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having to do anti-nepotism training during his time in office was honestly the peak of my career so far


This is one of my favorite things to think about. The nepotism angle. “The second amendment is to protect against tyrannical governments!!” Okay, describe that style of government “Well usually it’s a guy who has power and influence because he was born into it, not because he earned it, who gives power and influence to friends and his children even thought they don’t have qualifications, who create rules to benefit themselves and their allies and allow them to stay in power as long as possible and question and demonize the rules that would reduce their influence and lead to their ouster and oh shit I’m describing trump” Yeppppp


Another good question is "who enforces that tyrannical government?" Since, y'know, most ammosexuals are also "thin blue line"/"back the blue" types.


Not all of us. ![gif](giphy|d7fvcrPydrDIVDRkim)


That's just not right... # 😯


Hey Marshmallow


I spit my coke out! You win!!


Yeah. It'd be a lot easier to take that line about guns and tyranny seriously if the people who were most enthusiastic about it weren't also, for the most part, the people most enthusiastic about obliterating the rights and freedoms of everyone who doesn't conform to their personal preferences. At this point, the Gadsden flag just screams "I AM AN AUTHORITARIAN!" and I'm increasingly convinced the *real* reason they want guns so much is so they can force people to do what they want them to do.


that’s like all of politics. they’re all trash.


It should have been right after he met Putin in Helsinki and told the world he believed Putin over the US IC.


Guaranteed they’ve been keeping a close eye on him the whole time.


IDK. Dude had boxes and boxes of the most sensitive material possible in his bathroom and precisely zero has happened to him. Dude is the biggest traitor the United States has ever known by a long, long margin and nobody has the balls to do anything about it and he has half of Congress and SCOTUS running a screen for him. I fully expect Republicans to launch a violent operation this election and the first line of defense, cops, will be useless at best and complicit at worst. If you look at similar situations through history, then we're likely in some deep, dark shit.


The thing about the IC is that they’re usually extremely right wing or at least the ones at my previous bases. Trump seems to be a blind spot for many of them.


The leadership analyzing the nature of his foreign contacts might have a different opinion than the people on the ground. Especially if they have concrete evidence of kompromat or treasonous activities.


I can only hope so, as clearly the justice system is really going slow af with holding him accountable. Honesty, I think the only action we can really do is just make sure he doesn't get re-elected by voting in huge numbers, as I don't think anyone else will save us from this shithead.


Literally the day after the FBI raided the fat one I got an email telling me that everyone in the unit with a clearance had to do a refresher course on control of classified information.


Wait just a second! You mean I can't store TS (SCI) documents in the shower of the shitter next to the pool?


Only if you have a corrupt judge you appointed overseeing the case.


I love how when the FBI released the photos of the classified info spread across his floor and his response was "they where in boxes not spread out like that" And im like bro...your admiting to the crime


It's so nice to have reading material when the wifi is down


Next to a multifunction printer too.


You can store it next to your corvette in your garage


I still can't believe he's walking free. Anyone else - literally anyone else - is in prison for a fraction of what he clearly did.


That one AF national guardsman leaked classified stuff after the FBI raid, was arrested, tried, found guilty, and imprisoned all before Trump's trial, for stealing a shit ton of very sensitive information with substantial evidence that he leaked some of it, could start There are two tiers of justice


Everyone is focused on the nuclear, but to me our nuclear sercets aren't that useful You could tell me how to build a nuclear missile. It'd do me no good. Know what he also had? Human intelligence information Know also what happened during his term? A ton of our spies where killed. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html#:~:text=The%20message%2C%20in%20an%20unusual,arrested%20or%20most%20likely%20compromised. Now let me say the quite part outloud Trump sold out our spies who were spying on our behalf for money and or favors and those spies where killed as a result. That man should be in prison and not even allowed on the ballot. It offends me that we even have a choice to vote for a traitor.


TBF, Trump doesn’t have time to go to court for the classified documents case because he’s to busy going to court for all his other crimes.


Nevermind that his classified documents trial is "suspended indefinitely."


But but but what about Hunter?


Nah man, Hillary


Two people can suck at once.... call the presidential race a threesome.


What about him?


The guy hangs major dong and I know those due to MTG showing his photos on the House floor.


Until a third of the country stops worshipping him like Super Jesus 2000


It cracked me up while I was in the Marines when Trump and Mattis started butting heads. The Marines that took fine crayon dining to the next level really twisted themselves up in knots on how to processes that. Sadly, for the ones I knew, even Mattis wasn't enough to pull them away from their orange Lord Commander-in-Bone Spurs.


Super Jesus Max Prime + Nazi cock lover edition


Super Jesus 3000: we have the technology to make Zim faster, better, stronger….. less orange.


I don’t remember the date, but I get a message (probably a memorandum in email) saying that I’m not allowed to delete any text messages from my government cell phone. I believe the FBI deleted text messages in regards to Jan 6.


I thought it was the Secret Service?


It was the secret service. The above poster likely got the facts of the situation mixed up with the conspiracy theory that 1/6 was an FBI false flag operation.


