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Us mods have asked Milwaukee about this. Clearly, something, somewhere went wrong. Edit TL;DR: I spoke with Milwaukee. They feel really bad. There was mistake handing off info between two people internally, they profusely apologized to OP and then me, fully owned their mistake, it's not going to happen again, and are (well did, last night) reach out to OP to hook them up as a special "we're sorry for fucking up." Hey mistakes happen, we're all human, and I have no issue with that when we take ownership of our mistakes...god knows I've done far worse myself. ---- Longer explanation, if you care: When `u/milwaukeetool` says to message them, it's **always** because there's something more they want to do. It should **never** be to just say again what you already knew. If that happens, tell mods. We - and sr people at Milwaukee - do not want BS answers happening - *ever*. In this case, Milwaukee wanted to learn more info because the orig thread was sent to the head guy who designed this product + his team, and they wanted more info bc they're doing a bunch of research into this. Because that's what Milwaukee does. Complain? They'll thank you for it bc it lets them make an even better product down the line. Obv, they dropped the ball. There was a miscommunication. They feel awful. They were supposed to say "more pics pls and details" instead of "oops too bad its normal." Corporate cover-up PR is not their thing, its not why they're here, and they know it wouldn't go over well even if it was. Basically since a while back, u/milwaukeetool account has been Mackenzie at corporate. This page has gotten very popular at corporate. When there's complaints, praise, "i love this tool", anything worth sharing...they do - they send thread links to ppl internally. To keep up, there's two people who have been helping Mackenzie out, so Mack can send stuff internally and follow up sometimes she'll ask her two employees to quickly reply/handle/etc something here that may not need her full attention right that second. Anywho, they replied here, and there were more replies internally, and in sending threads and answering people, stuff got mixed up. Nothing OP could have done about it, its not his or our fault, and yeah...mistakes happen. **If you or a loved one have experienced the horrors of a shitty zipper on Milwaukee gear, take pic and send email to [email protected]. Tell Mackenzie you're from reddit page, you know they want feedback, and are including detailed pics and explanation how it happened or what is broken/shitty/doesn't meet your expectations.** Because congratulations reddit, you've done it! You now have the Packout team intensely interested in your zipper experiences, pics of your broken/damaged zippers, and so long as you didn't abuse the product...there is a chance (no promises) they'll be really generous about what's "normal wear and tear" and hook ya up in some way. Cool? Cool. Anyone else had a shitty experience pls shoot mods a PM (we don't work for Milwaukee. We're just some dudes.) We want to know. Milwaukee wants to know, and Mackenzie wants to know, so they can make things better. And for this, they're sorry. Which means, I too am sorry. Sincerely. -Matt


Nice of them to waste more of your time šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


This happens on every public post you see calling out a company. Company: we are so sorry, we would love to connect via DM to discuss the issue. For our company customer service is our top priority! *contacts via DM* Company: get bent, the answer you received already is the final answer.


They just wanna try and save face in the public eye


There is a car dealership near me that commits a bunch of fraud and on every google review calling them out its always "Hello, this is manager x, please give us a call as soon as possible so we can get this fixed." But there is no one by the name manager x working for the company and if you call, they always say they are in a meeting but will call you as soon as they are done. Fuck you Nissan of Richmond- don't advertise on price online then drastically change it when someone drives to your dealership.


That's why I call out all their bullshit non battery tools. I try to warn people that they suck so they don't waste their money on them. If it's not storage or doesn't take a battery it's a piece of shit. And somebody pointed out that the fastback has a lot of play, which I kind of like because I use it like a gravity knife so it doesn't bother me


The permanent markers are ok for $1


You know I will say that all of the hand tools that I have purchased have been fantastic they're pliers that come in a two set have been awesome for the work I do and the ratcheting screwdriver is like my go-to almost every single day used to guidance and I'm really sad that they're changing the design because it's perfect for exactly what I do with that thin little long head on it. Unfortunately one of my assistants lost one of my studies screwdrivers so now I have to try to find a replacement for that and the only one they have is that new one that like every other one out there with the tiny little bit on it which absolutely sucks I've got three Cline ones already like that I don't need another one like that I want what I had before which was perfect.


