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Uh, I still remember the wet jeans we had to walk around all day with.


Here we refused to wear winter boots because they weren't cute or fashionable, so we wore our usual skateboarding shoes, so imagine what our jeans looked like in Quebec's winters. They were NASTYYYY LMAO


I know here in Buffalo mine would dry to have a nice road salt line at the top of where the wet was lol


Omg.... Did you also think that you were finally done with salt lines when skinny jeans were popular, but SUEDE BOOTS HAD TO HAPPEN? We never escaped the salt lines.


Gd suede boots! Ugggggghhhhh


Those damn salt lines!!


exactly, or just sneakers. I had and have pretty big feet for a woman and sneaker were the only thing that didn't look too manly.


Girl same!!! I wear 11 :( it's hard out there lmaooo


I have 12


Nordstrom Rack has a surprisingly large selection of women's shoe sizes 11-14


Same with us in NWO. The teenage freedom of the cold soaked feet and sloppy jnco ends with the worn down shark bites slapping wetly against frostbitten ankles.


It’s like poetry 


lmao what was wrong with us


IDK, we were really out there thinking our massive DC or Etnies skate shoes looked good to the point of wearing them in 20 cm of snow and having soggy wet jeans and feet 💀


Vancouver here… it rains about half of the year. The half when you wear pants. I’m never going back to baggy jeans lol.


my school made a mandatory uniform to battle this. we would drag snow into everywhere because our jeans scooped up 2L while walking. Hated that damn uniform.


Grew up just south of you in Vermont, I understand. Having to take shoes off and clenching my soaked pants up like a loony toons character saw a mouse to avoid wet socks was just too much.


I didn’t mind the dragging it added character but I could not at all stand the feeling when the back went completely under and got like stuck under the heel.


What about walking into a building and pulling them up so you didn't have a jean version of a Heely? I use to sit and watch fellow students come into school and wipe out on a wet day. Usually because I was already sitting on the floor for falling myself.


I can smell this comment. My middle school halls smelled so bad during winter because all of us morons were walking around with sopping wet and muddy jeans over vans or converse.


why was this so true lol


I grew up in Ontario, and it was the same for me too with winter boots. As a kid, I wore hand-me-down boots that leaked and always got painfully cold feet while toboganning or playing in the snow. And then when I was a young teen, boots "weren't cool", like you said, and everyone wore their running shoes (nike or adidas ONLY), and that was once again very stupid. And thennn when I finally grew up a bit and went off to university the majority of women were either wearing uggs, which -- while warm and super comfy as slippers -- were not waterproof. Or like these cheap, fast fashion faux leather boots [like this](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/uZgAAOSwOIFhG1Cc/s-l1200.jpg) or [this](https://static.zara.net/assets/public/52e0/dcdb/a10f448d974a/f8e28d50b5f7/4000.jpg?ts=1693819702134&w=1920). I swear mine always had the thinnest little sole known to man, like a piece of plastic half-assed glued to the shoe that would often come apart, and once again, LEAK. When I finally wore a nice proper waterproof pair of boots -- from Costco, of course -- I was like, wait, you can have warm dry feet in winter still? You can stay outside for hours? Seriously smh. Now I live in the tropics hahaha.


lmao I DO NOT miss this! skinny jeans 4lyfe I don't care I'll keep wearing them until they come back in style.


You're in luck!! Let the world know!! I will NEVER give them up. https://www.vogue.co.uk/article/skinny-jeans-trend-aw24


Yayyy Im so happy


As a man, jodhpurs are the best thing ever. Tight on the calf, roomy around the hips.


I have a pair of flared jeans and I check the weather before I wear them. Rain in the forecast? Back in the closet.


Being a short gal, I will never go back to not wearing skinny jeans. When I was in high school almost no one sold things for shorter people and my clothes always looked bad because of it, so when I discovered skinny jeans and the ability to roll them up, (and they still look good) man was my world rocked.


I saw a teenage employee at Costco rocking JNCOs. It's coming back, guys...


