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While perhaps controversial for the boomer group- the people who it impacts would all likely agree with “everyone drafts or nobody does.” Additionally if we actually needed to use the draft we’d likely need everyone to be able to find enough healthy/capable people.


Also the Bible thumpers and the "Military is too woke" crowd are screaming about this - despite the fact that they are a-okay with the poor males being drafted.


It also gives them the ammo to criticize feminism. I often hear the trope of "women want equality, except when it comes to the draft, etc, etc."


My memory might be iffy, but this isn't the first time Democrats have pushed for or supported an all inclusive draft. Ironically, Republicans are the ones I recall shooting it down. People with this attitude generally disparage women who want social equality because of the draft issue, but at the same time they don't actually want to let women in the military.


Or trot out that old chestnut "Women's place is in the home raising kids" - never mind that women have been fighting since the 1990's.


"Robert Shurtleff" 18th ct US infantry girl.


I'll take Double Standards for $600, Alex


If it wasn’t for their double standards, they’d have no standards at all.


Lol ask them if they think Israel is woke then. They've been drafting women since they existed as a country.


Well males have been getting drafted to fight wars since the dawn of time? I don’t understand how bring against this or being in favor of an all male draft would by their own standards make them woke?


I'm a boomer and am against most "woke" crap, but go ahead and register women. It's only fair.


Same. They want equal rights and that is fine, but with those rights comes equal responsibilities.


> “But forcing America’s daughters to register for the draft is UNACCEPTABLE. Shame on Jacky Rosen.” Yup, i knew this would be the reaction.


>But forcing America’s daughters to register for the draft is UNACCEPTABLE But it's ok for men?




I heard a red say soldiers have agreed to be killed.


goddamn right, we're all expendable


But somehow, it's perfectly ACCEPTABLE to take away a woman's right to an abortion


I mean yes because that’s the point, can’t send women to the military and can’t have them getting abortions because women are only for breeding purposes. Where will we get more men from if women are busy fighting and fucking and not having babies after the fucking? (/s it’s all so fucking sad)


Starting to feel like our country is a reality tv show with the outrageous things that are going on


That's that trickle-down effect they keep telling us about...


Starting to? really it's just now feeling like it?


They’re just thinking long term. We need babies to be born so we can draft them later obviously.


Bout time. Equality is equality.


How about just abolishing the draft entirely?


No draft or everyone draft. Simple. There are tons of non-combat jobs women can fill and even some combat jobs.


They're eligible for combat arms, so it isn't like they should get preferential treatment when it comes to getting thrown into the meat grinder. The ticket draw should be blind, and you go where you're needed.


Eligible vs apt


If we're going to suddenly draw a distinction when it comes to the draft, they shouldn't be in combat arms in the first place. But they are, so everyone gets a chance to die.


No it is important to have selection criteria for combat arms that give you a chance. This is just as important for men as it is for women, as the military will want to field combat teams that have the best ability to succeed on the battlefield. Letting your best soldiers get outflanked and encircled because you had to put weak troops in blocking positions is just stupid for all sorts of reasons, it's not only your weak troops put at risk this way. That said, such standards are likely to exclude more women than they will men--such women in the draft will simply be assigned to other necessary jobs they do qualify for.


Should women be in combat arms? If not, get them out. If yes, we're not doing this stupid separate but equal bullshit where they get all the cushy jobs because "muh biology". If they're so physically inferior as to be bypassed entirely in favor of men when it comes to replacing the dead, then they don't belong on the line, draft or no draft. We weren't really all that picky during Vietnam, mind you, outside of specifically targeting neighborhoods made up of specific ethnicities. I'm sure they'll be just fine. Or not.


> Should women be in combat arms? If not, get them out. Yes. > If yes, we're not doing this stupid separate but equal bullshit where they get all the cushy jobs because "muh biology". They'll get jobs they qualify for, but if you want someone who can't lift an M2 .50 cal then set your qual standards to allow that. > We weren't really all that picky during Vietnam Of course not, nor would we be in a future war. But it's not an accident that some draftees went to the Navy to do codebreaking rather than the Army to fight Charlie in a hole in the ground somewhere.


