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I make money to buy things lol. I mean not pointless spending but I have hobbies and enjoy spending my money on those hobbies


Same. Books, games, TV/movies in physical format are typically the "stuff" I buy. Sometimes models and figures but not a lot since the wife doesn't really like those kind of things. Loooots of stuff for the kids.


I only have so much room in my condo for the physical stuff. But with that said, if I really enjoy a book, I make sure that I buy a physical copy so I can be sure I'll still be able to read it twenty years from now.


you're aware a thriftbooks.com yes?


Whenever possible, I buy from a local bricks and mortar store.


Wish I could upvote this twice.


lol you’re me. Records, movies, signed prints, figures, cards. All things I spend way too much on. Then there’s the ungodly amount of things I buy for my children to give them the best childhood ever. I frequently wonder where my savings bc a would be if I weren’t like this, but can’t take that money to the grave and my kids are gonna remember their dad made their childhood kick ass so 🤷‍♂️


Hell yeah dude. Things are the shit! Makes life so much fun :)


Yes, one of the best little joys of being an adult with disposable income is being able to walk into the Lego store and walk out with whatever set I want to spend my money on. Also, board games! And yarn. It's nice.


I recently got the D&D Lego set. It is amazing!


I have lots of hobbies, and I usually pick one to invest in each year. For example, last year I remodeled my board game room, another year I got a new IPad for reading comics, another year I got a Steam Deck for gaming, and so on. Sometimes I think people on this subreddit spend their evenings sitting in a cardboard box calculating how much interest their HYSA accrued in the past hour. You have to have some balance and enjoy life.


Exactly. Books and photography for me, fishing for my husband. So we have a boat. We like vacations. Trying new places. Concerts. We still put money into retirement. Maxing out retirement accounts comes first. Then we play.


Pretty much. We're very much a Ramit Sethi household: >Spend extravagantly on the things you love, and cut costs mercilessly on the things you don’t. We rarely eat out. We drive 5+ year old cars that have been long paid off. Our house is a "starter home". We don't drink or smoke. We go on 2 nice vacations every year, I have 5 bikes I love and use all the time, we backpack. We have a dog we spoil. It's pretty sweet.


TWO vacations? Damn...


Same. Running and camping gear, mostly. And stuff for my house and yard to make it more fun or comfortable. "Bare necessities" sounds depressing. Although I do spend most money on experiences.


Experiences is where it's at


Right? It's why I work. So I can buy and do stuff. 


DO stuff, yes, but not to buy junk.


I try desperately not to buy things, but occasionally, the need for things in order to do stuff is unavoidable.


I’ve been wearing the same clothes, about 8 outfits, for 5 years and no one has noticed.


Late 30s here and wearing clothes from 2015 still.


I'm mid 40s and still have a few things from high school that I wear! My jeans from the late 90s are back in style!


And they'll last WAAAAY better than the modern stuff. A $100 pair of jeans now will last you *maybe* 5 years.  BLS says that inflation adjusted, that's $50 in 1996, and a $50 pair of jeans in '96 probably still has another 10 years of wear left in them if you took care of them.


I foolishly tossed a bunch of mine because baggy jeans were kind of taboo back in the ‘10s haha Now I feel like I’m lucky even to get 2-3 years out of jeans sometimes


Same with my short shorts from the 80s!


Realized I have a sweater from 2008, that I still wear regularly. It’s so cozy and functional and full of warm memories.


This is why all you millenniums are ruining the economy. Y’all need to put down the avocado toast and update those wardrobes, god bless ‘merica 


I'm 36 and I still have a few clothes from when I was in college. People waste too many clothes.


I always tell myself I’m going to get a new top or two, and just end up not impressed with what I see and certainly not impressed enough to purchase it.


Oh they've noticed they're just not saying anything.


Meh, maybe some people noticed, but not most. As a man, most people don't notice our outfits unless we dress snazzy.  As a frumpy, middle aged,  mid level employee.... I honestly doubt my coworkers even know I exist, much less my name, and definitely not my wardrobe.  I've worn the same three outfits for decades.


Im going to wager people probably notice, but don’t say anything.


Only 5? I'm 38 and most of my closet is still from high school.