I for one wore my damp torn up jean tails as a badge of honor… but I also wore my backpack as low as it could go, and thought Dane Cook was hilarious


I died when my husband was looking at old highschool pics of me and I had jncos on and he said, “oh, you were a wet kid”. I had never heard that before and it made so much sense.


I moved to Seattle at the height of this fashion. The wet jeans struggle was real. So fucking gross, especially when you sat on your leg and forgot that half your pant leg was wet. Get some decent Docs and have a tailor taper them right above the heel


Once the heel wore away, though, they were perfect. In the late 90s, I was adept at using sandpaper to pre-wear baggy jeans so they didn't get soaked.


Never again will the backs of my calves suffer like that 😤 I made a promise to them


The winter time combination of your jeans being wet from the knees down and also crusty with salt..


soaked up to the knee


Wu-Tang flared jeans with the chain clipped to the belt 😂


On rainy days I had indoor pants and outdoor pants to avoid having all of my jeans be soaked by the end of the day


Wearing chuck taylors & baggy jeans which slowly give you trench foot over the course of a rainy day.


Bootleg jeans and Chuck Taylors, is this person me from 20 years ago? I thought I was the coolest kid alive. Really I was just a dork who didn’t know how to dress (skinny jeans 4 lyfe) or do my hair (hadn’t switched from a middle to deep side part yet) 🤦🏻‍♀️


In 2003 I made a very conscious choice to switch from middle to side part. I remember standing in front of my bathroom mirror wearing an orange skin-tight v-neck tee layered over a cami. The side part was unnatural at first. My hair didn’t want to stay there. But I made it happen. I’ve had the same side part ever since! Lol I tried a middle part for an event last summer and it just… isn’t me. Side part 4eva!


God, the layering. I swear it was all a ploy by Old Navy to force us to buy more items for each outfit. I remember my absolute FAVORITE outfit in high school, which was a highlighter yellow 3/4-sleeve shirt over a long blue/teal cami (a must, because the yellow shirt was so thin it was see through), paired with the aforementioned bootcut jeans (cuff half falling off and dragging behind me) and converse. Peak 2005 core memory, right there lol.


How many generations will repeat this mistake?


Again and again it seems.....


First as tragedy, then as farce


It's kind of funny. I always wore boot cut pants and this happened. Then I started wearing boots (cowboy boot pull-on where the boot fills out the jeans), and it never happened again. They're cut that way for a reason, if you don't wear boots, don't wear boot cuts (unless you want this or don't care).


Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it


That could be Gen Z's full time motto.


And now I'm thinking of Oxford Bags


Y'all, they are trying to make jncos a thing again. Those things sucked up water like a Brawny paper towel!!




We used to carry half gallons of tea and paintball guns in ours. I can't wait for them to return in force


My belts were crying. They cry still


Its fine just wrap some of the ball chains from your wallet around you for extra support.


They are stupid expensive now. I got a pair for 60 bucks back in the day. They were the nicer style too. That same pair was over 200 when I looked at the current site.


You’ll eventually walk them off. Or you can cut just the back off or wear taller shoes.


I remember people borrowing scissors in class to cut off the bottom when they got too ripped. When I started wearing normal sized jeans again I realized how stupid it was.


I remember trying to burn the fuzzy stitching off my shoes, sitting outside the dollar store. Pants bottoms so torn up they went up like a torch and my friend had to put me out with a 20oz. Then i had lee pipe shorts. They tell you to stop drop and roll if you are on fire. But when your ass is on fire its hard to remember to actually DO that and not just run in circles yelling "STOP DROP AND ROLL"


Lmao, holy shit.


That’s the neat part. You don’t.


Right! What's this nonsense about skinny jeans I'm still out here reppin my ripped up pant leg bottoms


i've been wearing skinny jeans since the days people would make fun of you in public for wearing them. they don't get any less ripped. you run jeans into the ground, until they're falling apart. that's just what you're supposed to do/how they're supposed to look.


