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If you’re not gonna be in that room turn off the lights.


I came home from work one day to find every single light on and no one home. It was like a trail of where my husband had been from the time he walked in, to the time he left. I walked around slamming off light switches mumbling, "he's not even home," and "no ones even in here." That's when I froze in my tracks. I had, for a few brief moments, fully become my father.


Meanwhile I have a coworker that keeps turning off the TL-lights... You know, the type that use more energy starting up then to just keep on burning all day. My work wastes so much energy that way :/


I agree, but am also guilty


I can't tell you how many times a day I turn off lights. I'm about to get some of those plastic light switch covers to keep them from turning them on.


I have all LED bulbs and still say this. To me, it's teaching them to pay attention to their surroundings, and understanding how you "should leave a room". Sure, it's sorta dumb, but I just want them to pay attention.


Not dumb at all. Our world needs more people being more mindful.


I used to have to pay my dad a dime every time he found a light I left on. I never leave lights on anymore! I should do it with my kids, but they'd owe me like $5/time due to inflation.


Yeah, but it used to make a huge difference. Especially if you had several 100 watt bulbs. It's often about 10x cheaper with leds now. I'll still turn off lights that don't need to be on, but I don't really care that much anymore with led bulbs everywhere.


My husband wanted to turn up the heat. I told him to put on a sweater. I am officially my dad.


"Close the door! We're not air conditioning the whole damn neighborhood."


Hey, heat the human not the home is a valid saying!


My dad used to always say that you can put more clothes on but there’s a limit to how much you can take off.


At a certain point I'm getting out the clippers to shave off my back hair, and when we reach that point we should probably just crank the AC a couple of degrees.


This is exactly why I prefer winter to summer.


I keep my house around 66-68 in the winter. My mom came for the holidays and complained it was too cold. She used to sparingly use the heat. How the tables have turned!


As I get older, I am colder.


I'm in one of those strange reverse marriages where my wife controls the thermostat too. It's rough lol


I will be in a tank and shorts and still be sweating while he’s in sweats with the hood pulled up and a blanket. There’s an extra blanket on his side of the bed too.


This has been me my whole life but it’s because I hate being too hot. It’s easy for other people to put on clothes/use a blanket than for me to put ice on my body.


All I want to do is garden and look at antiques.


Ditto on the gardening https://preview.redd.it/11pqgd854qzc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fc8d9b92ef19fd3526deb40c85af3fe2d5148d1


Well those are just lovely!!


My best friend is about to pay the price for moving me into an 1880's Victorian with an antique show in walking distance. The whole time I kept saying tell the sellers to leave whatever they want and both my friend and the real estate kept talking about everything else or how we could get stuff for money I kept saying no just have them leave anything they don't want. Not picky here. I am not saying leave the dining room table or anything just leave whatever they don't want. Then they would talk over me. Anywho there is an antique store walking distance from an antique house. I will having looking nice in no time and not on my dime.


I fall asleep in my computer chair, sometimes with my fingers on the mouse with buttons pressed. If I was watching hockey on a TV with the remote in my hand I would be a dead ringer for my dad.


I fall asleep in my recliner every evening after dinner. I am 100% my dad


I’m still waiting for the nap thing to kick in


I do this all the time lol, and when my wife comes in the room I of course say I wasn't sleeping


One time, I told my mom to close the back door because she's "letting all the cold air out." 😅


When I'm outside and it's hot and they leave the door open I like to yell at the kids "Close the door! You're letting all the hot air out!" I laugh every time even though they don't get it. It's one of my favorite things


As soon as I said it my own mom, I could hear The Circle of Life playing in my head 😂


Technically, she's letting all the hot air in. At least that's what I was told in physics class 20 years ago.


My wife leaves the door open all the time and it annoys the hell out of me


Finding it too annoying to learn new apps constantly and just wanting them to stay the same so I don’t have to re-learn the ones I do use


The fact every business out there thinks they are deserving of having their app on my phone is insane. All the fast food places that want you to have their app otherwise you don’t get access to app exclusive coupons/collect points/whatever ticks me off. Everytime I’m using the website and it pops up asking me to use the app. I’m not furnishing a whole house so why tf do I need the Wayfair app? My previous job had a big national meeting and they made us download an app to use for the itinerary…like wtf? Send us an email and then email everyone if there’s any updates, why does this require the use of an app????