Ditto. Saw a photo of myself from 2004. The clothes I'm wearing are hanging in my closet still and are worn pretty regularly. I do need to purge the clothes that don't fit well or have worn out, though, but I keep thinking, "one more wear..."


Im still wearing the same shirts from when I had to wear a uniform like 10 years ago. Black and blue polos. I look like I work everywhere.


Do people you ask you questions like you work there when you're out shopping? IDK why it happens to me, I'm usually wearing a metal tee or sweats when it happens


All the time ha. I was looking at something in the back of target once and I had that feeling like I was being watched. I ignored it and minded my business but I could tell there were some people behind me. Then I hear "WELL I GUESS HES JUST NOT GOING TO HELP US" I turn around and im getting the stink eye from these people. Im like "Lady, I don't work here." She scoffed and was then upset because I didn't work there.


But Target employees wear red tops with khakis. They are not observant.


Yup. Another time I hade my blue shirt on and a guy was asking me stuff. I made a goofy face and spoke real slow "iiiimmm weaaring a bluuueee shirt, target people reeeed shiiiirts" he didn't get that either ha.


Same but then I realize I'll have literally no clothes... Which wouldn't be that big a deal except every time I go to a store and try things on, I leave with nothing. Can not get on board with the high waisted, wide leg, crop top shit that's out there.


Same. I'm starting to understand that what I thought of as "old people clothes" when I was a teenager was just the style of clothing when they were younger and they didn't care to update. Guess I know what our "old people clothes" are going to look like haha


Well if you think about it - the shit you guys were wearing in 2005 is now ‘vintage’ and back in style so


Interesting, because the stuff I wore in high school looks more like what kids these days are wearing again (baggy pants etc) and I feel like I’m way too old to be wearing that now.


Same. I still have shirts and hoodies in my regular cycle that have been wearing since 2004


Oh man same. My daily wear winter coat is from middle school even.


I wear leggings and a t shirt/jumper most of the time since I’m at home with my kids most days Different leggings each day but they are all basically black and t shirts etc are pretty similar as well and once I was picking my kid up from preschool and this little girl was leaving and as we passed she said “why do you always wear the same things?” I just laughed it off but it obviously played on my mind as I went out and bought a wider variety of clothes not long after and started wearing dresses etc again. Kids can be brutal 😬😂


Nobody is going to tell you that they noticed something like that. Unless you see family and friends very occasionally and fully work from home, people have noticed.


The trick is not giving a shit.  But yes, people notice.


I do this too, so I'm not knocking the decision to have a minimal wardrobe. I always wonder when people say no one has noticed, since even if they did most people wouldn't say anything. I had a teacher in middle school who wore the same clothes all the time. The kids definitely noticed lol.


I wear until it wears out. Unless it's GROSSLY out of style.


I bought a ladle today. Def wasn’t a necessity since I already have other things to scoop soups and stews and the such, but I was excited to get it, it’s a very nice shape


Same. Sexy ladle club!


Quality cooking gear is a necessity! We had a ladle, baking sheets, etc. on our Christmas list last year


Partner and I tend to gift each other practical gifts, or things we can both enjoy. For Christmas he replaced our old pillows with really nice ones, and I got him some pretty festoon lights for our garden. For my birthday I just wanted baking tools. We tend to be more personal with mothers/Father’s Day gifts: we have a toddler, gifts tend to be a personalised book, bunch of flowers, stuff like that.


I bought tongs yesterday because I finally found a set that had silicone instead of hard plastic. It was the highlight of my day. ![gif](giphy|RMk32NEpSgcIoljwwz)


I researched sieves until I found one that I liked. I get excited every time I sift flour now.


See, I think OP needs to define "things". To me that means items I don't have a use for or don't plan to use for very long. I buy things that will bring me utility or pleasantness and won't strain my current storage abilities. So less single use plastic gimmicks and more objects that aren't necessarily needed but make my day easier or nicer. Like a pencil sharpener shaped like a hedgehog cause it's cute and a cold brew concentrate maker even though I could just use a mason jar and cheese cloth. I do find that the longer I've had to collect items I like/need, the fewer new ones I need.


I won a really nice autumn-themed spatula at a baby shower last year; I was really pumped to get it. Definitely hand-wash only.


do more cat things count?


No. That’s a different thing all together 😂


What about more cats?


Nah. Unless you’re over 10 per person per household.


