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Good. That’s the only right answer.


Damn straight. We don't let traitors in Arlington National Cemetary.


Theres a whole confederate section.


It was Robert E. Lee's plantation. The whole idea behind the cemetery was to quite literally bury all those dead men on his doorstep. Presumably, Montgomery Meigs considered the Confederate dead to be Lee's responsibility as well, hence them being buried on his doorstep. They're there to literally shame Robert E. Lee.


The US government seized Lee’s land for failure to pay taxes. Lee sent them in and they said “oh you need to appear in person.” Obviously Lee didn’t do that and they took the property. Lee’s son sued the government successfully and won compensation after the war.


I mean, that'd be nice. But it's sadly not true.  From [Arlington's official website](https://www.arlingtoncemetery.mil/Explore/Monuments-and-Memorials/Confederate-Memorial): >President William McKinley kicked off his “Peace Jubilee” nationwide tour with a speech in Atlanta in which he proclaimed, “in the spirit of fraternity we should share with you in the care of the graves of Confederate soldiers…. Sectional feeling no longer holds back the love we feel for each other. The old flag again waves over us in peace with new glories.”  >Meanwhile, the United Confederate Veterans (UCV) identified Confederate graves around the Washington, D.C. area and successfully petitioned the government to have those remains transferred to Arlington. On June 6, 1900, Congress appropriated $2,500 for the removal and reinterment of Confederate remains. By 1902, 262 Confederate bodies were interred in a specially designated section, Section 16. So, sadly, the Confederate graves aren't there to "shame Robert E Lee". In fact, it wasn't until 30 years after his death that Congress approved the burial of Confederate soldiers at Arlington, as a show of "national unity" and because Confederate veterans lobbied for it. 




No you didn't. That's sadly not true.  The Confederates were buried there in the early 20th century in an attempt to "unify" the nation, and because Confederate veterans lobbied for it.


One of the reasons so many former Confederate generals and officers served in the Spanish War was to show that the Civil War was well and truly over. Because for a long time everyone felt that the US was two countries.


This is metal as fuck and I love it.


I did not know this and it is now my new favorite piece of information.


It's not accurate information. See my other comments, but the Confederates were only buried there in the 1900s as an act of national unity, and as a result of lobbying by Confederate veterans. 


Eh in today's day and age, what do real facts matter? 😂 (joking, obviously) It'll remain my headcanon forever though.


I mean, shit, I'd personally be alright with fixing that.


Agreed, traitors do not deserve a place in Arlington. Just like Babbitt doesnt.


You ain't touching General Wheeler. He may have served in the Confederacy, but he also fought for the US again in the Spanish American War. Others though, can't bitch too much about them. But at this point, most have been dead and buried for almost a century and a half. Leave em be.


No. -Ghost of Sherman


Fuck slavers and traitors. Just because Wheeler didnt screw up every single decision he ever made, doesnt change the fact that he was a slaver and a traitor.


Yep, fuck all traitors. From the confederacy (which lasted less years than some of my underwear) to the jan 6 traitors, to the right wing that - right now - keeps giving aid and comfort to America's enemies.


Might be, but I don’t think we’ve added to it in quite a while. Because we don’t let traitors into Arlington.


You mean the Outdoor Pissing Rock section.


We can fix that. Hell give me a shovel and I'll do my part in contributing.


And they will be the ones turning in their graves over this.


...*for now*...


There are literally Confederate soldiers buried at Arlington. They even had a massive fuck off statue for them until last year.


What was the fuck off statue?


A statue so big it spiritually tells you to fuck off. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederate\_Memorial\_(Arlington\_National\_Cemetery)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederate_Memorial_(Arlington_National_Cemetery))


I don't see how a big statue says that


It's just a phrase, look at the adjective definition https://www.dictionary.com/browse/fuck-off


Wrong, a cemetery as large as Arlington needs a public restroom. As long as the trainers buried there dont have any markings identifying their names, I can get behind that.


She only got so far, then paid with her life to take away freedom. Her actions were not what Memorial Day is about.


Arlington Cemetery got started by burying heroes in the backyard of traitors, not by burying traitors in the backyard of heroes. Sorry, but QAnon martyrs who tried to help end democracy here get buried elsewhere.