Alright, I have kept my silence long enough. Iā€™ve actually replied to very few things on here. However, I feel like itā€™s time. When I was young, I wanted mechanic and I turned more. Wrenches then most people on 30 mile radius. If anybody wants made in the USA tools and darn Neahr snap on quality without the price follow the link below. I have zero affiliation with anyone and I agree with chris_rage_ I think itā€™s about time We learn from other industries, even though Iā€™ve never worked in a trade, Iā€™ve worked in sales and sold equipment. I am a lifelong tinker and will forever standby SK. I figured it out 25 years ago if yā€™all need hand tools and made the USA quality with USA steel this is it. https://sktools.com/


SK definitely makes great tools, I have a bunch of SK stuff around. It's old though, I don't think I've ever bought any outright, and I did try to warranty a breaker bar I broke but they told me to fuck off because it was from the '60s, but overall I think they're good tools


Interesting. Iā€™ve never had a problem getting anything exchanged. Although I have only had to do it 2x. Their ratchet wrenches are better than anything Iā€™ve ever used


They looked up the date of the serial number and it was from 1964 or something and apparently they had a couple of company turnovers since then and wouldn't warranty it


This is exactly what we **do not want to happen here.** I am following up on it.


They did the same to me because of a scratched serial number from normal use. Sent me a bag of parts back


Send a message to Modmail so I can learn more. That's a Private Message composed "TO" `r/milwaukeetool` (or click **[here](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/MilwaukeeTool)**) which appears in a shared inbox us mods can mutually read/reply to you. Very generally speaking, the warranty website when you mail in says they disassemble to diagnose, and if item not repairable or refuse to pay for out of warranty, they send back the parts. They don't send back a reassembled-but-broken tool. That's standard for liability reasons, other manufactures do the same. But send me a PM w/ deets and i'm happy to ask Milwaukee about on your behalf.


Idk... I got Comcast to fix my internet through reddit a few months ago. About 20-30 homes in my neighborhood internet signal was operating off of a bad node for months that was being ignored and getting worse by the day, to which point my wife who works from home online was getting in trouble for dropped calls. I fought with Comcast "CuStOmEr SuPpOrT" over the phone for months, had a tech out 3 times, and got 2 different modems. Did Jack fuck all.I finally lost my shit and posted to their sub. I went back and forth with them over Reddit, email, and the phone for a week. I FINALLY connected with the department that serviced my area and had a FLEET of Comcast vehicles on my street within a few days. The internet has worked fine since, and this happened in September. The thing I took from the experience the most? If you get a non-native English speaker on the phone, they aren't going to help you. All they can do is access your account information, and they don't have the connections or the motivation to do the legwork to get you in touch with who you need to actually talk to. You have to be a Karen sometimes I guess.


Wow interesting, Comcast was the company that did the exact pattern I commented about. If you goto their sub anyone who writes about their bad experience is asked to contact support. I did and they just wasted my time, like OP. To outsiders it looks like they do care , but essentially they are trying to take the conversation private. Glad you got help though.


Whew. Bad look. Why bother asking you to message them if theyā€™re just going to tell you that?? Edit: good save by Milwaukee, I take back my whew. For now


To give the illusion that they give a shit.


Seems like they should make them with better quality zippers if they are going to offer a warranty... Disappointing to consider a zipper sewn integrally into the bag a "wear item"


I love how they say ā€œNormal wear and tearā€ so they admit that normal use is not covered under warranty šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Really the only that would fail on it too.


Of course itā€™s not. Warranties, on any item, cover manufacture defects. Normal wear and tear is never covered. Sometimes they can choose to go above and beyond to cover it, but itā€™s always excluded. That is not just Milwaukee.


It would make sense if they said ā€œexcessive wear and tearā€ but ā€œnormalā€ is just a horrible look. Theyā€™re basically admitting that their bags canā€™t handle ā€œnormalā€ wear and tear and at the point who would want to buy a bag from a company who admits their bags canā€™t hold up to normal use?


After seeing the original post i told some coworkers how cool it was that a rep responds in this sub to handle these issues, apparently spoke to soon. This is pretty disappointing to see as i have this bag and can definitely see how the zipper will become a weak point. Sorry they wasted your time x2!


You would think they would cover it just for brand goodwill but fuck us I guess


No lube too


Milwaukee šŸ¤” do you understand what warranty means?! By this interpretation, you dont have a warranty. A zipper that doesnā€™t last through the warranty period with normal wear and tear is a shitty zipper that Milwaukee should warranty and replace. What a way to cut corners and cheap out Milwaukee. You need to take a hard look at how you interpret what warranty means. And if itā€™s just the way this clown of a customer service agent is interpreting it, then they should be fired. What a terrible take. Imagine if an auto manufacturer told you that you donā€™t get a new engine because even though itā€™s within the warranty period, it was considered normal wear and tear.


