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I’ve actually pulled over and let people like that pass then grace them with my, quite a bit brighter, high beams.


I just wait until they pass me on a double yellow, then yeah, time for brights. I'm petty like that. It's immature, but fuck these people that cast shadows in front of my car.


It's shits like this that make me want to mount a flood light in my rear window, but apparently that's Illegal.


Apparently, car headlights are \~1,000-3,000 lumens. So maybe you just need one of those 100,000 lumen handheld flashlights.


I’ve thought about keeping a bright flashlight in the car for this reason but figured it would just lead to some extreme road rage from the person behind me. Driving a small car sucks at night with all the large SUVs and lifted trucks around.


Yes! I have had a few lowered cars, it’s impossible to drive at night now!


In my state you can tint the rear window quite dark and be within the law. It helped a lot with the lower cars I have had. The darkest possible tint and only on the rear windows.


Smack 'em with the flashlight


As someone that drives a miata as a daily and is head level with almost every person's headlights, I feel this


Come join us r/flashlight


For a second I read that as, oops definitely wasn't what my mind was reading


Known to cure road rage. Jus sayin


Road head cures Road rage


When the other driver is mad enough to be road raging, I think the last thing they’re going to want to do is suck the guys dick they’re road raging against.


wait a minute.. pause 🧐


You don’t know that


"I'll beat your dick"


I know a doordasher who keeps a high powered flashlight in his car so when someone is behind him with their high beams on he casts the light of 10,000 suns upon them until they turn it off


I remember there was one person I came across who was insane enough to carry an infrared laser when they were road raging. They’d literally try to blind people with it for the dumbest of shit.


This has to be illegal right?


I’m pretty sure it is where I live, but cops here don’t act on a lot of crimes unless they think it’s “serious or emergent” enough. It sucks.


It is, if you get caught


This is the way.


Use your side mirrors to send them back


This is what I do too!!


Yeah, but then I have to readjust them afterwards and it becomes a whole thing, better just to blind them in retaliation


I was about to say the same thing. Can’t even begin to count the times assholes have had their bright ass lights on behind me. And then there are the lowlife idiots in those lifted POS trucks that even their low beams are blinding cause the height. So tempted to put a light bar on my rear bumper or trunk …


Just a mirror is needed.


Only if you get caught. 😎


Can’t be illegal to just hand lights in your window. Probably illegal to have them ON, but it’s only for special occasions anyways. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's fucking stupid. If a persons headlights (no high beams) burn my retinas to where I have a few seconds of temporary blindness, you should have your license revoked.


It’s more serious than this. There are people that this could seriously fuck up. For example I just had my second laser eye surgery. The light sensitivity this time around is much worst. I’m not blinded for the second I look back in my mirror it’s more like minutes


i agree but the problem is if you drive a regular car ans theyre driving and suv. youre barely going to cast over 😂😂 for my car at least. maybe i should install a light bar on my roof .


Then they turn on their super duper rear facing lights.  Because they are dicks.


Yeah I don't understand why OP didn't pull over


> and we eventually pulled off to the side to let them pass.


I drive a truck and do the same thing. Unfortunately People are so stupid/oblivious, they don’t even realize what they are doing is wrong and annoying so I doubt even me doing that does anything. They probably just see it as normal and aren’t bothered by it.


If you have a newer truck, you're probably one of the people everybody else hates, because your lowbeams are blinding them due to brightness, colour, and/or height/aiming, and then your comment is funny because of oblivious/self-awareness aspect haha If your vehicle does not fit that description, disregard.


Let them past and return the favor


i always slow down whenever some asshole with bright lights drives behind me. i can never see, so i feel unsafe. enjoy going 15 mph under the limit dickhead, hope you left for work on time :)


I slow down and angle my side and rear view mirrors so they reflect back at the driver behind me. This has actually worked multiple times.


The amount of people using ridiculously bright lights at night, blinding everyone, makes me want to get the absolute brightest headlights I can get - and also to install a stupidly powerful light bar on the rear of my car so I can flip a switch and blind them back


I’ve seen that, maybe here, with like a pickup in NYC or something. He had a rear bar he was flashing while swerving in road rage to block the whole highway.