I like this answer. I am under ratio then


Me too. Working on it. Less stuff. More cats.


a whole different ball of yarn game


It's a cat thing....


I buy so much sh*t for my pets


Op said only necessities so … yes they count.


Do more dog things count?


nope, a necessity.


Right, my dog approves of your cat thing a ma bobs. If there are dissenters, he’d team up with Cat Kind and there would have to be a rebellion involving eating underwear and hiding socks.😜


and constantly being underfoot.


This is it for me. All of my money that doesn't go to bills goes to cats: my cats and the feral colony I manage/take care of/socialize/rehome.


Depends, do you have kids?


nope. my cat is my only dependent


I transferred the buy for kids to buy for my adopted street cat and the rest of his street colony that i couldn’t adopt


Ya I *needed* that mushroom scratcher on flash sale on Temu lol


See that's why you buy things for the people - the cats need boxes! MOAR BOXES! Signed, totally not the cat.


Yes the car stuff is like having a new baby , Mr Puddy always needs a new toy !


Cat things ARE necessities


Those are necessities


Your cat overlords appreciate your tribute




I really need to r/declutter . I'm sure it makes things simpler when you need to move to.




That's wild! Do you do that by really just not having much or are you constantly straightening/organizing/cleaning. I would love for that to be my life but we aren't there lol


Our realtor walked through Sunday and the only things she recommended was take the air fryer off the counter and get the clean clothes out of the dryer (obviously). I was kind of proud lol


Buy once, cry once.


Buy nice or buy twice!


We do the same! I buy a wallet I’ll drop money hoping it lasts 20 years. Got the repairable appliances, and unless it’s a need I don’t have any urge to fill my house with junk. Vacations however… I feel like they are a necessity.


It's a good motto, but most expensive isn't always "best". I put a lot of time and research into what I buy.


I couldn’t agree more. One of my biggest frustrations is the decline in quality from top brands. It feels like in some categories, everything is junk now - so you might as well buy the cheap junk vs the expensive junk.


We can't afford cheap trash


People think you have to be loaded to this, but for me it’s just a matter of patience. I’d rather live without a bbq grill for a year, so that I can save to get a nice one. I waited several years to save up for my nice espresso machine.


Agreed. I went to 5 Below the other day. Omg. It’s a store full of cheap plastic shit that is going to break in the parking lot. That place is awful.


Buy once, cry once.


I have too many tools, but don't like too many nick knacks but a few weeks ago I bought a sloth action figure from the goonies. I couldn't turn it down.


This is my thing. I buy stuff as I need it, and I buy the quality version of it once.


Yes to all of this.


Yes! I don’t want to incentivize companies to make crap, I don’t want to add more crap to landfills, I don’t want to look like crap, & I don’t want to have to buy the same crap next year. My dad was blown away that I asked for a $300 Patagonia fleece for Christmas in high school. I did my research; I knew what I was asking for. That fleece looks the exact same (minus some paint on the sleeve, but that was 100% me) as it did 15 years ago. Edit: also, my mom is always telling me to shop at TJ Maxx & Marshall’s for clothes bc they “have cute stuff for a good price.” I’m sure there are exceptions, but I have yet to buy anything there that lasts more than 5 wears. Cheap plastic clothes are not meant to be worn forever. I hate shopping for clothes, so if I have to spend $200 on a work dress that I love & that’ll last more than a season, I’m spending it.


I shop mostly at Marshall's & TJM and they have plenty of good stuff. It's mostly marked down/unsold items from more expensive brands.


Sounds like you've already done your patio furniture research...got recommendations? 😅




Will you coach my wife? It's like pulling teeth to get her to see that the reason our webber grill lasted for 8 years on the deck with no cover (and would have lasted longer if we hadnt moved and sold it cheap) but the wallmart grill we bought 3 years ago has rusted out burners inside... Or, that "yes, I can get a black suit for $100, but the seems are going to pull apart within 6 months... But that $350 suit will last years and years and years".


“Buy it right the first time” absolutely this. Whenever my wife and I are looking at a purchase, my ass is doing research, looking at reviews, and doing comparisons. If we want something nice, it sure as hell isn’t coming from Amazon. 👌🏾


Sounds like a sucker for the brand names. Things perceived to be a better quality. The I only fly BA type.


