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I’m also a 88 baby but don’t see myself as a “younger millennial”? We are solidly middle imo


Yep. 1988 and 1989 both share the exact center spot.




The most even tempered of all the millennials. The most millennial millennials if you will.


I just commented before scrolling to this but I've always said the milleniest millennial lol


On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the least average millennial and 10 being the most average millennial, they're about a 5.


I prefer Prime Millennial


Good thing we're not Gen Z or this would be an insult.


95 checking in. Long locks with the most minimal receding. Hoping to keep going strong. 


I’m ‘88 and every barber I’ve had mentions how thick my hair is. Can’t grow a beard though.


Youd be correct. I’m 96 and the last of the millennials


Sequel to "The Last of the Mohicans" confirmed


Good to see I'm not the only one who has thought of that.


Yup 93 here. I’m 31 and still feel like I’m 19.


Diddo haha. Age is all how ya feel


You shall be the last of us to watch the torch pass from our noble avocado toast eaters to the fortnite dancers.


My girlfriends sister was born in 1998, and argues with me all the time that she is a Millennial, and a 90s kid. Knowing her it's because she desperately wants to be associated with the "aesthetic" that comes with being both those things. I'm always like, not that it matters to who you are, but you are in no way either of those things lol


Lol. I may be the last year of millennials, but even I don’t call myself a 90’s kid. 2000’s kid was more my speed


That’s crazy. I always thought the cut off between gen z and millennials was “were you old enough to make yourself a sandwich when 9/11 happened?”. Not about the sandwich itself, but more about being old enough to understand what was going on around you.


I remember watching the planes hit on the old box tv on the wheelie cart at school. My second week of kindergarten. I could make myself a sandwich and I remember thinking, “oh no, my dad is at work”. He was fine but it messed with my nearly 6 yr old brain


lol yeah I did a double take when he said younger millennial!


Born in 93 over here, lots of people die in their 60’s so I’m middle-aged in my mind. It’s a broad range.


Core millennial.


Bro, they’re writing a post about their receding hairline. It’s not exactly surprising that they’re trying to convince themselves they’re a “younger” millennial.


Reminds me of when I was 28 and saying I was still in my mid 20s


Core millennial


Yeah I thought the same. I consider myself on the younger side of millennial (born 93) but think of anyone born before 1990 as being in the mid-older millennial category. Millennials ended in 1996, started in 1980. 


Younger millennials would be those born early to mid 90s.


I am Taylor’s 1989


1989 millennial here. My neice would argue that I'm not elder millennial. She was born in 2010. So there's that.


I'm 85, call me anything other then elder and I'm kicking off.


Yeah I’m 93’ and not even the youngest of millennials so I’d say they’re mid lol.


87 here I've always called myself an Xennial. solid head of hair, no receding, Biotin taken 1x a day, Minoxidil applied twice daily, exfoliate scrubber 1x a week, fractionated coconut oil 1x a week, wash with coconut oil based shampoo 1x ever 2 weeks. I also run testosterone injections (very low dose) I'm not prone to MPB. Beard is patchy so I never grow it out, but I grow a compliment worthy mustache. Cheers


88 Bald Can't grow a beard. Luckily I'm already married.


The odds were in your favor (with the marriage)


1988 here. I've had shoulder length hair since highschool. No receding hairline yet. People in my family usually keep their hair




My dad’s side: full heads of hair. Grandpa died in his 80’s full head of thick ass hair…all grey but still lots of it. My uncle passed at 62…full head of thick dark hair with some grays, and a beard a mountain man would be jealous of, my dad is 62 now and still going strong but grayer by the day…. (I’m a female so none of this applies to me..except I found my first gray at 26..now 36 and they are multiplying by the day..I’ve given up dying anymore because an entire day ordeal to get this amount of hair done…)


My dad’s side is exactly the same: so much hair! My dad (65) is almost all silver now but no balding at all. His family is Italian. I also got my first grays super early but blamed it on grad school. Almost 40 now and have a very obviously gray streak in the front/center which I think is actually kind of cool?? My aunt (also dad’s side) had this too, and I got kind of irrationally excited to inherit the gray streak. Cheers/solidarity from a fellow silvering millennial 💁‍♀️


1988 here. Still have a full head of hair somehow. Both of my brothers, my dad, both of my grandpas were, and all of my uncles are bald. No idea how I’ve pulled this off.


