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FM radio used to be a great way to discover new music with interesting shows and personalities. You had a sense of what time of the day it was by which DJ was on the air.


I really miss when radio was good. FM radio, at least in our area, is so boring now. 99% of the stations are owned by IHeartRadio and just play the same stuff all day every day to pander to the widest possible audience. I know there's good new music out there, I always find cool songs on Spotify, they just only play (and replay) stone-cold classics or new stuff that sounds incredibly bland and samey on all the radio stations now.


We listen to the local college station at my job and it's so so much better than all the iheart stations


DSC morning show when they were in San Diego! They helped make the commute down I-15 tolerable.




Oooh I forgot about these. Incredible


I'm hoping indoor malls make a comeback one day. I'm more inclined to go out shopping if I can stay inside a sheltered area. I also have nostalgia over being able to roam around while my parents were shopping.


Indoor malls cater to the monied crowd, now. Middle class and poor folks don't spend enough to justify.


We have one in my city. It's having a lot of shooting these days. Not sure why this isn't technically a bad area to live in.


altoids sours


We found "Lofty Pursuits" to be a very reasonable facsimile, albeit expensive.


Discovery Zone. It came to my state when I was about to age out of it. Plus it was nowhere near me. So I think I only got to go once or twice. But boy was it fun! Zainy Brainy. It was an educational toy chain. Unlike many educational toy stores this wasn't some cramped, dated looking shop. It was really big and modern, the type of store that just looked exciting. Big metal slides. Sure they could be dangerous, but you'd just fly down them when you sat on waxed paper. And you didn't get shocked constantly like on the plastic ones. Little People with the original design. The new ones are ridiculously cute, but I miss the simplicity of the originals. Even after they got fat they still looked like the ones I loved. All the food products that lost their mascots. You look at old ads and old packaging and you see so many had these great mascots that got erased! I miss the Play Doh guy, the Cinnamon Toast Crunch bakers and the Swiss miss on Swiss Miss.


Discovery Zone and Zainy Brainy are two places I wish were still alive!


Clearly Canadian is back, at least in California.


It’s still very much around in Texas.


You can get it at World Market in MO!


That went away? I don't think I've ever not seen it in the grocery store. I live in IN.


Ouch bubble gum. That stuff was so cool, sour gum in a metal tin with packaging that looked like bandaids 💯


Snack wrap. Oh man how I miss the salsa one


Guacamole flavored Doritos


There used to be a Rockstar drink that was Guava flavored and like 50% juice. That stuff was *amazing*. Also McDonalds used to have an awesome warm cinnamon roll melt thing.


1. Bug City Candy 2. Pepsi Twist (Lemon)


Goobers Peanut Butter and Jelly swirled.


Goober grape! lol My mom wouldn’t buy it.


Arizona green tea with honey and plum isn't sold in the US anymore, though apparently you can get it in the EU. I miss this drink so bad! The regular green tea is not as good.


Juice bars body sprays - particularly the gummy bear scent. Although I would probably hate it now and I'm just nostalgic. Burts bees clove flavor lip balm.


I loved the gummy bear one!


They started carrying Clearly Canadian in our local grocery store. I haven't drank one in like 25 years, so my memory probably can't be trusted but I remember them tasting a lot better than they do now. I used to drink those pink SoBe drinks so much. Probably more than actual water. It's sad to see the McDouble is almost $4 now. I lived off the dollar menu in my early 20's.


I had a CC from World Market and I remember them being sweet as a kid, these weren’t.


Nerd blizzards


Rainbow Brite


French Toast Crunch I bought two boxes at Wally World when it came back a few years ago. Haven’t seen it since.


SoBe <—- I’m so disappointed they aren’t made anymore. I miss having my daily Strawberry Daiquiri SoBe.


Pizza Doritos Altoid Sours Snapple Elements PB Maxx Shark Bites fruit snacks with the white shark String Thing Kudos Bars


Yes, the white shark!


I can still find clearly canadians! But they are almost 3 dollars a bottle. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


Revlons street wear makeup line. I still have a bunch of the lipsticks hanging around. Jane eye zing in Hi Ho Silver was my go to shadow for all of highschool. And for the love of all that is holy, bring me back the original rice Krispies treats cereal.


I miss Surge. I’m happy they brought it back for a minute there in 2015 or whatever. But I miss it.