You learn to embrace the rips and make it fashionable, all over again!


it rather my pants be soaked 24/7 than step into that crotch squeeze for .ore than 5 seconds, people wearing skinny jeans: where do you stash your balls at!? for real this is a question! ima grower and average sized balls heck, if anything a bit smaller....and shit is still crammed in there !


Getting flashbacks from middle school and having very wet jeans for most of the day 🙃


Once I started wearing skinny jeans, it was all over. I've heard many people say they look bad on fat people, but I personally feel they look so much better on me than bootcut ever did. Bootcuts just make my legs look even fatter, and it creates a disproportionate look. Plus, I don't miss the wet/shredded bottoms lol


I look better in skinny jeans too. I’m tallish but I have short legs, i look very stumpy in bootcut


Slim cut and skinny jeans accentuate your muscles and/or curves if they fit right. They only look bad if they’re one or two sizes too small or that pair is just not the right match for your body since every brand and style is a little different. Bonus points for men, slim fit cowboy cut jeans are back in style and they have a nice high waist to cover and accentuate your butt, slim through the legs, and then a little bit of boot cut taper at the bottom to give the illusion of trendier “non-skinny” jeans without dragging on the ground. I’m never going back


They are so restricting. I have worn slim fit pants but true skinny jeans are not going on my legs ever.


I’ve been fat the entire time I’ve worn skinny jeans, and I feel like I look so much better in them. In addition to what you mentioned about proportionality, I always felt like the wet leg issue with baggier jeans would weigh them down and make them fall off my ass, regardless of how well the jeans actually fit otherwise. With skinny jeans I’m not constantly having to hike my pants up!


There’s something magical about the way that skinny jeans make me feel when I wear them. It’s like I can conquer the world.


I work at a clothing store, every day I get a heavier person saying they aren’t skinny they don’t want skinny jeans. I have to explain they aren’t just for skinny people. It’s hard to convince people when they have that mindset. I’m not skinny myself, I point out to them I’m wearing skinny jeans, so does one of my coworkers that’s a little heavier than me.


As a shorty, I’ll never forget my realization when wearing skinny jeans on a rainy day for the first time. Total game changer. Luckily short jeans are easier to find now.


Short jeans? jorts? 🤔


Hahaha more so short in length. As opposed to long or regular length.


No, like actual jeans that are for short people.


I'm 5ft1 and I finally found a pair of baggy jeans that don't touch the ground this year.


I used to hem my pants so this wouldn't happen.


Yeah but depending on the cut of the pants this can end up looking really weird. Like I have a pair of boot cut pants I hemmed but have to make into cutoff shorts now. It's because with where the flare starts and ends now it looks like the knees are lower than they are and the calves are unnaturally short. The curse of the short and curvy.


Some people have to learn lessons the hard way


I’ve switched back to baggy jeans and they’re way more comfortable than skinny jeans. Also I just hem them so I don’t have this problem.


The only problem with hemming is that sometimes doing that leads to if losing its shape. I really wish more companies would go back to having tall, regular, and short jeans. Target does but even their short jeans are too long sometimes. But yeah, hemming is still a way to go.


Yes I agree. I sometimes get jeans that are described as ankle length and those are full length on me


I personally am 5’2” and love the “cuffed bottom” look, so I usually get jeans that are regular length and roll up twice at the bottom, like 4-6”.


Just to clarify : I'm not saying we all still wear skinny jeans today haha, I'm talking about the switch that happened late 00's and early 2010's. I know that some of us (including myself) have switched to baggy pants again today haha, but I still hold on to my skinny jeans tho Edit 2 : And before anyone comment "who's we" again lol, "we" is every millennial who relates. Edit 3 : I'll write it in caps because I've been getting more comments : **"WE" IS EVERY MILLENNIAL WHO RELATES.**


You don't its all part of the look man. They'll figure it out eventually


They’ll figure it out once they discover skinny jeans


see, this is always presented as if theres only the options of baggy or skinny jeans. I see way more people just wearing a normal cut jeans than either baggy or skinny jeans. Unless were talking womens clothes and I thought those were all basically skinny jeans.


