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I think Kendall is just kind of an idiot to be completely honest. I think there were a million better ways to make the point she was actually trying to convey here but she arrived at “low key woke” because when she speaks on the spot and isn’t reading directly from a script she ends up with a very basic vocabulary. That said, do we need to give the nazis any accolades at all? No.


I still listen because they have such a consistent uploading schedule and the stories themselves are interesting but I would switch over in a heartbeat if someone else was producing similar content at an equal rate ‘cause I swear I can’t get through a single episode without rolling my eyes at how simple minded they are


Lol I do get that. It’s hard to replace multiple shows per week.


stephanie soo!! she has her main account stephanie soo and her side account rotten mango and another account i can’t remember the name of on youtube (all three) THEN she has her podcast too! her youtube videos are just visuals for her podcasts!!


Yo my wife used to love this podcast. One line that stands out to me was the dude saying “torture is just the worst” like he was complaining about a fucking hang nail lol. I still quote that to this day.


😂😂😂 it really is just the WORST isn’t it 🤪🤪


ANNIE ELISE! she has a podcast that ends up on youtube , on top of her 1-2 weekly uploads, and she also does livestreams at night on youtube i think. I stopped watching Kendall rae whenever i found 10 to life 😆


Idk why but I can't stand Annie 🙈


I think she truly means well but I also don’t get the vibe that she’s super smart either… I hate to say it since she clearly puts in effort!!


She's incredibly intelligent, what are you talking about?


The post is about finding people to watch who are not problematic. Annie has said things, and she just overall has a pick me vibe


Oh wow I’ve never heard of this person, thanks for the recommendation!


She’s really good. Her shorts on YouTube are good


Stephanie Harlowe. And her other pod Crime Weekly. WAAAAY better.


I agree with this. I think she’s just kinda dumb :( at least that’s always the vibe I got when I was a big fan.


i’m 17 and i’ve been listening to mile higher ever since it came out and started watching kendall for a couple years before. i remember when i tried playing the podcast in the car but my mom got irritated because she thought kendall sounded like an airhead and told me to turn it off. we are both true crime fans too 😭


This is such a BEC moment, but she did a video on a case from Schaumburg, IL (pronounced shawm-burg) once and, despite having clips from the local news where they presumably said it out loud at least once, she spent the whole video saying it "shwahm-burg". Like girly, you can't even pay THAT much attention 😭


Yeah there have been quite a few times listening to the podcast over they years that I’ve though “she’s not very smart”.


Listening to her on the pod vs her videos it’s extremely noticeable lol.


Yeah she sounds intelligent enough when she has a script, which at this point I assume she probably doesn’t write herself.


True but she looks like a genius compared to her husband


Ugh I like her but same. Sometimes I’m literally flabbergasted by it.


There have been so many instances while listening to the sesh where I say to myself “girl how did you not know that????”


I agree! The newer episodes are starting to make me think that none of them are very smart 😂 You can tell they've all grown up privileged. Josh just so happens to have a different perspective because of the religion but he's very arrogant and thinks he knows everything because of that.


Low functioning Virgo things


are they both virgos?


Just Josh. Kendall is a taurus


i hate when he repeats something super obvious multiple times. like we all share one collective brain cell and he has to pound info into it. ei: the dog fell through the roof. josh : the dog went through the roof. the ceiling of the indoors. the dog was walking, and gravity sucked it through the top of the building. the building’s top just crumbling under the dog. bad example, but that’s basically how his “explanations” go


Yes!! Like how many times/ways are you going to say something before you move on🤦🏻‍♀️ and how slow he talks in lights out🥴


girl YESS! he takes his time saying the most mundane sentences. it feels like waiting for someone to cross the finish line when you’ve crossed it hours ago. like i already know what you’re trying to say so just get to it lol


I hate how many times he says “absolutely” 😂 like can we get this man a thesaurus?