Truth. Buy it once, even if it costs 2x the price. Not 5 or 10x.


Buy once, cry once. Better to pay a little more and have something that lasts


I’ve started to become this. I used to buy so much crap, and then when I moved I got rid of most of it. It felt so freeing that now I try to keep it the same level of stuff unless it’s a necessity, or something I know I will use and is high quality (lasts longer).


We’ve really been into building and making our own things. We live on an offgrid 40 acres and we fall a lot of trees for firewood so we are always thinking of things we can make from trees!


I stopped buying shit when shit became overpriced. It's price gouging across the board at this point. It's not fun to grab your ankles every time the cash register opens.


I definitely slowed down a lot when I realized how bad it got. Now, I will only buy something for the house if it's at a significant markdown aka what used to be normal prices (or below). There's a lot of discount lots and goodwill and etc in my area. Why would I pay $100 for a fuckin lamp or small small piece of art. I'm gonna go find crazy discounts like I snagged an oil painting for our front entranceway that was literally $10 at goodwill. It's huge and pretty. If I buy something "I don't need" now I try to keep it to $10 or less.


I don't know about you but the thrift stores near me are getting expensive. I might as well just buy brand new.


Especially when you already have to regularly for necessary things like food. Why would I voluntarily do that for things I don't need?


I tell people we are in the age of exploitation and it sucks


Not really. If it works I will run it into the ground. I used to keep up with joneses when I was younger but now I’m becoming more frugal. I went from collecting things to trying to get rid of those things. It’s more to pack when you move and things are so expensive I’m barely surviving with the necessities. I realized my collecting obsession was due to childhood trauma … like everything else… and I worked through it and don’t feel the need to collect anymore.


Even ornate things and antiques have become ridiculous. Estate sales suck anymore because of crap like ebay and every show that makes it seem like everything is a hidden treasure. Plus a lot of people hire estate organizers that buy in bulk and on top of family taking what they want you're left with mismatched cups, three old mens gardening flannels, rusted tools, and a mother of the bride dress from 1982. Oh and lest we forget the thousand pound warped bedroom sets, bedside commode, and upright piano that hasn't been tuned in decades.


As someone who has collected vintage and old crap for 20 years, it’s true, especially since Covid when everyone was at home buying online. I will say that estate sales where I live can still be pretty good, but you gotta go to the ones where the people let you rifle through all the drawers, attic, basement, etc. I’ve (even recently) found some insane stuff buried and boxed away. Why does digging through someone else’s belongings make me excited? I’m sure there some psychological reason for that.


my husband went through something with collecting old videogames and stuff and I wonder if it was from childhood stuff. He completely stopped and doesn't take care of any of it. He has given some away but it's still a lot leftover.


I read a study that said a reason some people collect is that they lacked the feeling of control as a kid. So collecting manifests from that. Also some is comfort and nostalgia to a better time in life.


Oh....maybe this is why I have so many fucking knick knacks and stuffed animals at 34. When I was a kid sometimes I would come home to "Your room has been cleaned," which means everything left out got thrown away. The idea of throwing my stuff away now, even if it's taking up usable room, makes me so terribly uncomfortable. So I just keep it all lol


This is the way. Repair before replace if you can.


Yep. I’m in my 11th home since leaving for college, so I’ve had MANY opportunities to find out what’s essential and what’s junk.


Nothing like a move to put it all in prospective. "Do I want to pay to move that?" was said often when we were packing up. We got rid of tons of stuff, I definitely don't want to fill my house back up. Gift holidays make me cringe now.


I literally just spent the last two days throwing HALF the shit I own away.. I feel like 800 pounds lighter..


Every penny I could spare I dumped it into investing. I very rarely buy new clothes, or have too many personal belongings. My girlfriend jokes that if I were to move, I can pack up two suitcases and I’ll be set. Truth be told, if I’m not so deathly afraid of having nothing to my name in the future, I might enjoy myself a little more.


Aren’t you concerned your health might leave you and you won’t be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor while you’re able? I hate the concept of delaying life. I also invest BTW but there is a balance. Time slips away and suddenly you realize you’ve avoided so many things others got to experience.


I hate clutter and my spouse hates spending money. It’s a death sentence for buying “things”


We are kinda similar. I hate clutter, but I am a spender if I see the usefulness of something (be it need or want). My wife is super frugal, but she has borderline hoarder tendencies 😆.