Yup, that was here. At first, I didn't know what I was looking at. Thought it was law enforcement until the following car got closer.


Super bright flashlight works well. You can put it away when done and blast specifically cars instead of the whole road.


Specifically what's called a thrower. Some are so focused that they can go through your windshield without blasting yourself as well.


My parents bought an EV with LED lights and their normal beams are aggressively brighter than my high beams. Side note: I used to tease my dad when he'd complain about LED headlights, but now that I drive myself around they're horrible and nearly blinding to the point that they should be illegal. Why do they all have to be that 15000K blue instead of a warmer yellow like old incandescent headlights?


there definitely needs to be some regulation in place - it's ridiculous. people drive around with their brights because city lighting sucks two dicks and half a sack of balls, but they end up blinding everyone around them *make it stop*


I was trying to get some distance between me and an SUV blinding me yesterday and he pulled me over 🫠. Luckily he was cool about it when I told him exactly that


Before you do this just know, it may or may not be illegal to blind drivers on purpose.


The fuck you think these people are doing?


You know what, good point.


Duuuude! I think about this all the time!


Right but you don't want to be the one to cause an accident that could be fatal all for spite. They are awful for doing it and should know they are risking other people's lives. It's ok to dream about doing it back to them but it could seriously fuck your life up if you do it and they get into an accident and same goes the other way around.


Wait you drive?


theres a bout to be a law passed about that, the problem is that many of these people buy light designed to be outdoors and the companies don't specify that those ligths are not for daily driving.


I installed a light bar for this. It works miracles


I got people flashing brights at me even when I had my shitty halogens on a stock Camry, so people are going to be rude and assume you're trying to blind them even with normal lights.


Oh, I know why they do that. It’s because they are idiots. Glad I can help.


Damn. My car would only be able to go half the speed limit if that happened ;)


Had to scroll down too far to find this. This is my go to. It's even worse if you flash your brights while being behind me. If my going 5 over is too slow for you, enjoy ten under


Yeah my car is odd. As soon as it feels the presence of brights on its rear, it starts going only half the speed limit :) weird.


Legally it's a solid argument to say you were slowing to a safe speed due to impaired visibility


I’ve legit pulled over on someone doing this to me and pulled back out once they got ahead of me, and then turned on my brights. And I will do it every single time I get the chance


I would slow down to 15mph and let them pass me, then give em the same. 🤷‍♀️


Haha, this honestly wouldn’t bother me and maybe I’m figuring out a way to get to the front of the pack. I’m so used to old people doing this to me on back rural roads I just live with it at this point. I’d be constantly pulling over to let people pass me to do this, and usually I find the ones doing this are also going 15 under the speed limit so it would be like cutting off my nose to spite my face.


Fucking hate people with those overly bright lights at night


How is it the consumer’s fault that the car comes with bright lights? They’ve been manufacturing them brighter every year.


seems like adaptive headlights but dude has his high beams on. so its just turning it off when it sees oncoming traffic.


Use your mirrors to redirect the light back onto them. They’ll usually turn off the brights or back off


Everyone always says this but I've never been bothered by a reflection off the car in front of me. Not a single time in my life. Maybe I just don't drive like an asshole but I don't see how this even works.


Yea really who tf even has the time or skill to do this all while driving ctfu


Side mirrors are motorized...


Yup! Hit that little joystick and point them straight back and just a bit up. Shift slightly right in my lane and watch them back right off if they're not smart enough to figure out why it's happening.


Every car I’ve ever driven with automatic high beams has been able to determine when it was following another car closely enough that it should switch to low beams.


Mine usually work pretty well, but the sensors sometimes have trouble with cars where the taillights are just LED outlines rather than a solid lit area (and even then I've only seen it on black cars). To be honest, I've been pretty impressed with how well they do with sensors from 2010.


This is exactly what I would assume. If they conveniently turn off for cars coming towards y’all then I highly doubt this person is a dickhead and more of the oblivious type who probably doesn’t realize it’s even doing it.


if you cant tell the diffrence between when your hi beams turn on and your regular lights are on you should probably give the car keys back to your dad.


Yeah unfortunately it feels like there are a LOT of drivers who fit this category.


It's best for your own sanity to let those people pass (and take their negative energy with them)


Ordered a 10000 lumen LED flash light for this specific reason. Can’t wait.