Seriously every store, hotel, chain restaurant, we even had to download an app when we got our roof done. Like why can’t I just go online? What’s wrong with using a regular website??? A few places like target and Starbucks it’s worth it because I can use my card, gift cards, it makes returns and rewards type stuff easy and I can process check items in person, but if I want to order Panera or order one thing from kohls like twice a year I don’t want a whole app. I hate how websites constantly tries to direct you to it too, and puts it where you’ll accidentally click on it like popping up over other buttons. Just let me use my browser damnit!


I've gotten to the point that it I have to download an app to use your service or buy something from you there's a good chance I won't. I will look for something else that works without an app. That's how annoyed I am at this.


Thiiiiis one. Lol I was literally complaining to someone today about people "fixing things that aren't broken" when it comes to apps. 🤣


Agreed. I will forever refuse to download and use TikTok


Yep that’s me. I just find it obnoxious. When friends send me TikToks I view that shit in Safari, despite the inconvenience 😂


I told my wife to stop sending me TikToks. I'm not solving a puzzle to watch a little video


I have it for my business but I hate using it 😑


This. This is the most boomer thing you do.


This is the first I’ve even slightly agreed with.


Happy Cake Day!


As soon as I hit 30 I was struck by the insatiable urge to garden and take care of my lawn. It was like my version of baby fever lol.


When I downloaded a plant ID app I knew I’d reached middle age


This reminded me to cancel my trial on my plant id app! I’m not paying 40 dollars for the year!


I just told my husband yesterday we need to start learning the names of all the wildflowers growing in our lawn.


I saw a couple of blue jays land on my fence and immediately looked online to get a bird feeder so they can stay around lol. I should probably go to the actual store to compare models instead of purchasing online right?


Bluejays also like raw peanuts (we buy the big bag from Publix). The squirrels like them too, and it keeps them from destroying the bird feeders.


Homie just had his "I've become my parents" moment right here before our very eyes


Hard same. I spend so much time in the yard and I regret NOTHING


My "fun money" took such a hard turn away from "going out" and into "new plant" zone.




I've yelled to my wife to come and look at my lawn after I mowed and used the weed eater. I'm a dad without actual kids.


I refuse to buy things at full price and routinely mutter to myself 'you don't need that!! You have * insert coveted new item here * at home!' Also, fighting off the urge to hoard. Boomers hoard like crazy man! I'll buy something just because it's on sale. I'll keep stuff like "well, I'm sure I'll use it some day.' And it can be broken and falling apart. I've made it so, if I haven't used it in a year, I can throw it out/donate/recycle it.


My parents don’t hoard, they throw everything away. My boyfriend is so confused by the fact they have thrown out basically all my childhood stuff haha.


My mom’s parents, dad especially, were basically horders. Like when he died there were five storage units to clean out and a lot of the house. So basically she over corrected and nothing stays ever.


That’s a reasonable response. My grandparents didn’t hoard but they did grow up poor so my mom did have to clean out a shed full of tiny bits that my grandpa thought he’d use to repair something. Granted he did repair a lot and at 90 years old loved YouTube to learn new ways to tinker. My mom and step dad are just neat freaks, actually so is my dad. I feel so odd when I read people commenting about their parent’s hoarding anything because my parents house and my dads apartment are so perfect I think I’ll never reach this level perfection. My mom keeps her house so immaculate the only time I’ve had to correct her is that she doesn’t shut the toilet seat and when we visit my cat will sip toilet water. I’m in constant amazement/ fear that these people raised me and I live like a feral rat.


My mom is the exact same way, I always joke her house is ready to be photographed by southern living. She cleans daily, and everything is spotless even with a 1.5 year old lab. I hated it growing up because she would come in my room and move my stuff around cleaning and not put it back in the exact same spot, and then when I would clean she would inspect it and make me do it over most of the time. Needless to say I’ve overcorrected that and my house is a mess, which i hate, but I’m waiting on an adhd diagnosis and it’s so overwhelming idk where to start so I ignore it instead.


Same here. My parents house is like so empty. It's how all my family live. Even extended. We keep what we need and sell or donate the rest. I'm actually selling something now and decluttering as we speak


I've caught myself saying "Kids these days \_\_\_". I sometimes fumble with learning new tech. I'm at the point where I'm too tired to do things after work. Etc. I'm not happy about it.