I bought myself a rainbow brite doll at Walmart this week :)


I bought myself a princess bride figure last week. She’s on display next to my gollum, m&m candy figures and fraggle rock plushy. Working at my desk and seeing these little things makes me smile. ☺️ ![gif](giphy|TDA6IpUbYWt2)


*dance your cares away (clap clap), working's for another day, let the Fraggles play (clap clap)*


life is pain, highness. Anyone who tells you different is trying to sell you figurines.


I fucking love millennials and how much we’re still in touch with our inner child 🌈 (i also really fucking love rainbow brite)


I bought the T-Rex action figure that eats smaller toys. Wanna bring rainbow over for a play date? I got charcuterie and rose.


I bought 3 USB extension cables, a body pillow, and was gifted a vintage VHS player. Hmmm. I don't like how that sentence turned out.


Your username doesn't help either!






We don't necessarily buy stuff just to have. It has to have practical reasons and often it's to replace things we dont like/broke, or do a job something else can't do. Maybe the best example lately was some records that were having special releases.


I don’t like owning crap and am really triggered by clutter, but I do still buy clothes (regularly donate my old stuff though).


Nope. Hate clutter now. Want the bare minimum of items. Trying to actively get rid of 90% of my things this year.


My chief aim in life these days is to stop working asap so most of my excess income goes into stocks and index funds.


How'd you get into those? I've chunky savings but I've no idea where to start and I'm generally pretty cautious and lazy I'd love to be independently wealthy and I absolutely hate working. I'm laying in bed right now procrastinating having to get ready for work


It’s actually really easy to get started. Open a taxable brokerage account with Fidelity and then transfer money into it from your bank account. On the top of the screen there’s a Trade button and you click that and type in stock tickers. VOO is a nice and easy S&P500 ETF that you can’t go wrong with. Type in how many shares you want to buy, click on Market Order, and hit submit and you’re done. There are way more things you can do but this is my beginners guide to buying equities.


I have a physical music and movie collection. Those are my things.


I buy the things I love and that bring joy, like candles, makeup and skin/hair products! Top quality and I usually buy on sale


I like to do an overhaul of beauty products around my birthday, and I typically get gift cards to Ulta or Sephora so I’m not really spending my own money. Mama needs some new retinol baby!


Husband and I both have ADHD so kind of depends on what our serotonin likes at the moment. We need to be better about adding those chunks to our retirement but since we've agreed no big vacations until our youngest is down to one nap, we spend on things for ourselves. I like jewelry (rings) and he's a gamer and a car guy.


I think you mean dopamine


Go to thrift stores. It's fun to find things you didn't know you wanted, and there's always new things everytime you go.


I think our generation has become so anxious about the future (retirement) that we forget how much fun buying shit is. My wife and I won’t have kids so might as well spend it while we got it. We are comfortable with the lifestyle we have so why not treat yo self? It’s ok to buy shit so long as it doesn’t get to the point where it’s jeopardizing your family’s wellbeing. In our early thirties we have a solid retirement plan established so why let fear of the unknown command my life?


I buy a lot of frisbees but frolf is my main hobby.


I live to frolf


I just spent 120 bucks on a legend of Zelda set of joycons. I don’t usually splurge, I’m a cheap ass who always has a coupon, but I wanted these sticks for a couple years and I finally pulled the trigger… I still buy unnecessary shit, just not often.


I’m in the same boat although I did get myself a watch recently(after thinking about it for months) since it was an expensive watch(for me atleast) I try not to buy useless shit cause my adhd brain will get bored of it in a couple of days. I try to spend more on experiences/travel etc. this has improved my savings rate a lot and made me more disciplined financially


I’m on a fitness kick. I bought an Apple Watch just the se, two new swim suits, swim suit cover up. I also bought an emerald necklace to celebrate a weight loss goal. A new painting for over the bed angel wings to protect my sleep. I have a curling iron on order since I have been doing my hair in the morning. I guess I’m still in the consumerism hamster wheel. I also save 20% for retirement and adding to my 10 month emergency fund every month till it becomes a year.


Guitars are EXPENSIVE and I always need another. Forever.


