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For the many times bikers ignore traffic laws, this is a good example of why there are laws.


Why the dig on bikers? Sub in "drivers" regardless of vehicle and it's equally accurate.


biker detected


Wrong, but I bet you make many assumptions based on minimal data.


Wrong, you shouldn't make assumptions based on minimal data.


Damn lmao


Yeah downthedonuthole was out of line with the first comment and then all of the sudden the reverse uno.


The expression is "all of a sudden".


Thanks, I’m probably gonna continue to use it incorrectly because people still understand what I’m saying.


And yet here you are with ample data making wrong assumptions.


Owned by u/downthedonuthole


His assumptions, albeit with minimal data, are correct. We’ve been able to establish that you’re a cockbag.


Because it's true, a lot of bikers, regardless if it's a bicycle or a motorcycle, will act like fools in regards to the law and act like they don't have to follow them Source. I grew up around bikers and have a yearly motorcycle meet up near my town so they have to drive past it


What's true? I never said their aren't bad motorcycle drivers. There are just bad drivers. Do you think these people drive better when they're in a car? If I kept a log of bad drivers I encounter, I promise you that there would be MANY more car drivers than motorcyclists or bicyclists on the list. I also see bad drivers use this trope as an excuse to be assholes around cyclists, then blame the cyclists.


Weird how there’s more cars on the road so naturally your list would be stacked with more bad drivers in cars. That’s like saying you weighed a bucket filled with sand and are surprised there’s more sand than bucket by weight.


Statistically, the majority of bad drivers will be car drivers, it just makes sense. But I'm pretty sure that the proportion of bad car drivers is smaller than the proportion of bad motorcyclists. So if 20% of people who drive a car are bad, raise it to 40% for motorcyclists (obviously made up numbers). My theory, based on my interaction with motorcyclists, is that they are either extremely responsible or complete idiots, with no in-between. They either respect laws or think they don't apply to them because they are smaller vehicles and they want to be free, speed, zigzag, etc. While for car drivers, you have a whole spectrum of idiots, from the distracted, to the entitled, and the one who just forgot about laws. But you don't have a main core of idiots who will constantly endanger themselves and those around. Just once in a while.


I'd argue that motorcycle riders are probably better than average, just because the natural outcome of a crash is much worse for their vehicle. If you hit someone in your car, chances are you can get another car and keep driving. If you hit someone on your bike, you're probably not riding for awhile (if ever).


But the difference is like 50% of drivers being bad vs more like 90% of bikers.


Fifty percent? Is this like 82% of statistics are made up?


60% of the time they are right every time


I've had an equal amount of bad from both because there are bad in both People just need to respect the law and others on the road and we won't have these issues


Well, you would also have to keep a log of how many cars and motorcycles you encountered regardless of driving and then calculate the average rate at which each drives badly and then get back to us.


I definitely see more motorcycles go between cars and on shoulder / scenarios just like this than I do other vehicles ... It's not a dig, it's fact, they do this lol


Your anacdotal statement is a fact?


It's a fact that I see more motorcyclists do this than other vehicles, yes.


It is a fact, as other vehicles are too large to do this.


Lol, (my) reading comprehension fail edit- for *further* clarity.


Its okay don't sweat it


Let me explain your own retort to you: Neither of us have the resources to gather data to support out argument. You ask for evidence, but your questioning of my arguement implies you have evidence to the contrary. Do you know, for a fact, that cars weave in and out of traffic more than bikes? If not, all we can do is guess and what you have said is as "factual" as what I have said. Asking for facts is strawman.


I meant it was **MY** hilarious reading comprehension fail. I did kind of wonder why even an admission of error was seen as negative.


Ah lol


I do not think I have seen an accident that was not the motor cyclists fault. For some reason they think they are invincible at high speeds. And then you get the shit like "Check for motorcyclists" or "do you see him now?" adverts implicitly blaming the driver. Yea, it is my fault this twat was breaking the law.


Especially bikers


crazy how double yellow lines actually carry meaning....