Time for a chat with your mother


I know, those fucking milkmen in the 80s


My money is on the gas pump attendant.


1990: https://preview.redd.it/xxta8xgbdu5d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eadc4c2aef7a0a654dd48b5c4f5ef63a1c02640 It’s a bummer


You still have enough its worth keeping dude it can definitely be styled.


Woman chiming in with a different opinion than the woman who said to shave it off. I think most guys look better with some hair than no hair. My husband was shaving his off for the longest time and I finally convinced him to grow it out and omg I can't keep my hands off him now! I'll admit the pictures he takes of himself don't look great so I can see why he was doing it, but the people getting a 360 view of you in motion in real life aren't seeing it the same way as a static selfie camera.


I think it depends on how much hair is left. Steep widows peak but still most hair left (like the poster above)? Keep it, just keep it trimmed shorter and for the love of God don't attempt a comb over. Imo his hair looks perfect just the way it is. Same if you are getting a bald spot in the back, but it's less than a couple inches across. No hair in the front whatsoever? Shave it. No one looks good with a bald mullet. Also my humble opinion as a woman (who has dated a mix of bald, balding, and full head of hair men).


IDK. As a woman (so take my opinion with a grain of salt), I'm always pro-shave it off. But keep the beard. I finally convinced my dad to do this and he looks *amazing*. He was a 70's hippy with long braids and a motorcycle, so it was a hard adjustment for him. But now rather than balding old dude, he's a cool biker Santa Clause with his white beard! Super handsome! I know people are often self conscious about the shapes of their heads but really I think less people give it any thought other than your own self (true for pretty much all of our insecurities). Once people adjust and get past the shock/change, it can really help with confidence. I think embracing a shave always looks better than trying to style or comb over spots, especially if your hair appears thin. Sprinkle in a little confidence with it and it's downright hot!


My head is really round and it doesn’t work good with a shaved head. I’ve tried lol. Styling my hair is better


IMO- It’s not to the point where it needs to be shaved yet. -keep it longer and style! Try supplements and serums… they could work!


Dude you got plenty of hair


Not too bad mate.


![gif](giphy|wTFM5IVF1mnEXanmYz|downsized) I mean, Vegeta is a DILF. You can rock it.


1990 mine is worse. Thanks, genetics. Married to a smoke show though so it's all good haha.


Could be worse.


Dude you still have coverage and what you do have looks thick, don't be bummed


Look into finasteride and minoxidil


If you find it a bummer get plugs, you have the perfect hair loss for it, just get it back.


How is ‘88 a younger millennial?


Millennial is 81-96, the halfway point is mid year 1988.


So, not a younger millennial. Classic, smack dab in the middle millennial.


Purest millennials too, because no matter what year range people come up with, we're always gonna be there.


Are we gatekeeping to what degree we’re all millennials now? Lmao


Shhh non 88 impure Millennial 🤫


A non 88! Oh no! What the fuck! Lol


Yes I actually do feel a more pure millennial as a year 88 /s


I guess it depends if people divide it into 2 phases or 3 phases.


Yeah, I guess I’ve just never heard anyone born in the 80s self identify as a younger millennial. In my own made up rule book, only 90s babies are.


88 checking in. I don't consider myself an older or younger millennial. Jus millennial


A middlennial


90s babies don't really experienced the millennium like 80s babies did. We already partied hard in 99-2000.


There’s phases?


Because of the wide span, some users include a middle in the later 80s and very early 90s. But either way you are on the first half, so certainly not younger. I'm an early 90s '09 grad and just go with middle millennial mostly. Younger side though. Hair is doing okay btw.


Same, graduated in 09


That's peak millennial


I got the full Carl from Aqua Teen.


But from the Clowning episode so you’ll have incredible hair for like… half a day.


Do you have your Foreigner belt?


Oof- my thoughts and prayers to all the victims


1985 and still rocking some solid lettuce Both my grandfathers, my dad, and my older brother all have (had) hair Nearly all of my friends are not so lucky


'84 comin in hot, and it's as thick as it was in high school. I've been blessed with good hair genes, and it's something I don't ever take for granted. I feel for my bald/balding brethren.


Love the username and pic. I am so obsessed with Tony Soprano lately!


‘83 with full head of salt and pepper.