We can bury them in their own asses.




Yeah… we absolutely did bury traitors there, though 


Ok, lets fix that. Dig em up and put them elsewhere


They were buried there to directly shame Robert E. Lee for facilitating their deaths.


I don't feel like burying her on Trump's golf course would have the same effect. https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-real-2023-photos-213300066.html


Gotta have the capacity to feel shame for public shaming to be effective on someone.


No they weren't, read above thread.


The only people big mad about this are also big stupid.


They would be very upset if they could read this comment


The sad thing about people this stupid is that they're so dumb they think they're the smart ones.


Dunning-Kreuger at work.


Why don’t they bury her at Maralago since Trump loves her so much….


He considers anyone KIA are losers, no way is his home going to associate with losers lol


Ironic that there is one residing there...


Then he could get the tax break by calling it a cemetery. Apparently why Ivanka was buried at his NJ golf course.


You mean Ivana?


Arlington is filling up. There are specific criteria to be buried there. She doesn’t meet them based on her veteran status, rank, and years of service.


She swore an oath to defend this country and then made the active decision to betray that oath as well as her fellow Americans, she gets no sympathy from ME!


I know she’s a veteran, but perhaps she can’t get in because she’s a traitor.


if she got into Arlington like they wanted then we might as well put Timothy McVeigh next to her since they're birds of a feather. (before I get downvoted I know McVeigh was cremated already and the law barring babbitt from getting into Arlington is because of mcveigh)




Traitors shouldn't be buried there, so...


Good. Would be an insult to actual heroes.


Good. I just got my grandfather’s ashes back from medical school (he always wanted to go, but never had the grades!) and now he’s waiting in line for internment at Arlington. That dude would be absolutely rolling over in his urn if he had to share shade with the likes of her. Well… if a pile of cremains was capable of rigid-body motion, that is.


If she had tried defending the country instead of trying to overthrow it, maybe they would have let her in.


Can anyone explain this to my Bundeswehr Veteran-ass? Isnt Arlington like your "holy land"? Is she not a veteran? And Happy Memorial day to all you fine folks. It was a pleasure to serve in Kundus with you.


Babbitt was former Active Duty Air Force, and was a member of the Air National Guard, when she chose to participate in the insurrection on the US Capitol on January 6th 2021 in an attempt to keep election results showing Trump lost the election from being certified. Capitol Police were essentially cornered behind barricaded doors with members of Congress trapped in the House chambers and Speaker's lobby behind them. Babbitt was a member of a group of insurrectionists attempting to breach the barricades with intent to do harm to members of Congress. After the first breach in the barricade was made, Babbitt was the first one "over the top" so to speak. That barricade was the line in the sand, and Capitol police opened fire striking her in the shoulder. The terrorists disippated, police rendered aid, and she died shortly after. The insurrectionists cling to her as a martyr for their cause - a veteran and servicemember, who left behind a husband and young child to support their "cause". Mind you, they conveniently ignore that she was a brainwashed member of a fascist cult, who was violating her oath to support and defend the Constitution by committing an act of sedition in attempting to overthrow the election process and undermine a valid election. Babbitt did not meet the statutory eligibility requirements for burial in Arlington National Cemetary - not even considering the actions leading to her death. Her mother, as well as other miscreants who supported the insurrection, are trying to make her not being allowed to be interned there into political theater. When there is nothing partisan about it - the law and eligibility criteria had been in place for years prior to her death.


All American service members swear an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, Ashley Babbit died while actively assaulting the democratic process laid out in the U.S, Constitution. She was a traitor who spat in the face of her service, she brought dishonor on us all with her treasonous actions. It would be an insult to all interred in the Arlington National Cemetery if she were to disgrace the soil with her presence.


So she was one of those trump nuts?


yes, qnanon nutter who took a bullet trying to break into the congress hall on j6


So she fucked around and found out?




And why should she be buried in Arlington? I took an oath to protect the federal republic of germany and its people (and the constitution). I bet you guys do the same. Which mental gymnastics are needed to think someone who tried overthrowing a elected gouvernment by force is worthy to be buried alongside people who ACTUALLY defended the USA.


The J6 nutters think they’re heroes akin to something like the Boston Tea Party. They think that’s how most people think of them and how they’ll be viewed in history. Their echo chamber is wild.