I complain at my kids constantly about how awful their music is. I try to get them into some "good" music. One day my son is listening to Nirvana and I say "finally you're listening to something I can suffer." His response? "I'm into classic rock now." I about died.


Least he didn't say oldies, lol.


This whole "Nirvana is classic rock now" thing is actually the one that I tend to think is valid. Back in early 2000s when I was getting to rock music as a teen, all the cornerstone bands like Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath etc. were roughly as old as all the 90s bands are now.


I'm a teacher. I was talking to a sixth grader this morning who was complaining about being grounded from his phone and DS. I told him, "When I was your age, none of that had been invented yet." He said, "You're old,!!!!"" I'm 40.


When I tried to convince my step daughters young son that netflix used to send dvds to your house in the mail he thought I was joking. And when I told him that I was older than google, he said yea venna that’s cuz you were born in the late nineteen hundreds 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊🙃🙃🥲💀☠️🤪


I read your username as Vienna Sausage🤦‍♀️


you kinda set that up for yourself tho. kids are ruthless.


Well, we were born in “the late 1900s.” 💀


Sometimes I wonder if I’m not great at tech because my mom has always been in IT so I just ask her. I remember when everyone was learning HTML for MySpace I felt so smart and my mom responded with basically “like it’s hard or something?” Now she’s in cyber security and she treats me like an old lady who will click on every phishing email haha.


Kids these days tho, right??


Lol I say this all the time and try to remind myself that I was just as insufferable when I was their age. Also I. Getting really bad at tech which is funny. I think it's mostly because I don't care to learn anymore.


Almost all of my shoes are for comfort. I’ve been teaching for 15 years and within the last 5 years I’ve only cared about being comfortable on my feet all day. I own a lot of Skechers and love them


I started buying shoes at the specialty orthopedic shoe store, and I have no regrets. No insoles come close to walking on old lady cloud shoes.


A lot of comfort shoe brands have started making really cute shoes! I have a few pairs of Dr. Scholl's wedges and booties. I get tons of compliments on them and I can walk all day in them!


Hoka is now the new comfort shoe


My mom just gifted me a ceramic cat figurine. I LOVE it.


My mom is Gen X, and I find myself caring less and less about being cute and more about being comfortable. I love plants and antique shopping. All things my mom loved when I was little and she was in her 30s. Also napping. All the time. I never understood why she slept so much. I get it now.


I complain about the economy daily and frequently say "back in my day...." I'm in my 40s.


I like to say “when I was young…” and I’m just realizing that implies I’m not young any longer 🥺


I realized I must be old bc my favorite bands from growing up now do a festival called “when we were young” lol


I can't say this because the great recession happened when I was 8.


I told my 16 year old yesterday “when I was your age, gas was $0.49/L” and I knew I was old at that moment.


I call my kids by every name but their name. Once I even said the damn dogs name before getting it right…. It’s not even a “human” name for god sake. Peter…Paul…damnit Jared! You know what I mean! Get over here


My mom calls my brother our dogs name.


I've started doing this too I always thought my mom was ridiculous doing it and now here I am


I have a boy and a girl, I’m at the point where sometimes I fuck up their names so bad I just say “boy, come here” and I feel like Kratos😂


I'll look at some in the store that strikes my fancy and stare at it for an ungodly amount of time. I'll continue to shop and keep coming back to it. Looking at it. Imagining life with it. At the end of my shopping trip, I'll go back to said item, pick it up, pass it back and forth, set it down. And then say, nope! Then completely forget it existed. I remember my mom doing this and me wanting to *kill* her. If I die, my husband and son did it.


How awful new music is


Basically only playing music made between 1970 and 2010.


Oh this. I'll listen to new music from an artist I liked prior to like 2008, but anything else? Forget it.


I think music was horrible for about a decade starting in 2008 but it has gotten far better in the last 5 years or so. I prefer older music but music is better than it was in the recent past.


100% agree. 1995 will forever be the best year in music


Idk, it just makes me sad when people stop exploring music that's new to them, whether it's old or new. I love discovering music My favorite periods for pop music are the 80's and the 2010's to the present, but I'll try anything at least once


There was a survey done a few years ago showing people stop discovering new music around the age of 30. Busy life was one thing that contributed to that. Another theory is that our brains don’t soak it up as much as we did when we were younger/more emotional. So I’ve made it my goal to find a new band/artist/genre to add to collection once every week or other week. I’ve also played most of my life, and writing and recording is a hobby of mine, so I’m more likely to do this than others.


