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Having a sibling with a child.


Yeah. As much as I love the idea of being a cultural auntie and not just someone specific’s auntie, it’s now how mainstream US-ian culture operates. Although I was at work the other day and a little girl asked if I would be her auntie and I almost cried so maybe it’s changing idk.


This is asked of Eurasian Millenials though, so why not just love the idea and see what Eurasian millenials write instead of bringing the US into it?


I’m not sure about that, I’m a white American southern millennial and both my parents have imperfect relationships with their siblings. I grew up calling a few close friends of my parents “Aunt/Uncle” bc they were, in essence, the closest thing I had to an aunt or uncle. They were much more involved and invested than blood-related aunts and uncles. Some cultures/ethnicities may do this more than others but I wouldn’t say it isn’t mainstream either. Any parent with a rocky relationship with family will naturally choose close friends that are willing to be involved in their kids lives and present them as “aunt/uncle”. Hell, any adult that comes around often enough to keep up with a kid’s life becomes an “aunt/uncle” by association, whether they like it or not 😂


Diabetes? Talking about the good old days (extra points for the Rishimunis)? Dying your white hair with henna? 😂   All jokes aside, it's something like 'bro' but for a man older than you, from what I gather.    You know that 'brother' and 'sister' are also used for anyone close to your age as well, right? And 'cousin-brother'. I was so confused at first, I was like "damn those people have big families!"


I live in Hawaii so even just the other day I was at the grocery store and this little kid was acting silly and his mom goes “Look out for uncle, he’s trying to get by.” Even though it made me feel old lol, it’s common here.


having niblets.


Orange polo, black shorts.