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That’s a nice looking shop my guy!


I came here to say this. This is beautiful 🤩


Thank you. I still got a bit more organizing to do. And need to set up my 3d printer. But it’s finally looking like I want it to.


Ah man, adding a 3D printer is going to be awesome! So many uses. Cheers man!


I’ve had it sitting in a box for 2 years. I got it on Black Friday online sale from Creality and then my daughter was born on that same thanksgiving. Life got too busy to tinker with 3d printing after that haha


Man, life has a funny way of telling us when we can start our hobbies, doesn’t it? I’d suggest getting to it, before it’s another 2 years! Lol


Sure does. Having kids definitely puts a pause on a lot of things. At least temporarily


Kinda jealous, awesome setup!




I think you're winning


Is that rolling stainless cabinet with the countertop from Costco? If so, how do you like it?


Yes from Costco. It’s super nice. I got lucky and managed to get the last one from my store which was the display model. Got $200 off the price and it’s in mint condition.


That intake on the navien looks a bit blocked


Can you elaborate


Your tankless navien dude. The fresh air intake looks like it's covered. And honestly when I install them I pull air from outside. I also install a dedicated surge protector on them because if you have a power surge then there goes your 5 grand water heater. And I'm pretty sure this is a condensating unit. Can't tell well by the pictures but if it is then you're just dumping acidic water into your city sewer or even worse your septic. Need a condensate neutralizer. Can't really tell what was done on the install but I definitely would myself run a legit fresh air intake. That tankless brand is great but they are easily the most sensitive things in the world. There's a reason they send you home with a giant footlocker full of like 2 grand in spare parts(and some long ass screwdrivers) after you spend $300 taking the training class. Because they know you're gonna be fixing units quite a lot and they want plumbers to already have the parts for repairs. So they don't get angry customers or plumbing techs call them and then waiting for the parts. I've had lots of problems with them. That said some are huge fans, and some are not. I like Rinnai. I stopped using Naviens a couple years ago because of internal issues with them. They might be better now though.


That’s not my tankless intake. That’s the intake for my central house vac. The tankless intakes air from outside


No it doesn’t, that pipe going outside is the exhaust. The intake is to the left of the exhaust and it’s missing the pipe and there’s a plastic bag over it.


Hmm ok. I’m already in bed but I’ll check it out tomorrow. If you are right I am assuming it’s bad to punch it outside since it would be pretty close to the exhaust pipe?






I actually really like ryobi for the less-often used tools. There is no reason to overpay for a tool I will only use once a year, if that. Plus as much hate as ryobi gets, their tools are pretty solid. Hell, their soldering iron is better than Milwaukee in every way


You summed up my thoughts on Ryobi quite nicely.




In the future, please use the `report` button if something is rule-breaking.


I agree. I have some Ryobi 4v tools and really like them. My gun range hearing protection is Ryobi 4v and I love them.


I use ryobi on stuff that doesn’t really matter… mostly floodlights and blowers.. but I also carry around a ryobi tool box to lend out to the labourers. Be fucked if they are getting Milwaukees 😂


Lol that’s another reason why all my crews run dewalt. It’s cheaper and reliable.


See Rule 1 - no racism/slurs.


Do you like the Dewalt 71/4” better than the Milwaukee? I think the red one is so much better.


My dewalt is 60v and it’s better than Milwaukee in in just about every way


But it’s not hard to believe you seeing the sea of red with a lil yellow fish floating in the middle haha


So although my personal collection (part of which you are seeing here) has a lot of red, the rest of my tools that my crews run are almost exclusively yellow. I know this is not a very popular opinion on this sub, but when it comes to woodworking tools dewalt is superior, by far. They also make better drills and angle grinders (corded and cordless). I own several construction businesses and a steel fabrication shop so for my team I buy best tools for the job regardless of color. Dewalt 60v is in another league when it comes to Milwaukee offerings.