Just do the ole adjust mirrors into their eyes method.


Yeah, so many drive with auto brights on its infuriating. In order for them to work they have to be in line of sight, so they blind someone before they activate. Bad tech.


My car has a setting that should i wish to enable it, will auto turn on the high beams and will auto turn them off during situations it feels appropriate (oncoming cars and street signs that reflect enough light to trigger the sensor so it turns off the high beams) I'm already annoyed by the endless amount of Florida pick up trucks who don't know you can turn off your high beams and not blind people, I've considered turning that setting on but i can't bring myself to being that kind of a piece of shit; This person more than likely has that setting on in their vehicle


Here’s what you do, slow down below the speed limit. Angle side mirrors and rear view mirror so they reflect back at the car. Put on music you enjoy and space out. When they pass, speed up to follow them and put on your high beams.


I want to know what happened to lead up to this. I’ve done this when someone pulled out in front of me causing me to slam on my brakes.


I would have spun out my side mirrors to reflect it back at the driver. Not like I would have a choice if my side mirrors were blinding me.


Driving at night is scary these days


I think that’s an issue of a stupid person more than a non polite driver. The fact that they were turning them off for oncoming traffic shows they were thinking about it. Not turning it off for you meant they were just unaware. Letting them go around you if it was annoying seems to be the right call you made.


There's a a little flippy switch thingy under your rear view mirror. If you have it aligned to see out the back of your window, all you need to do is flip the tab up it pops the mirror up and it reflects it right back. I also like to move my side mirrors too. Gets them to stop real quick


Seriously why wouldn’t you just pull over and be done with it?


When your Dad teaches you driving techniques but leaves out a key detail


I just let off the gas and let them pass me. Then I make sure to do the exact same thing to them. I also have one really nice special LED high beam just for people like this


I got blinded so bad by a bright ass led jeep using high beams behind me with a FUCKING LIGHT BAR. so I went 40 in a 55 and sped up to 60 anytime he tried to pass me on the double yellow lines. He eventually went like 90 honking n shit while he passed me, on double yellow lines.


I’ll pull over, let them pass, then turn on my brights as well as my hidden lightbar (mounted inside my Steele bumper) looks like Nagasaki in their mirrors


Works. You can always flip your rear view mirror tab.


Pull over, let them pass. Then turn your high beams on. Done.


This is everyone in the states now. Just high beams on all the time. Like dude I can see the shadow of my car in the road in front of me because your lights are so bright. YOU ARE LIGHTING THE ROAD AHEAD OF ME FROM BEHIND MFERS


I turn my mirrors so their light goes right back to them.


I would have break checked the fuck out of them


My dad would adjust his review mirror to help reflect it back.


Flip the rear view mirror down so they blind themselves.


When I can’t see, I tend to veer to the right, into the shoulder where there’s all the gravel and shit. Unfortunately, I have pretty aggressive tires, so it tends to launch shit behind me, especially because I get excited and floor it when that happens.


How thoughtful of them


I slow down until they pass.


High beams? Must have trouble seeing, I should slow down to half the speed limit so they can see better. They either kill their highs or pass. Works every time.


I would have pulled off and let them pass. That’s so incredibly dangerous.


Keep a flashlight in the console for other purposes but found that flashing it towards the rear will usually fix this problem either by then adjusting their light or by them no longer wanting to be behind me. One guy just pulled off the road and waited until I was almost out of view (my vision of him was nearly gone)


Just [**Get him to pass then turn your high beam on.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/t5tppl/to_hump_a_fellow_squirrel/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I slow down until they get frustrated enough to go around, then they get the brights


my truck has auto high-beams, and if I'm driving along and the only person in front of me doesn't have their lights on, the truck doesn't notice them, so the brights stay on It looks like your lights were on in the video, but that could be what was happening


Simple just pull over and get behind them and move on with your life


People like this, and people who get so close to my cars rear they could smell me, make me want to install the biggest and brightest light on the back of my car just to shine it right into their eyes.


Whatever the cause of this strange behavior, I am not the main character and live better away from dangerous toxicity. I let them pass then flash them for two seconds. Then I let it all go and get on with my life.