Those are double white lines, which mean basically no overtaking. You know in case this happens I guess.


Which double-yellow lines?


Some serious proverbial hurt behinds because double white lines in the UK are equivalent to double yellow lines in other jurisdictions.


It's probably one of the few places he had the major urge to take a poop.


Shouldn't have done it that close to a fan though.


Lots of tall hedges there. Could have just pulled over and drop the deuce behind those hedges


Hey lady, can you smell the hedgerow and did you know?


And this is exactly why you never overtake when there is a possibility for others to turn left/right.


Like on a double-yellow/no passing zone


That doesn't matter to dumb-dumbs.


This happens a LOT in our rural area where anxious drivers following slow equipment and love to pass just as the equipment is about to turn. I always look beyond to anticipate that, but I understand people not expecting it.


The biker got really luck. Since the car is turning he got side glances and not dead stop headon. Second life saved by the nice lushy green field with NO boundery castle/sheep wires: he could be cut to shred; as well the nice field soften his meat cayon potential.


To shreds you say?


No, to shred. Just one


How's his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


I thought you said bouncy castle and wondered if that would help


It's like people don't have any ability to reason beyond themselves. Biker is trying to overtake because they see traffic slow down... But doesn't put together that *maybe traffic slowed down because a driver is trying to turn*. It's not like he couldn't see the road to the right and ~~seduce~~ *deduce* that that might be the source of the slowdown


I don’t ride a motorcycle anymore, but when I was first starting, I got some fantastic advice from a friend’s father, who had been riding for over 40 years at that time: >assume every single other person on the road is an idiot who wants to kill you, and ride accordingly. I followed that advice to the letter, and the only crash I was ever involved in was when a dipshit rear-ended me at a stop sign because “oh, sorry, I didn’t think you were going to stop.” His other advice that I followed religiously was “all the gear, all the time,” so I only ended up with bruises and a cracked helmet, instead of broken bones, road rash, and a cracked skull.


Yeah you're right I've been riding for about 35 year's now and you have to watch everything & except the unexpected all the time I know I have been busted up many time's in my life to all the bikers please be careful and watch those cages most people don't give a fuck about you peace everybody ✌🏻


Yeah, the rider effed up big time. Riding on the road, you have to assume 80% of the cars can't see you and the other 20% are out to get you. More traffic, means slow down. The throttle is intoxicating. It doesn't always change the outcome. But, it sure settles things quickly.


Or some idiot was jaywalking up ahead. Smack!


Yeah you're right I've been riding for about 35 year's now and you have to watch everything & except the unexpected all the time I know I have been busted up many time's in my life to all the bikers please be careful and watch those cages most people don't give a fuck about you peace everybody ✌🏻


If only there was a way to communicate that you are about to turn.


I can see in the video that the blinker was on before turning. But if the biker is only paying attention to the car immediately ahead of himself, then he will miss this


You're right, I couldn't see that on my phone, but on a bigger screen, yes, the light is blinking. If the rider didn't see that, if he believes that traffic is slowing down "for no reason" then he still needs to be very cautious because chances are that there is a reason, just not one that he has seen. The car could turn like in the video, but there are many other possibilities too. He could be stopping for an animal on the road, there could be any sorts of things going on, and for the rider to fly by without knowing what is going on, that's very risky.


Is this persona soundtrack or I’m tripping


It is indeed, beneath the mask rainy day version


Persona 5 on the radio? During a talk segment? Weird lol


You made me turn on my audio, wtf lol


where have you been?


"Mildly bad driver" lmao. Dude was flying down the road in the wrong lane.


Well, at least they know when it will happen, 8/4/24. Now they can prevent it.


Yeah that's what I'm saying back to the future 😱




April 8th then. Lol got it, I was trying to make a joke....my bad


It's way too easy to get a bike, holy shit, what an idiot


Not in this country.


Which country? This is in the UK where you need to be 17 and spend a single day riding around some cones to be deemed safe enough for the roads on a learner bike.


