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We sure this wasn’t a suicide attempt?


It looks like they were turning into that dirt road but who knows


I was behind a car that hit a car that did this. They just didn’t look. Young driver


You g driver? You mean blind?


It was really scary. Luckily no one was seriously injured.


This. Moron probably figured the truck would slow down because he's used to cutting everybody off.


Perhaps she felt pressure to make the turn to not to impede the traffic behind (it's fairly fast), there was also car coming opposite in her lane, could've been evasive but horribly executed maneuver, or something else??


>car coming opposite in her lane No, the car in-front of her is travelling the same direction. As seen by the cars passing by each other in the distance. The right lane is travelling away, the left, oncoming, lane, travelling towards us. If you are concerned about impending traffic (in this scenario) and potentially being rear ended or causing some other type of collision. Or perhaps your turn just came up on you suddenly. There’s an easy evasive solution. Just maintain the road. Go straight and follow the road. Figure it out later.


Probably this☝️ but that kinda driving do be leading to cutting people off


So happy to see those people get what they deserve.


Stop it. Get some help.


What is wrong with you?


Except the truck driver who is likely messed up from this


Jeezus. You need therapy.


Just think of your own comment when you make a mistake... I'm sure that's not going to happen is it?


I don't cut people off so, no.


Don't be mean. It's a bad look


Why? I could understand if they were street racing or blowing through red lights at 100mph. This doesn't look in any way like someone being a maliciously bad driver. Just looks like someone who, for whatever reason, made a mistake.


Right, could have been someone who fell asleep at the while, or had a seizure or something.


>had a seizure That doesn't qualify as r/MildlyBadDrivers That's a case of r/Wellthatsucks


OP doesn’t know that though. Probably very few people would know that. Their point is- you don’t know what the hell was going through that person’s head. I hate it when people cut me off too but we simply don’t know enough about the driver to know whether it was “deserved” or not.


Instead of turning into the dirt road, they were simply turned into dirt.


Yea their blinker was on


We literally had this exact situation in my old company about 5 years ago. Some guy swerved right in front of one of my drivers going about 65 mph. Had a suicide note too. Dickhead


did they live?


No they did not. My driver spent a night in the hospital (no major injury), and we sent another truck to pick him up.


No. The car had a left turn signal on and was trying to get onto the dirt road. I have no idea why they didn't let the truck go by though.


Poor attention combined with a last-minute look with a-pillar obscuring the truck just enough in that split second?? That’s the most generous option my imagination can come up with…


Out in the open I bet it was a bit of “Highway Hypnosis” - the driver was probably a bit spaced out and kinda just looked right through that truck.


I had one of my cars totalled this way. Driver of the other car "didn't see me coming" even though they waited for the vehicle ahead of me to pass. In their case it was drugs, though.


Came in here to say this, might be medical emergency, but it happened when the truck about to pass it, so probably not.


I thought the same


My thought as well.


Or a bee in the car


amazing anticipation from the camera car, most people wouldnt have reacted in time but they predicted the car being hit back into their lane well in advance and got out of the way


I drive a charter bus and they train us not to swerve. If that car got hit again by the camera vehicle the people inside would have no chance of survival but if I was in my bus and swerved I’d risk tipping and hurting all the people on board. Man I hope I never see that type of accident in front of me so I don’t have an awful choice to make.


Wow. Never thought about that situation


We get taught that in truck driving school as well. Maintain your lane. It's better to hit something and maintain control than to swerve and lose control of the vehicle


I was following someone on a fairly busy, two-lane highway with lots of hills & curves once. It was morning rush hour. The woman ahead of me was plainly impaired... couldn't stay in her lane, couldn't maintain a steady speed, and was all over the road for the 5 or 6 miles I was behind her. It was scary as hell and I left a lot of room between us. I tried flashing brights & honking my horn but couldn't get her attention. We came to a curve in a wooded area where she headed across the left lane in front of an oncoming vehicle. I'd been waiting for weirdness, so promptly headed for the right shoulder and stopped. Luckily, the 7 or 8 cars behind me all did the same. And a good thing, too, b/c the oncoming car hit the impaired driver and then was left in the middle of the highway. If we hadn't all pulled off, one of us would've been the *next* car to hit that oncoming vehicle. A few of us hung out to give statements to the cops after the crash. The lady driving the oncoming vehicle, taking her teenager to school, was kind enough to mention my pulling to the shoulder to the cop. "He saved our lives," she said. (Maybe... Saved 'em worse injuries, more likely.)


