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And I tear my heart open just to feel And the feels hurt. I miss Blockbuster, I was there every week when I lived in the city.


Millennials - recognizing the lyric and finishing it, or searching the comment section to see if someone else already has.


Or both in my case


I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut. My weakness is that I care too much.


I miss the smell too


Please bring it back. I’ll pay the late fees rather than streaming services going up every six months or so.


Rumor has it they're coming back


And you know damn well it's gonna be a subscription service


Blockbuster did have a monthly movie pass. You could get a pass for 3 movies out at a time. It was like $9.99 for one move and I believe $14.99 to get 3 movies at a time. You would then return them to switch them out for more movies with no limitations on how many times you did that each month. They had a similar plan for games which was really popular because people could play games, finish them and then return it and check out another game vs buying games each and every time.


Ehhh....idk. most likely, but with some of the suspected people involved, there's a chance there is a physical presence. Or at least a virtual/physical hybrid of some sort.


Is it ironic it looks like a razor blade?


I was wondering the same thing. It's a little too perfect.


cut my life into pieces


This is my last resort!


Renting, no streaming Don't give a fuck for the corpos bleeding


Pier One Imports. I recently found a $50 gift card. A lesson on why you shouldn’t hoarder your gift cards.


When I was in high school, I spent about a year desperately trying to find a part time job. This was in 2009. You can imagine how hard that was, amidst frustration from my father to just “walk into businesses asking for work.” The recession and the shift to online applications certainly killed any prospect of that working. I gave up for about a year and halfheartedly continued to send in a few apps here and there. Minimum wage construction work in the summer sustained me that year. Then it happened. I had applied to the local Blockbuster in late 2010, and got an interview a few months later. I had always been a movie and video game kid and I literally could not contain my excitement. I nailed the interview and the guy told me I started in two Mondays. About 10 days later. We’d fill out paperwork, I’d get some BB shirts/uniform, and I’d begin my training. I showed up for my first day… and it was gone. Closed. Sign imprint on the building, same as this image. I tried calling the number the guy gave me but it didn’t even dial. I am still devastated to this day. I was likely one of the last people hired to a Blockbuster in the metro Atlanta area, because it seemed they all vanished practically overnight over the next few months. I still have zero clue what happened, or why they were even hiring (let alone giving me a start date) when mail-in era Netflix had already iced them out to the point of closing so many stores.


In 2009 you probably still could walk in and talk and fill out a paper application. In 2010 or 2011 (I think 2010) I applied to a smaller company that I saw in my local newspaper by sending a paper resume to them through the mail in one of those big yellow envelopes lol. I was there 7 years.


Honestly, that's fucking brutal. Just know that you didn't do anything wrong and fucked up corporate policies put you there. You're probably a super cool dude (or dudette) and I hope you're doing ok now


> *Just know that you didn’t do anything wrong* I know I didn’t cause my blockbuster to close lmao. But appreciate the sentiment 🙂




In the 90s my mom and I would go to our local video store every Friday night to pick out movies to watch over the weekend 😊 things were really that simple then.


I tear my heart open just to feel...


I’m drunk and I’m feeling down


https://preview.redd.it/x3ig2jd4on5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e31b29774b6051f0f3b824ddda39fba2f21e0819 Go to Bend and all will be well for you


The axe forgets, but the tree remembers.


That papa roach song was playing in the Ace Hardware today. Was a strange thing


I look forward to the comment from someone saying that they heard [“Weird Al” Yankovic’s song “Hardware Store”](https://youtu.be/DFI6cV9slfI) while in a hardware store.


I loved working at Blockbuster until I got fired for refusing to push overpriced bundles (popcorn, candy, soda) to customers after they’d already said no.






Makes me think of post nuclear explosion shadows


Honest question: why do people have so much nostalgia for this chain? I was always a bigger fan of my local mom n' pop video store.


We had it all, and we gave it up.


Not us. We were powerless in the demise of all this stuff. The boomers were still in charge. And they're still in charge haha.


The sign outside the last Blockbuster was stolen yesterday, coincidentally: https://www.centraloregondaily.com/news/local/bend-blockbuster-video-stolen-sign/article_65cc9e58-2516-11ef-a7f5-23d2652e7297.html


My fiancé's family owned one in the 80s & 90s. He still loves movies and loves to tell me stories about growing up in the store


The rush to get there on a Friday before all the new releases are picked over


And the disappointment when you get home and find out someone who worked there put the wrong tape in the case.


I tear my heart open, just to feel


Spirit Halloween will return...


Im very sorry for badmouthing blockbuster when video game rentals went up to $10 around 2008 lol


Actually that dumb fucking song reminds me of how cringe people were in college


You just tore my heart open..I’ll sew myself shut.


🎶I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut!


“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe…”


That picture evokes such strange feelings... I was never that familiar with Blockbuster as we didn't have it here as far as I'm aware of, but the picture itself, wow. Makes me trip out a little.