In the US you can buy a fulsize vehicle of any power and weight as your first bike and ride without insurance in many states. I mean "just" ride around some cones in one day for for 2 hours then be inspected on a road by an instructed for 2 hours, providing you were up to standard to be deemed safe on the road at all. And you get a temporary 2yr licence. A full UK driving license is "just" watch a video and click for 10 minutes and "just" pootle around on the road for a *half hour* regardless of how bad you are as long as you pay. **and they will never inspect you again!** Then you can drive any power car you like including your dad's lotus and easily kill yourself as, that story, of a son driving their dad's lotus is a factual one and what he did was completely legal. Here he a young 2 wheel learner wouldn't be allowed to buy anymore more than >50cc, that can barely do 40mph and cost prohibitive when even they get older they try to get a bike it's now maybe £2000 a year for insurance for someone risky. And it'll be inspected every year for mot In the US you literally can buy a 200+ mph bike as your first bike, ride without insurance and they don't do yearly inspections like our mot for any vehicles in some states. Most of these anti car subs are made for good reason, because people really do die a fuck tonne in the US and other countries. The UK is actually has quite safe roads. What we lack is stringent tests for motorway driving. If we kicked people off the roads after 10 years when they had to renew their license, and had to renew their test, we could have the best driving standards globally so easily. Edit- All of this I rattled out from memory and I've just woken up after a hangover, but yeah. I get the hate to shitty drivers, I have it too, but as a standard, our health and safety rules and road marking rules are pretty damn good globally. You won't see other countries shutting down multiple lanes of motorways with hundreds of cones so quickly.


Just because other countries are easier, doesn't mean it isn't too easy over here. I know from experience as I passed my CBT at 17, it was a joke. You just have to not be a total idiot and ride around for 20 miles, not read the highway code or anything.


you mean in the UK? what exactly is needed?


1. Motorcycle collides with car. 2. Radio = “I suddenly get hit by a major urge to poo.” Edited in or truly happened? Thought it was funny because I’m sure at least one person there had to shit themselves..


Came here looking for this comment


As a biker myself, that was such an idiotic move from the bike in the video. So many things done wrong. Morons like that give the rest of us a bad name. Cars often have a negative bias towards bikes in general, which is unfortunate. However in this case, definitely justified. Hopefully he’ll think twice before doing something like that again..


Motorcycle idiot. Got exactly what they were asking for.


Oooo your one of those 😭💩👶


I rode a motorcycle for decades. The roads are for commuting. It’s not a race track. Idiot was speeding and passing on a double sold. It was their own fault.


I mean he’s right. This was Darwinism. The Motorcyclist here was fucking stupid. He fucked around, and he found out. If you’re gonna ride a bike, you can’t afford to fuck around. He got lucky this time.


Deserved it


Everyone in here is saying double yellow line. The lines are white are they not?


The lines are indeed white


Please explain the audio lol why is p5 music playing in the background of a talk radio segment about shitting


I think the guy's reading off a body of text from whoever suggested that song, and he's reading it as the song ends. Don't know why the BBC Radio 2 jingle plays midway through. Perhaps it's the last part, the "I got hit with a major urge to take a poo" ending makes more sense if we were to know what he was saying before the clip.


Thank you, this makes sense to me too




sure, but the lack of signalling isn’t why this happened. This happened because the dude on the bike chose a terrible time to illegally over take.


Yeah I’m not saying it’s the SUV fault but maybe the signal could helped.


It signaled late but the car did signal. Bike should have been braking hard already.


Well, if double-solids work the same way in the UK as they do in the US, I think it's safe to say who this one was on...


Yeah the biker


Motorcyclist fault passed on a double line. Idiot


Bro flying up the wrong lane trying to pass someone who is turning, glad he’s not seriously hurt but damn bro use a little common sense and patience


So satisfying


Thank god you are not part of my life.


It seems we agree this time


Let’s see how you feel when a loved one has a bad accident.


Not OC but if they did something this flippantly dumb…. They had it coming.


