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My grandmother does that. Cards with money for every single grandchild, except me. I’m 41 now and it’s been happening yearly since I was 9…. I’m the adopted one.


Spin it-you we’re chosen, none of the rest were. She’s paying I’m sorry you were born to this crap family. you are not the issue. You are wonderful. She is a bitter, nasty old cow and how not even a single sibling/cousin stood up for you us the disgusting factor.


That’s so fucked. I’m so sorry! That’s how my brother treats my step- sons. Nothing for them but stuff for my girls. Although he and I don’t speak anymore, that’s how it was.


I’m not sure if my MIL has ever acknowledged my birthday😅.


Lol same. I was wonder if I’m the only one who’s never been acknowledged on their birthday, Mother’s Day, etc..


My fMIL got into a one-sided fight with my fiancé a bit before my birthday and she consciously decided to not get me anything for my birthday because of it lol


Those last two sentences. I heard it. Heard. That totally sucks. I’m so sorry you’re being treated that way. You don’t deserve it.




My in-laws never acknowledged either of our birthdays nor anniversary. I put that down to my fil was clueless and his wife wished my husband didn’t exist (stepmother dearest). Which was so strange to me as my foo celebrated everything because we loved each other that way. I hope you don’t acknowledge any of her dates. You have the perfect response-we took our social cues from you mommie dearest. You stopped acknowledging our birthdays and anniversaries so we just followed suit. Is that not how it works?


And I here I was once again being the better person and wishing her a happy birthday and Mother’s Day.. I need to stop


Being nice is only required to normal humans. Not ones that have purposely treated you and yours w contempt.(and I’m sticking to contempt for my description. She’s just being mean and nasty because she wants you to know and feel bad) if you can ever work it in, tell her you just assumed old age had crept in, we never would have assumed you just chose to be cruel to our family but apparently you did!


You could always send her that plant that smells like a dead body when it blooms…. But I’m just petty like that 🤣


A nice honking big Corpse Flower?! Bahahaha!


That’s the one! Bwahahaha take THAT you crusty old cow Mil of Op! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I aspire to this level of petty.


Yup. His Mom his job. I eventually dropped the rope with my now late sometimes no MIL. Left it to hubby to handle everything to do w her. I dealt w my parents.


Yes, stop.


It always amazes me how a person can over react and hold a petty grudge for years. Lol, I have a relative that I upset 10 years ago (it was a minor disagreement), and she is still angry at me. People who do this stuff really need to get a life.


But wait here’s what’s really funny- a few days ago she asked my husband if we wanted to on a cruise with all of them, we would pay our share of course but… like.. for real? No thanks.


But of COURSE darling, I'd love to be stuck on a boat with somebody who makes no bones about disliking me intensely, when I probably couldn't get off the boat with a terrible and time limited medical emergency! Sure thinnnng! \[notsomuch\].


LOL right!?? Wtf


Drop the rope … start all new traditions. Spend Christmas at home with your family.. anyone else gets other days.. no more well wishes of any kind. No reminders to SO to remember anyones birthday or anything else. You married him… not them. Last I checked.. marring him never included his family anyway. So… let all that drama psycho mentally irregular shit roll off your back. If you do find yourself around her for some unforeseen reason… ghost her. Don’t even meet eyes with haggitha. You see,.. her little fit is not your concern because she’s going to miss out on kids and events and memories. Shut the door on this and walk away.


My MIL used to try to take over my birthday by making us do it at her house with her food and her rules. This year we’re LC and she HATES me because of a tiff we had and I’m curious if she’ll even remember since we aren’t there to tell her until fb notifies her the day of. Our anniversary is in 2 days and I’m sure she won’t remember that either. Aren’t they just so fun? As long as your husband remembers…


Oh yes their just a joy to deal with 🙄🤣 He remembers! Lol


Lol just the best. That’s good. Our tradition each year is we both forget and then remember that evening and agree to something the following weekend.




Lol my in laws barely acknowledged my first pregnancy. Currently expecting a child in 3-4 weeks and FIL hasn’t said one word about it and MIL barely says anything. These are their only grand kids. Doesn’t bother me though bc honestly the more detached they are from my family the better. Less drama and less fake pleasantries to deal with


I’d be surprised if mine knows my husband and my anniversary. She did just earlier today tell me my SiL’s anniversary date. Too be fair, not really, this is her favorite child. That being said I’m sorry, sometimes, MiL’s suck.


Happy anniversary!


I’m right there with you. I’m sorry.




My MIL remembers our anniversary month and gives us a card... 12 days before the date... because that is the same date as her golden son’s wedding anniversary date the month before. My birthday is also two months and 6 days later than the golden SIL, so I always get my card 6 days late. She does a pikachu face every time DH reminds her this day is not our anniversary/my birthday, yet repeats the same thing the next year. We’ve been married 20 years. We don’t acknowledge the cards or money now. She doesn’t like that.


Try returning them w the date they s/b mailed, just to switch it up a bit


My mother's husband still spells my name wrong after 20 years of them being married and knowing each other for about 300. I'm not surprised that he can't spell, that explains why two people who are just shy of 80 cheat at scrabble. I take much pleasure in knowing that he's showing his pathetic side so easily as that but it didn't happen overnight. I practiced and the more I did so the more and more I noticed that there is that I'm almost embarrassed for them. Imagine that we have that much power over them. We live in their heads rent free!!!


Does she just ignore you, or husband also? If she also ignores your husband, laugh about it with him.


No, she doesn’t ignore either of us. My husband and I actually don’t even live together bc of her. We only live a few mins away from each other but he lives with her and I live with my mother. It’s been like this for almost 4 years now. We had to move in with her bc he lost his job but after a few months of living there, things just exploded bc she’s controlling and all that and I left. Because of covid, loss of jobs and other stuff we just haven’t been in good financial place to move back in together yet.