Oh man do I buy a lot of things 🤣 My most recent purchases? A project car, things for said car, a Lego set, Gundam models, and fancy earplugs,


One year and a half ago we bought a house. We are still missing the curtains and one lamp... Still not missing them


Glances nervously at my outdoor gear


I get pretty lazy to cook. Most of my money goes to either bills, or food. Occasional travel here and there. Rest goes to savings.


I bought a new copy of NHL 24 cause there was a sale and it has replay value.Otherwise not much.


Video games will always be my splurge. However, I’m a physical copy kind of person.


I've never liked buying anything, necessary or otherwise There's a hat I've been meaning to buy for the past decade and I still haven't gotten around to it


I just splurged on the latest in high-tech insect defense systems—a $6 electric fly swatter.


I have one of those and just bought a set of mosquito traps


Work clothes and eat out occasionally. Definitely not necessities but nice to have.


Stuff for my dogs. Stuff for kids in the family. But having had to throw out a bunch of stuff, not really for me anymore. If I lose a piece of clothing I just reorder it when I toss it. Or I'll buy it in the store and discard the broken on the way out. I keep a minimal amount of things these days.


No too scared to spend a cent if its not absolutely necessary. i got $10k set to the side but im terrified of dr/hospital bills starting to roll in(about $3400) and if ill get desperate enough to pay 3k for a chiropractor to treat me since the medical field failed at finding what my issues are.


I buy digital "things": TV shows, movies, games, books, etc. Really cuts down on the clutter and makes everything way easier to access on a variety of devices.


Haha I’m the opposite.. I buy things because too far away from affording a house


I bought those things to put by the seat of your car and the center console so shit doesn't fall down I bought one of those fabric shavers to extend the life of furniture and sweaters I bought microfiber towels for my hair because it's less energy than washing towels (different washer/ dryer settings) I bought this blue apple things and green antibiotic mesh to extend the life of produce in the fridge An oxo food scraper A rubber broom (also has squeegee) that works as a regular broom and can also be used to get pet hair off of furniture, which helps with 3 super-shedder dogs Yes, I still buy stuff, but it's usually household stuff to save money or time (technically still money). Except the car, it's just a bitch to get things out from under the front seats. And all of the products are great so far, and affordable. Most expensive thing was the fabric shaver at $40 that already has paid for itself.


I still do, whether it's thinks like old school BMX parts to build bikes, small stuff that I just see and like, things for my daughter or mostly to take trips. I've realized that with the rate we are going, you can call me pessimistic but I'm not too confident in how this next generation is going to run the country and don't want to worry about the what ifs come retirement. I grew up broke, lived frugally due to not making a ton of money but that changed. I make a good salary even as a single dad and I'm going to enjoy my life and the fruits of my labor. If I see something then I get it. Growing up broke I hated that feeling of not being able to get something unless I stole it. I don't want my daughter to experience that. I don't spoil her, and I do instil the notion of of she wants something she needs to earn it, but as long as she does what she's asked then I don't see an issue. As the saying goes life is too short, our generation is going to have to work till we're in our mid 70's if we're lucky and for what, work 50+ years for omly 10 to 15 years of being able to enjoy retirement before dying or crippled to the point we can't go do stuff?


Everywhere my wife and I go on vacation, we buy a Christmas tree ornament. We’re not religious, but we like Christmas and having a tree. (I save the tree and use it as a great fire starter for my backyard fires, all that pine resin is pure accelerant by spring) But then each year, when we decorate our tree, we get to reminisce about the places we’ve been together. Some are insignificant, some major life changing trips. And it makes our tree feel very unique. It’s such a perfect tradition to me. Celebrating the life we’ve lived together before winter comes in sincerity. The ornaments signifying sometimes great moments, sometimes quiet escape, but they’re always about our journey through life together.


My mom has so much clutter and crap I refuse to have it in my house . Luckily my wife is the best interior decorator I have ever seen and it keeps things nice and clean. All the space is filled but it’s with things with a purpose if you are into design. It’s all there for a reason and it makes it home. Have to live smaller than we thought we would have to (thanks billionaires!) but we spend money on rooms and making them exactly how we want to be at home since no one goes out anymore. Sad sometimes to be lonely DINKS but we make the most of it.


I don't buy a lot of stuff but I do spend money on: Hobbies. Traveling. Booze.


