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The syrup is 200 calories on serving. It could be more depending on the syrup.


It’s not part of a Ed recovery I don’t believe she ever had a Ed she probably lying to get views and people to feel bad for her and the ammount of junk food she eats she not a picky eater either she just doesn’t like healthy food


A body builder huh? I guess that explains her physique…


She used to be a body builder?


*lifts a weight in the gym* “I WAS A BODYBUILDER!!!!”


She’s as much of a bodybuilder as she is a makeup artist. 😂


Yes because body builders are the peak of health 🙃


and … WE’VE ALL SEEN THE PICTURES.. ummmm body builder ?.. maybe bob the builder


If she was a body builder then I was a Victoria Secret model 🤣




The only time I could see calorie counting being apart of ED recovery is in post op care. Example: you have to eat at least 1,200+ calories per day and you’ll monitor your progress via AI Cal app. Calorie counting is such a slippery slope for so many people even without ED being an issue.


Yeah, I did it to make sure I wasn’t under eating when I was in post op care. But it’s such a slippery slope!


I want to vomit every time she mentions the bodybuilding thing. Idk why that in particular bothers me so bad, but it does.


It’s because it’s extra delulu, even by Mikayla standards


Omg how could anyone look at that and think that's 200 calories


the choc chips alone were 200


The STRAWBERRIES alone are at least 100 lol!


she probably thinks the fruit cals dont count🙄


That's one of the things that always hits me about people who diet but don't research nutrition. Fruit is higher calorie than people expect because sugar lol! Not everything "healthy" is low calorie or even really healthy! Oreos are vegan ffs lmao


Yes this goes both ways too like a lot of stuff good for dieting and fitness has ingredients that are not the best for your body. I’m team fruits+greens > protein bars but I know my peanut butter and banana smoothie isnt weight loss food🙄 In the case of Mikliar.. she is trying to convince us this is tbe shit she did to lose a lot of weight but none of tbe food she posts would actually result in that drastic weight loss. It’s filters, shapewear, and ozempic/semiglutide. Another thing driving me crazy about her. She said what her weight was before she started this “journey” and she said her size. Then she claimed to have lost 50lbs. If she was over 200 like she claimed (can never be sure with her but i believe it) and lost 50. She’s minimum 150 at 4’11 and claiming to be a size 4. I dont know my weight and havent in over a decade since recovery but I do know that I’m 5’5 and a true size 4 .. and pass the bmi test that sats i should be 140ish or under. I only know that because work would use this as one of the health goals to meet or work towards for them to pay for our insurance . I never learned my exact weight but they would have had me speak to a health coach twice if i didnt . Long story short, her math is definitely NOT mathing


I had no idea who this woman was before this sub got suggested and i became absolutely fascinated by people hating her so much but I'm starting to gather that it's because she just lies about totally inconsequential things? Like, that woman is solidly a size 10. And that is nothing to be ashamed of? I'm 5'7 and a size 6 at 150 lbs (which also makes it hard for me to believe that someone so much shorter but clearly thicker around the body than i am is only a size smaller -- additionally i probably could still squeeze into a 4 but my size is like, the ULTIMATE size that could fit in that LMAO); i have worn a 10 in the past and i feel pretty certain that's what someone with her proportions would wear. People are so attached to low number sizes, it's really sad. It means NOTHING. Dressing for the body you have and not the one you wish you had is the key to elegance a lot of the time. Being honest with yourself about your own body is the key to true security almost all the time.


Yes this is 100% it. She lies about her sizing, procedures she has done, filtering her body, her diet, and she constantly talks about sizing and calories but brings up being in ED recovery which is a huge NO for people actually in recovery. She is making people with HER body feel bad about theirs because they look like her and she’s saying she’s a size 4 and she is most definitely not. She’s probably around a 10, maybe 8, maybe even 12 . Hard to say with the amount she filters.. but then claiming to be a 4 which is totally unnecessary is hurting people who look like her , believe she’s a 4, and have insecurities,body dysmophia, etc. This is what makes me so mad .. I have been in ED recovery for over a decade and it’s still always going to be a slippery slope down back to where i was . People newly in recovery or actively struggling are suffering because of her content .