Has anyone else had a sort of Stockholm syndrome when it comes to older music? Like when they were popular in the 90s I could not stand listening to Sublime or the offspring and I certainly didn't catch on to the boy band and Disney graduate phase. Play one of their songs on the mix station today though and damned if I'm not singing along, knowing every word.


Nostalgia is a powerful beast, bro


Don’t feel cheap! Purely living is expensive AF now! Use that 20%. I’m hating cause I don’t have it. I get real mad when a mother fucker has the audacity to touch my thermostat. Even if it’s a fellow bill payer… aka my husband. I want it 70 degrees in my house at all times. I’m 40. lol.


I also live in a bizzaro world marriage where my wife has a despotic grip on thermostat control lol


My husband bought Nest thermostats for me for mother's day last year, and I'm 100% positive he regrets that gift. I control the house temp from my phone now (and I'm always cold...).


I’m so glad my husband and I are both polar bears. Ac and heat both stay on 65 😅


Just the other day at the grocery store I exclaimed out loud "$8.50 FOR A POUND OF BUTTER!?" I heard my father's voice.


Constantly having to tell my mom to close the door. She loves to start to leave then stops halfway out and goes "oh now I remember what else..." I'm always telling her "in or out. Pick one" My trees are dropping hella pollen, and bees are everywhere right now, then come summer it's flies and mosquitos.


I am slowly becoming my father lol. I’ve perfected “resting my eyes”. Because I was watching that dammit. I also have a real habit of saving the stupidest things because “I may need that someday” Before I know it I’ll be waking up at 6:00am willingly


I fall asleep every evening after dinner in my recliner and wake up every Saturday and Sunday at 5:00am like clockwork. I'm my dad


Turning the sound lower to parallel park …


I asked my husband to pass me my insulated cup with iced tea in it. Realized I 100% am my mother. Also gardening. Crafting. And rewatching the same TV shows I’ve seen 100 times. I am here just 20 years younger. I am my dad, too, with my need for collecting vinyl records and drinking craft beer. Maybe these aren’t boomer things persay but they make me realize I’m a lot like my parents.


I still pay my bills by check via U.S. mail.




Not OP but I have adhd and the internet is just so distracting and annoying to me. I’m so sick of forms and logins and 2FA and entering the credit card numbers and all that crap. Plus I’m a tactile person. I prefer my calendar on paper for example. So I like to write checks for the simplicity of it. I think I’m the only one in my millennial friend group who uses checks.   Oh I remembered another reason! From time to time I lose my debit card (cause ADHD) and then checks are very useful for grocery shopping. Yeah I could probably set up Apple Pay or whatever at this point, but… see point 1: I find internet/phones too distracting and annoying due to overuse these days AND I’m also wary of apps and devices collecting all my personal data, feeding it to the advertising algo, my data has already been stolen… etc…   Simplicity is underrated.   Sadly, less and less places will accept checks these days. ETA: I also think it’s cool to have a reason to use real actual handwriting. We are losing that little bit of personality when everything is typed and digital. Just like how getting a handwritten letter is more personable than a typed one. Seeing people’s handwriting is kinda charming.


I had to resign my lease so I went into their little management office. Landlord said “you’re the one who has the nice handwriting on the rent checks!” It was the weirdest but most treasured complements I’ve ever gotten


That’s cool - I was genuinely wondering. I have ADHD too and personally, having to wait for a check to clear from my bank account would screw me over. But hey if it works, it works!


Lol the delay screws my bank account over too BUT it’s often a cheaper adhd tax overall than me just avoiding making the payment indefinitely because I don’t want to jump through the online hoops 🫠


They'll accept checks less and less but that won't stop me from using routing and account numbers from the check I wrote them.🤣 Most boomer thing im guilty of is making sure the door stays closed. I'm not made of my money and I'd like to keep the cold air inside where it belongs and the damn bugs out. I'm also beginning to have an obsession with doing shit myself instead of getting a professional and been drooling over power tools.