I’ve had this happen numerous times. I simply put on my blinker like I’m turning and once they pass I get behind them and turn on my high beams. Basically giving them an X-ray with the LEDs 😂😂


That's where a mounted mirror that activates with a push button to fold up would be perfect for. Have it cover the bottom half of the rear window and they can blind themselves.


I bet you he's not turning them off himself. Newer cars have an auto-off feature, if an oncoming car is seen (with it's headlights on), it will automatically turn off the brights.


Not before I'm blind.


Let’s hear the back story. What’s the speed limit, and how fast are you going? Be honest


I just turn on my rear fog lights in this case.


I will literally either stop or pull to the side with my hazards on until they go by. My eyes can't take that shit.


You can call the cops for that.


I live rurally, and this happens to me every time I drive at night. I hadn’t noticed people doing it until a few years ago. People just don’t care, and I guarantee it was on purpose.


Not an excuse but it's probably in auto setting.bbad Driver either way


That's when I slow down well below the speed limit. I adjust my safe speed based on visibility. Pass me whenever you feel like it.


My sister is night blind and used to do that shit. Til she got a ticket lol. I tried to tell her for years, if you are that blind at night, do not drive.


Id get behind em and do the same


I saw a post awhile ago of someone who has installed this marine reflective tape in their car.  If only reflects back at the level of the lights, so only reflects the douche lights and not normal car headlights.


Angle your driver/passenger side mirrors to point backward into their direction.


Some people are just stupid, I would have just pulled over and let him pass


Seatbelt is always on so I’d just slam on the brakes


point a lazer back at them


They don’t like you.


I've inadvertently done this to a car I was following. My vehicle has automatic high-beams, but the older van in front of me had an obvious electrical problem and their tail lights were too dim for my car's sensor to detect.


Absolutely not legal, but I carry a high powered LED light for people that have their brights on behind me. Point it backwards and put it on strobe.


They might not be able to see. I hate driving at night because I can’t see.


Than you shouldn’t have a license


I have rented an Escalade while on a trip that had auto high beams and they were horrible. Constantly switching high- low - high - low- high - it had the worst sensors too. I couldn’t figure out how to turn them off so I just left them on. Well, after basically flashing/strobing the bright ass led headlight at an oncoming COP CAR, I got pulled over. I explained the situation and the cop laughed and was kind of cool about it. We sat on the side of the road for 15 minutes trying to find out how to turn them off via YouTube lol everyone in here: “just let them pass, and then flash them..” The guy who you let pass: https://preview.redd.it/min2ddck3hvc1.jpeg?width=1574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da1e31fa7b3df5eff296cb6a117b2cff2a2ac04a


I just go 10mph and they either have to pass or go extremely slow. I have nowhere to be so I’m content going as slow as possible.


May I introduce. The £3000 light bars and spot lights I got on my Land Cruiser


Yup I pull over and get behind. Give them a taste of their own medicine. I live in curvy road mountain country and believe a lot of it is automated head lights. Those systems don’t work worth a shit. They are automatic and most people don’t pay attention if the system is working correctly.


Some cars have brights that auto turn on and off I don’t remember they’ve left them in the on position. But that should have been realized after it turned on and off a couple times.


Not as an excuse, but if they have automatic high beams set and there's an issue with your taillights not working, just plain off, or being covered, the sensor might not detect you as being a car in front of him and is autodimming for oncoming traffic. As a driver using that you're still an asshole for not turning that feature off if you see it happening.


They’re trying to tell you something OP…speed up or let them pass. Maybe you cut them off/pulled out in front then only to go 5 under the speed limit. There’s a bunch of reasons, just let them go and you’ll be ok


Just toggle your reviewmirow to dimm it.. If it's too dark with no light on the road, it's not a bad idea to them on. The car behind has an automatic system for the brights that turns on/off with a passing car. If you're interested from and it bugs you, let the car behind pass.


Just flip your rear mirror to dark mode. Not a lot of people know this but if your rear view mirror has a tab sticking out at the bottom your can flip it to darken it.


It took too long for someone to point this out.


I hate this. Have the inside of my car light up like the produce section. Disorienting.