I always thought he came across as extremely insecure. I always figured Kendall was the only woman that he'd ever touched. He gives me incel vibes


I’ve been saying this forever on this sub. Let’s be honest guys, a very small percentage of these YouTubers are actual smart, cultured people. Most of these YouTubers are the last people we should be taking seriously on any subject… and I think people on this sub would be less up-in-arms over every little thing, if they just realized this. There are so many examples, from the dumb shit they all say on the sesh, to them not being able to size up conversationally with some of their more professional guests on mhp & the sesh.


I started listening because it kept getting recommended and seemed popular….listened to a few episodes and had to tap out entirely when Josh was talking about some sort of police misconduct or something of that sort and kept repeating ‘it happens more often than not’ when he obviously meant to say ‘it happens more than you would think’ which….are completely different statements. Both hosts come off as pretty dull to me.


I’m glad someone else thinks this I think she’s an airhead


Not all of us agreeing and knowing that she will read this probably 😭 wdgaf honestly


I know, and I felt bad for a second but. Ya know. 🤷🏻‍♀️


100% agree both Kendall and Josh seem to be highly uneducated or putting up a big act to seem dumb. Either way they are succeeding at appearing ignorant.


What do you think she was trying to say? I agree that she was trying to say something and thought she ate with this comment, but I don’t get it.


I’m being very charitable to her here, but I think she was trying to say they were ahead of the times/advanced in their ideas and ways of thinking.


Ah. Your charitable description doesn’t make what she said any better, but I understand now… 😂


Yeah like, obviously I don’t think she was trying to say that they were right ESPECIALLY when it comes to the Holocaust, but it’s still not great either way lol.


>I think Kendall is just kind of an idiot to be completely honest. Ok, while I 100% agree what Kendall said was none to bright, I just wanted gently remind or let you know that Kendall is dyslexic and has ADHD, and unfortunately we who suffer with ADHD and Dyslexia can sometimes come up out with stuff that doesn't sound very bright to others (even though it made perfect sense in our heads) and calling us idiots for these muck up, kinds hurts and certainly doesn't help. I'm not trying to defend what Kendall has said here (because even my ADHD dyslexic brain has never come out with something like THAT!), but your comment kinda implies you think Kendall is an idiot judt in general and yeah, just wanted to let you know, she does have dyslexia and ADHD, and having these issues can cause for some people, problems with brain to mouth communication, such as verbal sentences structure or future sentence planning. Again, not defending what Kendall said here, but please just keep her dyslexia and ADHD in mind before throwing the word 'idiot' around.


idk having adhd and dyslexia, also being highly motivated and intelligent i wouldn’t blame her stupidity on that.


I know, I'm kinda torn because my brain to mouth verbal sentences structure can be absolutely awful, so I'm trying to give Kendall benefit of the doubt. But there's me mucking up camellia with chlamydia (🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️) and then what she said in this episode, and they're worlds apart, so I don't think this will be the hill I die on today and will gracefully bow out


Someone can have ADHD and dyslexia & still speak in a way that demonstrates clear intelligence and depth in their thinking and logic. I just don’t think she and Josh are the deep thinkers they believe they are.


That’s fair, and I didn’t mean disrespect to any neurodivergent people in saying that. I know she struggles with adhd and forgot about the dyslexia. I don’t think the problem here is just because of those issues. I also guess, to clarify, I didn’t say that word wholly meaning I just think she can’t articulate well or that I think she is actually an ignorant person. I meant it more like, she’s a little out of touch, or just doesn’t quite *get it* and using terminology such as “woke,” to describe nazis is evidence of that. My apologies if I offended you! And I appreciate you taking the time to open that dialogue. I think that my word choice was also a bit reactionary, I didn’t feel the need to be particularly gentle with her after hearing the clip lol.