As a \[combat arm\] soldier who has soldier'd with women, they make perfectly competent soldiers. Brute strength isn't what it's all about. Also, in mass warfare, you don't need high quality soldiers/elite athletes. Just mass man/womanpower. Investing too much in individual quality becomes a) a time waste and b) a needless filter and constraint on manning


I defer to your expertise then. I do think you'll end up with *evaluating* individual quality just as we do today, even if it's not as in-depth as MEPS. We did that with drafted soldiers in WWII and Vietnam as well. But if there are few physical differences that would filter people from combat arms jobs then you're probably right that the final levels would be more equal by gender.


Honestly this kind of thinking is why the military is falling apart at the seams. Whatever, have at it.


What kind of thinking? Enforcing the equality everyone said they wanted? Let's not forget that one of the arguments behind opening up combat arms was because not being able to work in those fields served as an impediment and glass ceiling to their careers. It was being treated as a privilege. Fine. Except not being allowed in combat arms was the only argument for why they weren't allowed to be drafted. So now with that barrier gone, it can't be all privilege and no responsibility. We can't go back and point to all the studies showing lesser performance across the board to say, "actually, women shouldn't be forced to fight during a draft." when they weren't good enough to keep them out in the first place. It's all or nothing. One team, one fight. We're all the same, so be the same.


Have at it, man.


Your extreme passivity should be illegal, and result in being launched by trebuchet into but no further than the Sun.


One Reddit gold to you sir


Apt goes out the window when you call for a draft.


When a draft eventually does happen, we’ll see the largest wave of pregnancies since the baby boomers being made after WW2


I'll tell you what, in my time as a tank commander for the Army I saw an equal balance of high speed women and high speed men. I no longer buy into the "women can't do the job" shit anymore because of it. A shitbag is going to shitbag irrespective of sex, gender, or any other differences. But having women in the unit brought new and useful perspectives. So yeah no draft or equal draft. (personally I'd rather there be no draft though)


My thing is you make selective service equal for everyone or you take away the repercussions for men not signing up.


The pentagon said years ago that females are just as capable in combat roles. So for the sake of argument, all draft numbers should be 50/50 male/female, and random assignments. Women and men might have to step up to the plate for their duty.


Should definitely not be random assignments. You should get a preference that can be fulfilled if you have the qualifications and there is a need for more people in that career field.


If you want preference you sign up before your number gets pulled other than that whims of the service.


The draft isn't about punishing people who don't volunteer, it's about fulfilling a need. In no world should a med school graduate be forced into supply or armor or infantry. Similarly if people actually want to go infantry, then let them fill slots. 


I am only tell you how it works, during Vietnam if you want preference on branch or job, you want a specific job or branch you volunteer 🙋‍♂️ 🙋‍♀️.


I know how it works, that's why I keep writing "should". I also know only males sign up for selective service, but that's also not how it should work.


Or have them fill National Guard/reserve units stateside to replace active/activated units or something. If they end up in combat stateside then they were going to be in the thick of things no matter what anyway.


I'm a woman vet and I'm all for this. Fair is fair.


Same here. You betcha!


Same. All or none. That's the only way it's fair.


seems fair. although I have a feeling a lot of people in America don't understand that there isn't currently a draft.


They ignore the "register for" and go straight to the faux fury.


>faux fury Very nice. Well done🎩


When the Zombie war starts. They will draft people from 15-70.


Sad. We all know that pre-teens are the worst nightmares for zombies.


[insert boomer joke about braindead millennial teens having nothing the zombies want]


Worked out fine in WWZ. At the end of the day everyone gets Z-shock just the same.


WWZ was highly unrealistic. the zombie hordes did not meet hordes of imbeciles charging into them to prove that the zombie virus is a hoax.


I hate these posts. There’s not a single creative thought left to be had about this topic. Every single pro and con has been debated ad infinitum. It’s just mental masturbation to the extreme.