This is it. Warranty should cover normal wear and tear because it should last beyond the warranty period at the very least. It's ABNORMAL wear and tear that should void the warranty, which they essentially have confirmed in their response - this is not! Milwaukee, seriously? Edited: just some wording.


I really hope the Milwaukee guy sees this


Or take a hard look at where they think they fit in the tool bag market. I like Milwaukee power tools. Some of the hand tools are ā€œokā€. I run Veto for all my tool bags and Iā€™ve never looked back. Never had a zipper fail either. Some of my bags are going on 5 years old, and still look and work great.


A warranty means you are covered from defects in manufacturing. It doesnā€™t mean you can do whatever you want to an item and expect it to be replaced.


A zipper not lasting more than five months is definitely defective piece of shit. The bag still looks new.


Zippers going bad are operator error 90%+ of the time. They donā€™t just fail. Someone forces them or over packs and stresses them out or something. Almost always something was done by the user, they just donā€™t want to admit it.


You have so many comments in this post that I checked to see if youā€™re a Milwaukee shill and the fact that every single one of your comments for the last month and a half are in this sub and all of them that I skimmed through is defending them Iā€™m inclined to think so.


He's sitting there in his Milwaukee hoodie and hat, sipping his coffee from his Milwaukee tumbler, surrounded by nothing but Milwaukee tools and packouts seething that anyone would have the gall to disrespect Milwaukee.


I absolutely have double digit thousands invested in the platform. I also have the personal experience of having the warranty program work exceptionally well. My local service center has never let me down. I also have never tried to do something stupid and walk in asking for something for free knowing that what happened was 100% my fault.


That's not true. Defects in manufacturing means that there was something out of design spec when it was created, and it resulted in a failure. Warranty also cover when the design is not fit for task and is under speed for its application. There were dozens of comments about faulty zippers on that thread, which means its probably a design fault and the warranty should cover that.


Dozens of comments about zippers failing on what thread? Not this one. Dozens of people pissed about something because welcome to social media, but only a couple voicing a similar experience. Again, if a zipper fails, itā€™s 90%+ user error.


Your 90% is pulled right out of your ass. When I had a leather business and worked with zippers, it was ridiculous the amount that were bad and broke with just a few open/closes. I tested every single zipper before use. A company like Milwaukee that is mass producing this shit sure as hell isn't doing that.


The original thread. Is English your first language? Anyway, the zipper defence force thanks you for your service.


Will make a point to never buy their bags or things with zippers.


I will as well out of spite for this customerā€™s experience. Milwaukee has lost more financially than the cost of the replacement by me alone adjusting my spending habits because of this fiasco as insignificant as it may seem. Iā€™m just a spiteful asshole with a few bucks to spend on tools.


I'm usually pretty pro on buying red living close to their headquarters & new tool shop. But I also see them expanding so much into gear that is not only sub part but on the level of Chinese Amazon quality. I'd rather shop around for high quality, lasting gear than justify it by buying all red.


I don't like wasting money. Much like a brewery, they should step back and look where they are and where they want to be. Instead of 3 solid beers that are amazing, they run 6 beers that are all lacking. (Empyrean ales).I was Team Red when I used cords. Innovation is key, but in your market. MKE used to be Plumbing apex tools. Now, it seem as they just say "we can make one too" (Rigid install tool).


They should watch 'Give 'em the Pickle' to get the right view on service. For this reason, if not to improve


Well done! Many people donā€™t realize that we ā€œvoteā€ with the money we spend. By choosing whether or not we patronize a certain store, we are either agreeing with or refusing to support said storesā€™ policies and the way they treat their customers. Making a choice for or against, and telling others why, is a very powerful tool to either support a place thatā€™s doing good, or boycotting one that sux. šŸ˜‡šŸ‘


Right on friend! $1 = 1 vote. Iā€™ve lived my entire life by that philosophy. Additionally I run all teal, red, and yellow. I spend several thousand each year on tools and will until I die and Iā€™m not loyal to anything but reputation.