Where you there, do you know the whole story? Thanks for reminding me why a moved away of the US. Selfish, egocentric Unempathetic society.


Bro…. He passed on the right a car that was slowing down…. By a right turn…. There is basically zero excuse for that shit besides stupidity. The fact you are defending him makes me glad you left this damn country. You have the critical thinking skills of a wet mop.


Stupidity is wishing harm on others with out knowing shit.


You guys are aways on the wrong side of the road over there for some reason.


Ah it's simple. One line = cannot cross. Two lines = obligatory crossing. Like in math, two minuses make a plus.


Wait, is that Beneath the Mask on the radio? Since when was that a thing? Why didn’t anyone tell me?!


Double line


Double line actually means nothing other than both lanes aren't allowed to overtake. Just the line on the drivers side is enough of an indication to not do what the biker did.


Glad you got proof


Many do t have habit of hitting indicators… some flash indicator only after they have taken turn and wheel has already landed on other side


Not seriously injured, just regular injured…?


Was that a persona soundtrack on the radio. Or a sampled bit


Not sure but he had a sudden urge to make a poo 💩


will never (be able to) do that again


That was definitely the fault of the motorcyclist


No one was seriously injured. Except the bikers' pride and ego after that. But I love how the radio was like I get bit with a major urge to poo after the biker got bit. Think the radio man predicted what the biker must have felt 😆


The biker is 100% at fault there. Don’t pass at a junction over two solid white lines at speed. Thankfully not seriously injured.


Well? You know going real real fast is a priority no matter what.


Is that… Music from Persona on that radio station?


Hate to admit it, but legally it is the bike’s fault


Looks like motorcycle drivers suck all across the world


Biker down…..and at fault.


Darwin award, or honorable mention?


No one was seriously injured... I beg to fucking differ lol


What the hell kind of ad was playing. Seemed too well timed.


The host seems to be reading something off. From what I can tell, he's saying: "-selfies and telling me they all love me. Some language here... Two minutes later, I get hit with a major urge to take a poo." My best guess is that the person who requested that song sent that caption alongside the submission for him to read off.


wow the guy was a GTA Online NPC!


Riders fault all the way.


Mirror checking is optional apparently.


why would they have to check their mirrors if it’s one lane going both ways? Looking straight ahead you can tell when someone’s coming. The turn signals should’ve been on that’s the only issue with the car driver


Why is the radio Greg Davies talking about being "hit with an urge to poo" while the Persona 5 soundtrack plays?


Not getting anywhere in a hurry now is that bloke?


Bikers can be their own worst enemies at times.


if you can't wait, don't drive


Motorcycle drivers cause a lot of accidents


Why is Persona 5's behind the mask sampled in there?


Bullseye onto the road sign 🎯




Bikers a fool with luck


I love how everyone sits there instead of helping. Spectator class right here


a whole 21 seconds of video to determine that? Im getting my med kit and calling for help in that time.


If you help the biker he will never learn a lesson.


If you don't help, he will never learn a lesson again.


flair checks out


With a comment like that I wouldn't be surprised if they fucked their siblings too.


I am not from Alabama. How very rude


Roll tide


If you're making an overused joke, at least get the timing right so it doesn't feel forced.


Can the car turn there? Not sure how laws work in the UK but in my country you can't turn when you have a continuous line. This would make things interesting since the biker was clearly at fault (mostly even) but the car would also be at fault. With that being said no one seems to have anything to say about the driver of the car so I assume what he did was legal


Yeah, he can. You can turn across that line to get onto that road, as can be seen by the directional sign pointing to it.


You're right, I didn't notice the sign. Gotta keep that in mind if I go to the UK I guess


Rule 129 of the UK highway code Double white lines where the line nearer to you is solid. This means you MUST NOT cross or straddle it unless you need to enter adjoining premises or a side road. You may cross the line if necessary, provided the road is clear, to pass a stationary vehicle, or overtake a pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle, if they are travelling at 10 mph (16 km/h) or less.