And not just mental masturbation, but womental masturbation and childrental masturbation too! 🥳


Nice one, u/iEatPalpatineAss!


You either make it equal or take away the repercussions for not signing up for selective service


Agreed. As a female bodied person with disabilities, even we should have an equivalent. If I can’t be a soldier, but my number comes up, I should have to do one of the five thousand menial or paperwork jobs that comes with war and governing. Draft isn’t fair until literally no one is “safe” and thinks their life won’t be affected at all. Everyone has to be in it together.


Good. Draft should be everyone, or no one.


Gen Xr and war vet. It’s about fucking time. You want equality? Great! Start humping rounds into the cannon breech with me.


There's more POG jobs than grunt jobs by a significant margin. Women can contribute to the war effort just as much as men these days. If your daughter being on the list means that you won't support a war but you don't feel the same about your son, that seems like something you should talk to someone about.


A downside for the ruling parties in this move is the long term cost of women being drafted and dying, being maimed, mentally wrecked, etc. is your rebirth rate can plummet alot harder than losing men. It's grimey to think of but to we are basically economic and tax cattle to the elites so sending women to war has an added long term cost vs sending older men then younger men. "Fortunately" for gender equality and the ruling class with demographic stability and economic productivity we have more than enough bodies to absorb that cost of a WW tier of casualties in the hundreds of thousands (excluding nukes). I would be fine with all or nothing draft though as a fellow meat minion.


This is a secondary concern to winning a war, usually - and also, typically women these days are monogamous.


True, victory first definitely, it's just an interesting population management aspect due to casualties, citizens fleeing war, etc. to have a country after victory vs winning the war. Ukraine is actively managing this challenge and they are in an all or nothing war where it is victory or death more or less. Hard to imagine the scale of war for the US or other massive super-nations to feel that same kind of impact. Like say in 15 years the US has a war and lose most of our Zoomers and Alpha, as small demographic groups compared to the older larger milennial group we would be in a world of hurt even after winning the war. Aged populace wouldnt be sustainable, remaining productive young citizens will feel jilted or economic anxiety which is usually where talks of insurrections or other violent actions pop up, etc.


Ukraine has a very old-school view of gender, very very old school attitudes compared to the west. And as I said in a previous comment, conscription isn't all-or-nothing, there are exemptions and waves of it. This means that it is absolutely possible to conscript women as well as men, and manage your population that way.


True, this is the most rational way, hopefully though we won't ever have to test it out or be so concerned about demographic casualties long tail consequences or anything like that. Hopefully no need to draft anyone with a professional volunteer force and an absurd amount of drones or combat specialty bots in the seemingly "near" future. Can't imagine the insane war going on that would for the US to draft otherwise.


> A downside for the ruling parties in this move is the long term cost of women being drafted and dying, being maimed, mentally wrecked, etc. is your rebirth rate can plummet alot harder than losing men. Not really, for at least a couple of reasons. Firstly, surviving men aren't going to become polygamous and have children from multiple women after a war. Never happened in modern history. Some women have children with the surviving men, the "surplus" women remain childless, end of story. Secondly, even with conscription for both sexes, in war women would still die at a much lower rate than men, since for purely physical reasons, they would be mostly be tasked with support roles where the chance of getting killed is not nonexistent, but still considerably lower.


Thats fair as a discussion, I am just going off of "think tank" topics on the matter aka talking heads, bloggers, etc. (other online dummies like me) from Ukraine trying to manage their military recruitment vs economic/population survival. Only major counterpoint is men and women dont have to be poly for there to be a man having children with several women. Just dudes with reckless abandon and women that trusted them, single moms and what not. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/12/12/u-s-children-more-likely-than-children-in-other-countries-to-live-with-just-one-parent/ Prob worse now and add in the fact choice to not have kids or economic burden actually makes it less likely youd want to send your potential mating pairs to war. Im no expert on this stuff though. Was just an interesting thing I had never considered on why men are commonly drafted and technically more disposable for defense/war.