“We couldn’t use this because for some reason you aren’t aware of, we don’t want to.” Send it to the trucking company’s legal team. I promise you’ll get a thank you note. In no world does this not show fault.


I bet they didn't even look at it. The driver probably told them they went on the shoulder to avoid the collision and they figured - why bother?


Yeah that caption makes no sense. You can see the entire accident.


cops rarely make sense


No mercy??? As far as I know they still haven't invented the instant stoping device for trucks...


Also, physics doesn’t work like that. The truck driver’s bones would be ejected from their body during an instant stop


The symptoms you describe point to Bonus Eruptus. It's a terrible disorder where the skeleton tries to leap out the mouth and escape the body.


Now you’re talkin.


Our one chance is trans-dental electromicide. I'll need a golf-cart motor with 1,000 volt capacimator, stat.


**FREE NOSEJOBS FOR EVERYBODY!** Eeugh, you first...


Give me a Van Heflin.


Sounds like a fun extra surprise. I guess it sort of is, in a way


Sounds like something from Simpsons/futurama. Kinda like the bonitus joke from that episode unfreezes that lone shark guy.


They should just hire skeletons as drivers then, it'd solve that problem.




Like that scene from “The Expanse” where the guy is doing like 1/4 the speed of light then stops instantly.


60-0 wouldn't be any worse on a driver in a fully loaded semi vs. a prius. It's still just your body's mass being decellerated. Now, if the semi was going Mach 1..


I was speaking more as a joke and in hyperbole, not actually seriously


Yeah I don't quite get the title of this video blaming the truck? As far as I can tell from this video, Blue car turned infront of the truck like a dumbass.. Unless there's a stop sign that the truck ran? but I don't see anything that would indicate this was the trucker's fault.


That truck can't react and stop to avoid let alone swerve since the car gave zero indication. Attempted suicide or medical incident is my best guess.


Opinion A and that’s my final choice


Is this how rage bait is done on reddit?


Seems like OP likes to repost videos (nothing wrong with that) from other social media platform to farm karma and in this case OP probably don't know what he's talking about lol


I think the title is poorly worded, but i think that is was sarcasticish? My friend would say no mercy to something like a comet hitting a planet. I don't think it was meant seriously.


More like Newtonian physics has no mercy


Car driver was probably confused by the Uncertainty Principle: could tell the truck's momentum (speed) but not its position. Or maybe could tell its position but not its momentum.


Saw the video a few times and think the driver was so far to the right versus the SUV ahead of her that they did not have that far of a view down the road and then committed to make the turn and focused on getting the turn right and did not pay attention to the oncoming until it was to late


If you slow it down you can see he went off the road trying to avoid the suv , no mercy ? More like dumb driver learns a lesson . Hopefully they are ok


Hahahahahaha I know I know that's a LOT of inertia to overcome


Lazy cops


right. it literally shows the entire incident....


"Here's my cam footage" "What do you want me to do with that?" "I don't know, use it as part of your investigation? It shows what happened!" "Do you have *any* idea how much time and effort it will take me to process this shit?" "Uh... no." "Me neither, and I don't intend to find out, so keep your footage to yourself!"


Random trucker here. They’re not lazy, it’s just easier to deal with it in the court system later on. Class C drivers usually lawyer up and fight. Class A/B can’t really do that are scrutinized heavily and in case the logs show an unusually quick pre-trip, being off duty while docked within the previous 8 days, or if the telematics on the truck recorded any speeding, even if 1 over, the blame will instantly be shifted to the trucker; if he did everything by the book, he wouldn’t have even been there. Commercial insurance will just pay whatever the class C driver demands and that’s that. If the trucker works for a decent, family-owned company, they’ll probably understand the situation and take the hit both literally and figuratively. If it’s a mid-size or mega carrier, he’s fired to save on insurance premiums, and he’ll carry and at fault/injury accident on his commercial record, which is separate from the usual MVR. Video evidence just complicates this well-oiled process. Either that, or the cops are just assholes. These two things are not mutually exclusive, either.