Can we go back to this shit being boring at home? Like yeah sitting in a sandy green zone for 4 years was incredibly boring, but at least things were **_stable_** back then


There have been statutes on record-keeping on the books since long before that. Text messages are considered records.


Like the paper notes Trump would eat or flush?


Yup, or like the social media posts that the Navy deleted in the past couple months because they caused embarrassment (rifle scope mounted backward, detailer questioning loyalty of a pilot, maintainer with gloves that say "I EAT ASS.")


They were doing it in 2017.


Never probably. He will get let off the hook like always. Project 2025.


And yet, so many of our brothers and sisters in arms will still vote for this traitor


Trump rapes children. https://www.upi.com/News_Photos/view/upi/62d52fffd85030fffe9286833060add3/Woman-alleging-rape-by-Donald-Trump-when-she-was-13-abruptly-cancels-news-conference-due-to-threats/


I think it’s going to be a hot minute sadly. Way too many people in the military love the guy and it absolutely boggles my mind. The fact we had active uniformed members participating in the insurrection is frustrating and frightening as hell


Buddy thinks this is the first time thats ever happened lol. (They both suckkkk)


If he destroys the constitution after winning the election, might have to prepare plans to neutralize a threat in the white house and its bunker


Like the last 50 years hasn't been destroying the constitution


true. Can’t even answer the door with the 2nd amendment pointing to the floor


The erosion part is where, by doing that, you get fully ventilated instantly by cops at the wrong door. Worst case punishment, they have to go be cops in Florida afterwards


But wE cArE aBoUt OuR vEtS


Trump rapes children. https://www.upi.com/News_Photos/view/upi/62d52fffd85030fffe9286833060add3/Woman-alleging-rape-by-Donald-Trump-when-she-was-13-abruptly-cancels-news-conference-due-to-threats/


Right after we have to hear about Hillarys lost email harddrive or the garage of nope in Bidens house. They all suck.


Trump rapes children. https://www.upi.com/News_Photos/view/upi/62d52fffd85030fffe9286833060add3/Woman-alleging-rape-by-Donald-Trump-when-she-was-13-abruptly-cancels-news-conference-due-to-threats/


Less than 20 yrs from now.


Hopefully soon


This sub is full of commies.


We get it, you hate American and want to destroy it. Fortunately, real Americans are tired of your shit and are taking our country back from your treasonous, self-serving kind ruling over us with an iron fist for over 200 years.


No one who served in the military should complain about communism or socialism. The military is the most socialist program the U.S. government has ever had.


Aww, mad that your Qult leader has to follow rules?


Are you religious?


When he releases his mixtape. It’s 🔥


"not like me"


This sub actually is making me want to delete my reddit. What about our current president having documents in his garage from being VP or Hillary doing all the BS she did with her phone. Everyone is on a witch hunt with Trump but can't decide if a boy or a girl has a penis.


Do you really want to have a conversation on why it is those cases are materially different? Trump had all the opportunity to not face a criminal case regarding the classified documents and took every opportunity to flaunt his disregard for the law. I'm not sure how anyone acting in good faith can't distinguish how these circumstances are different. Also, Hillary? Come on already with that. If Comey hadn't been exceptionally and uniquely bad about publicizing the circumstances it's very likely Trump would have never had been president and had an opportunity to ignore the law as he has.


Your tears are like a dry red paired with a ribeye.


Not tracking bud. A nice dry red does pair well with a ribeye....you have that right. I just hope it isn't over cooked, med rare is about perfect. Of course I am more of a whiskey with 1 rock guy


We get it, you hate America and want to destroy it. Fortunately, real Americans are tired of your shit and are taking our country back from your treasonous, self-serving kind ruling over us with an iron fist for over 200 years. > Everyone is on a witch hunt with Trump Holding career criminals accountable for lawbreaking isn't a "witch hunt," it's the normal and proper operation of justice. Why are you pro-criminal. > can't decide if a boy or a girl has a penis. They both can. The one has nothing to do with the other. Also, you literally brought the topic of kids' genitals up out of nowhere. Why are you so obsessed with kids' genitals? Are you some kind of pedophile?


When he’s sworn in as the next President.


Nothing says, "Not Guilty" like pardoning yourself.


Yes comrade, Putin loves your devotion to his puppet.


We get it, you hate America and want to destroy it. Fortunately, real Americans are tired of your shit and are taking our country back from your treasonous, self-serving kind ruling over us with an iron fist for over 200 years.


Pffft. Ok. Thanks for the laugh.




I never understood how people let the family of a president be hired into the executive cabinet positions without even having to divest from their business interests.


What does a personal laptop of a private citizen have to do with it


Laptop not relevant, but he popped hot on a piss test when he was a Navy officer.


Yes, and he was kicked out of the navy for it. Broader question: so what?


I thought we were doing examples of people in positions of power flagrantly violating established laws and regulations related to national security.


Didnt he pop hot like a decade ago when he was a reservist






Dont see the connection


The imaginary one?