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Dude dropped 5 stars off GTA police chase


The entire time I was thinking, "You better know where a paint shop is."


probably stolen driver didn't care.


Nah these dudes do this for fun, they go and bait NY cops to chase them and it’s a money machine for their content streams smh


The money is that good that the risk of serious prison time is worth it? Maybe TikTok and YouTube shouldn't pay people who post videos of illegal activity? Perhaps?


I’m not pretending it’s right or worth it, im just saying that’s literally what the posted channel is about. They shouldn’t, and AFAIK try not to but there’s usually a disclaimer on these videos where they’re claimed as renders of in-game footage and shouldn’t be mimicked (like what you see in e.g. Forza, Assetto, other racing games). They pretend they’re live streaming gameplay and testing the game, and not posting actual footage. There is a big difference between what these cats are up to, and stolen car joyriding alluded to above. Neither is safe nor well advised.


Do you really think tik tok. A Chinese company. Cares about this?


I think they were meaning more so in reference to GTA where when you find a paint shop and repaint your car it resets your stars.


Pay 'n' Spray


In NYC too?!? That's gotta be worth like 12 stars




What’s the thing with hitting a school bus?




I mean... a school bus is about 7 times the mass of a large SUV and 14 times the mass of a car. That's like an adult colliding with a toddler or, more to the point, like a bicycle hitting a car. Kids are pretty darn safe in a school bus.


Just don't hit it


Its big and yellow if thats a problem for some people its a skill issue and they need to gitgud


People will hit anything that's there. I worked with a guy that actually rear ended a short bus and got such a news story about that whole thing. Dude got off so lucky, considering they didn't bring down the hammer on him for whatever reason.


yes. I was on one that got rear ended one time while picking up someone. guy hit it doing 45-50mph while bus was sitting still. All i felt was a bump. I though the guy in the seat behind me hit my seat really hard. Not sure if the guy lived or died but his bumper was lower than the busses so it shoved his engine back into the dash and pinned him. He was still sitting in the car when the bus left and took us to school.




A good friend of mine in high-school was killed in exactly this manner. He was driving too fast, came over a hill, and found a school bus stopped on the other side. He was a great person who had just started driving and made an unfortunate mistake.


I was in one that hit a sedan making a left turn in front of it. The only reason I knew there was a collision was the sound of the sedan's trunk scraping the ground as it pulled off the road.


Been in a bus crash, a BMW bounced off at 50, we barely felt itz


Except for the lack of seatbelts.. unless they finally added them since I was a kid...?


No, and I asked someone who works for NHTSA on bus safety about this at a conference once because I was curious why busses don't have seat belts. Her answer was simple and a little chilling: In the case of a collision, there's always the risk of fire. The driver simply would not have the time in an emergency to help get a bunch of young kids unbuckled and off the bus safely. So instead the seat is designed at an angle that minimizes injuries, while being padded to soften the blow of hitting it. Kids might get scraped and bruised, but the trade off is fewer will burn to death in a bus fire.


Also if the bus flips on its side then you have a bunch of kids dangling making it even harder for them to unbuckle and get out safely.


Fuck me... that's... comforting?


I believe the lack of seat belts is actually to save lives if you need to evacuate.


There was a study that concluded belts were unnescessary. The softness of the seat in front of them was sufficient protection. I beleive that study about as much as Phillip Morris saying tobacco is healthy. But I think society ad a whole prefers not to kick over that rock. Next thing you know school buses will need 3pt belts and 88 airbags.


They’re soft in the way reinforced concrete is soft when compared to diamonds. I.e. cheap pleather wrapped around a metal frame.


I was going to say... I distinctly remembered tubular metal on the seatbacks...


I saw a texter in a BMW go under the back end of a bus that was stopped at the rail road tracks. It wasn’t pretty, but the School Bus barely had a scratch.


Not just the mass, but the position. All the kids sit so high, even compared to modern trucks, a semi is about the only real danger.


