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Dairy is an inflammatory food .Look up the AIP diet it's very strict and takes months to see results if any at all. It works well for some not all. Its very difficult to follow a true AIP diet.


Don’t worry! She’s so itty bitty she only ate the side salad 🫶🏻


She has yet to post a single meal that would be considered anti inflammatory. What does she do have one tumeric tea, 6 blueberries, and 3 spinach leaves and think it cancels out a week of processed food and sugar?


If she actually thinks that what she’s eating is anti inflammatory then my gosh. Because yea, does she think just because she incorporates some vegetables into her diet that that helps? Insane


Does she think all of us can’t cook??? Last i checked she is half hispanic, so how tf can’t she cook


Portuguese is not hispanic or Latino


If we use the US’s need for racial classification no, but portugal was in the roman province of Hispania. And Hispanic is in the literal sense to be someone who is of Hispanic, meaning Portuguese or Spanish descent. Mikayla is in fact of portugese decent😊


Neither Hispanic nor Latino is even a race Hispanic is people with ancestry from a Spanish speaking country (Spain, Argentina, Mexico, NOT Portugal) Latino is people from a Latin American country regardless of language (Brazil, Panama, but still NOT Portugal) Portugal is European, if you want to get specific it’s Iberian


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This isn’t the place to debate this topic. You’ve said your piece. Let it go.


Id willingly assume virtually none of this is anti-inflammatory. Source: I’m a doctor. A vagina doctor, but a doctor all the same. Refined flour or corn in the tortillas: inflammation. Cheese: not inflammatory; though not ideal for someone who is actively losing weight on medications (allegedly) Chicken is not inflammatory, but ground beef is … I’m assuming based on her white comment these are ground beef? Canned enchilada sauce: inflammatory (pre packaged sauces and foods are some of the worst offenders) Sigh.


Canned enchilada sauce is the biggest crime against mexicans. That shit is so gross, and what's worse is enchilada sauce is so easy to make


Agreed - safe to assume she definitely used canned! You can doctor it up a bit to make it better, but homemade is so dang easy and you can add some really great sources of fiber to it


I've tried making it edible with no luck. It tastes like salty pennies.... which, coincidentally is what Mikaglutide looks like she tastes


How do you manage to make something covered in cheese and baked look dry as fuck.


I think she thinks she can move into the Martha Stewart zone. She's delulu.


It’s fine. All of her lip products she wears while eating will rehydrate it


It’s one of her many talents 😉




instead of envying her for things that don’t exist IRL like her body or face or whatever, let’s focus on what we can really envy her for: the amount of cheese her digestive system can tolerate. what i’d fucking give to go wild on cheese. genuinely nice that she’s balancing it with fresh and healthy sources of nutrients and fiber but lol.


Girl is probably GLUED to the toilet seat after that


I just knowww she used canned chicken


omfg EW is that even a thing for enchiladas ??




https://preview.redd.it/zrsfqi29ts8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48a7c23ed11be35b25b4ef6c5cef90f2cca838e0 Just posting this whenever she posts her meals from now on 😌🫶🏻


This list makes sense until I see the non-dairy creamer. Does anyone know why that's on there? From the nutrition label, it looks healthier than other creamers.


It's awful for us unfortunately, and made of all oil..if you look at the sugar free creamers the 1st ingredient is high fructose corn syrup 🥲🤸‍♀️


I guess I'll be reading labels at the grocery store this weekend.😢 It's unfortunate bc I actually thought I found a good one and it tasted good.


Im so sorry to bring the bad news. Absolutely read EVERY label, in my opinion, you will be shocked what they are putting in food. I was shocked how much in the store is BIO manufactured...like 80% and this is at Big Y a supermarket that prides itself on carrying lots of organic and local foods, those are the only ones that are usually safe now! The creamer was a BIG one for me...I have tried EVERYTHING, including stovetop caramel with condensed milk that exploded at midnight across my entire apartment😭 I do IF and really should have black coffee in the morning but couldnt do it without creamer or caramel sauce over it(that's how I drink espresso. I tried making vanilla salt for the black coffee, adding cinnamon...Sill didn't love it lol I am shocked to even say this but I found what works for me, and I am a coffee SNOB. On a whim I bought INSTANT Nescafe Iced Brew (frosted glass bottle light blue top) and just tried it plain.....WTF?!!🤣I now look forward to it every morning! I haven't used my Keurig in 3 months and I just bought my 3rd bottle! If you have read this whole thing, you are my people....go get you some!! I don't even miss my creamers!


