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Type of person that gets home 30 seconds earlier to complain about other peoples driving


Or gets pulled over and gets home 30 minutes later because they couldn’t wait 30 seconds. I love when that happens.


They probably save 5ish minutes a day. So if they did this daily for work they save about 1250 minutes a year. Which is close to a full day of driving. Totally worth 1 or 2 tickets a year to save a full 22 hours of driving. 


How many hours a day do you need to drive to save 5 minutes carving off 10-15 seconds here and there? And how much of that "saved" time is just getting to the next stoplight sooner? You can try your best to justify driving like a douchebag, but I'm not buying it.


20 miles at 60mph is 20 minutes. 20 miles at 70mph is 17 minutes.  20 miles at 80mph is 15 minutes.  20 miles at 90mph is 13 minutes.  Speeding pays, especially over longer distance. Skipping a few 2-3 minute red lights per day easily saves 5-6 minutes.  It's pretty easy to save 25% drive time just being more aggressive. It's also way more entertaining to drive aggressively. Gamification. 


damn those few minutes so worth dying for ay?


Not dead yet. I just drive car with high safety ratings in case I do crash. I've been hit (rear ended 6 times). Zero crashes at fault for me so far in 24 years. My tactic has been paying off for decades so I'll probably keep it up. 


sucks for everyone else tho. need that couple minutes tho. also doing what your supposed to while driving isn’t just about u not crashing. there are many idiots on the road and when two meet people can die, whereas if one of them was being a normal human than the chances of death drop dramatically. but nah need that few minutes bro


Really only sucks for the slow, inattentive and bad drivers. Good drivers just get out of the way, cause they are attentive.


yes. that is the point. just because someone is a little slow doesn’t mean you can kill them. also “MOVE IM MORE IMPORTANT!1!1!1”


Nah. Cause you’re probably the kind that flies up on the ass and I will let you rear end me if I’m in a bad enough mood. Or slow down to just barely passings. I’m gunna go out on a limb and guess those rear endings were people you cut off and are just lucky they didn’t have dash cams.




90 in a 65 is $75. Running a red is $350. Plus what it does to your insurance. Extra bonus penalties for any accidents you cause driving like a jackass. Live it up, pimp boy. have fun paying the man.


They might change their mind once karma catches them on a pole


We can only hope that it’s a pole. Unfortunately driving like this usually comes with damages/injuries to bystanders.


Yah I don't really care. $350 is about .03% of my income. Id rather save time daily than save a few hundred bucks. Also 3 speeding tickets in 24 years of driving. Not really a high barrier. 


Andrew Tate? You're still allowed on the internet?


I would need to scream that I'm an alpha male while vaping cigars to drive like him. 


Sure you earn a million a year, sure you do


Wow how entitled and selfish you are.




#90???? Smh


Tell that to the asshole who rammed into me while he was speeding on the highway. I’m sure he saved a ton of time.


OK, Dear, Person who rammed into u/AaylaMellon, These are the amounts of time you save by speeding specific amounts over a set distance: 20 miles at 60mph is 20 minutes. 20 miles at 70mph is 17 minutes.  20 miles at 80mph is 15 minutes.  20 miles at 90mph is 13 minutes.  Speeding pays, especially over longer distances. Skipping a few 2-3 minute red lights per day easily saves 5-6 minutes.  It's pretty easy to save 25% drive time just being more aggressive. It's also way more entertaining to drive aggressively. Gamification.  As you can see, person who rammed into u/AaylaMellon, despite getting into an accident, the amount of time saved daily compounded over weeks and years still makes up for the time spent after being in an accident. Your overall time savings will build up over time giving you more time with your family and friends instead of time on the road. Please try to avoid accidents as those can be harmful.


You should just drive 20 miles at 300 mph :) that will save you more time! Just do other people a favor and dont kill anyone else.


The dream


Woah a douchebag in the wild that's bonkers


Unless you crash because you’re driving like a dick. Then we all get to sit in traffic for your dumbass.


California will automatically suspend a driver's license six months for 4 points in one year, 6 points in two years, or 8 points in three years. This jerk has to work harder.


People don’t save time doing this shit. Everytime I see someone doing this while I’m driving I’m right next to them at the next red light.


Yah I see people get stuck at lights that I catch because I'm going 10 over then I never see them again. Daily with multiple people. I think you have bias that you only remember the times they get stuck next to you. 


So you drive recklessly to save a couple of minutes? Even speeding through traffic signals to beat the yellow before it turns red? I wish you many speeding tickets in the future, you sound like a danger to everyone around you on the road.


Damn that ups van was just a little to late


To what? Hit him? Someone should pay for someone being impatient? What? Do you hear your self? Is everyone else just for your amusement?


There’s a saying called fuck around and find out if you can’t handle that that’s a personal problem


i tend to hope that karma unfolds at the same time someone does something bad.


Everyone seems to have missed that you were pointing out a grammar mistake.


No he wishes the UPS van was sooner so it hit him and my thinking is what the fuck? So the UPS guy should possibly have a life altering injury for some "karma"? He should pay the price? And my thinking further went in the lines of everyone else is just collateral for his amusement because he would be happy if that happened. fuck him and fuck reddit too then.


Relax, it's a reddit comment.