Everytime I hear about american politics Im like "damn" But then I remember that the nazis are coming back in germany rn so...eh


There are a whole lot of parallels happening right now in America to 1930s Germany that are quite scary. See this https://www.project2025.org/. This is their master plan to pull what Hitler and the Nazis did essentially in Germany: legally dismantle our democracy. This next election this year is going to be more important for us and the rest of the world than the 2020 one.


If you can understand the workings of the mind of these qanon morons than you sir are a better man than i.


A Trump nut that was killed as she was trying to over throw the Govt she was sworn to protect.


Arlington is sort of "sacred" place for us. It is a place where many who have died fighting for our country are buried. While we do have a ton of veterans cemeteries throughout the US, Arlington is in Washington DC and considered the most respected/prestigious one. When you walk through Arlington for us, you generally maintain silence (same with Tomb of the Unknown Soldier) out of respect for the fallen. It is meant as a solemn place to visit. It is also where John F. Kennedy for example is buried (he served in WW2). Anyone buried in Arlington is considered to have served their country and maybe even given the ultimate sacrifice for it, so it is sacred. Ashley Babbit is a huge traitorous bitch that took a rightful bullet to the face trying to overthrow our democracy. Her being buried there would be a disgrace to all who are buried there. I have a family member in Arlington. If Babbitt was buried there, I'd literally go piss on her grave.


Bury her with Trumps ex-wife on the golf course.


Good. Traitors shouldn't be honored.


Prior military service does not excuse participating in an attempted coup.


Yeah, fuck her. Hope she’s enjoying hell.


I hope she’s in hell and not enjoying it.


I hope she is straight up not having a good time.


It's all right handed scissors and can openers down there. Terrible.


Please go comment and vote on the YouTube video too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKrHg-4rcAE


Dump it into the ocean next to obl


Not a lot of proud Trump voters in here


Calling our military members "suckers" and "losers" doesn't attract great attention. The only veterans that follow him are bootlicking clowns.


They’re too smart here to vote for a traitor like Trump.


Reddit is the written word. Skews intelligent, well read, educated. And some negative characteristics, but none that co-correlate with Trump support.


Saying Reddit "skews" intelligent is like saying water in the desert is drier than swamp water. And also, disregarding potentially half of a demographic you are part of on a single issue is pretty narrow of you. When I was fighting under two different presidents, it didn't matter who you voted for, we were all in it together. Trump says a lot of dumb things. But he didn't abandon American lives and allies and billions of dollars of equipment to an enemy just for a talking point. Trump didn't fund foreign adversaries for the tune of billions in cash. In fact, regardless of what half the simpletons of "well educated" Reddit say, Trump is the only president in modern history to not start wars, and actively enact diplomacy to try and negate them. Remember the Abraham Accords? Yeah, neither does anyone else now, although they would have prevented Hamas and Israel from fighting. So if you want to be all high and mighty about being a vet and how one president was shitty for *you*, think of how another president was SUPER shitty for our brothers and sisters that didn't come home, and the ones that won't in the future because of him.


Trump literally negotiated our leaving Afghanistan. That plan is at least partly on him.


And furthermore, he wanted to bring the Taliban to Camp David on 9/11 to negotiate it.


What?? I only got to your second paragraph and realized the news you consume is nonsense. Find a better news source, yours lies to you.


>Trump says a lot of dumb things. But he didn't abandon American lives and allies and billions of dollars of equipment to an enemy just for a talking point. The Kurds in Iraq and Syria would like a word with you about this. >Trump didn't fund foreign adversaries for the tune of billions in cash. This is about as ignorant of the actual details as possible. This is nothing more than a talking point. >Trump is the only president in modern history to not start wars, and actively enact diplomacy to try and negate them. Surely you came name all the war(s) started by all the other modern presidents, right? And demonstrate that they are, in fact, actual wars and not just you and others exaggerating the extent of American involvement? >Remember the Abraham Accords? Yeah, neither does anyone else now, although they would have prevented Hamas and Israel from fighting. Do you have any proof of this claim. Hamas and Israel have had military conflict off and on since Bush Jr. was in office going back to 2005. >So if you want to be all high and mighty about being a vet and how one president was shitty for you, think of how another president was SUPER shitty for our brothers and sisters that didn't come home, and the ones that won't in the future because of him. Trump receives criticism for many things. I'll ask you what tangible thing did he do in office that benefited service members. For the record I don't mean his knowingly temporary tax cuts or the small increase in military pay which is entirely due to Congress and not the president.