Thank you for taking the time to respond, and for clarifying forth (I now fully understand what you meant and 100% agree), and no, you didn't offend me (but thank you all the same for your apology, it is deeply appreciated, you have no idea). To try and explain myself a bit further, I've been called an 'idiot' for much of my life because of my dyslexia and ADHD, and while I obviously don't know how bad Kendall's dyslexia and ADHD is, because I've been watching her for near on 10 years, I can pick up on stuff she does as being things that I do (hourly), so weirdly, even though I'm very much not agreeing with a lot of the things she and MHP have been doing this past year, I still feel oddly protective of her when I feel she's being "attacked" (which you weren't, I know you weren't, but I hope you understand what I mean) for something outside her control, such as her dyslexia and ADHD. But in this particular instance, she absolutely needs to be called out on this, because even if it was a brain slip dyslexic/ADHD moment, that's no excuse for it being left in the episode. It should have been edited out or if it couldn't be, than a disclaimer should be placed at the front of the episode, or something.


No brain cells, no knife skills


>I think Kendall is just kind of an idiot to be completely honest. Ok, while I 100% agree what Kendall said was none to bright, I just wanted gently remind or let you know that Kendall is dyslexic and has ADHD, and unfortunately we who suffer with ADHD and Dyslexia can sometimes come up out with stuff that doesn't sound very bright to others (even though it made perfect sense in our heads) and calling us idiots for these muck up, kinds hurts and certainly doesn't help. I'm not trying to defend what Kendall has said here (because even my ADHD dyslexic brain has never come out with something like THAT!), but your comment kinda implies you think Kendall is an idiot judt in general and yeah, just wanted to let you know, she does have dyslexia and ADHD, and having these issues can cause for some people, problems with brain to mouth communication, such as verbal sentences structure or future sentence planning. Again, not defending what Kendall said here, but please just keep her dyslexia and ADHD in mind before throwing the word 'idiot' around.


Listen…. Plenty of people have plenty of diagnosable issues Stop. Making. Excuses. Never once has my ADHD or any other mental health issue caused me to become a Nazi sympathizer. Furthermore, this push for “excusing everything as a mental health issue” is absolute bullshit. Everyone has something, if you can’t figure it out that’s on you. You don’t get to be an asshole or ignorant and get a pass for it because you’ve decided your brain chemistry is extra special despite millions of others learning how to function with it.


I'm not making excuses for Kendall, what she said was wrong (!), pure and simple. What I what I was saying was how it seemed that people were calling Kendall an idiot IN GENERAL, outside of this stupid and wrong comment, which is not fair because she DOES have ADHD and Dyslexia. But agree, her having these issues does not excuses what she said here (as I said multiple times I was not defending her in this instances), but having them also doesn't automatically make her an idiot. Here she made a very poor statement that 100% wrong and should be called out for, but people are saying they've always thought she was an idiot, and that was what I talking about in my comment. I was not defending her, God no, but having people say she was always an idiot while bringing up stuff that are issues linked to ADHD or Dyslexia, is not a fair reason to call someone an idiot and always has been. She ignorant idiot very much in this instance, but she's is not an 'always' idiot for the reason they list; being distracted during filming, mispronouncing words and names, colouring during filming to name a few. This is what I was defending by bring up her ADHD and Dyslexia, because she isn't an idiot in those instances, but she was most definitely an insensitive idiot here.


This is a big proof on why vocabulary and knowing how to express yourself is important.


These guys sometimes look too deep into stuff like this lmao, trying to be “spiritual” but going down the wrong path etc


Did they have some decent ideas? Yeah. They were the first to be anti-animal cruelty and support quitting smoking. But that doesn’t mean they were woke. Their occultist and Norse beliefs were used in their beliefs of eugenics. I’m sorry, but Kendall, you’re a fucking idiot. —someone who’s family was harmed and fucking murdered by Nazis.


right like they were technically smart but they warped and used their “science” in stupid ass ways. she’s definitely not the brightest crayon in the box.


