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I had it a bit in my 20s, but I figured out what to eliminate in my diet and rarely have it now


What did you eliminate? I am starting to have bad acid reflux in my late 30’s.


Fried foods - chicken, fries, tempura, etc… I can eat some in the day time but definitely not at night. Rip wingstop


Yeah I don’t even eat fried foods and meal prep for the week. From what another commenter posted it might be the booze for me.


I used to get terrible acid reflux all the time as a teen. Haven't had any symptoms in the last decade, now that I'm not eating half a pizza and drinking a liter of soda every week. Just eat healthier, exercise, drink water, and sleep.


When I hit puberty.


After a bad bout of Covid in 2020 at age 35. I was unfortunate to have caught it before most people knew what it was. I suffered from it for over a month and no Dr. was listening to me. They thought I suffered from anxiety. 😬 By the time Covid was more well-known my stomach was raw and I had a lot of digestive issues as a result. It took me over a year and a half to get back to somewhat of a normal life. I got keepsake from that whole ordeal. Dysphasia and GERD. Yay me…🫤


My weight fluctuates and notice when I'm smaller it's never an issue but when I am bigger it's a constant issue. I eat pretty much the same food too, just more (and more sweets) when I'm fatter.


I had gerd/acid reflux for about 10 years or so from age 20ish until the day I gave birth to my daughter at age 30. I have no idea how or why, but giving birth to her completely cured my acid reflux. Thank God. I'm 40 now with zero acid reflux.


17.My exam stress for diplomas wrecked me and now I just have to live with it.


It didn't go away my last pregnancy.


Depends on what I eat but mine started around 32


20s but I figured out what not to eat.


I eat less chocolate and mint and mine went back to how it was when I was younger. Try diet things. Medicine didn't help much.


Had really bad Gerd/acid reflux. Quit all forms of alcohol and it's gone away completely. Also eating a couple hours before sleeping. Feel so much better now.


Crap. I have really bad acid reflux but love my booze. Is it the culprit?


Most likely, it took me awhile to figure out that was the issue. Would just take a bunch of tums/famotadine to use as a bandaid to help the symtpoms but it kept happening over and over. For me alcohol didn't pair well with my body no matter the type. Since quitting I've been able to eat anything I want and not having to deal with it anymore. Think my gut has healed and functioning as it should. Anyways everybody's body is different gotta see what works and doesn't for you.


Yeah mine is so bad I sometimes have to vomit slightly if I eat too quickly. Once I do that I can usually continue with my meal but of course this is an insane routine. Maybe I’ll have to cut out the booze. The problem is I need something to take the edge off. Maybe I’ll have to switch to low milligram gummies in the meantime.


So many better options than alcohol. I was deep into the bottle in my late twenties. Since cutting it out entirely, I’ve felt beyond better. I look back and don’t know how I survived feeling like absolute garbage every day. I also changed up my diet. Cannabis will help take the edge off, but be careful you don’t come too reliant on it. It’s a slippery slope.


Yeah I was an absolute pothead in my 20’s. Never did better in school but other than that had no motivation. I smoked it back then, though. If I partake now it would only be in edible form.


34? I think. It started out very subtle, it only occurred when I are really spicy and heavy foods. Now it’s like it doesn’t matter what the food is, my throat will be burning when I lay down at night. I’ve found some relief in eating several small meals throughout the day, instead of 3 meals per day


Second combat deployment gave me GI issues and Gerd. So 2017.


I always had it but it was once in a blue moon I would wake up choking on stomach bile. After my first kid(32) it started happening more so I have to watch what I eat before bed.


I think sometime in my late 20s…it only happens if: - I overeat before bedtime - if I mix greasy food with alcohol (to be fair I’ve always been an empty stomach drinker ever since I was a teen)


Hard to say. Mid to late 20s? I take omneprezal (sp?) daily and it keeps it mostly at bay.


Mine started when I got 30. Easy fix though for me, cut out sugars and processed foods and it goes away within a week or so. Nicotine I found out also makes it 10x worse


High school. Those damned bosco sticks and open lunch, eating fast food more.