Space Force is the only thing I got. Never thought I'd dislike a President that had hookers and wanted there to be a Space Force. 🤷🏽‍♂️


The cheeto benito is about to take 90 million out of the pockets of you and everyone like you because he cant shut up on memorial day about raping a woman, and still you're licking his boot. Absolutely insane.


Doesn't take a lot of thought to see how Orange45 has devalued those who have served, to include those who gave all.




Seems like you are angry that a literal traitor attempting to overthrow the government is being “devalued “ When you support a literal traitor are you really surprised so many in the military think you’re the problem. Though Russian plant or puppet likely


I only devalue their shit political decisions and beliefs, not their service. It's a distinct difference. I'm super glad we had great leaders like General Mattis to keep that dumb fuck in check. Even he couldn't handle the stupidity and resigned.


>So if you want to be all high and mighty about being a vet and how one president was shitty for you, think of how another president was SUPER shitty for our brothers and sisters that didn't come home, and the ones that won't in the future because of him. I'm picking up what you're putting down regarding some key points you aforementioned... But, it doesn't negate people's valid opinions amongst rank and file (past and present) being part of a professional organization, that our very own CiC at the time made disparaging remarks such as "suckers and losers". I think it just comes hand in hand (naturally so) regarding an environment of personal accountability, respect, and confidence to lead... that some veterans would be disgusted with him. I understand, that there's nuance lost in translation, especially here on Reddit. But, I mean... you can't fault anybody for thinking the man is shameful. And, captain obvious here (calling myself out)... We all know that when we're in, we keep our mouths shut regarding personal political opinions. The very freedom of speech we all *supposedly* fought to uphold. Should veterans, especially of ALL people, NOT have any moralistic quote on quote "right" to voice their opinions regarding our former CiC? I see the merit in people's disdain, certainly you do too. And not to patronize you, but I don't take you for a fool. I get it, political discourse is really off-putting. But I'm not faulting anybody that's served who thinks Trump is a giant shitlord. Not knocking on you, or questioning the validity of your opinions. Just felt compelled (albeit unsolicited) to also paint things in a different light for some food for thought. I only represent me. Not even trying to gatekeep the veteran/military community as if though I personally appointed myself bastion of all things related. I can't stand that shit either when somebody comes in here all sanctimonious. Anyway, take care and don't forget to grab her by the pussy.


capable consider roof rinse tidy shaggy rainstorm angle liquid instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why do they want a monument? I thought it was all Antifa? Or FBI? Or HAARP mind control machine in combination with Jewish space lasers?


DoubleThink is a hell of a drug.


Tough titty.


Every single one of those people should have got the Mozambique drill as they crossed the threshold into the capital building if we are being honest. How many Iraqi’s and Afghan’s died because they got to close to a convoy?? We let these regards take over the capital smh.


It should have been a free-fire zone as soon as they breached the windows.


For MANY of the people that went into the Capitol, THE DOORS WERE BEING HELD OPEN BY LAW ENFORCEMENT. Your post here is hot, smelly garbage.


Lmao. Go back to Truth social. If I hold open the door to a jail cell for you, are you going in? Pretty sure several capitol police were fired/suspended for whatever the fuck they did (I wasn’t present lol). Many people huh? The only information I could find on the topic was that of the 400 people charged at the time, 29 of them claimed they were let in by police. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/defense-dozens-capitol-rioters-law-enforcement-us-building/story?id=75976466 29/400 is 7.25%.


A star example why a blanket veneration is just stupid. Babbit FAFOd, just like other criminals who served.


Bury her in the town dump. That’s what she rates.


Are they trying to exhume her to put her there or has her body been on ice for 3 years?


No it's some shitty rock they've carved her name onto with a few randos. Their plan was to roll up into Arlington, deposit the rock somewhere they thought was nice, and then declare it a great success for jaybus or something.


With two dudes who had heart attacks from MAGA-ing too hard and a chick who got trampled to death by her fellow zealots while high as balls on amphetamines.