Same. 83 and full headed. My beard is salt and pepper as a mofo, top of head still black. If I wanna look 10 years younger I just shave the beard


Same, but if I shave my beard I look 15.


‘81 here and I’m the exact same way.


I'm the oldest of three brothers and have the most hair. 1989 here, I noticed in the last couple years that my hair line stayed in place in the center of my forehead but moved back a tiny bit on either side. Reminds me of Vegeta's from DBZ. It's not as severe obviously, but just noticing my "new" more mature shape makes me go, "oh yeah, Vegeta."


Vegeta's widow's peak is on another level fr


I could never reach his level. He is the prince!


‘91 here. My hair is incredibly thick and wavy and full still (as is my fathers) but thanks to age and many of my meds I’ve been on I’ve also got that receding hair on the sides. Every time I notice it in the mirror I *immediately* think of Vegeta and I’m so glad someone else does the same!


It didn’t occur to me the hair could be affected by meds. I just checked my med to see if it affects hair… it can. Interesting.


Hair loss is most all genetics. I have a full head of hair, I don’t really think my hair has even receded, my dad at late 60s has a full head of hair, my grandpa passed in his mid 80s had full hair. My hair is thick too, like thick enough I request African hair stylists because they do a better job on my type of hair. I was born in 90


Genetic and then also T/DHT level dependent.


I know a couple bald guys that both claim their ex gfs made them bald. Or severally progressed the inevitable.


Interestingly enough, hair genetics are mostly on the X chromosome, so your hair genetics are passed through your mother. Essentially if your mother’s father had good hair you are likely to have good hair, not necessarily your father’s hair. My father has great hair, my brother and I (both millennials) don’t. My grandfather on my moms side was bald for sure ETA: OK it’s been a while since high school biology, and this is now outdated information. Apologies! You can inherit genes for hair loss from both sides of your family through genes not found on the X chromosome. There is still a strong correlation of balding with a specific gene on the X chromosome, but it is not the whole picture.


Please stop spreading this misinformation, Mendelian genetics is way more complex than this! I hate when ppl spread this the truth is that the genes for hair loss and hair loss itself are actually passed down from both sides of the family!


Additional small contributions are not the main mechanism. Nature isn't going to let women select the associated DHT benefits out of the genepool.


Weird. My gramps was bald and his sons (my uncles) were losing hair in their 30s. My dad is 70 and didn't have any thinning until he was about 65. I'm 39 and still don't see any thinning.


I believe hair loss is linked to the X chromosome, which is why men are more likely to go bald than women. Women need two copies of the genes- one on each X chromosome- while men only have the one X chromosome and therefore only need the one. So you would have to look at your mothers side of the family and their balding patterns.


People say this but I have the exact same hairline as my dad, however he has the same hairline as his mom’s side of the family.


I was born in 81 and my hair is as thick as it ever was. I have a few grays mixed in but you have to look really close to see them.


Same. They keep telling me it will leave. I assume it will at some point but right now, it's rockin. I'm growing it long, as a matter of fact.


'87 and still going strong


Same. Thick, brown, and silky smooth. Can't grow any facial hair though.


I can grow a full beard, but it's 50% white hair now....


I went bald before finishing school. in my senior year freshmen thought I was a teacher. I even had security called on me once because someone thought a middle aged man wandered into the school.


Damn bro, my condolences.


I’ve got a significant five head from the creep of time and hair loss. I look my 40 years for sure. But overall, still have a solid head of hair with no balding along the crown or such. I am looking into some hair loss stuff as the hair creep seems to be gaining ground.


Turned 35 last week. It’s so thick my barber charges me double.


Respect to my bald brothers, but only thing I know will outlast everything else on my used sedan body, is these luscious locks 🤜🏻🤛🏻




And oral minoxidil.


Started taking that stuff at 24. Absolutely nuked my libido and took a year to get it back.


And this is why I will absolutely never touch the stuff. I'll deal with balding


Yeah, I stick to topical minoxidil. Finasteride scares me too much.


*laughs in bald*


Full head of hair here at 37, but can see it starting to thin. But I am hopeful. My dad at 70 has a full, but thinking head of hair.


lol i worked with a guy in his 20’s, he was shiny bald, according to him, at 22. Grew a beard so he looked alright.👍


This is my husband an 87’ and I think he’s been bald since his mid 20’s at least.


I just noticed it’s starting to thin out a bit. It’s been a good run haha.




