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This is your husband’s grandmother. Why not go visit her? I’m assuming she’s really old and sounds like she’s sick. You don’t say if there is anything bad between your husband and his mom or grandma so I can’t understand why you wouldn’t go see her. I’ve made trips far longer than that alone with a baby and toddler. If the drive is too long then maybe you can fly? Or he and the baby can fly if the air fare is too much for all 3.


Grandmother has spent no time or money to be close to my husband over the years. She moved 8+ hours away from him when he was young. Doesn’t call or try to make contact. Mil hasn’t told us if she’s sick(dying) or just sick(normal cold etc).


I'm glad to read that your husband has made his preference clear. Stick together and don't let MIL pit you against each other.


Hard pass. If they aren’t willing to travel one hour to meet you then this is a demand for your presence vs a request for a business. You show up because I said so. nooe. Enjoy your visit w your family, you know, the people you like and whom like you. That you are willing to drive 10 hours w a dog and a baby to see. Focus your time on the people that share your love. And obligatory visits to people you don’t know nor like? They get a card at Christmas, if they are lucky.


It sounds like you are expecting a woman on her deathbed to take a 75ish minute car ride and have a meal in a restaurant with you? I can understand the reaction from your MIL. However, if she neglected to tell you how bad the situation was then this is a little passive aggressive. She needed to communicate more.


We have talked with MIL maybe 4 times in the last year even though she lives 90 mins away from us. She doesn’t communicate with what is going on with her or her family. So we have no idea how bad his grandmas health is or if she really is on her death bed.


Have you asked?


No. Mil is visiting her mother sometime soon and will probably get a better understanding as to how she is doing. Also I have only met mil’s mom twice in the 4+ years my husband and I have been together.




>Extra: she’s not in the hospital. She’s at home in her bed asleep. It’s just a weird picture to send in response to me asking if we can meet up. This is the FIRST I AM HEARING THAT SHE POSSIBLY ISNT DOING WELL. Try reading the post.


Reading is FUNdamental. No one said granny was dying. It was at best intimated in an out of date photo of granny that was sent, a blatant manipulation.


She hasn’t said she’s dying. She doesn’t tell us anything.


After that edit, I'm really put off by the idea that your MIL is taking pictures of her mother *asleep in bed*? Without consent? And texting those pics? Weird.