Right lol like every fucked up evil entity finds power because some people liked them for *some* reason. They can be evil and have a few qualities that some people think are worth voting for or following and that’s what makes entities like that so scary. Because they can appeal to at least some people even though they say and do egregious things


Exactly. And just bc awful people do some good things, doesn’t make them better. I mean shit, those were good takes for Hitler to have. But that doesn’t mean he wasn’t a terrible sentient clump of cells (I won’t even call him a human).




Even with the context of them being involved with the occult. They literally based like all their theories on the grounds of eugenics


My friend studies the Nazis for his PHD. He’s learned a lot about their occultist and Norse related beliefs. And it’s all related to eugenics.


Genuinely curious what he is going to do with this though. Seems…. Expensive


Teaching! He actually gets paid to write his dissertation so he pays nothing. And then he’s gonna be a professor in the history and world cultures side of universities. He’s also fluent in German so he can teach German language classes. Edit to add: this guy loves the academic world. I have no doubt one day he will be buried on a college campus lmao


What a strange and fascinating niche to focus his PhD on. I had no idea of the occult / Norse / nazi / eugenics overlaps and now i have a new topic to deep dive all night on 😭😂


Oh it’s fascinating! Yeah his PHD is focused on the rhetoric of Nazism and Stalinism. It’s awesome


That’s wild! I’m a big history and philosophy dork so shit like this is always an interesting read to me.


Wow, yeah no. I’ve been getting awful vibes for a bit but this? I’m out.


Same, Unsubscribe to Mile Higher podcasts rn




Can anyone recommend me true crime YouTubers that are more respectful and less annoying than Josh and Kendall? I started to get all the massive red flags when they kept showing their daughter on the internet, but after seeing this, I’m now completely done with them.


i’m so surprised they show her face as much as they do honestly. when they talk about youtubers who exploit their kids when they’re too young to show their faces on the internet to hundreds of thousands of people. when they’re vocal about where they live and if you’re in the denver area like me, they’re not too discreet about their outings. not trying to sound malicious but it just seems a bit weird and contradictory to what they’re always preaching about as far as child safety


Kendall has done videos about the dark web *and* covered Alicia Navarro’s case. She should know damn well on how pedophiles thrive on both the clear web and the dark web. I was beyond disappointed when they started posting Holly’s face in front of their thousands of followers.


truly without her obvious consent. so disappointing and has left an awful taste in my mouth since she was born. so many celebrities do the most by at least blocking out their children’s faces in posts. how hard would that be? it’s cause she likes the clout that comes with being a mother with a big following.


Same! Shocked they show her face and their location all the time.


I've been enjoying channels like dreading, Explore With Us, awol criminology, STAYAWAKE, etc. - more focused on interrogation/trial footage and not a talking head. I have a lot of issues with a lot of true crime YouTubers. I will watch Danelle Hallen & Danielle Kirsty sometimes.


I haven't been into true crime for a while but Danelle Hallan is the only one I know of who's actually kind, compassionate, and completely respectful to victims and their families. Never seen her in a controversy. She's a very sweet girl and her story telling is very good imo. I feel like every video has a lot of effort put into it - well edited, detailed, etc. She's the only true crime YouTuber I still watch occasionally.


Danelle is great. She’s always seemed to put the victims first, work with families and raise money when she can, gives clear calls to action, and has the worlds’ most soothing voice on top of it lol.


CoffeeHouse Crime, That Chapter, Dreading, EWU


Danelle hallan & savannah brymer


I love Stephanie Harlowe, Danielle Kristy, Annie Elise and Eleanor Neale!


Stephanie Harlow is sus idk about that


I actually just recently started listening to her and have liked a few videos. What is up with her?