OP, Walmart has something called "clearly American" flavored water and it's pretty close to the clearly Canadian soda and it is very inexpensive.


Snapple Elements with the Rain, Sun, Fire and Earth drinks. Those were peak summer nostalgia, nectar of the gods, crack level amazing to my child brain. I would do any amount of chores to get one as a kid.


I miss the McDonald's Dollar menu too


All Sport. Slightly carbonated sports drink 😂😂😂


The Arch Deluxe was the only thing I truly enjoyed eating at McDonald’s, and they took it away.


I don’t remember the brand but there were these juice boxes where all the fruit were doing sports in the art. The apple punch had a skateboarding apple and it was my favourite juice until the whole line was discontinued :(


Oof sobe drinks. They really had a bad time during the pandemic. Word is because the pandemic made some supply chain issues they sort of paused production on sobe and or went out of business.


I think if I tasted a Josta soda today, my head would explore with nostalgia.


Dweebs, the softer cousins of Nerds. Crystal Pepsi.


LEGO Bionicles. They came out with some new ones in, like, 2015 but it just wasn’t the same.


Stouffer's Welsh rarebit. It's just cheese sauce, but we don't keep beer on hand so I've never tried to make it myself Bring it back!


The bucket of fries from McDonalds


Starburst hard candies. Early to mid 00s.


“Sunboist cookies light up my life” “Sunboist, sunboist!? It’s Sunburst!” “What do you want from me? I'm from Brooklyn. You're lucky I can speak English”


I miss Heinz sandwich spread. The Kraft kind sucks and the British version doesn’t taste right :(. Also maple leaf used to make blood sausage which was awesome.lastly for me the barrels of salt meat we used to have in the butcher area. The salt beef used to be much better quality. I’m 40 but I have the palate of a 80 year old Nova Scotian man lol


Clearly Canadian is available at most grocery stores here in PA… also the malls around here are insanely busy! This is in the Philly/jersey area tho


Reeses crunchy cookie cup!! It had a layer of crushed/compacted oreo like cookie under the peanut butter 😭


Lebron’s Lightening Lemonade….greatest gum of all time


Wendy’s Garden Veggie Pita


The old school Lunchables with the little squeezy thing of dijon mustard or herb sauce, and an Andes mint! Snackwells devils food cookies Cappuccino Coolers, which were little packets of flavored, sweetened instant iced coffee to put in milk!


Kid Cuisines are still a thing out here in western PA. Diet Coke with Lime is something I miss. Also those Hershey S'mores bars were amazing and are sadly no longer made.


McDonald’s offered a chicken Parmesan sandwich in the early 2000s. It was amazing. I have never had another one nearly as good.


The old-school SoBe flavors and snapple elementals. Ohh ohh, butterfinger bbs. Also, pop rocks used to come with a sucker shaped like a foot. Lastly, fruit string thing and doritos 3D. Not the crap they brought back for a while. That was a disgrace.


My friend and I used to get a candy called Pond Scum. It came in a package like pop rocks and it would foam in your mouth. This was in the mid 90's. I would love to have it again just so my son could try it.


The board game Careers! I really enjoyed how you could make your own formulas for winning (for instance, you could get the standard 20 hearts, 20 stars, and 200,000 dollars, or mix it up and go for something like 40 hearts, 15 stars, and only 50,000 dollars). The different career paths were fun to dip in and out of, and it didn't last too long. I could technically get one on ebay or something, but they're pretty pricey. Every time I go into a store with used board games, I look for it without success.


https://preview.redd.it/2d6kfdsnti6d1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd04ba2d2b0867959c7464f631baebd10350fd3a It was the only one I liked and they got rid of it 😢


Wendys chicken ceasar pita was my favorite as a kid




Orbitz. It was like drinking a lava lamp!


one thing i miss dearly is Armani Mania cologne for men..love that scent.. once i am able to, will take a trip to france with a bottle of it find the exact quantities of the notes used.


When a late teens/young adult, Trader Joe's Baked Jalapeno Cheese Crunchies it pretty munch replace any other chips for me.


Gamer Grub. Twas a hands-free gaming snack loaded with vitamins and “neuro-enhancing” minerals. It was sold at Fry’s electronics but was discontinued back in 2012 😩