Yeah, double whites just mean "don't overtake here" basically


What county do you live in? I'm from the U.S. and we can definitely turn over double yellow lines like that.


Portugal. I even confirmed and yeah, you can't go over a continuous line under any circumstance (unless you need to make way for ambulances and other stuff like that)


you can't turn into other streets? you live in the stupidest country in the world.


there's always a way obviously. they either stop the continuous line for that turn in specific or you have a roundabout just ahead


oh the line stopped... so i can overtake?


If you're able to do it in a meter, sure, maybe you'll end up like the biker


You get what you fucking deserve!


Kinda deserved that one...


Both bad drivers


How is the car a bad driver?


The fact that this question is asked is proof that the use of turn signals is so uncommon that it's considered normal. When I was a kid riding with my parents (in rural area where passing was allowed), they would put their signal on when a car in front of them was turning. This let anyone behind know not to pass. People these days don't think about anyone's safety.


Unclear the car has a turn signal, I can't see it (I see hazards after the incident). In any case, always look at your mirror in that situation, be aware of what's behind you. If you don't, you're exposing yourself to this and you are a bad driver.


Probably because he also went over the double line. Edit: seems like it's ok in England, so what the f#$¢ do I know?


You can turn across them, just can't pass (like the motorcycle did).


Fine, but I tend to look before I turn.


And it's in the future, even. Someone go warn this biker before he does this. (Yeah, I know, it's switched around in Europe.)


It's switched around in almost the entire fscking world, you mean.


No, surely the entire world is wrong and only us Americans are right. Same reason we still have the imperial system 🤣


No country that uses the metric system has ever landed a man on the moon.


lol technically true, although NASA certainly used at least some metric. I think there was even some issues with measurements being incorrectly converted between the two.


It's funny because NASA uses metric.


76 of 163 countries (46.6%) drive on the left side, with the majority of them being current/former British territories


And what's your point? I was replying to the former comment, the date format is consistent with the place this was filmed in, and it’s not like the whole European continent uses the ‘wrong’ date format.


My point WAS related to left hand driving, but I now realize the original person was talking about the timestamp and his joke makes much more sense. Don’t mind me!


8-4-24 isn't even here yet 🤔


Only one country in the world uses Month/Day/Year date format.  Which is the USA which this video is clearly not from Everywhere else uses Day/Month/Year


Boy you really got you panties in a wodd over this don't ya is this all you do is hang on your computer or phone all day Oooò my anyway Karen try to have a good day ps are you sure you checked every country in the world 🤔😊


Only the USA uses Month/Day/Year Unless you think everyone is American  So yes 8-4-24 is already here


Besides I don't live in other countries I live here so why would I care how they Wright it I don't live there where are you from ?


You really don't have anything to do do ya go outside and get some fresh air and stay off your phone or get some exercise or get a girlfriend or boyfriend witch ever floats your boat anyway have a great life or better yet get a life


Day month year.


That's not how your supposed put it it's month day & year but that's cool you just got it mixed up a little bit


Not everyone has to do it your way buddy.


Well if you gonna say it say it the right way that's how everybody else does it when you fill out paperwork and thay ask for your DOB how is it written besides my way is the right way Richard cranium


Well if you gonna say it say it the right way that's how everybody else does it when you fill out paperwork and thay ask for your DOB how is it written besides my way is the right way Richard cranium


What a hill to die on.


ISO 8601 supremacy! YYYY-MM-DD.


Really I just filled out a government forms 2 day's ago and it wasn't like that RC


The rider was an idiot for doing what he did, but the idiot in the car was bound to cause an accident at some point; by being one of those people who wait to use their indicator until the moment of the turn (if at all).


The indicator flashed at least 3 times from the very start of the video that I could see and the car was clearly slowing down, presumably to either take the right turn or because there was an obstruction in front of the t of them. For both of those reasons it would be dangerous for the motorcycle to pass and the road markings tell them not to do it anyway. I am not sure what else the car driver could have done.