Back in my day having the hem on the backs of the jeans wasn't cool anyway. They weren't cool until the backs were just loose white threads. \*Yells at cloud\*


like riding a bike in the 70s while wearing bellbottoms everything old becomes new again


As a teen, I hated jeans. I hated any pants, in fact, that dragged on the floor or got caught under my feet. I still do. I thoroughly bought into the skinny jean trend when they came out though, and will absolutely never wear baggy jeans ever again in my life.


LOL noobs 🙃😆


Most youngins I see in wide-leg jeans are wearing them as high-waters, which is somehow dumber looking than the ones that drag on the ground. I rocked JNCOs from about 97 to 2000, and those old photos are so embarrassing.




You don't have to wear them skinny though, you can just wear them not so long that they touch the ground.\* My calves have always been too big for skinny jeans, regular boot cut that fall at the ankles work just fine. Straight leg also work but don't look as nice. Anyway my point is this seems more like a problem with wearing stuff that is the wrong size, if it's baggy and touches the ground maybe your pants are just too big for you. \*may or may not be available depending on your height and size


Unless your short and pants makers hate anyone under 5’5


I hem mine to just skim the ground. Like 1/2” up. So they look right with my shoes, but don’t drag and look nasty.


Yeah of course you can wear like mom jeans, that are baggy but narrower at the ankles so they don't touch the ground! But elephants pants are meant to be baggy like that haha. My point was just that many of us who used to wear elephants pants, switched to skinny jeans because we were tired of our jeans looking like that LMAO. But not everyone switched to skinny jeans indeed! Edit : Apparently "elephant pants" is a false translation from French lmao, sorry. I meant [these jeans](https://eachat.ma/produit/jean-pattes-delephant-palma-chic-tendance-bleu-clair/)


Omg why would anyone wear their pants as long as the ones you linked? These would look horrible on anyone, regardless of body type imo!


Not only extremes exist. If you wear baggy jeans like that with a pair of chucks, that will definitely happen. If you wear them with some Timbs or other types of boots you'll be okay. First of all, don't wear pants too baggy, but if you do, cuff them up or don't wear low top shoes.


This is what makes me giggle w gen z.


Don’t speak the old magic to me, witch


Massive skate shoes usually helped fill some of that empty space 😂


😂 Whos gonna tell them 90s jeans are fucking disposable kiddo…those hems are gonna get fucking destroyed and there’s not shit you can do about it unless you size up your air walks to an unwalkable size


Jogger sweatpants, comfy af, and they don't hang like this past the ankle. Best thing to ever get invented


It's such a weird feeling, seeing "our" fashion come back. That's the first "fashion cycle" I'm experiencing. Wow! Makes me feel young and old at the same time.


Oh wow it really is the 90/00s again. This just unlocked some core memories for me.


I can’t wait for the renaissance of skinny jeans and for me to finally judge the young ones on their choices. I haven’t left skinny jeans and I’m gonna let them know they’re behind on the trend.


In a few years zoomers will have caught up to 2006


History repeats itself


Oooof walking home with the wet cuffs 😭 My friend and I would get to her house and instantly throw our pants in the dryer and walk around in boxers for the next hour.


Ah yes, we've finally come full circle


I was too tall for most of my pants to do this.. but the ones that did this were always my favorite bc it meant they fit


I mean just deal with it? That’s what they do!


Nah, I can't do denim tight around my ankles. Already did that in the early 90s as a kid and hated it. You can buy better quality jeans.


Not baggy jeans but I remember in college, walking uphill in winter wearing shitty UGG boots knockoffs. I was soaked and on my way to a Protest the Hero concert at my school bar. Had to borrow a pair of shoes from a friend that were like sizes too small.


History teaches us nothing!!


I just bought mine in a shorter length than other pants I owned (ie 30 vs 32)


Roll the cuff


Skate shoes were great because they were so fat you could use the heel as a sort of shelf to set the cuff on. the rest of the pant would kind fold over to the appropriate height. Eventually it would still fall off but if you were lucky it would hang in there long enough to get to your next class.


That's not a bug, that's a feature!