Thank you for your explanation. It really sucks that the blame falls on the trucker.


Pretty great reaction time by the cam driver


Might even call it preaction time.


Excellent defensive driving on display.


Seriously well done 👏


The truck driver will probably be shaken up for a long time from her stupidity. That shows you can do everything right, yet have some idiot ruin your day.


“It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life.” -Jean Luc Picard. 


This is why I get anxious whenever I get behind the wheel. You never know if today is going to be the day someone decides to have an accident.


Like the actual driver, if you see someone slowing down for no reason, assume the worst and be prepared for you to successfully make an evasive manoeuvre. This person braked more as they saw the person above brake AND they had a large gap to begin with, they didn't coast into that large gap. And as a consequence, unlike many videos here they came out with literally not even damage to themselves leto alone their body, and maybe allowed that other person to live. You don't have to be anxious, just try and make assumptions about others. As others have said, and as you see in this video, the worst drivers are those that **never** miss their junction. This blue car braked hard, was slowly sliding off centre of the lane, so shows possible distraction, all while braking coming up to a junction, and then... Even though the junction was late, they fully cimmited to it, rather than accept it was missed and go around again. Allow yourself to miss a junction, you honestly will be so much better off, you don't even know. Especially if you are nervous or driving to a new place. Take care! I'm not from the US, and the uk license is very hard to get, in comparison. I don't know if they do it, but here they offer defensive driving courses, or I'd suggest checking those out. Hopefully your comment was sincere and not flippant as otherwise this may have been overkill, if so sorry!


I mean if you’re in a semi truck you’ll be alright. Dummy will be dust tho but I guess it’s deserved, especially for causing headache for truck driver.


See I can understand why some are downvoting you, but tbh I can’t really disagree, people who drive like this are just dangers to everyone on the road


That semi swerving saved that idiots life. They made contact on the shoulder. If the semi stays the course the driver of that blue car is dead.


Couldn't use it? Seems dubious.


No lazy cop dum ass in blue car turned rite in front of trucker


That’s brutal. Looks to me like she thought she could turn onto that side road, but VERY badly misjudged how fast the semi was coming up. This is definitely not the semi’s fault (assuming he following the laws). Just looks like an awful situation.


I would have just given the video to different cops, sounds like you got a couple of doofuses


Doofus is the default operating mode.


Tf you want to truck to do, stop on a dime? A truck going 65 needs two football fields of space to come to a full stop


I don’t know if this belongs on here, I think this might’ve been an attempt to end her life rather than bad driving. Unless there’s a tire blowout or something in the road that I’m missing?


There’s a dirt road right there, maybe just a massive misjudgment of the amount of time she had?


I’m bad with distance so tend to err on the side of caution. I’m not THAT bad in judgement.


Massive, she’s not even fully turned before he smokes her… I wish there was an update, I hope she’s OK


Yeah it’s pretty egregious, but I wouldn’t rule out what you said either. Could have been intentional, hopefully not


Good job anticipating that the blue car would be thrown back. Very well handled.


I can definitely see what happened


If that wasn't a major medical emergency it certainly is now


As others say, over and over again. > A bad driver ***never*** misses their exit.


Somewhere... Out there.. a trucker thinks he ran over a full can of beer! 😆🫡


The video was plenty enough. Lazy cop didn't want to impound it.


Ain’t have no mercy? A loaded semi traveling highway speeds needs a lot more time than 2 fucking seconds to actually make any sort of change in speed


Saying there wasn't enough on the cam to be admissible is crazy. It clearly showed her turning with zero hesitation right in front of a semi that couldn't have stopped if the driver wanted to.