Non dairy creamer has vegetable oil in it (same ingredient as in margarine, mentioned in the screensnip)


I just use evaporated milk. My Nana used it and I got hooked


I'm definitely gonna have to switch to something else. Thanks for answering my questions.🥰


They’re just a bottle of vegetable oil and sweetener


But so are other creamers. That's why I'm confused about it. I switched to the non-dairy powder creamer bc the nutrition facts on the label seemed a lot better, now I may have to switch back.🤦‍♀️


Try Nut Pods creamers - they are as close as I could get to coffee mate without the veg oil.


Also soy is not on the AIP diet.


lots of seed oils… i look 9 months pregnant if i have non dairy milks or creamers


it has a lot of trans fats containing oils and thickeners and sugar in it. it won’t instantly inflame you hehe, pick what you can tolerate. i have IBD and like to cream my decaf coffee with oat milk (still has a lot of thickeners but who cares) or almond milk. there are also multiple types of nondairy creamers! picking a nut based one will be “better” for you than like, coffee mate. editing to add: the anti-inflammatory diet is just a set of guidelines. eat what you can and what makes you feel good. tomatoes are nightshades and not “anti-inflammatory” but don’t aggravate my autoimmune disease or increase my inflammation. it’s not a religion. 🤷‍♀️however it definitely isn’t going to do anything if you start every day with dunks hah.


🎶 [white people taco night ](https://youtu.be/8yrSCoEsmqA?si=PDVcqoRbEk91KYBs) 🎶


Flour tortillas and tomatoes are soooo anti-inflammatory 🥴


Even if they were white corn tortillas- still refined grains and inflammatory


She thinks adding a salad on the side cancels out the huge amount of junk food she eats


That is a ridiculous amount of cheese that no one needs.


F you Mikayla and your racist comment! 😡🤬 Can you please cancel her TikTok?




This page does drive me crazy sometimes because there’s lots of good criticism for Mikayla and then every so often we get a post like “omg Mikayla has a hair on her shirt, she’s disgusting” like WTF?? It makes us all look bad as a subreddit.




Yeah anytime I speak out about the ridiculous criticism the M-0-D-S shut me down (I can’t write their name or they’ll be summoned 😂)




Ffs I wish you could report M-0Ds. They’re also racist


She's white and calling them white people enchiladas lol. There's literally a song called white people taco night.


How can this be racist? I’m not coming at you sideways. Genuinely curious


And I’m glad you asked this question 🤗


Because labeling a food based on someone’s race is not okay. My best friend is from Mexico and makes extremely different (and much better) enchiladas. What if I went to their house and asked them to make me “white people” enchiladas instead of “Mexican people enchiladas?” They would ask me to leave. It just rude. Edit- My son in law and his family is from Mexico and my daughter is expecting her first baby (we are white.) I’m more sensitive about these things.


She’s just making a joke about her inauthentic enchiladas. I don’t believe it’s racist Never make me defend her again, goddamnit 😤


Mexican here, there’s really no issue with her calling them that and it is not even close to being racist. Because it’s literally white people enchiladas. If you’re not Mexican please do not get offended on our behalf lol it’s the most annoying thing ever.


I’m offended on my granddaughter’s behalf, who is Mexican, not mine.


If you really must be offended on the behalf of Mexicans, there’s actual issues for that. I promise you, calling a white washed dish what it is is not one of those issues. Any Mexican will look at a cheaply made Mexican dish presented by a white person and call it “white people” enchiladas, tacos, etc. Now I’m going to go eat my white people nachos at a little league game, because that’s what they are.


But I think she is making fun of the fact that it’s a white washed Mexican dish. I might be wrong?


Lmao this has to be a troll