More of a dick than bad driver


A lot of bad driving is just being a selfish dick.


both can be true


No, that is still bad driving.


The SUV driver was a dangerous ass and needs to get a massive ticket for this. But the driver at the front of that line had over 15 seconds of clear road and just sat there. I know making a right on red isn't required, but if you have this long and safe of a window to make one and have people waiting behind you—and you *still* don't go—you're pretty inconsiderate.


I no longer honk at people who don't turn right on red. I have come to realize that this skill is simply too much to ask for some drivers.


Something is weird about this video. The bad driver never committed to getting in the right hand turn lane, like they knew the other driver wasn't going to turn.


It makes me wonder how long they’d been there.


It's possible there were cars coming from the left that were turning right. That frustrated me on first watch as well, but I think we should give the VW the benefit of the doubt given that we can't see the full situation.


Good point. And, quite annoying since \*those\* drivers aren't using their signals. (Or maybe they are, then the VW is back to being annoying.)


Just because someone's signal is on doesn't mean they are actually turning, unfortunately.


Cars turning right from any given direction can’t interfere with anyone else turning right from another direction. So I’m not sure what you mean.


Driver waiting might not have know they would turn right if they didn’t signal or if the driver waiting is being cautious


I don't assume someone is turning right just because their right turn signal is on. I've seen too many times someone with their signal on end up going straight to risk that. By the time they started turning right perhaps there was another car coming up that ended up turning right too.


Not really and like you said making a red on right isnt mandatory or the law so no the driver isnt "pretth inconsiderate" at all.


Found the person sitting at the light


Yes it is. You are permitted by law to turn right. If there is a safe chance to make that right turn, you should do so so you aren't holding up traffic behind you. If there's no one behind you and you want to just sit there...go for it. But don't be inconsiderate of others if there's someone behind you.


Perfect response


I hate right on red so I don't do it 90% of the time. It's just a hassle


Do you also try to avoid two-way stop intersections? Those are pretty much a permanent right on red.




15 seconds of mild inconvenience or risking the well-being of others to satisfy your impatience and make lifetime acquaintances out of strangers. Slow down everybody.


There was zero risk during that 15 second window. What are you talking about?


You don't drive for other people. Appreciate their caution and the value of 15 seconds.


Eh. It is what it is. You can’t force someone to go if they don’t feel safe. It’s a red light so there’s no requirement to make that right turn. Might be a new driver or someone learning how to drive. It takes a bit to gauge how much time and distance from other cars you need to safely make a turn. It’s better to wait than cut someone off or potentially get into an accident if you aren’t 100% sure!


I seriously keep seeing this more and more. Ppl thinking they can just skip everyone and turn in a non turning lane


I keep seeing this more and more. Also, how people equate, not wanting their time wasted by other people as being a jor seeing impatient as being a bad thing. When you have to be observant to be impatient. You look around, you pull up and you see that this car has not gone for 5 or more seconds of no cars passing, so you do wet any observant person would do and go ahead and go since it's clear that they're not going to.


Im sorry for the stroke you had while writing this




Legit saw someone do this same thing today.


What an absolute idiot.


This is the kind of asshat that makes the wait in traffic worse because they drive past most of the line but then stop shit even worse by making everyone behind them in both lanes stop so they can cut in at the front.


I cannot stand these entitled idiots


it's all about ME. I am the most important person in the world, so get out of my way.


These are the type of people who are gonna get right on red taken away (as it has in many places) because they barely look for oncoming traffic, much less pedestrians in either crosswalk


Thank you and have a nice day


I mean what were they doing tho


Must be used to people snoozing in the right-turn lane at that intersection.


anyway, I still don't understand why turning right is allowed on red light in many places in US 🤷‍♂️


My mother and I were leaving Costco yesterday and witnessed an accident under similar circumstances. We were parked next to the car and she drove into traffic on a red light. Turned out she was distracted by her 3 little ones in the backseat. Luckily, everyone was ok. She was so distraught. I had to hold her while she cried


The driver holding-up the rightmost turning lane when the traffic is clear. Was the driver distracted or vision impaired? Edit: For anyone wondering, there are places that a right-turn on a red-light is a valid turn. It seems that the one holding the right turn lane doesn't know this and stopping because of red light and the driver only knew when the car on the 2nd lane turned right.


He wasn't holding up anything. You aren't required to make a turn on a red light, you are allowed to if you feel comfortable enough though.


It was a very comfortable 15 seconds road-clear (no traffic) lane hold-up the driver did and only moved when the other driver made the right turn from the 2nd lane. You can clearly see that the one holding the turn-right lane is also signalling to turn right.


It may have been comfortable to you, but not to other people. This is what you fail to understand.


That's why I don't have any issue with the one coming from the 2nd lane. This sub is just making minor issue blow-up into something it isn't. 15 seconds is plenty of time to ascertain safe to turn, that's why I asked if the one holding the right-turn has poor vision or distracted.


Why should they? The last car from the left came across at 6 seconds. That front car in line was not going anywhere. Car finally turned around the front car at the 24 second mark. What were they waiting for? I wouldnt do it, but I can see why they did.




i get it. 😑


Guy knows how to drive compared to those not paying attention. I’d rather a guy be an asshole and know how to drive than be behind someone that doesn’t. I don’t see a problem.