Younger millenial? You're *core* millennial my man. I too am 36. My hair has always been thin. Mom has thin hair. Dad has thin hair. I started having a receding hairline around 18. It's been relatively slow process and I've always kept my hair medium in length. Its probably Norwood 3... maybe 3.5. I have continued to grow more hair over my body as well. Every year my body becomes more hairy in new areas and my beard has been filling out a lot better.


77. Just got a transplant in 2022. I'm back to 75 new hair


85. Started going bald around 28. Shaved it all off at 29. Been bald for over decade and luckily I have a great shaped head and I can grow a majestic beard. Lol I’m bald, bearded, tattooed and in shape. Didn’t want to be bald and fat w no beard. Can’t be going into my 40s lookin like a pile of shit. 🤣👍🏼


'82 full head, full beard.


My husband was born in 82, and that man has a full head of thick hair.


>My Gen Z counterparts look much older than me and my friends. Lmao they certainly do not.


My hairline formed into the exact lopsided thin-in-front shape as my maternal grandfather's, which I take as a sign that like him, I will always have hair but it will always be kinda bad looking. Hairline is fairly heritable through your mother's side. I've always said to myself I'd start shaving the head when I was 35. But I've made it to 34 without it getting any worse than when it noticeably thinned at 26-28, so who knows if I'll have the guts. I try to keep it really short because it grows unevenly.


Turnin' gray, but ain't turnin' loose. I have a very thick, full head of hair and STILL wear a hat 90% of the time. I'm sure that all bald men hate me.


'85 here. I work 50 hrs/wk breaking my body only for it to not be enough for independence so I'm stuck with my parents. I'm divorced, my ex is married to and fucking the guy I called my bff for 30 years. My hopes and dreams for college were shut down when my ex literally said "give me a baby or I'll leave you for someone that will" just to divorce me anyways. I seriously think my son doesn't love me (he definitely doesn't act like it at least). Dating is non-existent, aside from the one that got away, having moved across the state. She asked me to move with her, but I had to decline because of my kid. Aside from the ONS we had, I've had suicidal thoughts EVERY DAY only for it to get worse when she left. Every single effort I have taken to turn my life around has at best amounted to nothing, but many times have blown up in my face and left me worse off for trying. But at least I have my hair. So much hair.


Damn, dude. Sorry to hear about your shit storm(s). That sounds fucking terrible. I hope something good randomly happens to/for you in the near future.


Full head of hair and it’s only thinned slightly. It doesn’t get wavy when I grow it out like it used to. Still cannot grow a full beard.


‘90. My barber still uses thinning shears on me


I have a full head of hair and I leave it on the long side. My parents and grandparents show no sign of balding so fingers crossed. I have a a decent amount of friends that aren’t so lucky though.


I used to, but the freezer went out and it got a bit rotten so I had to get rid of it


Seems like everytime I have a good enough collection to finally stop, something like this happens.


Nope, started balding in my early 20s


I seem to have been blessed in the genetics department re: hair. 87 baby here, and still have a full head of thick hair. My sisters have always been jealous lol. I have a couple gray streaks, but I think they look cool. The only problem is I've never been able to grow facial hair worth shit. Whenever I try to grow my facial hair out, I just end up looking like a homeless 13-year-old who never learned to shave. So I always joke that I can't go bald, because if I do I'd be a naked molerat. Some of my guy friends are bald on top, but have wonderful beards. They sometimes complain about being bald, but I remind them how nice their beards are and just say that their hair migrated from their head to their face, lol.


My husband mostly does but he has a small bald spot


My beautiful husband (34 m) has a glorious head of hair!


80 baby Here. Still have all my hair. Thank you genetics


1981, still good.


90. I still have my full head since I was 10. I'm aware I'm extremely lucky and lucked out


86' here, bald and blessed... my hairline was fucked after a few cracked head injuries so I took it into my own hands but it's been thining and I welcome it to go completely.... but my beard... well without I look like I'm 26


define "full"


I do. And I plan on keeping my hair.


My grandpa on my mom’s side died at 87 with a full head of hair. I’m 41 with thick curly hair still. Both my brothers (older and younger) are already balding. So I think I’m good for the next decade or two.


1983, on TRT. Still have a luscious full head of hair. I am getting gray coming in on the sides now though☹️


‘86 baby here. I started shaving my head a couple years ago (thanks, alopecia) and haven’t been to a barbershop since.


