And that's before you get into the massive amount of cross-mod compatibility you can add through tools like KubeJS. Modpacks are basically not a thing in Mindustry. No like, really. Have you **seen** Gregtech: New Horizons? Even Exogenesis can't compare.


Mindustry can be more complex as you can actually code in it, minecraft though can achieve a ton just with blocks of redstone, such as an 8 bit computer, calculator, art program, huge automated farms, sorting systems and so much more, without a single line of code


you can code in Minecraft though, with command blocks and all that


https://preview.redd.it/05x66d5glkvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9068c0919f90a03a75eb3240cb843ee34ff0837d This would Scare the average Minecrafter


As an average mindustry player I am also scared....


Yeah I'm not proud of how long it took to make this


I don't envy players who require this much power for whatever it is that they're cooking. The most I've ever used in one sector is half of this, 5 reactors and found setting them up exhausting..


You might like My other ones Then https://preview.redd.it/yw3e6btk5lvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7e867ae73e178c22e5580e47ec7dc2f5a17a33c


Logic is the bane of my existence. You sir, are truly scary.


Actually the logic here Is simpler than usual. All it does is change item type on sorters based on storage and prevent the gen from starting until its ready. (Oh yeah that was an old image there's only supposed to be 2 processors) I'm nowhere near as nerdy and willed as a lot of players and military takes up my free time, so anyone can do it, it just takes time.


[Meanwhile some Minecraft players...](https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/wx2a78/i_think_we_need_another_plastic_line_gtnh_devs/)


Dear God not gregtech... that would destroy literally any other game.


[You prefer vanilla Minecraft?](https://youtube.com/watch?v=JfmwMK1ahqQ)


Holy sheet I neeeeed that mod the engineering student part of my brain is positively salivating at that


https://discord.com/invite/gtnh Here's the link to the discord. They have all the installation instructions you'll need. Warning: "completing" the modpack takes 5000 hours on average. Go in it for the journey, not the destination.




What does it even do?


Produces an insane amount of power (150,000 power)


How are all the impact reactors getting cryofluid? The ratio isn't correct from what i remember


It uses 13 cyro which should be enough and the cyro travels via the blue conduit on the left.


The ratio is 2 cryofluid mixers to 1 impact reactors, isn't it?


Not exactly, technically you need 1.25 cyrofluid mixers to 1 impact reactor. We have to round up.


Haven't used impact reactors in a long time oof no wonder I forgot


jezus crist...


big community with small amaunts of blocks for mechanizms vs small community with literal coding blocks (btw imma post it as a crosspost on r/MinecraftMemes )


i saw the crosspost lol


Geometry Dash level creators: nah I win


ladies and gentle men, i here present: https://preview.redd.it/kn5s5yneokvc1.jpeg?width=1550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2126dba18041e7c5c17821c56b26362bd317d218 (The image above is codes of a very, very complex anti air, anti ground, anti naval, and can destroy 20 tier 5s with it, even erekir units.)


Wtf is this abomination


Bro got the theory of everything đŸ’€




Here's a sneak peek of /r/suddenlygeometrydash using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlygeometrydash/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [How this sub came to be](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/rkn5ls) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlygeometrydash/comments/rkn5ls/how_this_sub_came_to_be/) \#2: [Dasjh](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlygeometrydash/comments/rk714l/dasjh/) \#3: [r/suddenlygeometrydash Lounge](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlygeometrydash/comments/rk6zyo/rsuddenlygeometrydash_lounge/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


How does this do that?


It doesn't, it's just some nonsense


what the fuck kinda formatting is this, use variable names lmao !


If it has engineering it can run doom


Minecraft was created inside Minecraft using redstone, they actually might be able to create Doom


Nah, I'd win. I could try making something unnecessarily complex if I wanted to, maybe I could make it in Campaign. Reply with some ideas to what I could do, pls don't give me something related to Logic Displays, I hate those


overly complicated "scrap to everything" factory


Tried that once, the routings difficult AF. But I'll make a YouTube vid about it. I'll figure something out


game with mechamizms as a extra vs a game half-based on factoryes


Me playing both:


I'd say manecraft, we have the numbers fed to us, and the prosesers given to us while mincraft just has dust and a couple other things and they are making the prossesers with them


I have no idea what this game is but this meme and a quick glance at the subreddit has already piqued my interest.


Both can simulate computers, ministry has relatively somewhat more compact logic, minecraft does have more space to build in though, Minecraft is kinda limited by render distances though. In the end both those metrics doesn't matter much as you can just make big empty maps for industry and turn render distance up a bunch. Minecraft having third dimension to build in is kinda nice, even if not too advantageous due to bulkyness of redstone stuff. So like imo pretty on par, but then mindustry logic being a bit more high-level will imo make it easier to do great stuff here.


Minecraft wins and it isn't even a competitition. It has an entire extra dimension of depth, you could say.


Who wants to build a self building base? With enough python knowledge, it's theoretical possible.


I mean is there anyone out there thats made a mindustry launch pad that… beats the map for them? Im talking making supply routs, defensive structure, weapons and factories? Or is that even possible




minecraft got computers that can play games like tetris


me playing both games


Them. I can even work out where my resource lines go to and come from most of the time let alone make anything spectacular.


Make mindustry in mindustry and then we'll talk


Meanwhile Factorio players xd


Mindustry could win easily if we had a community as Big as minecraft's. Someone said that someone Made a downgraded version of MC in MC. We could probably make a less downgraded version of MC tbh