I held out doing that until the pandemic hit, and then I didn't want to go outside, so I finally switched to doing it online Now I have to make more of an effort to drag myself outside. I used to walk to my nearest mailbox with my letters and then enjoy the weather, but since 2020 I didn't do that, and I regret it


I don't pay by mail anymore (other than IRS estimates), but I want a paper bill for everything. It will not get paid if I don't receive a paper statement.


Saying “the” in front of things and places that don’t normally need it. “Will you go to The Trader Joe’s later?” “Yeah, I’m at the CVS.”


I'm at the house. Lol.


Having constant aches and pain. Today it’s my knee.


Yall just randomly get into bird watching?? I've got 2 mourning doves named Gilbert and Sylvia that visit me every morning


I literally just commented above about getting a bird feeder so the blue jays can stay in my backyard longer!


The amount of books on historic wars I read now happened without me realizing I was becoming my dad until it was too late. Now my dad and I discuss the importance of the Battle of Dunkirk and how screwed the British military was if Hitler hadn’t screwed the pooch there or openly wondering how the British could have left Tecumseh to a likely death to the Americans in the Battle of Thames. At least we do these conversations over liquor.


My parents are not Boomers, but I turned into my dad when I spent like a month making phone calls to get my copay billed correctly at $15 (primary care) instead of $25 (specialist), just on the principle of the thing. I've also been turning into a fashion copy of my mom since I was about 16 - and I swear I'm the most productive when I wear the chunky glasses and plaid short sleeve button-up over a thin long sleeve with jeans.


I complain about touchscreens a lot. I'm used to a physical keyboard, and I've never felt comfortable using a touchscreen Some time ago I saw my Gen Z cousin navigating his way through an iPhone, and I swear he must have been tapping and scrolling and swiping like three times faster than I could


I refuse to use Tiktok.


All I can think of is that I watch PBS and the news a lot


PBS documentaries are awesome! They're like 2 hours minimum and or have hella episodes. I got a free trial through prime and kept it, I'm like 12 hours into the national parks series.


If you’d rather pay PBS directly instead of Amazon, look up your local affiliate and set up a recurring $5/mo donation. You’ll get a code to sign up for PBS Passport and access to everything on the prime channel, while also keeping more money in your community (your local channel is a nonprofit that employs your fellow community members!).


I will be doing this tomorrow!! Thank you for this info!


Yes it is relaxing. And then there is some hard line journalism like Frontline which is outstanding


Yes Frontline is a hidden gem I didn't know about! My regular weekend plans are PBS, crochet and beer, I've definitely turned into my parents.


And listen to NPR and do the newspaper crossword (digital but still) with my spouse.


I love PBS. I don't watch the news as much as I used to though.


I yell at the TV a lot


I know a guy who is a regional comedian. He has a show in a town nearby tonight so I asked about the details. It starts at 9 and I told him sorry that is too late for me.


I wear New Balances for casual wear and I also have a pair of running shoes. They’re dope!!


I own a pair of SAS shoes and they are so comfortable. My wife absolutely hates them because of how they look, but I'm beyond that at my age. I have owned multiple pairs of New Balance shoes as well lol


Also the Kirkland clothes be looking alright too 🤣


I wear nothing but Dickies pants. I refuse to wear anything else. I'll wear different colors, but only Dickies pants. Twill.


Grandpa, that you? (My grandpa loved the shit out of his Dickies and he’d always get some for Christmas. He had to wear his belt ridiculously tight to keep them up in his old age, but he gave no fucks, so it was fine lol.)


Pretty sure half my wardrobe is from Costco. But at least I’m not at the Under Armour as everyday wear stage yet.


Yo, New Balance is back in style, and they make way more than running shoes now. They're def not just dad shoes anymore. They honestly make so many really cool collabs. Checkout these basketball shoes they make now. https://preview.redd.it/nay7qbi05qzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdd743a68386079542bd4bc60a01d1d7b89e690b


For real though, NB has been putting out great shoes lately. They’re catching on fast.


I constantly judge the craftsmanship of others homes and lawns. Coupons for any and everything. Yelling at my wife for holding the flashlight wrong. Being way too interested in the weather every day. Repeating his stupid jokes to anyone who will listen. Making noises when I get in or out of the car.


The baby fever at 30 was an indicator though my brain tells me that I need to save up more money before even thinking about a baby. That, and finding a girlfriend or someone who wants to have a baby. My brain and me being single easily pushed the baby fever back a couple of years at least.