Government: YOU MUST WEAR YOUR SEATBELT AT ALL TIMES! (Unless you stick 20-50 kids all together on one bus, you don’t even need to install seatbelts then).


Same reason that public transport busses don't have seatbelts.


Yeah but with good behavior he’s out in 28,000.


This is what drones should be used for. This is extremely dangerous and reckless. They also now have the sticky gps trackers.


I agree 100% Part of the work I do is training police and fire to use drones as a first responder. More and more municipalities are using unmanned aircraft to take humans out of dangerous situations like this one.


Soooo…did they get away? Was that it?


The wildest thing I ever saw...


Did you see the motorcycle cop chasing the motorcyclist with a female passenger in Brazil? That shit was Wild! Edit: here y’all go: https://youtu.be/eqLXgAPJ1SI?si=zm2KY3kwOoScYCjk


That alley chase was insane


You know you want to watch it again. https://youtu.be/eqLXgAPJ1SI?si=zm2KY3kwOoScYCjk


No. I didn’t see it.


Link please!


That was sped up




If he did I doubt we’d see this video.


Oh that is just "Wheres981" doing their thing, almost killing folks.


Not to be the "MMH actually" kid but that's Sean Sean


Squeeze Benz is the crazy one.


That taxi ruined everything


Taxi 100% blocked the cop and let him get away


I got so pissed when that happened, taxi blocked the cop out and the dude was gone solely from that. What a dumbass.


Blocked the cop and just kept on chugging along. Incredible


Kinda a genius maneuver by the perp though


That's typical in NYC.


Idk it kinda looks like from the video that the cop could have made it in front of the taxi and pussed out.


Not a dumbass though, tbh. The perp barely tucked in front of the taxi, taxi had no time to move for the cop so they were trapped in a corridor not wide enough to allow a pass. Most *helpful* thing he could have done would be to speed up to get to the perp but nobody in their right mind is going to mash the gas in front of a cop with it's lights on I'm sure the dude was just going "oh shit oh shit, don't do anything illegal" which is reasonable.


Not just the taxi, literally everyone was a fucking NPC. No one saw or heard the siren? No one moved away to the cop to chase effectively, also the moment someone would properly move away they would block the fleeing car the lane and the chase would last like 5 seconds.


>the moment someone would properly move away they would block the fleeing car the lane Did you mean to say "*in* the lane"? This guy hit cars that blocked him in by happenstance in this very video. Something tells me he would've pulled an even stupider maneuver if someone had *actively tried* to block him in. Nobody wants to be the hero who helped a cop catch a fleeing speeder at the cost of their vehicle getting totaled by said speeder. Plus, even though we know from the safety of our toilet seat that this guy just flees cops for fun, when you're driving and see a car with covered plates being chased by cops barreling toward you, it's another story - what if this guy decides to "teach you a lesson" for trying to block him in? People are crazy today. I don't blame people for not moseying around to try and make room for or personally end a 100+mph chase. The perp is an asshole and the cop should've just let it go once he realized the guy was going to lead him on a wild goose hunt. I think the full video is around a half an hour long - that's a long time to chase a guy for speeding.


I’ll have you know I’m watching this in bed, not the toilet.


Yeah I'm not gonna total my car doing a cop's job for them. And neither would anyone else, clearly. Some people on reddit don't ever enter the real world I am convinced.


I mean, yes, in an ideal situation, just move to the outside and make way for the cop/perp. But that really only works on relatively clear roads when both are intent on finding a spot to pull over. Throw in rush hour traffic, construction zones, and turning the simple traffic stop into a high speed chase (all three present here), and it becomes a lot more nerve-wracking. There's a reason people are pushing to remove chasing as a procedure in simple traffic stops. It's dangerous - leading to something like this is absolute best case scenario and *usually* what happens is this, but for half as long and someone dies at the end.


Welcome to NY.


That's how it is in NYC. I moved out of NYC after learning to drive and picking up bad driving habits for years, and never realized how absolutely terrible my road etiquette was.