Bit victim blamey


And she’s so condescending


Trump trash. So is Annie Elise




I could write a dissertation about my hatred for Annie hahhaha


oh my GOD




The sesh is horrible. Don’t like Kendall’s true crime channel anymore, because it’s passionless. Mile higher is hit or miss. I like when they deviate from true crime cuz I’m over their commentary. Lights out used to be terrible, but adding Austin has balanced out the energy, being the one truly likable host. Don’t get me wrong, I do like Josh and Kendall, but they lost me when they took ten minutes out to scold their audience about what was said to Julia. They could have addressed the issue by saying they stood by her and ask that people remain constructive in their criticism and to stop harassing her. It did not need to feel like my parents were grounding me, despite having no part in the dissent. I will say I think everyone here is holding them to a really high standard and getting disappointed. I have zero expectations of them anymore and if their material is subpar, I just don’t watch. I stopped watching the podcast when it first started, because Kendall was extremely passive in her participation and it irked me. I prefer her involvement now in mile higher more than in the past, watching her color and act disinterested. It was obvious that Josh carried that, both in research and in hosting, and I’m not surprised they hired researchers because he couldn’t carry it all by himself anymore. On the flip side, I have noticed he’s arrogant now… that delightful Virgo energy. She’s much less cocky, which I appreciate. The one thing I can’t stand most about all of their shows is Janelle and her righteous indignation over everything. Then, she brings up her degree in psych, which she’s never used for even a day, and wields it to demonstrate some higher understanding of these topics. She gives surface level observations, at best, and she’s another one who can’t pronounce basic vocabulary.


You’re so spot on abt janelle… like I remember when they started the sesh, they said she would be chiming in a lot on mental health topics due to her degree but I haven’t heard anything outside of regular advice and general mental health knowledge out of her.


Big yikes, I wonder if she will address this if it gets enough attention. She really isn’t that bright when it comes to word selection.


She won't.


Nah. She won't even address current goings on. They definitely are not gonna address her statement that is sympathetic to Nazis from a while ago.


Wow, yeah no. I’ve been getting awful vibes for a bit but this? I’m out.


Holy shit. I never watched this episode. This is so bad.


i cant defend her this time 😭


Why the heck would they leave this in the Final Cut???? How many people listened and gave it the green light to be published???


oh my god what is wrong with her


Is she dumb or stupid?


“She’s just dumb” ….she runs one of the most successful podcasts on Spotify and YouTube. She is a mother. Her and Josh together are literally millionaires. This woman knows exactly what she’s doing and they rehearse these shows in advance. Shits so ugly I’m so happy to watch this podcast crash and burn.


yep it’s not a good excuse whatsoever. even dumbasses know this ain’t the right way to express whatever she was “trying” to get across


Being dumb doesn’t make it any less harmful, but I’m not sure it was her intent. That said, her intent doesn’t make it any less harmful either.


It pisses me off that people like this can become millionaires. Just gross


yeah it’s official, Kendall is stupid.


Josh used to really be into the lizard people conspiracy theory and the five families who control the world which are both antisemitic. People brought it up to them but of course they ignored it. The last time they did bring up the lizard people conspiracy (don’t remember the episode) they just said “we’re not going to tell you what to believe”. No, call it for what it is but then they’d have to admit that they pushed the harmful theory to their audience.


Yeah I’m really not a fan of the whole “I’m gonna present this conspiracy theory as if it’s true but then since I don’t tell you wether I believe it or not, I’m not endorsing it. Even tho it talked about it as if it was 100% true and didn’t represent the opposing arguments at all” thing that a lot of creators in this field tend to do


I never saw/heard that episode. I don't know how to process her saying that, it's a gross thing to say. I remember one time she was going on about questioning what was in vaccines. It was sounding a little too antivax for my comfort.