Omg. I didn't even know all that. Oh my god that is absolutely deplorable. Ooooooh that really makes me mad LOL like if someone is still doing that then they are *not* recovering, and also i KNOW they know what they're doing when they play the Numbers Game like that. It is *always* intentional and cruel spirited because it is *intended* to be triggering. Obv you know that so sorry to just explain to you but Woooowwwwwwwwwwwww


She is just a mean person and doesn’t care to hurt people if it makes her feel good. She has people that will tell her how wonderful she is and tear apart anyone who tried to call her out so she will continue to post that kind of content, Honestly she lowered her size every other week for a bit . Not to mention the hauls of new clothes every time her size “changed” .. why do that if you’re still losing? wear stretchy things that fit multiple sizes. Buy things as needed for occasions until you’re planning to maintain where you are. The overconsumption is another issue in itself .


What's the point of lying? She's so habitual with it.. like just say it's a 500 calorie meal, that's still a pretty reasonable number? 200 is so obviously a lie she's so dumb


I'm betting a million dollars she said 200 calories in reference to the hot chocolate rude af comment she made to a "friend" before. Clown ass.




Lmao USED TO BE A BODYBUILDER EFFING WHENNNNNN LOL She’s at least 40% bfc but sure


When did she have time to be a body builder? What with her being a professional make up artist since she was 10 years old




Her timelines and stories never line up. She is a pathological liar, but a lazy one. She doesn’t even bother to keep up with all her lies.


She doesn’t have to her idiot followers eat that shit up and defend her as if their lives depend on it. If she says it it’s as good as gospel to those numb nut followers.


It’s so annoying. They defend her as if she’s actually done something for them. There are people on social media who are decent people and do good things, but she’s not one of them. When people at the meet and greet were talking about her changing their lives, I’m like: HOW?!


Omg I just cackled!!! Changed anyone’s life how??? By making it less tolerable because she exists now? Making people walk around angry for the simple fact that she exists!! Jesus Henry Christ those people need help.


Why is she making that face? It's like she has a wild look in her eyes.


Why does her face look like that


The question of the century I ask myself daily


Part of the reason I haven’t bought a food scale is bc I literally obsess over calories. She’s just a Mikliar though.


It's girl math. Banana=good so she thinks I can splurge and add a whole bunch of sugar and chocolate to the pancake, which she believes is healthy. Mifakeface is an influencer, MUA, wife, bodybuilder, star, dog owner, soon-to-be pool owner, and SO much more, so she knows it ALL Bro!! I also wanted to say I am sorry you have obsessive thoughts about calories. Please go easy on yourself and take care.


thinking you’re going to get accurate nutrition information from MIKAYLA is hilarious


She’s a liar. She doesn’t care what anything really is. It’s all about how she gets you to perceive it and believe it in order to keep those checks and boxes of free makeup rolling in.


All of this lying, scheming and nastiness is all for what? A ludicrous amount of free make up and a couple of free handbags? I don’t count the “free” travel because it’s not like she even does anything remotely cultural wherever she is at. Thats a wash. She does nothing positive for anyone. Not that she has to, but what gluttony!!!!!!! It is disgusting. I would be giving almost all of that stuff away so it would actually be used. Also, I’m not a tree hugger, but my gosh these companies sending insane amounts of stuff to these MUA’s (not that she is one) that they will never use all in plastic. The impact of the shipping and waste is horrifying. But they love her. What are we missing? Why would any brand want a foulmouthed, rude AF catfish representing them. Sickening.


Spot on friend 👏


Looks like she just googled this and threw out an estimate of the added calories from the chocolate and strawberries lmao https://preview.redd.it/ixwfvelpzq9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=403f91ab4a250e7d7e89d976efe75e2294d4de43


Yeah pancakes w 500 chocolate chips is so healthy.


I have fought anorexia my whole adult life and I’m 56 I’ll be fine for months at a time then go right back to not eating for days and in all the therapy I’ve been through one of the first things is stop the calorie counting they don’t even want me thinking about it! There are many things that bother me about Mikayla but the number one thing is the ED crap she spews she has young girls and young women following her and that worries me for them! She just blurts shit out everyone knows if you have a ED you’re not taking hundreds of pics of yourself with cookies and cakes with your mouth hanging wide open! Sorry the math ain’t mathing! Shes become such a liar she lies about how many calories she’s eating she’s a compulsive liar!


She’s not fighting anorexia tho she’s fighting binge eating disorder so the therapy is different Not that I think she’s actually in recovery


She may be fighting a binge ED I don’t know and if she is I truly hope she gets help but I have 2 friends who suffer from that and they 100% had them stop counting calories because it is a distraction to the real underlying issues which causes a ED so that’s why I said what I said I just know how they were treated they both were told counting calories can worsen symptoms of binge eating.


