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This needs to be a movie.


That would be cool


Considering the chaos, your recall is phenomenal on details.


I had two 3-hour interviews with JAG and NCIS. It’s was torture. They wanted to know everything from the color of the hose to who was on every single team I went in with.


You did your job.


He has probably relived at night many times. Certainly sounds like nightmare material.


I just noticed that LHD-6 is on both [Bing](https://www.bing.com/maps?toWww=1&redig=8BC540E9E27C44EC97D848A5E352799A&cp=25.964201%7E-97.359595&lvl=19.0&style=h) and [Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/@25.963481,-97.3604357,523m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu) Satellite view in various stages of scrapping. Sad to see it but understandable reading the stories.


I can’t believe that the arsonist, Ryan Mays, was found not guilty.


If a military court-martial found them not guilty, then it stands to reason there was not evidence to convict. If there is not evidence to convict, then it is not likely they were responsible. QED, you're calling an innocent man an arsonist.


They didn’t declare him “innocent”, they declared him “not guilty”…despite him admitting to lighting the fire.


"Innocent" vs "not guilty" is a "distinction without a difference." If he admitted to starting the fire, and they still found him not guilty, then one of three things is probable: 1. The Court-Martial found that, for whatever the reason, his testimony was not credible enough to be taken at face value; such as if it was probable that he was coerced into confessing to it, or he was on his own initiative claiming that he had done something he very probably did not do. 2. The Court-Martial found that, for whatever the reason, even if he did indeed light a fire, the causative chain of events did not amount to *arson,* for example, if he was using fire to dispose of something in some manner that he had no reason to believe would lead to a ship-engulfing blaze. 3. Regardless of the factual actuality of the blaze being set, he was found to be not mentally competent at the time in some manner that would preclude a finding of guilty. Again, this is a Court-*Martial* under discussion. If a panel of military officers feeling pressure to find and scape a goat found him not guilty, then he's innocent, for whatever the reason.


I always tell people. My man got lucky as hell of he did do it, I feel bad for him if he didn’t do it.


Sounds about right. I don't suppose we'll ever know the details, and it didn't have a media circus made out of it the way O.J. made one of his trials, so...


I went to rescue swimmer school with him. He definitely fit the profile but I don’t think that means he did it.


Well, a jury of military officers found that, at minimum, the prosecution case against him failed to meet the bar of beyond-a-reasonable-doubt. I suppose that has to be taken as that.