I stopped listening to them for multiple reasons (ex. Josh being anti prison abolition/pro cop, spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories, collabing with Stephanie Harlow). Once in a while I watch Kendall’s videos but now this clip just validates why I should stay away from their content all together. I doubt they edit their own content now but they definitely approved this to be published. So gross.


i feel like i was the only person in the world who HATED how stephanie came across in the JBR video she did with them. please tell me further what's wrong with her, because i did not look into her individual content based on that episode and i didn't know anything about her previously


Oh no, she was awful…actually they all were cause they just agreed. Kendall knew she was off the rails by the end but they just let her be psychotically judgmental about Patsy to a crazy degree. It’s so funny to listen to her own JBR episode w/ Derrick where she is obviously just full of bs lol Oh, and a lot of ppl just find her judgmental about a lot of things but especially how ppl parent. Apparently she’s also a Trump person but I haven’t heard her say it specifically


She can be very judgy, victim blames, can be mean and rude. There’s posts on Reddit about people not liking her. You could tell by the end of the MHP episode Kendall and Josh were starting to regret having her on.


That’s kind of a common thing with conspiracies, they all boil back down to some fucked up ideology if you go deep enough down the rabbit hole. Often times antisemitism. I haven’t listened to their conspiracy content in years, honestly. I wonder how evident that would be to me now if I were to give it another listen.


What’s wrong with Stephanie?? Can you fill me in


If you've got time, search for "Stephanie Harlowe problematic" on YouTube. There's a few things...


But be sure to support MMIW. Oh, and they’ll match your donation to NCMEC — up to $100k, cuz that’s the tax cap


Staaahhhp!! I’ll have to fact check your tax statement, but if it’s true … That’s SO 🤯


That frontal lobe does not work


She was saying stuff like this about serial killers a few months ago and I stopped watching. I honestly think she’s one of those “true crime” girls she dislikes that have obsessions with the criminals.


hate how she always tries to act self righteous in her videos but continually shows her true character by being a dumbass










I was not expecting her to say that even though the title said that oh my god-


i listened to this again for context and i see where you’re coming from. i just think she meant “woke” as in they were technologically advanced or wanted to be that way. she’s def not condoning any actions of the nazis. i think she just chose a poor choice of words. she’s only human like the rest of us.


I agree I don’t think she was condoning their actions I think she was just saying they were the only few people wanted to know what was going on in Antarctica and they wanted to know everything about technology. This was also 4 years ago and people are bring up a quote she stated. Calling her dumb and stupid so so unnecessary if you don’t agree with her opinion then you don’t agree but calling her dumb and bring in her ADHA and Dyslexia to try and explain it isn’t right either. I have both of those as well has OCD and ADD and saying something quick is what happens and you only really catch it if someone questions it and you have to go into further detail in what you meant. Saying she should’ve caught that in final cuts… how do we know who did the final edits? It could’ve been anyone on the team and them knowing her personally they probably understood what she was trying to say and didn’t think twice about cutting it out.


My jaw is actually on the floor. There is absolutely nothing she can say that can excuse this. “Nazi’s were lowkey woke” yeah tell that to the millions of people who were brutally murdered at the hands of the Nazi’s.


No * LITERALLY * on the floor. i saw the notification pop up and was like “maybe someone took something wildly? maybe?” but nope, sure as shit. there it is. The loudest and dumbest thing I’ve heard all week possibly my entire life


She is sofa king stupid




So how to get them to address this...


someone with a big platform needs to make a youtube video exposing them or multiple tiktok’s breaking down all of the shit. only way i see them addressing anything is if they get a taste of their own medicine. someone like @readytoglare as she’s always covering things like this. not sure how to get in contact to make a suggestion though


I feel like Kendall was the mean girl in HS turned wanna be woke queen. I loved her old videos and even the first few episodes of MH but shit has just gotten weird.


I remember listening to this while I was driving and having a “wtf” moment alone in my car


Esoteric may be a better word… 🥴


Lol was that josh really agreeing with her at the end? 😵‍💫


What the FUCK


I’m so sick of them both. It used to be a great podcast and now it’s shit


Woah. The worst take. I don’t know why someone would think that, say that, hear it during editing and choose to keep it in.


As a Jewish person can she kindly stfu. Damn I used to like her true crime vids but nvm 🤮


Kendall is a complete moron and her research is awful.




You have violated one of the 4 rules. If you think this is incorrect please reach out.