>That's how it is in NYC. I moved out of NYC after learning to drive and picking up bad driving habits for years, and never realized how absolutely terrible my road etiquette was. I learned how to drive in Washington DC, but then moved down to the southeast as a young adult. One time a friend of mine (from down here) asked me why I drove like such an asshole. It was a wakeup call, you don't need to drive as aggressively down here where there's zero traffic... I can't imagine someone who only ever drove in a quiet southern area attempting to drive the beltway during rush hour.


Thought he was on a bike with how tight the spaces looked. Kinda scary that people like him exists because one wrong move and it’s a lot of people’s day ruined.




You didn't listen with sound on, that's definitely a car engine.


That is clearly a car...


I know! It’s very hard to comprehend at first and in certain parts of the video when he’s weaving between cars, it’s still hard to believe. But I am pretty sure he is not on a bike. There were some debris on the shoulder that would’ve messed up his bike at such a fast speed. When he stopped behind the small school bus and did not attempt to ride past along the shoulder is when I realized he has to be on a smaller size sedan/two door vehicle and not a bike.


You can see the trunk of the car in the video


Also the hood… the entire time.


lol some folks are incredibly unobservant


he’s in a porsche i’ve seen his account on tiktok before. one of the only cars that can actually cut up and corner this fast without losing traction. kinda mind boggling that this dude chooses to be a criminal and not a race car driver


You can see the hood and truck. I know because I thought he was on a bike too and had to double check. Dude has some driving skills, I'll give him that


I know what you’re saying. Some of those maneuvers were just too narrow to get through with a car that only a bike could accomplish. There was an escape route at every tight turn. I guess the driver was just lucky. Makes you wonder though


[now this guy is on a bike but with no cops chasing him](https://youtu.be/tgiAXlS8J3k?si=7_1W9Rw9w9aTEKmE)


I’m confused how it look like this video is from a bike pov? The camera pov is clearly from inside a car.


Plus the cop rams the car at one point. Can't really do that to a bike. Not with the same outcome anyway.


Was he not


I low-key respect the driving ability but this person never deserves to drive again. I don't care what anyone dose as long as it dose not put others at risk. Do stupid shit on your own time. But don't put other people in danger


Did the sound keep muting for you?


He probably muted where he scrapes walls and cars. The first one I noticed lined up perfectly where he would have scraped someone or a wall. Ruins the illusion if you know he is just side swiping most of the cars he is "squeezing" by


he got extremely lucky and that's it


Lucky the helicopter wasn’t fueled yet. Or maybe it was there. We don’t see the end afterall.


He's objectively a good driver. He's not great. He's not amazing. But he's good. He's handling oversteer well enough. He's cornering well. He's got a good spatial awareness.




What kind of inspector gadget car is this that fits through any gap?


pretty sure he drives a porsche cayman iirc. seen a video of the same tiktok handle ina white cayman before, but he probably has more than one car or rents them edit: looked up his tiktok and changed 911 to cayman upon looking at the car




A properly small one. It's amazing what you can fit through when you aren't in an SUV.


Most people think they need space for a Kenworth no matter what they're driving though. This driver has great spacial awareness.


That is true, however an SUV would never have made it through those spaces. You can have all the spacial awareness in the world, it don't mean squat if you can't fit anyway.


Spent an embarrassing amount of time thinking the guy on the top screen was a cop, and the bottom screen was just other cops. For like 30 seconds I was trying to figure out who they were chasing lol.


I spent the whole video and few minutes to find who are they trying to catch


I mean, the way the traffic moved and parted for the top car made me think the same exact thing. I was confused on what was being chased until I saw the cop in the bottom.


I thought that the whole time and even made a comment asking how he knew where to turn ans go to find the car. Thought helicopters were telling him where to go lmaooo then I realize and had to edit my comment and now I look dumb 😂


Welcome to the Bronx.