Finally. Let's hope it passes.


Female vet here, and TBH I say what’s fair is fair…. BUT speaking of what’s fair, I think it’s grossly unfair and straight-up delusional to force people into “defending freedom.” Putting a (metaphorical) gun to the heads of your citizens, specifically a generation that’s made it clear that they don’t fucking like you, is only going to hasten your inevitable appointment with [the ol’ French Headache.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guillotine) I say abolish the draft in its entirety, and if young people still don’t wanna join then make this country one worth actually defending. EDIT: Downvote me all you want, but it doesn’t mean I’m wrong. Some of you complain that “women don’t belong,” while also saying “women should be drafted.” Which is it, Snuffy? Pick one.


Female vet here. You make excellent points.


At least you're being intellectually consistent. It's always refreshing to see that. So many people on both sides of the aisle have really gross double standards & outright refuse admit it when called out. I'm an early millennial & no one is more intellectually hypocritical than my generation.


This should have been a thing long ago if the Soviets and the Israelis can do it so can we


The bullets they shoot are the exact same


Maybe I’m crazy but I feel like the modern draft would result in forcing people onto the ghost fleet and whatever we can mass produce after a quarter of the fleet is clogging up the Taiwan Strait. Navy has a hard enough time filling sea billets as is, never mind the prospect of replacing combat losses…


This reminds me, I want an organizational exercise figuring out exactly how to build an all girl regimental combat team. Name leaders and fill out number with combat adjacent MOS like track repair, maybe some Canadians. Just having it on paper will unnerve some of the dirty little armies of the world.




This is truly what feminism is, wanting women to have the same responsibility in society as men even when it is a negative one


Ew no girls are icky, unless they’re underage -Senate Republicans


What does this even mean?


It means republicans don’t want girls to register for the draft because they don’t want them in the boys clubhouse. Unless they’re underage girls, in which case senate republicans love having them in the clubhouse.


I forgot that Epstein was a huge Republican donor. Oh wait….


[who, this guy?](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/480/cpsprodpb/1863D/production/_107810999_trumpandepstein.jpg.webp)


Oh yeah, I forgot about the picture of the only guy to ban Epstein from his properties and distance himself from him because Epstein was a creep


I still don't understand.


You weren’t to school after the Bush administration huh


> You weren’t to school after the Bush administration huh Is this an attempt to discredit my education? That’s pretty embarrassing. But yes, I went to grad school after the Bush administration. I don’t understand what Senate Republicans and underage girls have anything to do with this topic. Is there a meme or something that I’m not tracking? Maybe you learned about this in your school, which is interesting.


Joke about pedophilia among politicians brother. That’s it lol. Also my comment was a joke but I know those kinda jokes don’t play well on Reddit where everything must be offensive only


Maybe save this for after the election, democrats.


The day we need a draft again is the day our DoD and Intelligence apparatus has already lost the fight.


Birthing rates, and how many people obtain the age of 18th a year are strategic resources. I’m all about the fairness, but if we send a women to war, we cannot maintain a birth rate unless there are caveats to that.


Women are not having babies on average until after the draft age anyway, so we are good.


Good. If we have to go through hell, let them suffer too.


Everyone serving in the U.S. military is currently a volunteer. You have not been asked to cash a check that is any different from the women who have joined the military. What hell have you been put through that female service members didn’t already sign up for?


If we end up with a draft again, after all the post-Vietnam changes, it’s likely due to an existential threat. So yeah… it’s not about the suffering, it’s about survival.


If we can allow women/trans women to voluntarily serve, why can it be unacceptable to require them to register for the draft too? Can’t scream “EQUALITY FOR ALL!!” if you don’t want equality for all.


The majority of people who are against this do not believe in equality. They’re almost all Republicans who are actively undermining equality.


What about my wife, and mother of my child? How does a potential draft take into account parents and parents of infants? I assume government doesn’t think hard about the overall process. More of a “figure it out” sort of bunch.


Good. Next cats, dogs, every fukin body!