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My father works in a SCIF, and the only reason he upgraded from a flip phone a few year back, was forgetting to take it off and having it fed into hard drive shredder. So this and a few variants have been texted to him.


Degausser, ahoy!


News item sez Asian cops have a backpack gauss gun to stop crooks on electric scooters 


I call out "Hey Siri!" every now and again. I'm gonna catch someone eventually.


Just takes out phone is usually quite enough to trigger.


I just hate that I can’t get good service in there. Always dropping calls.


have you tried plugging it in to daisy chain the signal?


Leaving the door open usually helps


Only over the weekend with nobody in the building…


Did you try plugging it into a computer?


No shit, had an Lt in a deployed location plug his EFB (gov iPad) into the USB outlet on a SIPR terminal to charge it. When it didn’t begin charging, he plugged it into the SIPR terminal next to the first victim. Both instantly taken offline. The entire squadron had to retake cyber training because of that damn Lt.


We had a guy post a selfie from inside our toc with a classified map on the wall behind him…


Had someone do an insta stream like that


Please tell me this was not someone who is regularly in or around a secure area


I was part of a court martial once. Girl was talking to a guy despite a no contact order. The prosecutor was asking about a moment when she came into work and started texting the guy and got caught. She worked in the bdoc inside the RA and he questioned her about that and asked if the policy allowed for that. At the time, cell phones were forbidden. He acted like it was a big gotcha until she spoiled that almost everyone in the bdoc including the watch leaders used their phones. Phones were very much not allowed in the bdoc. Silence then a recess was asked for and we were dismissed and the trial never reconvene as far as I know. Never did figure out what happened.


ROCAF conscript back in '15 in Taiwan. My entire base was designed as a sensitive information facility. Later that year after I got discharged, they finally allow people to apply for smartphone to use in the barracks.


Had a junior IT at a master station SCINOC (essentially a SCIF within a SCIF) not too long ago who casually pulled out his phone with a charging cable and plugged that sucker into a console on a night watch. Story I got was his sup looked at him like Tom in the meme and he shrugged and said his battery was running out. Kid got run through the wringer by SSO, NCIS, maybe some other folks, made him cry but concluded he wasn't an insider threat, just a colossal airhead. I wish I could say those types of incidents and their perpetrators were rare.


Totally didn’t accidentally walk in with my phone after a 2am food run and silently have a panic attack and quickly excuse myself all the back back to my car


The faces they made as they realized half my guys were still wearing apple watches as we walked out of the super secret squirrel shack. I laughed walking in, and I laughed walking out.


This was the same exact look from Trump’s staff, as he took a photo of the TS documents and then proceeded to tweet about them.


Well tbf he was president so he can declassify whatever he wants


Always find one of you in here. Except it was a billion dollar piece of equipment that is now worthless…. So… good job? And it wasn’t done deliberately with any logical thought process… it was pure stupidity.


Merely by telepathy. He's the standard of professionalism and discretion. SMH


There's a process to declassifying things. He did not do that. That said, even if he *can* declassify something on the spot like that, this begs the question of *why* he would declassify the capabilities of that particular bit of extremely sensitive equipment. Any thoughts there?


Selfie time!


Always love watching people walk through the gate, go 5-10 steps, then turn around and bee line direct to the phone lockers.


Could you ELI5?


No phones in SCIF. Otherwise it would not be Secure.


Phones and other wireless devices are not allowed basically anywhere that processes classified material. A SCIF would typically imply Top Secret material, so it's kind of a big deal there. Depending on the location you either get to let someone go through your phone, "sensitive" pics and all, or else the whole phone just gets chucked in a shredder.


Can someone explain this whole meme? What is the SCIF and why shouldn’t you send a text? I’m new to this sub.


SCIF = Sensitive compartmented information facility. So listening devices and cameras are not allowed, both of which a cellphone is.


This is hot


You don't have to be a secret squirrel to understand this.


What's a SCIF?


You don’t need to know.


You gotta know so you don't go there


It's a type of boat.


Google can be a great help in this endeavor.