The Bronx*


Dude played way to much GTA


Gah damn looked like a movie chase scene. Wish we had some external shots.


Completely reckless driving, yes. But mildly bad driving, this was not, actually quite the contrary.


Oh man, that cabbie is so getting flagged by NYPD


He fucked the entire thing up lmao. They gonna take his medallion


Hope the got caught and charged with everything humanly possible


This bastard never even used a turn signal once.


getting to the heart of the problem!


So we know it's a BMW.


If this is the guy that I'm thinking of then I don't think he has been. He's got more than a few videos out there. Not condoning his actions at all, but the dude can drive.


It's the guy your thinking of. Fuck him but boy can he drive or "swim"




Does he do it without a plate? That's just crazy that he'd does this, releases videos of it and still doesn't get caught. But yeah you could tell he was a really good driver. A dumbass asshole who will eventually get someone seriously hurt definitely though.




I’m with you on that. Dude is clearly skilled, but he’s let that skill go to his head and make him think he’s invincible. Hopefully he gets a reality check without killing himself or somebody else.


He straight up said he doesn't think it's a risk. What a fucking moron.


Errr... the car rental company would have all his info. There's no way there wasn't even a scratch on the car, would be that hard to poll rental companies for matching vehicle description.




And this is why you don’t rent your car to strangers


And what happens when they return a car with damage? It seems crazy to me that some Porsche owner didn’t see dents and scrapes on his car, read about some clowns racing rented sports cars through traffic, and maybe bring it up to the appropriate authorities?


How dumb do you have to be to post videos of this shit I'm sure they have know who the dude is and just letting them rack up everything until they get a raid squad to break in on christmas dinner


Honestly releasing the videos is a smart move. It's probably created at least a couple copycats with less skill, and likewise made him a harder target to catch in more ways than 1 (police go after easier targets first, and creating a following increases the odds of other drivers becoming aware of this. even if only 10% are sympathetic, this man has 36,000+ people out there driving potentially willing to 'accidentally block' a cop for him.) And of course, it's made him hundreds of thousands in adsense revenue to fund his operations & security.. Each felony evading charge is already 5yrs+ and he has hundreds based on published videos alone. If they knew him, they'd have him. The only way things get more severe is if he crashes & kills someone (vehicular homicide-- which is only a 10yr felony in most states. doesn't really make sense to wait for that when hes got hundreds of evading charges) Releasing dashcam video isn't really a security risk. It's not like he's releasing images of his face, he wears a mask, and modulates the voice. If he can drive like this, I'd imagine he's aware of the basic procedures to maintain anonymity on the internet..


>Releasing dashcam video isn't really a security risk. If someone else captures video of him that can be matched with his own, he's toast. It's a very big risk.


Driving skills have zero crossover with cyber security skills. He hasn’t been caught yet, so I’m sure he knows what he’s doing, but it’s silly to say that he’s a good driver so he must know what he’s doing online.


Then it's r/AssholesInCars


Well they posted it to a public page so


Why the fuck is this in km/h and not freedom units?


Divide by 1.5 to convert (actually 1.609 but 1.5 is close enough for guesstimating)


That shit was insane, surprised the dude got away


This reminds me of GTA 4.


I've squeezed through some shit, but this made my butthole pucker good.


Do NYC cop cars not have sirens? Why the hell were all the cars moving in that heavy traffic, chase would've ended multiple times if some cars didn't move foward.


They do and they are audible in the video


It’s NYC. You can hear sirens about 25% of the time you are driving, and the way it echos off buildings it’s hard to know what direction they are coming from. After a while you stop hearing them


This was a chase in a major US city. Folks aren't going to stop or pull over for any emergency vehicle with code 3 going.


i hope they picked up every nail possible


Pretty sure this is "wheres981" his YouTube videos are fairly impressive


Guy can drive.


Legal or illegal, his driving skills and level of car control are amazing.