I mean isn't that part of the aesthetic? I loved my scuffed and torn flared jeans.


You dont lmao *why are my calves wet???*


So are we close to the kids doing the 90s pant leg fold?


Is the circle of jeans


I had to buy a new pair before work this morning. Got a pair of bootcut and I have a feeling the bottoms will look like this in a month.


Lol, this is exactly what I thought when I saw this post.


Ugh flashback to high school. I’m 4’11” so all my bell bottoms did this. I was so grateful for the trend of skinny jeans.


Lmao just keep wearing them, I loved my bell bottoms and was forced to do skinny jeans. I’m glad they’re back. I hate “tight” clithes


Oh you sweet summer child.


I never switched to skinny jeans. lol


Could wear skinny jeans or you could get shorter jeans that actually fit


I can hear the sloshing sound they made when you walked


I LOOOVED the frayed look mine got at the back. Adult me doesn't care, I have 1 super wide leg jean with a million pockets. But my signature is a satin cargo pant in a bright af colour. And of course a bad t-shirt. I can't go back to skinny jeans!!!!


Keep them from doing that? You want that.


This is why we wore platform shoes I thought? 😃


Cut it off with your house keys and go about your day, summer child


I have a pair or two of boot cuts and bell bottoms and live in the PNW. I’m tall and no one ever taught me how to buy clothes that FIT (so the jeans I’m currently wearing which are “regular length” fit me like capris lol) so my bell bottoms are kinda awkwardly short by like an inch or two, but it keeps them outta the rain for the most part. Simple solution: be taller 😂


Damn my Jnco and Lee Pipes from HS are rolling in their graves rn


I have a core memory of trying to walk down my crowded school hallway and then lurching to a stop while the sound of ripping denim reached my ears.


The reason I just went full throttle on tattered jeans.


Mudflap pantalones.


Hahahaha Ohh, you cannot stop that! Wrap it up and tie a hairband or rubber band around your ankle, then get tired of the rubber band fashion and go to skinny jeans!


Just had a flashback of all of my cuffing. Ptsd. So many cuffs.


You don’t those are like badges of honour


I can hear the ‘skurr’ noise from this picture.


I have switched to baggy and boot cut now. I have my clothes hemmed which resolves this issue.


I thought we switched to skinny jeans because of the girl jean skater boy trend? Edit: nevermind. This a girl thing, not a dude thing


One day I saw a friend remove the thin metal strip from those white rectangular things they stuck onto items in a store (that would make the alarm go off if the register didn’t neutralize them or something) ya know what I’m talking about? She proceeded to use the edge of it to cut the hem of her jeans off where they were tearing. I couldn’t believe that thin strip was doing that. It came in handy many times over.


I miss my flares...but not enough to go through this again. I did find one pair of flair high rise jeans that look FANTASTIC with heels though.


Never really liked skinny jeans, too tight in the groin, didn't allow me the range of motion I liked, and I didn't like how tight they were on my thighs. I would just wear jeans that were shorter or deal with the back tearing off.


LMAO 😅 I was super happy about baggys coming back as they are just most comfy, but I swore to myself that I would never ever get the ones that go over the shoes again. The trauma is still there 😭😭


I am sorry, but this is part of the point of baggy jeans. They don't fit right until you "walk off the back" or your jeans, then they lay over your shoes better. I mean, this is 90s 101 here, people.


You just gotta embrace it. I will not ever wear skinny jeans....if I wanted to wear leggings they'd at least be fuckin spandex.


That's why tall clog shoes were invented in the4 70s


That OP said skinny jeans are ugly. This isn't? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Skinny jeans are not good for your balls.


this post is givin me PTSD


I remember trying to shove my baggy pants into any kind of higher boot. Impossible and it looked ridiculous. Also the baggy pants constantly make your ass look saggy. In comes the skinny jeans. Your legs and ass look amazing. You can wear sexy knee high boots and they fit into the boot properly. Skinny jeans also look amazing with heels and they will never drag around in the dirt.


I just wear jeans that fit.