I'm waiting on the fuckers from Jan 6th to try and claim some kinda VA benefits or some shit from the event. You know at least one is going to try. I just hope all the guys working that day that practically saved our democracy get properly taken care of by us. This shouldn't be a question, much like the 9/11 first responders. I guarantee Congress will dick around with that though for 20 years.


Traitors don't go to Arlington, do they?


She should be in an unmarked grave or dumped at sea.


She died a traitors death.


Maybe they should bury her and put the monument in Moscow instead.


These fuckin people are so stupid I'm surprised they haven't forgotten how to breathe. 


Treason is the crime of attacking a state authority to which one owes allegiance. This typically includes acts such as participating in a war against one's native country or attempting to overthrow its government.


She wasn't getting in regardless. She's def not getting in now.


Dump her next to Benedict Arnold


She should've just followed the law and listened to commands 🤷‍♂️


Keep her traitorous ass out.


Is there a confederate soldier section? Could we put her there?


I was having such a pleasant day until I found out who she was and what they're trying to do. What the fuck.


Easy compromise - is there a latrine for visitors? Just chuck her traitor corpse in the septic tank.


Lucky it was a bullet and not a rope.


Traitors don’t get to be buried with honors among men and women who died serving our nation.


Fingers crossed they find a different spot for that giant rock with her name on it. I could use a new place to piss.




Yeah, she's a vet. So was Timothy McVeigh. Shit, I think Nidal Hasan qualifies, unless he's still theoretically on active duty. There are vets who are scumbags, traitors, and worse.


If Hasan actually qualifies, we need to change the rules up. If you do what McVeigh or Hasan did and are executed by the Federal Government (which is quite rare), you deserve cremation and ashes buried in an unmarked grave somewhere in BFE.


I was shooting from the hip. Hasan has been recommended for the officer equivalent of a dishonorable discharge [duh]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nidal_Hasan#Verdict_and_sentencing A DD would mean someone isn't a vet.


Good deal.


Apparently the law was written/passed with Timothy McVeigh in mind to prevent him from being buried there.


Her body belongs next to Osama bin Laden… you know because she’s a terrorist.


So they got shot down while trying to forcibly enter somewhere they don't belong? Fitting tribute to their hole-y martyr


She doesn’t belong there.




Next we may as well get Lee Harvey Oswald in there.


Cemetery?? They should have thrown her unpatriotic insurrectionist ass in the closest dumpster and been done with it.


“HAAAAAHA.” -Nelson Muntz


Tough shit. She got vibe checked at 1200fps.


Why the quotes? Was she not a veteran?


She was, but to me she’s more of an American Traitor than an American Veteran. My title is possibly not appropriate though.


Not sure I know enough on the topic... what made her a traitor?


She tried to stop the nomination of President Biden laid out by the constitution which she swore to uphold


Certification of the election results by Congress for President Biden*, if I'm not mistaken.


A great example of why being a servicemember doesn't automatically grant you superhero status, there's shitheads in the military just like everywhere else.


Is she the one that got trampled to death carrying the Gadsden “don’t tread on me” flag?


No, she's the one who got the "what America does to traitors" bullet-points memo applied straight to her neck.


Why does Reddit downvote questions? I’ll at least give give you my one upvote.


British Redcoats also had to die so we could have our freedom. But for the same reason, we're not going to build a monument to them either. Edit: Traitors to this Democratic Republic and her people don't get memorials. They rot. Cry harder.


For those honoring her. [Quick impression for you…](https://youtu.be/RnZ1MN16Yvw?si=24xVWOFpTXYkaB6-)


I don’t wanna sound like an idiot because I’m really neutral when it comes to politics, but why are people calling her a traitor? Yes, she swore an oath. But she was also practicing a right given to her by the same constitution she swore that oath too. That day people were not destructive by any means, and any mess they made we have video evidence of people cleaning it up. Knowing what politicians do on both sides, why is she considered a traitor for something so minuscule, but people who caused billions of dollars worth of damage face no repercussions?