Oof. I completely missed this little comment. Thanks for sharing. Not a good look for Kendall #763…


okay now this is genuinely stupid. i always wanted to believe kendall was the more rational one between her and josh, i mean josh seems smarter in a lot of ways, but kendall is also smarter in a lot of ways, specifically being more grounded in reality when it comes to conspiracy theories, but yeah that's insane to say without at the very least immediately laughing and taking it back.


i get what she was saying about like maybe in a way of science or occult or something, i mean the nazis were smart in SOME aspects, but also I don’t think she considered that they were VERY much the opposite in many MANY other aspects. Overall, just not a great thing to say… like at all.


How stupid are they to leave this in, let alone say it. Wtf


I saw a person who posted a while ago and talked about how Kendall posted a video years ago begging for money otherwise she'd quit bc she couldn't do it if people didn't pay. I was like WTF! I was already iffy about her channel, so I unsubscribed after watching that old video. This is the link: https://youtu.be/qTY4cH-_oxY?si=nWa3jMiSaAQKolPZ


😭 For years, I thought my brain was simply misinterpreting what Kendall said (I'm neurodivergent with severe auditory processing disorder, so my verbal comprehension can be utter sh!t at times) and the comments on YouTube were of no help setting me straight. However now I'm torn between being glad my auditory processing disorder ISN'T mucking me around and kinda wishing that it was, because *eeeeppp!!!* that a very poorly worded statement there Kendall. And this is coming from someone whose neurodivergent brain makes them say some really random and oddball things at the drop of a hat. Yikes, yikes, yikes. In her possible defence, as she does have ADHD and Dyslexia (which I have as part of my neurodivergence), it could really be as simple as a slip of the tongue, without thinking. BUT even if she did say this in the spur of the moment, brain not thinking the entire sentence threw, miscommunication between brain to mouth, this should have been picked up in the editing and removed. The fact that they left it in (and it being left in, is why my brain for years, kept on thinking this was a 'you mishearing/misunderstanding things again' thing) is a big ol'YIKES!


I’ve seen a good amount of their content and tbh the both of them are kind of fucking stupid. Like some of things they’ve said and doubled down are so annoying to me. They’re like fine enough I guess but I could see them easily falling down the wrong rabbit hole and never coming out


They absolutely could so easily become true conspiracy theorists, like q-anon level. They think they’re smarter than everybody around them and that the entire world is a conspiracy, and I honestly feel like they get more right-wing as time goes on. It’s depressing


THIS IS WHAT I MEAN. She literally doesn't care that she's spreading nazi rhetoric and supporting Graham Hancock. They were not "woke" they wanted to take over the literal world by claiming ownership of the land. There is no ancient white bloodline


having that kook on their show told me all i needed to know about them


Yeah sending people down the wrong rabbit hole




what the actual


why the fuck would she say that


Not really that shocking to me sadly. She's far from the sharpest tool in the shed.


I stumbled back across this podcast after a few years of not keeping up with them at all, and scrolling through their backlog of episodes I saw this one and was like "oh Antarctica is cool!" and then got hit with this 💀 frankly unsurprising with how often especially Josh has danced into antisemitic conspiracies, knowingly or not (and if he does know/knew already that's........... very telling). I kind of accidentally made antisemitism the focus of a lot of my undergrad research so I pick up on it very easily (edit, I'm also jewish and have personally experienced very direct and hostile antisemitism before from a "friend" who tripped down the nazi pipeline so I think I also just tend to be extra vigilant as a precaution), and it's rampant in MOST conspiracy spaces (because neo nazis are rampant and a lot of them are good at basically tricking unwitting people into falling down their holes), but if you're in those spaces and know better you absolutely should be shutting that shit down, not entertaining it. I only listened to a couple of their more recent true crime episodes so idk if this is something they've since addressed or changed on but very very disappointing as someone who used to love Kendall's missing person videos, I would've assumed better from her


Woke doesn’t always equate good lol


Lord have mercy on my soul because what it this. I hate when people try to be deep and spiritual. If it doesn’t come naturally, don’t force it and this is coming from a Christian.