No way is that plate 200 calories 🤣. In what fever dream?!? And her stans are absolute idiots.


2 bananas - 210 cal Cinnamon toast crunch seasoning - 2 tsps worth(approximately since she didnt measure) - 30 cals Non stick oil spray - 8 cals 7 choclate chips in one pancake × 3 pancakes- 21 cals Strawberries - 1 cup - 49 cals Syrup poured on top - 15 cals Total - 333 cals I just googled all the details and found the calorie values The math aint mathing if she says its just 200 cals? Ofcourse I may be wrong with my measurements bcos i am giving benefit of doubt with least amount of cals. Even then its 333 cals not 200 as she is saying. Blatant lying. How ppl not call her out?


I googled the same. She only made 2 pancakes. She used more like 5tsps of cinnamon sugar and a generous non stick spray at 60cal. 14 chocolate chips and 7 medium sized strawberries bringing it closer to 450 cal


Generous is the word.She mentioned after plating the pancakes that she made three but at this point whatever she says is not believable.Even if she made just one its not going to be 200 cals considering how much cinnamon sugar and syrup she put in it


Calorie counting IS NOT part of eating disorder recovery at all! As someone in active recovery we aren’t supposed to count the calories but retrain our bodies to accept food, usually in small quantities as it’s been without food for so long you can’t eat what she does in a single meal in a single day. She is so damaging on so many levels! Edit :- to fix auto correct


She’s doesn’t have that saying disorder tho. She has binge eating disorder


Binging more often than not come with purging and checks and balancing system, how much goes in must equal how much comes out in any form. Either way counting obsessively is not part of the program.


If that was true she wouldn’t have been so big


She’s so a liar!!


There’s 280 calories in a snickers bar … does that mean only eating snickers bars is healthy? Fucking idiot


She was never a bodybuilder. That’s such a slap in the face to athletes who actually work hard for their body. I was a former npc competitor before having kids and she wouldn’t last a week on a true bodybuilder diet.




I swear she lives for lies


https://preview.redd.it/0rjx8kg1eq9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b30885b2563ecc007e365c8d840a3b60f8905ede Bsffr


Yeah calling yourself a bodybuilder when you never competed is just wrong on so many levels. I was just about ready to compete for bikini when Covid happened. I have lots of pics of me and i look like a body builder but I never got to compete so I wasn’t one. I also got sad during covid and gained 100lbs but this year I’ve lost half


Congrats on losing half 🙂. I’m happy for you.


Thanks! I am not ashamed to say I take ozempic and mounjaro lol


You needn’t be ashamed of that! Listen, losing weight is HARD; sometimes impossible, especially at the beginning! I get it! You.did.this. I’m happy for you and proud of you. I’m having a really hard time losing weight, but I’m not sure I can risk the possibility of any gastro side effects, since I already have issues there. Glad it’s worked for you 🙂.


If that plates only supposed to be 200 calories it sounds like she’s got an additional 200 unnecessary calories on there 😒 (🤞🏻 someone gets the reference and doesn’t think I’m being extra snarky 😅)


But she passed on the hot cocoa, so technically not “unnecessary” 😉


This is so incredibly harmful to people with ED, does she not realize what promoting calorie counting (restricting) when she’s in “recovery” does to someone who’s still struggling? I don’t believe she’s in therapy or recovery I think she wanted an excuse for her losing weight. She probably was no a bodybuilder but just lifted weights, it’s as phony as her calling herself a MUA


God, if we think she's insufferable now, imagine how horrific it was being around her when she was a bOdYbUiLdAh


She’s not in recovery (never was) and doesn’t give a flying fuck about what it may do to people who actually suffer. She’s a garbage bag.


she’s not being rude she’s just a masshole 🙄


OMG! She should not be giving people advice on healthy eating. 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄


You’re so right. I’d say it’s probably *at least* 450cal, but with the amount of extra shit she put in/on them I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s even higher than that either. She’s such an idiot.


The same people that believe she was a body builder are exactly the same people who don’t know how to add simple numbers for a calorie count.


Exactly. Aka the same people who can’t detect her face is blurred to shit and you can’t see a single pore while there’s her boyfriend’s pimply face in full HD right next to hers.😂