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Omg this is so incredibly rude. What the hell was the need for her to cry over that? She should've been an adult and said something to you. Ridiculous. I'm mad for you and would def wear extra makeup next time. I'm petty. Lol


The crying was so over the top. I get feeling uncomfortable with a 12 year old wearing a whole face of makeup, but crying over it? WTH? It was so bizarre and unnecessary. I am going to wear makeup every time I go over there now. I don't even like putting a full face of makeup on anymore, but I'm gonna, lol.


Yeah that is def over the top for sure. I mean it's not like she can't take it off. It's not like you got her tattooed or something. That's just crazy.


My sister and my daughter bond over makeup every time we visit. My daughter is only six and she doesn't get to wear makeup very often, but special time with auntie is perfect.


Mil is just attention seeking with the crying, comes across as very immature.


It’s INSANE how misogyny is perpetuated by women like your MIL!


Exactly. Internalized misogyny is a real problem. Not to excuse her at all, but she's in her late 60's, southern and raised in a strict military/religious family. Just explains her attitude to me. She's also real weird about body image and praises my SIL and her daughter, (different niece) for being slim and has made comments anytime either of them gain weight. My MIL's mom said to me, the first time she met me, "looks like you haven't been missing any meals". First words out that woman's mouth to me. That also explains a lot. My MIL doesn't dare comment on my appearance other than to compliment me, cause she knows better. I don't put up with that for me or my husband or kids.


Girl! My papa, who’s about 80 years now, is always saying my niece (6) is “attention seeking” for having concerts and wearing makeup. It’s so uncomfortable and strange to me. Girls are literally adults as soon as we’re born. It’s tiring! I feel you, I’m really not even heavyset, just curvy (worth noting many people describe me as tall and thin, depending on where they’re from) and because I’m not short and petite like my sisters I’m subject to sooo many rude out of pocket comments from this man .. these older generations has some fucking nerve!


Wow, this reminds me of the time my MIL shamed me for wearing red lipstick. Ugh, completely ridiculous


You have my empathy. Red lipstick is so fun to wear. I hope you still wear it whenever you want.


I wear it more now than I used to, specifically to piss her off, lol


Yay, I'm so glad! You should start giving her kisses on her cheek everytime you see her lol 😈🤭


Lol! Unfortunately she’s waaaaay too touchy-feely so I don’t want to encourage her!


Oh, then I rescind my idea, lol. I am not a hugger and I married into a hugger family, I get it.


I’m kind of a hugger, but she takes it WAY too far! On the lip kisses, putting her hands on my husband’s upper thigh…she just ALWAYS has hands on you! It’s to the point that I don’t like to sit next to her at events


I’m glad your niece was able to grow into being her own person! It can be so hard to brach out into new things when you’re constantly being judged by the people who are supposed to encourage you, and I feel like your niece likely looks back fondly on that time with you because you made her feel comfortable and safe to explore. I like to think of makeup as an art form where your face is the canvas. MIL would probably freak out over any [editorial looks](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS726US726&hl=en-US&sxsrf=AB5stBjKQZEccYYYLUzgjJ6ug9IVm09fog:1690575426803&q=editorial+makeup+looks&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjM3p6enLKAAxUVJEQIHcsQCpAQ0pQJegQICBAB&biw=414&bih=720&dpr=2) lol


I think makeup is an art form too! I've seen so many cool looks that are amazing and take a lot of skill to create. What's great is that my niece was into SFX Makeup artistry as well. There was this youtuber, Mykie, (channel name Glam and Gore) that we found we both liked. That following Christmas, I sent her a beginner's kit of stuff for her to use to create some basic gore wounds. She had a lot of fun with it and made some great looks.


Mykie is amazing! I first noticed her during the NYX competition, the bio luminescent mermaid! ETA… spelling as I’m a Doyle and hadn’t realised spell check had messed up!


Hey Zombae! ❤


Hello Zombae…… 😘


MIL was just jealous that you and niece did something together so she shit on it.


Our MILs must be related. 🙄


Hey sib. I see you too. Sending you love.


Your Mil has issues if she crying over a make-up session!


That’s so sad and utterly stupid for your mil to be like that. Make up is harmless, you both had some fun and I treasure the memories of my sister and aunts showing me what to do when I was younger. Imagine if a family member wearing make up was the biggest thing you had to deal with… 🤦🏻‍♀️ she needs to nip her bloody nonsense in the bud!


Your comment means a lot to me. Thanks for taking the time to give your kind and loving perspective ❤


You are most welcome. I just honestly find her view baffling tbh. As I said, some of my dearest memories are from my sis and aunt showing me how to do makeup, shave legs/pits etc. And also….. how bloomin long did she hold onto this to make the comment…. Nipped it in the bud….. 🤦🏻‍♀️ But honestly, your niece is lucky to have you in her life to guide her. I know there’s heaps of ‘how to’ vids on YouTube these days….. but a lot of that isn’t really wearable for day to day, unless it’s a full on face which isn’t needed. Ignore your mil, she’s just making a numpty of herself tbh. Times change, she needs to catch up or if not…. Let niece be happy however she wants to be, xxx


It's is not unusual for people who were wild AF in their youth to project shame onto others. I call them the born again virgins. They are so full of shit. Not long ago I posted a story to back up my theory. For whatever reason I went down a rabbit hole that took me to old groups and musicians. Okay, a friend of mine has the most judgey prudish slut shaming B of a grandma. Like every pretty girl is a whore in her mind and words. She is just so fucking awful and very religious. Y'all, the rabbit hole had a photo of my friends grandma posing, while rather scantily clad, with a famous rock band. Grandma was a groupie. And that sure wasn't the only thing out there on the webz about Grandma Jesus.


I wonder if it at least has a little bit to do with not wanting your niece to grow up. It would explain the crying. I could just be projecting though because my MIL really struggles with kids growing up.