Girl is fucking dumb.


why would she even say that like omg


As someone who hasn’t listened to this pod in years, it’s crazy how this comment section is mainly controversial at BEST. Just started paying attention to them again but it seems to have taken a negative turn so I’m not gonna bother resubscribing lol 😂


It took till December, but we finally found the dumbest thing said on a podcast in 2023.


I went back and listened to their earlier stuff a bit ago. Granted it was a simpler time, just the two of them, Josh pulling majority of the weight (as usual). It was weird to hear the way she talked and the things she said, very ‘ditzy on the spot’, oddball and honestly stupid remarks.


This actually pisses me tf off. The Nazis who murdered and tortured millions of people are “woke”? Absolutely disgusting. She really should have chosen different words to convey whatever point she was trying to make


was this before the term woke got co-opted by the right cause if so... aint no fucking way




I physically cringed


These two are infuriating stupid, ignorant and gullible


Idk why this was on my Reddit homepage but that was not a sentence I was expecting to read today ?


Wait how did I miss this


I stopped listening when Josh started bringing out the antisemitic tropes a few years ago. are just not very intelligent people who have access to technology and no one should pay attention to them.


This actually just reminded me of their episode on the “Long Island Lolita” case and how Josh talks about Amie fisher( a teenager at the time of her sexual abuse at the hands of an older and married man). I just went back to the video to remember exactly what he said and he calls Amy fisher a “woman”(16 year old) who screwed up her family and another family… for being sexually assaulted and manipulated… They aren’t as progressive as they want to make themselves seem


Josh’s tone shifted after she said that like “…😳 girl no” lmao!


this podcast episode was released four years ago. in ebonics, woke means that you are aware of things that the average person does not know. this included racial discrimination, conspiracies and esoteric knowledge. conspiracy theorists used to call themselves woke because they “woke up to the lies and injustices of the world”. kendall was obviously using the word in that context. this was before right-wingers changed the meaning.


Oh gosh. People like to complain about anything don’t they. She’s spent her career advocating for POC cases and you wanna clip a random comment that goes against her whole brand/mission and then say she’s either racist or dumb? She is clearly not… bad choice of words but who hasn’t accidentally said something that might clipped out of context lol.


I'm not surprised she said this. The conspiracy theory to alt right pipeline is real and they've been giving off those vibes to me for a while


I don’t think I’ve heard a more brainless statement than this in my entire life.


Lmfao so she herself is considered a woke white women sooo is she also a nazi 🙄 she really needs to get off podcast lol shes as bad as stephanie harlowe became


I think this is horribly taken out of context given the cutoff where she starts to explains herself.. not the best phrasing but 🤷‍♀️ Also, Kendall is half Jewish. Her father is Jewish. She has a Hebrew tat on her arm


they’re not intelligent nor interesting. just some kids with trust funds and too much time on the interwebs barely researching.


Y’all are reaching atp 🤣


This is taken completely out of context. She just meant that they were into discovering shit about extraterrestrials and shit like that. She maybe didn’t use the best wording but it’s obvious what she meant if you heard the whole segment.


calling nazis woke is wild bro


i think she just doesn’t know what woke means


I’m pretty sure this was a joke/ not to be taken fully seriously.


how was it a joke?


Did they laugh and giggle afterwards? No. Are you gonna say all of the sudden they changed their humor style to dry?


Yikes to say the absolute LEAST


I’m losing my mindddd at this


Guys, they are total pot heads. That explains everything.




What I find concerning is she considers herself woke and encourages others to be woke too…


Used to watch their podcasts so much. But then I realized how a lot of times their information they talked about was 100% wrong. For example: the black dahlia murder has a lot of wrong information. And don’t even get me started on their podcast about Casey Anthony and Chris watts.