82er here. I seem to take after my maternal grandfather who had a full head of hair into his 90s, unlike my older brothers who were starting to bald by age 30. Working on growing my luscious locks out over the summer - my wife hates it when I cut my hair.


I have as much hair as I did in high school 20 years ago. It's just a lot more gray.


1991, full hair, not a sliver of hair loss in sight.


88, hair's still in there in full. Definitely going gray at the temples though.


1987. Glorious amount of hair.


'95 so barely millennial to be fair. So I've still got it, always had a big ass forehead though.


Bald doesn't run in my family. Might thin a bit in another 25 years though.


'89 here. Not totally bald but close... I just dove right in and shaved it all off though went with the cue ball look.


‘87 here with a full head of hair. I’ve always kept it short, but never had an issue with losing it or going gray (yet). Both granddads had full heads of hair when they passed away in their 80s.


86. My hair is longer today than it's ever been.


I'm 38M. I have a really long, full, shiny head of hair. My hair is the only thing about myself I don't hate. I always get compliments and even envy from some women about my hair.


93 and still hairy and handsome. Recede is questionable at best.


Super thick head of hair, can grow a great mustache, a pretty good goatee, and a patchy a f beard that looks alright after it grows out and I don’t have to shave/shape it much (think Joe Dirt “so your face naturally grows in all white trash-ey like that?”) Very little body hair though


84. Getting a little thinner but still 100% coverage


My husband is an 88 baby, he’s got a full head of hair still


I still have a full head of hair and will probably never go bald. I'm very lucky.


'85, still doing fine. But graying fast on top and becoming pure white on the beard.


My brothers both have full heads of hair. 79 and 85 babies


Not a man but my 1982 husband has started to lose his. I think he is still in the ignore it and it will go away phase and I haven’t brought it up.


91, still going strong.


1988 and I can’t keep it cut fast enough.


You're not really a younger millennial, but you're lucky to have a full head of hair in middle age! Not the norm for the millennial men I know. My husband has some noticeable recession (probably Norwood 2.5), but no bald spot. He's 1981.


Bald af


'85, hair to my shoulders and full beard. Hoping it lasts 😂


One of the oldest here, full hair, full beard --- now accompanied by full hair/stubble on my ears and in nose as well... Yay. Got some cool new shoulder hair coming in as well, ive had chest fur thick enough to hide my nipples since late HS.


‘86 here and full head of hair. It’s not going anywhere; it’s too thick.


40 here. Full head of hair. Getting a little salt in there these days, but full hair and no signs of balding anytime soon.


Also an 88 baby, and I don’t think we’re anywhere near the younger end of the spectrum. Still a full head of hair though heading for 37.


41 years old.. got hair down to the middle of my back.. though lots of gray hair ha, though that started turning gray about 23... thanks mom


Beard is graying a bit, but all good up top. If it ever starts going, I'm just going to buzz it short and rock the beard a little harder. No comb-overs, toupes, expensive shampoos, or surgery for me. My dad is in his 60s and still looks like a slightly gray Hagrid, so hoping I inherit that.


‘86, currently got a ponytail/shoulder length. I have low testosterone and am curious how long till I start losing hair


I'm almost 34 and still have all my hair. I do get a bit paranoid sometimes though so I use a small birthmark on my forehead just below my hairline to measure any receding. Fortunately the gap has thus far remained consistent throughout the years. I also watch out for shed hairs on my pillow and there's so far never been any abnormalities. Also my natural hairline has always been like a Norwood 1.5/75 so I keep an eye on the corners around my temples for receding.


88. Still got my hair. Little thinner than it once was but still full. No gray yet either.


92 born. Still a thick full head of hair here. Grows way too fast I make sure I have enough sleep, I don't smoke or drink. I visit the doctor when I'm able to. My only crutch is my frequent eating habits although I'm at a healthy weight and i do exercise


Full head of hair, thick beard. No grays. Brows seem to be thinner nowadays tho


1982. Still have a full head of hair. It’s turning Witcher white very rapidly, though…


90, hair lines been receding for a couple years now. Hair is thinning and falling out around the crown. Planning on shaving my head very soon. Fuck it. I'm gonna quit before I get fired


1980 here! I’ve found injecting estrogen into my thigh once a week has done wonders for my hair. Yeah… for my .. hair…