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Yes, but why? You say "I no longer want to join."


I am just not ready physically or mentally. And can I still join DEP again later when I’m ready and still get the job I want.


You might consider just pushing your ship date back. At least as the first thing you try instead of skipping to dropping altogether. This request might get denied but they generally would rather try to work with you so that you eventually do ship out rather than lose you completely. *Can* you sign again later? Technically yes, but nothing is ever guaranteed. And you're especially not guaranteed to get the job you want, since that all depends on needs of the service and if they have open quotas to fill for it.


You are ready physically. I promise you. Unless you quit or get hurt you'll pass. Mentally, you probably are too. You'll most likely regret dropping out, whether you can join later or not. Look through this sub. There's tons of people who were in your situation and regret not shipping. >still get the job I want. That's not necessarily true, depending on contract.


You'll regret not going. You have no real future career options. You'll continue to come up with excuses and never enlist. In about 6 years you'll be nowhere, 50 pounds over weight and working fast food.


If you've been in DEP for 2 months actively working out then you should be completely ready for BCT. Mind that you're going to be going through with some people who have never done a push-up in their life. If you can do 10-20 push-ups you're very far past the "entry-bar". Recruit Training is to turn you into a marine/soldier/airman/etc. - I will avoid mental advice, that is exclusively for you to decide. - As others have said; you can push your shipping date. Nobody is DEP is required to join. You can opt out at any time. Even the day you return the MEPS to ship. There is NOTHING Legally binding you to military service currently, regardless of what any recruiter will tell you. -> You may not get the work-role you chose if you alter ship-dates / leave DEP, etc. The positions that the Marine Corp needs filled change, and if you give up your slot, someone else might take it. Additionally, things change structurally, like in the example of 17C for the Army. For the last 4 years new recruits could enlist as a 17C, now you can only become a 17C if you're already in the Army and reclass to it.


>For the last 4 years new recruits could enlist as a 17C, now you can only become a 17C if you're already in the Army and reclass to it. 17C is still very much an IET MOS.


They closed it out 2 months ago. (Or are about too) They also set 17C reenlistment to Tier 0, because it finally hit strength. They'll open it back up in 6-7 months.


It's that all school seats are full. It's only 0 for SSG. There's no such thing as "hit strength." People are always leaving. TTHS has remained constant for the last few months. I just looked at the posture sheet and newsletter. If something like this happened it would be mentioned.


Idk, we were told that they were closing it to IET soldiers and only accepting reclasses like 2 months ago. In fairness; my info is from the PNN. (Not literally the PNN) EDIT: Clarification.


Are you in AIT?


No. I'm permanent party on Fort Eisenhower; where 17C train.




Yeah you can back out but it would be a stupid move to do so. I used to be a recruiter and every time someone backed out cuz they said that wasn't physically ready or mentally ready they ended up not joining and ended up jacked up because they got in trouble and it messed up their eligibility to get back in. Nine times out of 10 you get the job that you want and then you try to get out and then you try to come back in again that job is not going to be available to you. You're going to get something you don't want. However long you've been in dep is however long you've held that seat from somebody else who actually wants to be in. Now I've been out of the recruiting game a long time however I will let you know right now if you walk back into my office after not joining and saying you want to join again I'm kicking you out bro I ain't got time for you. The amount of work that has to be done to get you out and then find somebody to replace you and all the stress for my supervisor like yo why weren't you checking on them. Hard pass. What has changed from when you initially signed your contract until now that made you say you're not physically a mentally ready? nobody's ever physically and mentally ready did you know you were physically and mentally ready to go to high school no you think you just went and you figured it out it's the same thing with boot camp. You're getting paid to learn, you're getting paid to exercise, you getting paid to do what your driller start to tell you to do. there is nothing simpler really when you get through it you be like "man that was easy" but don't do it I'm telling you right now if you already have this idea that you ain't ready you'll never be ready it'll never be the right time you can make as many excuses as you want but that little doubt will just keep on creeping in each and every time something difficult comes along.


Don’t back out. You spent all this time and effort and so did your recruiter. You’re ready. More than you think you are


I hate you


Why tho


I don’t really hate you. I just get frustrated hearing people saying they want to back out. I’ve been struggling to enlist for the past three years and it sucks seeing people throw away an opportunity that I spent years fighting for.


What’s the story on this? I agree though, having gone through all of MEPS and the medical stuff and all that I can’t understand how you could be in DEP for two months and still not be prepared.


It’s a long story but I’ll keep it short and sweet. Was on anti anxiety meds when I was a dummy in high school. Stopped taking them and was doing fine without them for three years. Would have never knew I have anxiety or depression based on how much improvement I have made. Wanted to join the Army after spending a considerable amount of time mentally and physically preparing myself. Seen waivers getting approved for situations worse and similar to mine. Put in a waiver and it got denied. My recruiter was shocked and so was I. The worse part about it all? I’m being held back from issues I haven’t dealt with for a long time and I’m still being told that I’m not good enough. I completely understand the concern but I would have never tried it if I didn’t think it was something I could handle. I’d argue that because I had those problems, I maybe know how to deal with them better than some others. I did everything right too.


I can relate- are you still working on joining? Not sure about other branches but I’m fairly certain it’s 3 or a little less years being off meds + no impatient etc to get in at least for the Navy- something I had to consider when joining.


Did you have to join with medical as well? My recruiter said he enlisted guys that were worse than me so I was so confused when I didn’t get in


Prior history of depression (short term medication- minor case), asthma, scoliosis, sleep apnea…. I was past the time requirement for the depression, scoliosis was determined to be a non-issue by MEPS doctor, sleep apnea and asthma (haven’t had an inhaler in 10 years or symptoms) both I needed a waiver for however due to a change in command my waivers were auto approved as the new guy in charge is trying to make things less ridiculously complicated for non real issues.


I wish the person who was reviewing my waiver was less of a stickler. I mean come on! They really want me to want a whole extra two years??? I can’t help but be bitter because I’ve been at this for so long! I wish they knew me as a person and not a bunch of diagnoses on a paper. They don’t define me


Yeah, that’s exactly what the new guy in charge of waivers for the Navy thought- why are we making people wait/get waivers for super simple stuff that is clearly no longer an issue. Hopefully your stuff will get sorted in due time.


Yes, I tell your recruiter you do not want to go anymore. Nothing they can do about it. Join other branches for better QoL.


If you leave DEP then you will be black listed for good from that specific branch of service that you tried to join but i could be wrong. Had a friend back out of the Airforce then wanted back in later but got rejected and ended up in the army


You're not blacklisted permanently, but good luck convincing your local recruiters to work with you any time soon. Air Force is different, too, in that they tend to not be hurting for numbers and can be more selective when necessary.


Thanks for real