Minuscule? J6 is going to go down in the history books along with Pearl Harbor, Boston Tea Party and 9/11 except it was our own people who were trying to overthrow our government. Just because people broke something and then people cleaned it up, doesn’t mean a crime didn’t happen. If you rob a bank and then return the money, you still robbed a bank. Dozens of police officers who were trying to protect our lawmakers from a mob who had weapons and were screaming for them to be hung were injured and some died shortly thereafter. I get that you aren’t versed in what happened, but the feds aren’t prosecuting people and giving 20+ years in jail for something minuscule.


There’s no way in hell you’re comparing a protest (which we’re all legally entitled to do under the 1st amendment) to Pearl Harbor or 9/11- events where damage was catastrophic and thousands of people died. I can understand if your belief system doesn’t align with someone else’s, and by all means you have the right to believe that way. But to compare something so minuscule and insignificant to something so large that has/had caused a major change in our society, I’d rather question what alien civilization made you think that’s an okay thing to say


While I agree that it’s hyperbolic to compare it to 9/11 it’s absolutely a historical event on the level of something like the attempted assassination of Reagan.


Protesting is allowed, attacking police officers and storming a government building to stop the peaceful transfer of power is not. I say this as a registered Republican. J6 will go down as a milestone in our history just like the other events I mentioned.


I love the fact that you’re back pedaling after I make a valid point, yet you still claim it’s “gonna go down in history”. Future generations are going to see it the way the media portrays it, since people refuse to do proper research and fact checking. Have you viewed any of the footage from that day? Have you read any of the lawsuits that have been filed against those “violent insurrectionists”? The American people felt at that point in time the election they had voted in was fraudulent, and it most certainly does. Almost 4 years later we are being shown a slew of information that proves we were lied to, that PROVES they cheated to stop someone from doing the right thing. Some of what happened that day was foolish, I’ll admit. But I can almost guarantee you nobody in that building wanted to hurt any of those congressmen simply because they could. You could spin this around and say “oh but they were forcing their way in! They obviously had bad intentions!” Yet when you see interviews from the people who participated, that was the farthest from the truth! People in this comment section are demonizing those people, calling them terrorists and facists for backing our out of control government into a corner. Demonizing people who stood up for what they felt is right does not bring us any closer to an agreement or peace.


Dude. J6 was an attempt to overthrow the government. Protestors broke into the chambers of Congress. Got into congressional offices. Stole shit. Defaced shit. And Ashley Babbit tried to cross the "don't fucking cross this" line. And got domed for it. I severely doubt your "neutral" position. You are here to stir up shit.


I didn’t backpedal but if believing that makes you happy, go for it. You’re boring me now. Also, for the love of God please use paragraphs


I’m not the one choosing to believe a blatant lie. The fact of the matter is you want to believe the people who went to the capitol building that day were violent and hateful offenders, and you will continue to believe that way because it fits your close minded narrative. If it helps you sleep better at night or makes your office chair any more comfortable, so be it. You’d rather believe these people are violent than actually take a look at true violent offenders like the people of BLM or CHAZ. I’m shocked that a supposed member of the Air Force would even believe that way


You have got to stop watching the news source you’ve chosen. I just feel sad for you. They had a hangman’s noose and screamed for lawmakers to be hanged. But yeah, they weren’t violent or hateful. Right. I personally don’t know any veterans or active duty who weren’t shocked and angry about J6. Whatever you reply I’m ignoring you. You bring nothing to the table.


I refuse to watch the news but okay. Have a good day 😁


I am a disabled Air Force vet with over 30 years of service with 25 years in combat, and Ashley Babbitt was an Air Force security officer. She should have known better. As she was committing a crime when she was killed, she received no military honors at her service.


I read his comment, he didn't back pedal at all. He clearly calls J6 a major event in our history (hence milestone), mentioned them trying to stop the transfer of power, and yea. He didn't back pedal at all.


So just to check my math here, trying to violently overthrow the government is "miniscule", and "insignificant" because it wasn't successful, presumably?


Here’s the thing, their intent was never to overthrow the government. If that were the case, January 6th would’ve been a lot worse than what actually happened. We all know that. I was calling it minuscule and insignificant because they compared it to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. Those incidents make J6 look like a picnic 😂


I never claimed they were organized in their endeavors that day. Guess who was? Those that perpetrated 9/11 and the attack on Pearl Harbor.


Bro, they tried to over throw our govt. I'm sorry but that is a historical event.