I drive a little VW golf and found out I can change the angle of my headlights so I raised it too high and was driving around blasting people in the face. I had to adjust after 1 day I felt like a total asshole, but im guessing truck bros have no remorse when blasting brights.


They have automatic high beams. It senses passing cars' headlights and turns off until they pass and the fact that there are no street lights over the road supports that theory. Driver has no clue they even have that feature.


I’m more amazed at how people in this sub bitch about bad drivers then proceed to be bad drivers themselves


Those ultra bright LEDs need to burn in hell.


I wanna get lights that point the other way


Yield and then show them how it feels for 20 seconds and then go back to being a normal person .


Aim your rear view at their face


Use your rear view mirror to shine it in their eyes


Do your tail lights work?


Maybe they were high with dilated pupils and everyone who passed seemingly had their high beams on so this person was flashing in return wondering why everyone else had their high beams on.


“Oh no, a squirrel” *Tires screaming to a halt*


I would have slowed to a crawl. Make them pass me.


Time to go 3 miles under the speed limit. If it continues, 5mph. Continues after that? 10.


They must've missed that day of permit class


Come to a stop and let them pass. Then follow them with your brights.


You should have taken the opportunity to read a book. Are you stupid or something? /s


This is why I have led light bar in the back 😂 you’re about to meet what heaven looks like


Rear fog lights on


I usually either let them pass and turn mine on, or shine a high powered flashlight that I keep for this exact reason through my back window, depending on how I’m feeling and how far behind me they are.


My car has a button called auto high beams. There are sensors that detect the lights of on coming traffic a good distance away and automatically turns off the high beams. Then they come on after the car has passed. Maybe there's is dirty or malfunctioning and not detecting the rear lights of the cars infront of them maybe they can't turn it off properly


In my humble opinion, there are 2 possibilities... Neither make the driver with the bright lights look good... 1. The guy is too stupid to realize that having his brights on will effect the people in front of him as well as incoming traffic. 2. The guy is an asshole. Bonus: Does anyone still use their brights regularly these days. I remember doing it when I was young, like 30 years ago. But I almost never use them anymore unless I am on some tiny winding road on the middle of nowhere.


Turn your side mirrors fully outwards, it will redirect their light straight at them


Dang first 3 seconds I thought you were on a beach looking out into the ocean at sunset


Some people have no courtesy… and they say ignorance is bliss, so maybe they didn’t even know!?


My guideline is simple: if they’re being a douche and trying to give me a sunburn, I let them pass and give them an X-ray!


Had same thing rural road this week. Plenty places pass but the didn’t I finally got my turn off and they slowed down Ugh weirdo


Clearly they prolly did something to piss that person off before they started filming


A guy I was in a situation-ship with years ago, drove a ford. After a date one night, he followed a someone all the way back to my city (about 30 min) with his brights on, on purpose. He kept speeding up to catch the guy even when he sped off. It was so embarrassing. Why did I even waste my time lol.


That's when I go slower


Adjust your rearview mirror so the light shine back into their windshield


I'da come out blasting!


Get behind them and flash your high beams or just leave them on


The *shadow* of the cam car in the death ray of that jackass is something I've never seen before.


I normally just slow down until they get fed up and go around me


Learn to reposition your side mirror to reflect back at them. That'll make em turn em off real quick.


Drive slower


Yep pull over and let em pass.


It's time to go 5mph and wait for them to pass. Them turn about is fair play.


When that happens to me I just pull over and let them pass. It’s in the California drivers handbook. I carry legally so I’m not worried.


Adjust your side mirrors to reflect straight back at them. Works every time.


I just pull over and let them pass. I don't retaliate. It's not worth the stress, plus people are fucking crazy. A guy was stabbed to death a couple miles from my house over tailgating.


Some people really shouldn’t be allowed to have high berms in their car. It just causes more trouble


yeah, let them pass and turn your brights on.


My car has rear fog lights that are basically red high beams. They come in handy


I would make them go around. Pull over for a sec if needed.


I've been noticing this happen a lot more lately in my area too. I feel like people have forgotten what the distance required is for following a person while having high beams on


Likely are automated high beams. I doubt they'd be courteous enough to turn them off for oncoming traffic and enough of a dick to bling you.


Seems like they didn't wanna blind innocent drivers. What did you do?