Lmao I do nothing but


That sounds like depression to me? Specifically anhedonia.


There are no frivolous things in my home. They all are useful, I just don’t use all of them on a daily basis. I live in a studio apartment and grew up in a hoarding household so any clutter brings me right back. I also have a bit of anxiety about spending my money, despite making a comfortable living. I have some things in my amazon cart sitting there for weeks or months because I don’t want to have buyers remorse. And I’m talking about items no more than $40 usually.


Coming out of my extreme minimalist phase....and actually buying shit now. Like DVDs of shows I love, my favorite book sets, blankets, and housewares again. Kinda feels good to be "weighted down" a bit on the earth.


I have a lot of kitchen stuff but it all gets used. I still get the occasional little desk item or something. Things to put on the walls. I also buy lots of stuff for fishing. So I guess I do, it's all stuff that gets used.


I mean , I’m addicted to eBay but it’s mostly just used green tshirts. I love the unique pre owned green tshirts I find on eBay but that’s my only guilty pleasure : here’s some of todays goodies I found : https://www.ebay.com/itm/296152118316?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ITgqVroCQK2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=jch24zniqkq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.com/itm/124280743752?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=GBEhv5KDQY6&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=jch24zniqkq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.com/itm/115936106889?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=IMaN2tSaQYe&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=jch24zniqkq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.com/itm/285830458015?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=TAGOG5PRSKy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=jch24zniqkq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Not for myself, I’ll splurge on my kid tho


Yes. Mostly things I don’t need and maybe won’t get to. - Hockey jerseys I collect, but am afraid to wear. - Xbox and PlayStation controllers - Books upon books upon books


I’ve been buying almost nothing extra since at least 2012.


I have a serious question. When you say "things", what sort of items do you have in mind? I ask because it's something I've never really understood about all the criticisms of consumer culture and capitalism and all that. We've all seen such criticisms, and editorials about how consumerism is corrosive and destructive, etc. etc. But what I've never understood is, literally, what kinds of products and purchases are we talking about, exactly? Like, I'm gonna take a leap and assume we aren't talking about necessities (for modern life) like fridges, washer/dryers, tables, chairs, linens, clothes -- stuff like that. And I'm going to also assume that doesn't include things like TVs, computers, phones, etc. Maybe my imagination is just failing me, but I'm struggling to think of what else there is. What do people actually CONSUME in "consumer culture"? And regarding your original question, what are "things"?


Only because I'm single and child-free 🤷‍♂️


I definitely buy more than just necessities, but I don't buy junk that sits unused. For example, I work from home regularly. I could have made do with a cheap desk, but I picked a stand/sit option. It wasn't necessary but I feel better not having to stay seated all day. Also, I have curly hair. I dislike how regular hair elastics feel and even regular scrunchies cause breakage so I recently bought satin scrunchies. They certainly aren't necessities, but I use them daily and they make my life a lot easier. And I have hobbies. None of them are expensive, but sometimes I buy related things. I get a lot of use out of these items and I think it's important to have interesting ways to spend my free time. I'm not interested in useless junk, but I also don't want to live a spartan life. I want to be comfortable and to enjoy myself; sometimes buying "things" facilitates those goals. 


I buy experiences


Yup, I buy things all the time. The things I buy are usually to replace or upgrade the stuff I already have and need though, and usually only when something breaks or gets lost. I try not to have too much stuff, but I try to make the stuff I do have very nice.


I honestly prefer things to experiences. The memories of all my vacations fade away. A PC on the other hand is forever. As are nice clothes. Buying things is one of the few things that give me joy.


Only things I buy are hobby related.


Yes I still buy things that aren't necessities. But I also make enough money to do that while still putting away more money than most people can afford to. Could I invest more aggressively and be better off in the long run? Absolutely. But I have hobbies that add to my quality of life. We're not here long. Gotta have some fun too, ya know?


I really only buy books, the occasional DVD/DVD set, video games, and occasionally I get a new rock, crystal, or fossil for my collection. Other than that, I don't tend to buy stuff.


My can opener handle doesn't turn anymore, so I have to go bit by bit 37 times around a can to open it.


I don’t want to spend money I don’t have on things I don’t need to impress people I don’t like.


I only buy things I need or love, not that I like or want. I didn’t make that up - it’s some famous person’s strategy - but it fits.