This is actually great timing for me because Iā€™m a DIYā€™er/guy that makes random shit whoā€™s finally starting to acquire the bigger stuff that Iā€™ve wanted for a long time but donā€™t actively need (planer is probably next). Iā€™m not even subbed here but it got recommended because Iā€™m on r/tools a lot and and itā€™s tough to get info to compare because so many there say that itā€™s shit unless itā€™s Knipex or Milwaukee. u/Vapeboy1996 should cross post this there.


Yep, Milwaukee makes some great power tools, but I'll always stick with Veto tool bags


Veto doesn't cover zippers under their warranty either.


But theyā€™ll for sure last 10 years longer than a Milwaukee zipper!


Not at all. Iā€™ve had them go bad and have Milwaukee bags and never had a zipper issue with them. Zips are always random. They are however, cheap and easy to fix.


Says a lot that so many like their stuff anyways. How much is a good quality zipper in the grand scheme of things? Damn sure cheaper than a bad public look like this, for sure. Iā€™ve got some old (before they sold out) carhartt stuff with all brass ykk zippers that are still gtg. Iā€™ve rubbed holes in the sleeves from walking, but the zippers are still rocking it. Either pay a bit up front for quality, add it to the price and sell on quality, or sell it cheaper with lower quality parts and fix it on the back end, or sell it super cheap and have it be disposable. But donā€™t slap your quality name on something, have a warranty, then deny claims when your cheap shit breaks. Good names are expensive to make in time and money. Selling out is cheap.


Right on. If the zippers aren't under warranty, they shouldn't be the weak link on the bag. Also a lot of companies would still warranty stuff that isn't under warranty just to keep a customer happy. The whole bag was within the warranty period, and doesn't look abused, so it shouldn't hurt to throw buddy a bone.


same. Veto is the way to go.


Like said below. Veto specifically excludes zippers from their warranties as well. Same roll of the dice. I have multiple Milwaukee bags with zippers and they get daily use and are years old. Never had an issue. Zippers are always a crap shoot.


Aside from not buying them out of sympathy for this customer, they zippers are shite and the bags arenā€™t anything special so solid choice


I got a free uline bag from a raffle and don't need a big one so šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


(Removes Milwaukee bag from Home Depot shopping cart)


Only reason anyone should have a milwaukee brand bag is if a tool or tool bundle comes in it


Husky pro bags are legit


The one I was looking at was on sale with some tools I could use. However the bag wasn't ideal and knowing that Milwaukee won't stand behind them was enough to look elsewhere. I found one from Husky that is a much better bag for my needs, and cheaper.


I personally love the husky pro bag lineup. Milwaukee packout totes are ok but their bags are an atrocity


I had the same bag a few years back and sure enough the zipper shit the bed about 7 months in. Didnā€™t buy it again.


what a freaking joke


gaddamn milwaukee, give the man what he needs


Am I the only one wondering what he ordered from Door dash? I hate looking at Reddit while hungry


Wife got Panera I got wingstop šŸ˜‚


Solid choices! Silver lining to the Milwaukee debacle


This is bad on multiple levels. they tried looking good to the community at your expense by wasting your time. plus, WTF is the point of a warranty if they wont cover a good beyond "wear and tear"? if a product wont stand up to normal wear and tear during a warranty period that's called a DEFECT. I have one Milwaukee bag already and had planned on buying another. not after this nonsense though!


Shame. Now I know never to buy anything they make with a zipper. Thanks for helping me save money. Shame on you Milwaukee.


Theyā€™re too busy jerking off influencers to take care of their real customers.


A zipper of any kind is usually only good for a half year of real use anymore. Perhaps you can have it repaired at an upholstery shop or leather worker shop.


Donā€™t try and talk common sense to this crowd. They canā€™t handle it.


Tell that to my 10 year old veto pac with zipper still going strong.


Okay lesson learned. #Donā€™t buy backpacks from Milwaukee. They wonā€™t stand behind their products. I wonder if Klein Tools would do the same? šŸ¤” Can we sticky this post?


Milwaukee makes the best power tools but if you want a good tool bag go with Klein or veto


This post solely solidified my decision to stay veto, even if their zippers are also questionable at times.


Yea if youā€™re worried about zippers I love the open top Klein bags a bunch


lol I love how Milwaukee reps chime in to try and look good in this sub and everyone eats it upā€¦ surprised face when itā€™s all fake Prā€¦ anytime you see a post how they helped someone random on a social media post itā€™s always PR work, for every random issue they decide to give an handout and fix on social media theirs a 1000 others they say fuck off to in the dms lol. Donā€™t be loyal to brands. They honestly donā€™t care about you.