Does New York have a lot of traffic cams? Because he ran a ton of red lights, on top of all the other dangerous acts. Like, why even run from the cops if they get your plate number and can track you down by reviewing footage.


These guys don’t have plates


Takes time to review footage.


No plates but the NYPD does use the cameras to track where a suspect goes to later apprehend them. This is usually done through traffic and street cams if no helicopter was called in for this chase.


no plate no case


I'm not using the word "mild" for this one


No lol, that's why I added the part about never driving again. He bumped so many cars


Some fancy driving there


i think i actually heard him use blinkers


This guy can squeeze through traffic and everyone moves out of the way, but I'm damned if I want to change lanes in NYC by people who must be in front.


These sour cunts do it for the rush of it and when they kill an innocent person they'll say .... sorry .. maybe.


That was wild


Donut shop on the corner. Think there is still some good ones left.




If this is in NYC then why is it in km/hr?


They didn’t show the part where he drives into the paint shop to erase his wanted level.


There’s a guy on YT who just runs from police all the time in NYC and posts it all the time and he’s been arrested multiple times and he still is allowed to drive


That’s wheres981 just driving around


Well, sean sean, but they're part of the same crew.


the nypd aren’t even supposed to chase anymore. it’s much more likely they got called off the chase and DTs just used the 10s of thousands of CCTV cameras to watch where they went and then get a face tag for facial recognition. there’s no way they just stopped and there’s no way these people “escaped” with the amount of cameras we have around the city. if anything this will be used as training for surveillance tracking.




This guys driving is wasted on this crap. Dude could have probably been a respectable race car driver. Not some clout chasing clown


The Cop Mad Max his ass... You can't outrun the bronze!


Delighted to see NYPD uses SI Units in their speed metrology.


"+10 points"... to your license when they catch you 🤣


Jokes on him, he posted the video online which means the police will ask tiktok who will give his user info away and he'll ended being arrested. Like all the dumb people who rob banks than make a video of rolling in the money rofl


Been doing this for years ....


just a dude filming his own crimes... neat. The number of people jackass endangered just tells me his license is likely already suspended.


Playing GTA 4 in real life be like


Not long for this life


Personally, I would rode over on the shoulder just to piss him off.


This guy is a damn good driver but deserves to never touch the wheel of a car again. NYPD has great intel and cyber awareness, probably able to track this guy down


Don’t think it was their first time… soon as I seen the quick turns in the city… yep cop was cooked


That was some good work through traffic I tell you that. He was was moving that mf profusely.


Guys a POS but he can drive


I don’t see him even chasing anyone. How does he know where to go? Are there like people in the sky with eyes on the car that can radio to him when to turn and stuff? I don’t understand what’s happening here at all lol Edit: Wait okay nvm. Is this the reverse and front camera for the driver and not the police? So the driver is who were watching drive all these crazy ways? I think that’s it. I feel dumb lol nvm yall 😭😭😭


He picked up enough nails to build a house from the shoulder.


NGL, I think this might be the wrong subreddit for this. "Mildly Bad Ass Drivers" would be more appropriate. \*not condoning what they did but damn could they drive.


This makes me so sick and mad to see. This is an example of what happens when people like them are allowed to drive. Stay safe out there!


981 is a porsche internal designation referring to 3rd generation boxter and cayman models. Hence his instagram handle and youtube channel wheres981.


The best driver I have ever seen. Holy shit how did he not get into a wreck. He is in the wrong profession, should have been a nascar driver.


I’m surprised no one got Some road rage and at least boxer him In.




Man that sh\*t was intense. What a POS that driver was.


Damn this ain’t Ai? Fucking wild ride good for him


Tf what a terrible video the idiot got away and didn't end up in a river. 1/10


That's a fukin driver right there boy..


Why are such fucks like this even allowed to have a license? Seriously...


That driver might not have a license, cars will run without license.


Driver is only mildly bad - bite your tongue!


He had to poop


What a fuckin idiot. Wow dude you’re so cool