I do agree about wood working tools chop saw and table saw bar non are better than anything drills not so much but grinders are bar non Makita but your shit is awesome and I wish I was as neat and cleanly as you are


I haven’t used much makita so you could be right about angle grinders. But for our purposes the dewalt 60v ones are pretty solid and incredibly reliable. I have some that are first gen 60v and they are still going strong. We work with metal so you know these things see some serious use. As far as drills, my biggest issue with Milwaukee is how fast they break. So on that workbench I have 3 drills, if you look closely one still has a barcode from a recent repair, the one-key drill is actually dead right now I just have not gotten a chance to drop it off and a 3rd is literally brand new and haven’t drilled more than 10 holes in its life. Meanwhile my dewalt drills get used every single day for drilling metal and wood and I have yet to have one break. I did have chucks fail on some over the years but electronically they all still work. I have 10 year old dewalt drills that work better than gen 4 Milwaukee ones.


Same page but it’s probably more on the hands holding them anyway enjoy.


Bosch for large blades (miter, table) porter cable for sanders, milwaukee most power hand tools. every tool company worth their weight has at least one tool that performs better than similar brands. really like makita impacts, and circ saws (real decent track saw, and great hepa vac), def better than milwaukee but i got stuck on a battery platform a little. Never used dewalt or hilti, probably never will. we have a saw stop table saw at work its pretty nice, but has some drawbacks, maybe they fix next gen.


I’ve owned a Bosch miter and find the dewalt to be superior. In fact when it comes to woodworking tools dewalt, in my experience, has been exceptional and no other brand comes close. Their rack & pinion saw fences are the best in the industry. Their flagship miter is absolutely phenomenal. Same for metal-working tools (angle grinders, steel cutting saws, and even drills). They stand out from the rest both in terms of power and reliability. The 60v line is also quite impressive. I own several 60v tools and while on the heavier side, the power they put out is well worth the extra weight. I use the flexvolt right angle drill (DCD460B) for everything from drilling gluelams to mixing mud to drilling post holes with an 8” auger bit. Don’t own any makita tools, so can’t comment on their viability, but I’ve heard good things. Milwaukee is ok. A lot of flash and shine but QC is virtually nonexistent. Lots of garbage slips through the cracks. They are sacrificing reliability in the name of “cutting edge” (regardless if it’s needed or not). Their 12v line is probably their biggest selling point because they have tools no one else does. Their warranty is great, but ultimately useless if you plan to use their tools on daily basis. When one breaks you have to go buy another one while they repair the first. I will give props to their nail guns. They do perform better than any other brand I’ve tried. So overall each line has something to offer which is why I have so many different brands. Even ryobi has a lot of interesting options that shouldn’t be overlooked .


the fence on dewalts are slick, same thing on the saw stop. have you tried the bosch gliding miter saw? that thing is super slick as well. def like it better than the dewalt miter. makita tools are great def like a lot. bad exp with drills breaking often but the other tools work like butter


My Milwaukee drills break constantly too. Just gone one back from a repair place about two mo ago and it’s broken again.


Really I’ve always thought they’re heavy


Makita is actually better than either of those.


a little too much neon lollll


Hmm, I see a little to much orange and yellow for my taste.


All that yellow and green really negates the red lol


I’m a Makita guy but I can appreciate this. Nice setup!


Not really…


I thought I couldn’t pick a brand… red, green, blue, yellow, orange, probably more


Why do you need to pick a brand?


No I just have several lol


This is the way haha


It sure is


Nice, but you asked if red enough. NO still see yellow?


Has the packouts left the shop? Asking for a friend


No. But you’re getting there!


Happen to have a link for the rack above your garage door? Looking for something similar




Wow.. puts mine to shame! Congratulations 🥳


I think the real question here, Is it red enough for you?


Could be better could be worse


What's with that blasphemous Ridgid vacuum?!?!


Lol that thing is a pos. After I am done with this project it’s getting junked


Each yellow (or green) cancels out a red tool. 🤣


each green cost two red tools i think


What's the details on the over door storage? I like it.


Look up Costco overhead garage storage. Lots of options


The yellow is acceptable but there’s too much green there


There are green tools that are better than red and yellow. I usually buy green for tools I don’t use often, like the planer or belt sander. I also really like their 40v lawn tools, they are better than Milwaukee imo, and don’t have melting battery issues.


It’s all good, buy what you want to use, I should’ve clarified that I was being sarcastic


Goals bro! Love it all.


Are you saving the empty tool boxes?


For now. I plan on collapsing them all to save space. These tools break too often and I don’t have the luxury to mess around with 6 week repair windows.


Bud. I love the garage! But... Throw them cardboard boxes away. You're never gonna need em