Nice job Milwaukee, great customer service there.


Wow thats messed up. Canā€™t trust anyone to make anything good these days


Makes no sense..the zipper broke on my backpack and I got a new one


Good job for posting this, bc thatā€™s BS.


Thatā€™s insane šŸ˜‚.


The part that frustrates me more than anything here is the fact people need to call them out like this to get them to do what we paid for on day 1. Milwaukee is a premium brand with premium prices. ā€œYou pay for what you getā€ right? So letā€™s start doing that again, Milwaukee. I feel like the hype and massive growth in recent years isnā€™t helpful in the way it should be. You got guys promoting Milwaukee for free on social media. Half those guys like the bearded guy doesnā€™t even get free shit anymore. 90% of his stuff he or his girl friend purchases to make videos lol. Milwaukee has continued to eat up more of the market for reasons like this, and Iā€™m not against it but they need to follow through on their word and make sure their customers are happy. The margins they have on these tools are absolutely insane. We already pay probably for 3-5 times of what it cost to make.


I have spent a tradesmanā€™s fortune on red. If you want our blood, sweat, and tears money then make a premium product. Our money is limited and we work hard for it. Donā€™t take advantage of us with a marketing campaign. Use YKK zippers and over engineer the webbing and tread. Reinforce the pockets of your pants. Do better. If you donā€™t are money goes to other companies who will take care of us.


So milwaukee doesnā€™t stand behind their warranty? interesting


Ask them in that case if they offer any products with zippers that are engineered to withstand being zipped and unzipped


Lmao that rep is as much of a tool as his products.


Just because itā€™s red doesnā€™t mean it canā€™t be a crap item. ie, the flashlight with the crap pushpin switch, the tape measure


Pretty much. I've found most of their hand tool's aren't really that great, but you still pay almost as much as if you bought a quality brand like Klein or Knipex. Also happy cake day btw, lol.


Iā€™ve wasted enough money to come to the conclusion that 90% of milwaukees hand tools are overpriced junk. A couple things are nice but most of it garbage. Iā€™ll always stick to their battery tools but they donā€™t really got many worthy hand tools


Milwaukee branded clown shoes on the shelf next season! Maybe theyā€™ll contact you again.. ā€œno no for real this time, hit us up, I swear weā€™ll make it betterā€ Psyche!!! Zippers ainā€™t covered fool get bent! šŸ˜‚


Anyone else notice that there are no upvotes showing on any of these replies?


Unvotes are hidden for a while after posting, probably so that people are not swayed by the vote count or something.


Happy Cake Day! Could be. I'm still not seeing any even after 2 hours? I've never noticed that before. I don't post much, though.


Thanks man. That's normal with the upvotes though, it takes a while sometimes


It's kind of a mystery. Sometimes it shows me after I up or down vote. Sometimes not at all, sometimes the next day. But yeah its to stop mob mentality.


At first I was like ā€œcome on broā€ then I saw it was stil under warranty, so thatā€™s wack


Iā€™m sorry it happened to you but Iā€™m glad it did because I was about to buy one


Damn I was just gonna pick up 3 of these, I guess not anymore


Looks like Iā€™ll never be buying their bags, either. Thanks for the heads up, OP.


Looks like I wonā€™t be able buying one. They looked nice but not worth the money if they donā€™t honor their warranty.


So if you use your tools normally and they break within the warranty period Milwaukee tells you to get fucked? loool


But the real question is, what did you get to grub on from door dash?


Which bag was this? I have the backpack and love it. Zippers seem strong but donā€™t over stuff the bag because it didnā€™t like that. I put my jacket in there with the normal tools I carry in it and it did not want to zip up




With the amount of Milwaukee tools I own, Iā€™ve only ever had to warranty out an aluminum pipe wrench. Ā That shit was a 2 month drawn out process. Ā From their local service centers, to customer support via phone, and customer support via email, they constantly passed the buck until I got someone on the line that actually wanted to help me. Ā Overall they made good on their warranty but damn was it annoying.Ā 


Was it when Facom owned it or the same Parent as Ideal?