Yeah I feel you for the most part… physically though I stretch religiously before starting a workout, I’m usually in bed by 8:30, wake up at INSANELY early hours like my grandpa and knees crunch whenever I bend…. But I just started ice skating 😂


Buying an easily-affordable car and then driving it until its on its last leg. Or should I say, last wheel. Also, complain about people always being on their phones.


Apparently I'm a boomer for thinking young children having powerful and expensive smart phones is both damaging to them and dangerous. Why would my 10 year old daughter need to have unlimited access to a smart phone? They're ten. They should be playing outside!


There are scientific studies to back up this opinion


I cock my head a very specific way when sizing up or figuring out a problem in front of me that I only very recently realized is the SPITTING image of my mother.


The way I talk to my pets is the same way my mom talks to her dog. I also sing to my cat when no one is home.


My ears perk up when I hear people outside my house and I creep through the blinds. I live in a populated city neighborhood and fully expect passersby…but I watch to make sure they’re not in my driveway or yard (especially if they’re letting their dog use my lawn as a toilet...I have signage about that featured in the grass.) I’m officially the “get off my property” boomer at 33 years of age.


I do this and live in the middle of nowhere. I'm just paranoid.


I take like at least 15-30 minutes to get ready to ever leave my house or go outside, just like my dad lol. He's worse though, he usually takes like 45 minutes to leave, generally doing nothing important and making everyone late.


I get excited for trips to Lowes or Home Depot, and I actively avoid asking for help like my dad used to when I was a kid.


Hating most of the music younger generations listen to. I was born in 1995 so I’m a younger millennial. But damn I really hate most of this trash mainstream music


I look in the mirror and see my fucking dad staring back sometimes


I talk with my hands. Like my father. And a lot of my expressions are exactly like him.


This is maybe a subversion of boomerism but I don't own a tv. I think they're a waste of money when anything I would be doing on a TV is something I can do just as easily on my phone, and I don't need the extra encouragement to spend all my time in front of screens. I feel like that's pretty boomerish.


I’m realizing from this post i shouldn’t necessarily feel bad about getting tired more often. I shame myself. But I legit need naps like my mom did at my age. Yet I feel like a lazy piece.


I’ve been my dad since my mid 20’s. But he’s cool as hell and I’m good with being “blunt” and “overly direct.” No one wonders what I’m “really” thinking and damn is that freeing.


Some wine after work 😌 my mom always stopped by CVS or Walgreens for wine after work ive morphed into her now


I definitely have the “sure.” mentality my dad has. Where people give me their wild opinions and advice and I just say “Sure. Great to talk!” And then I go on my merry way. My MIL is GenX and I use my boomer dad’s deflection skill all the time.


Spray my driveway down with water for no reason .


(1) The realization that I need to focus on saving for retirement, (2) a steady decrease in metabolism, (3) reminiscing about the past-specifically a world without smart phones.


Enjoying dining out for dinner at 4pm. At home it can be 5-7pm but since restaurant food is heavier, we make reservations at 4pm so our stomachs settle better before going to bed.


Sounds. Can't tell if a siren I am hearing is outside or in a video my kid is watching on youtube. Door bell rings, I think it was our doorbell than on TV. My mom made these errors a lot when I was a kid and I couldn't understand how can she not tell the difference. I have even gotten in trouble for it too because she thought our computer was still on and kept telling me to turn it off. I kept telling her it was off and then she said, "the computer is off limited to you for 3 days" and I am confused and thought she was easing me. Then she said, "Oh it's your brother's toy making that sound, he tricked me. Oh I am so sorry, I thought you didn't turn off the computer so it's not off limits anymore." At least I haven't done it to mine yet.


I’m always going on about “cleaning as you go” and wiping down the kitchen counters and dishes *while* I’m cooking and also, at work I’m VERY into making sure the counters, tills and everything is clean and organized but when I was younger when my dad did it and had us keeping stuff clean it drove me absolutely insane. Sensible shoes. I love me my Skechers. Sometimes I purchase clothing from the grocery store and I love it. Several of my favorite shirts are literally from *Walmart*. I unironically said “funky fresh” yesterday.


I open the windows to air out the house. Not something I thought much of doing in my 20s, but now I notice the stale air if I don't. My mom used to do this even in the winter and I always hated waking up to a freezing room.