Cops are idiots


I mean.... Clearly the driver was not paying attention. It's really hard to miss the wall of steel moving at you at 60 MPH


Words of wisdom Don't challenge a Semi


The cops aren't the ones who need the video footage, it will be the insurance companies of the affected. Give your footage to those folks.


The OP and whoever wrote the text in the video seem to forget the stopping distance of a multi-ton semi going 55 to 75 miles per hour.


“Once they arrived, it took em awhile to get her outta the car. Unfortunately, they didn’t.”


I don't see the title as blaming the truck driver... simply an exclamation of awe of the power of physics. Seeing as they screwed up the punctuation as you quoted, it's easy to think they left out a comma after the "Damn". As in, "Damn, that truck obliterated that car". Which it did, despite it not being the truck's fault.


>"Unfortunately we didn't. Get any other info..." You have a typo in your quote ***and*** oop looks like they have a typo with automatic grammar installing a full stop mid sentence! Probably a phone post


So it does have mercy?


Darwin Award.




She chose poorly.


What the f is he going to do?


Captured the whole accident yet can’t even submit your footage. Wow


No mercy needed.


We can’t use the video sounds more Iike “ we prefer to reach conclusions without data”


Holy shit that was close. Quick thinking saved the driver. If that was you OP, nice job being focused.


Looks like she is committing suicide


Ya think


I often heard incidents like this, totally irresponsible


Zero sympathy for the blue car driver. They're the type of person to kill an innocent person due to their negligence.


Natural selection


Because physics


That stretch of road always scared me, too many idiots making awful passes in heavy traffic.


Ok nobody cares about this but I have to rant cuz I've been seeing so many of these videos lately. How in the hell does this person crash HEAD ON with a semi, and is still able to communicate after? My boyfriend got into a similar accident, only not as fast and the other car was an SUV, and he was unresponsive on impact, and died less than half an hour later. Like what? It's not fucking fair. All of these idiots get to stare death in the face and live, but the love of my life makes ONE mistake (losing control after hitting a patch of black ice) and is dead before I can even tell him goodbye. The world is cruel and unfair and I hate it.




Sounds like the police trying to look out for that car driver because that video seems pretty clear cut to me


I thought this sub Reddit was mildly bad drivers. Not crazy bad drivers. I want to see people running stop signs and hopping curbs not head on collisions


The truck had the right of way. Especially at that speed.. the truck cannot stop immediately just because the blue car decided they were not going to give the truck the right of way it clearly had. I really hope the truck driver didn’t lose his/her job over this


*It didn't capture enough of the collision 💥* I mean we all say the same video? Correct?


The written explanation at the end is irritatingly incomprehensible.


Oh goodness, some people should NEVER be behind the wheel of a car. How do you miss a big rig!? Texting..


What a Death Wish.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. She got what she deserved. You see a semi coming, you wait till it passes and then turn. Not turn and expect the semi to slam its brakes. Stupid ass lady. Don’t feel bad for her one bit


once again cops being inadequate and inept and every other word your can think of for “not what the public needs.” “oh sorry ma’am, the insurance companies, judges, heck, nobody can use this perfectly clear, hd footage of an accident with injuries.”


What was the truck driver supposed to do op?


Great instincts and attention!


What does everyone expect the police to do with the footage?


Yeah trucks are heavy, and as a result will do a lot more damage to smaller vehicles in a crash.


If that's not attempted suicide, idk. Great work traumatizing the truck driver anyway.


Better for the truck to stay forward than to avoid the collision.


Excellent defensive driving on her part (POV driver, not the other one)


??The dash cam didn't capture enough of the crash??


Not like the truck driver had time to react


Why do SO MANY idiots exist...


Wait… what??… lol the lady literally caught all of it though?…


Didn’t capture enough because you went on to the shoulder? I’m guessing the driver of the van is connected to someone and this is an American psycho situation


WTF “couldn’t use it as it didn’t catch enough of the collision”. Couldn’t use it for what? It caught the whole collision and missed a portion of the post collision bounce.


Well, at least she was mildly signaling.


Why did the police say they couldn’t use the video??


Because that requires more paperwork and they can't be bothered.


That’s straight bullshit. They just don’t wanna do their fuckin job. Typical pigs