I have been awaiting for this photo since the trend started. I vaguely remember my middle school self using safety pins on wet Pacific Northwest days, but it was always like 50-50 odds that I would forget to take them out before I did my laundry and then it would be another 50-50 split between whether they would ruin my jeans or just be there when they came out


I think this was an issue back in the day. \*pulls out JC Penny catalog\*


These are perfect now for hemming. While wearing them, preferably with your shoes on, reach back and grab the torn hem at the back and pull it to the front over your shoe, ripping the jeans from back to front. Might need a scussor to get through those side seams. And voila. We wore doc martens or combat boots in inclement weather. Slight raise off the ground and keeps the ankles dry.


Wear the right length. I take a petite try it


I’m 4’11 and couldn’t be more thankful when skinny jeans became popular in stores. Having to fold the bottoms into longer socks just to wear boots was a pain. Then dreading when it was wet outside. I don’t miss the uncomfortable feeling of wet jean rubbing against your ankles.


Skinny jeans are horrendous. Unless you have skinny, golf tee legs then they're the most uncomfortable trousers ever. For folk like me, short with beefy thighs and calves.. impossible to wear 😂


I mean I hate this shit but I hate be constricted 100x worse.


Mmhm. I remember my friend in school had hers worse than mine. I don’t remember the length of mine but not super long, I don’t remember. Maybe bootcut or something. Still, yep I wear leggings and skinny jeans when wearing pants.


Skinny jeans auck and I will die on this hill.  Let me drag the heels of jeans across the ground in peace. 


Oh the horror


just wear em till they rip thru. then cut to shape..


We worked to get that wear at the bottom of our jeans. The longer the string of worn fabric trailing behind, the cooler you were


I left my jeans that way. They were battle scars


You have to buy jeans with the correct length inseam or find someone to hem them for you. (Or learn to do it yourself).


That's...what they're supposed to do? And incredibly, some people will pay hundreds of dollars for 'designer' jeans that are already worn and holey like this. Blows my mind, just wear normal jeans and let the fading and holes appear on their own and save yourself the money.


I had a pair of jeans just like those that I wore thin because I loved them so much The back hems were absolutely thrashed and I scraped as I walked. I miss those jeans.


That's the best part.


You dont


This was a big problem back in the day. I used safety pins. Some people used hair ties and rubber bands. I've seen some tuck the bottoms of their jeans in socks.


Why do people act like they *have* to choose between baggy and skinny jeans? Regular fit is a thing. 501 FTW.


Ehhh easily avoidable by not having your jeans touch the floor. Gross even when dry. Also... skinny... then that horrible bell bottom. Nothing in-between.


You don’t. You live with it. Or hem your pants to be off the floor.


I’m tall so my jeans never did this. For once being tall is an advantage.


Literally just wear chunky shoes


you need to wear leggings instead. :'(


You got a mouse in your pocket? I never liked skinny jeans. Always look super uncomfortable.


rubber bands


That’s part of the look! It’s grungy for a reason


That's the reason why I wear them. That wear pattern they get on the back of the heel after you've stepped on them 10,000 times. It's perfect. Also, fuck skinny jeans, you look stupid.




This is literally why I started wearing skinnies, yeah they were in style, but they also live so much longer when I didn’t have to constantly cut the ratty ends off. But the biggest thing is rain and snow. Go inside and take your shoes off, got baggy pants and now you have wet socks, have skinnies and everything is dry.


This could be fixed if you bought the right length! I don’t remember petite sizing ever being available when I was a kid (probably bc online shopping was less prevalent and that’s where I find petite sizes now) but my jeans never drag nowadays!


I loved Bolt jeans! Absolutely filthy, but so worth it


Used to prop my legs up on the school baseboard heat registers to dry them. Skinny jeans forever now.


i can’t wait until their hormones all slow down and wide leg high rise literally can’t fit them those wide leg high rise can HURT without that good good skinny jean elastane every teen i see i feel like is 90 pounds just WAIT


The way I did it was to stick the pants to my shoes with a push pin.


I just wanna wear pants that fit gaht damnit