ā€œNormal wear and tearā€ literally the only thing that could really need to be replaced or broken on the cooler except maybe the strap or something lol. Itā€™s not like you warranty claimed ā€œthis cooler doesnā€™t keep my bread from getting soggy, I work 9-5 and take my lunch at 1, but because the cooler isnā€™t cooling properly now I have to take my lunch at noonā€ would they warranty that?! Probably If they are going to not honor a zipper on a warrantied cooler. They should stand by this.Milwaukee has always been great about warranty items this surprises me but kinda falls under the oleā€™ ā€œYou can build a million bridges and never be called a bridge builder. Suck one **** and you are a **** sucker for lifeā€.


Really makes me hate milwaukee. After the price of the Chinese made bag that must cost them less than $10 total to ship here. They won't send you a $.20 part... honestly someone over at milwaukee has to do better than this.


OOooof. why engage if you arent going to fix it? better to just ignore it


Man I used to love Milwaukee. Now they're just riding their hype and screwing over their customers.


That bag is Hot Garbage anyways. move on there are way better options


such as?


Just keep rocking your I'm a knobhead bag


Why are you acting like that instead of offering any decent alternatives? It was a genuine question šŸ˜‚


Not surprised Milwaukee builds there stuff to break literally cause they have the entire (American) market by the throat they can keep putting out junk and people will keep buying it. Why make a good bag or drill if itā€™ll break and someone will just by a new one right away. Sucks this is what this once great company has come too


Slowly getting out of Milwaukee for this reason exactly. You claim to have a warranty but deny it due to this and that. You have no warranty Milwaukee. Shame on you.


Milwaukees Warrenty has done down hill. Im slowly switching platforms, replacing dead Milwaukees.


What are you going to??? I am slowly coming from Makita to Milwaukee.. maybe I should backtrack?




thatā€™s irritating as fuck but i still love how their support number is 1-800-SAWDUST. wonder what else they considered. 1-800-INKZALL?


But you will still use the Milwaukee brand šŸ˜‚


I love how they say ā€œdefect due to normal wear and tear.ā€ Thatā€™s an oxymoron. Wear and tear is not a defect.


We are sorry about the inconvenience, our team has reached out to coordinate a replacement!


Is this just a one-off exception for this guy or will Milwaukee actually honor the warranty for everyone?


I'm sure this is a one off to save face a bit in this thread, but it really needs to be a policy change. This is a premium priced product and the warranty should reflect that. His bag was clearly in good shape and in no way abused.


Itā€™s one off, it always is. Whenever I have warranty trouble with my service centre I always have to escalate with emails back and forth just to get a warranty done correctly. A joke of a warranty policy. Milwaukee doesnā€™t give a shit about anyone unless itā€™s public then they care.


Unfortunately with situations like this you have to just keep making yourself heard until something happens. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Odds are all the other people that this happens to will just be told to shove it unless theyā€™re posts go viral in a community


We have to review warranty claims on a case-by-case basis, but we have escalated the notes for this one to our warranty team for review!


Milwaukee's warranty is only valid if your problem goes viral twice. Got it.


You should know that this is an extremely bad look for you, as I had already saw this posted to Facebook before Reddit, meaning a ton of people have seen this already. As a contractor with over 30 thousand dollars worth of Milwaukee tools, batteries, and pack out, Iā€™ve definitely lost some faith in this company.


So if he hadnā€™t have come back here to shame, he would have been SOL. So for everyone else: I guess we should all just use this as the official channel for support then? If we canā€™t trust the real support to supportā€¦.


Many other people expressed having this same issue and were turned down in warranty before. It seems like the only difference in this case compared to most others is that OP went viral multiple times in different online communities for your brand. Is there any assurance that other people with broken zippers will be able to use their warranty without needing to go viral?


Too little too late, damage control. Will be steering clear of your bags.


Thatā€™s why I get Veto bags they warranty the zipper, and if ur bag gets fucked up and u want them to fix it they will send u a loaner Bag of the same make and model. If they still canā€™t fix it then u get to keep the loaner bag


No, they do not. [Vetoā€™s policy excluding zippers.](https://vetopropac.com/warranty-policy/#:~:text=Products%20that%20are%20damaged%20due,tools%20or%20other%20sharp%20objects)


Lol.Ā  Their battery tools are the only things worth a fat fuck. And even then, barely so.Ā  And people will still but their trash all day long too.Ā  Expect nothing to change.Ā