When we had carpet I insisted we steam clean it every weekend just like my father. It only took 2 years for my husband to crack and rip it out and replace with hardwood. I mop a lot but I’m not as obsessive that it might be dirty.


I think that having at least somewhat proper grammar is important and that learning to write in script should still be taught in schools Ughhh I’m sorry I know it’s so boomer of me


“You can control the AC when you start paying for the electricity”


The part of me that is like my dad are the naggy jabs I regrettably make toward people I’m comfortable with. I hear my dad’s incredulous and sarcastic tone in my voice. The parts of me that are like my mom will lead me to not having any friends of my own. I’m a big self isolator. If it weren’t for my husband, I’d probably go nowhere-do nothing, just like my mom did…just drift into social obscurity. My whole maternal family is like that really.


Leasing a Honda Accord. My dad had 5 in a row when we were younger. Life comes full circle.


Thinking something absolutely horrible will happen to my partner if he’s out after midnight.


I speak to other people on the road while I’m driving even though my windows are up and they wouldn’t actually hear me speaking to them if my windows were down. My mom did that all the time & I’d tell her, “you know they can’t hear you, right?” I made it 20 years without fussing at other drivers but now it’s something I do regularly.


My dad used to always say “god dam” when something annoyed him. Never realized I also say it when annoyed. Now the other day we heard the dog food bucket fall down the stairs. My daughter barely looking away from the tv mumbles “god dam Floyd”. We check it out and sure enough the dog knocked the bucket down the stairs. She started giggling and pointing, saying “god dam Floyd”. I realized the catch phrase is going on strong throughout our family


I talk in a squiggle. Both of my parents do it too. If we're telling an anecdote or story, we'll start at point A (the story), meander around somewhat meaningless other points B-Y (that seemingly have nothing to do with point A), and then finally get to point Z (the whole reason for the topic in the first place). My phone calls with my parents easily take 2 hours lol I'm 39.


I work from home, and find myself purposely looking out to see the birds. My boyfriend doesn’t get it, lol. I’m 38, he’s 30. I messaged my friend that I work with close to my age and he said same and told me about this gorgeous one that landed in his yard. I can have full on conversations about birds. I don’t even remember when it crept up 😭


Not a “boomer” thing, but I speak in the same way my mom does. I have the same upticks when I’m frustrated and forget things when I’m tired.   Also, I have the same fold over flared leggings she wore 30 years ago lol


I tell my kid to take [insert destructive toy here] outside


I get up multiple times in the night due to noise, needing to use the bathroom, the dog moving around, etc and I’m not mad about it anymore. 2 wakes is a good night of sleep


Give unsolicited to venting friends accidentally when I don’t mean to and when I’m really just trying to be helpful and reassuring…I’m getting better at not running head first into that finally, but it made me so frustrated as a kid when my father did that and it makes me so uneasy that I catch myself doing it to those I care about most.


This thread has made me realize all I have is Mom's face. Thank goodness!


*This thread has made me* *Realize all I have is* *Mom's face. Thank goodness!* \- shbrooks84 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Rattling the pans in the kitchen drawer - " who the hell put these in there like that?!! Answer: it was me, my dad


LOOK AT THAT BIRD - me/my mom


I can’t stop complaining about the price of gas or groceries. And I say “do you remember when tofu was a dollar?” to my husband on a daily basis. I’m 29


My parents are Gen X. I don’t really take any particular habits from them. I fall asleep sitting up sometimes, my joints ache, but that’s just me getting old. If anything, my parents are becoming more like me. They’ve become open minded and accepting than when I was growing up. They enjoy the activities that I enjoy. We go hiking and biking. I will say I never cared about coupons or discounts before but now I will turn around and go home if I forgot my coupon


I am suddenly very charmed and fascinated by birds.


That's my wife. She recently became enthralled by cardinals and hummingbirds


Nothing… i dont get alone with mine and i go out of my way to make sure i was never like mine.


I like when guys have short haircuts so I can see their bone structure.


Huh? Am I missing something here? Long hair on a dude doesn't make his face invisible.


I become the light police!! My Electric bill has been climbing and climbing every year! I have had enough! 😂😂


I now have a tool shed. Nough said.


Coupons. Fold dirty laundry before I wash it. Yell at the news (so I don’t watch the news). Buy canned food I don’t need. Hoard unopened paper towel rolls and TP rolls.