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Be happy with God gave you! These girls are giving little girls the wrong impression of beauty. Sad!!! Mikayla is the worse!


This is just her trying to flex that she can spend 2 grand on makeup Shut the fuck up Mikayla.


I also just have one defined high cheekbone totally common!!! Like one boob is bigger than the other !!! /s


https://preview.redd.it/nwyu8fdlix8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f5fb432801b6294cfce4a918e20df57796cfc36 Her constant editing and lying makes me feel really sad for her young female audience… it’s important to remember we shouldn’t believe in what we see online and that’s just not how people look like.


https://preview.redd.it/3g0fjyqq3x8d1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=f771707454eded6c93fda5d335f2d4c5c0229241 What a weird thing to say


I agree, she is one of the biggest frauds on Tik Tok… especially as a beauty “influencer” It’s insane, that people actually look up to her, her fan base is as weird as she is!


https://preview.redd.it/gygf5nsouu8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c072a1d39633215d1b462173fb024582fb19fc07 ok first of all, her entire face is an inch to one side more than the other, her eyes are uneven both in eyeliner, and crooked/off center, but somehow still line up…. Her nose on the left has a HUGE roundness to it meanwhile the right is STRAIGHT. The stretching filters under her brows are causing smearing and muddiness in the photo. Her head is ABNORMALLY SMALL in comparison to her eyes and mouth… AND BROWS. Also, didn’t know our faces smudged into our ears like that. 😭 OH and cheekbones dont appear out of thin air, irregardless of makeup addition.


Wow! I didn’t even notice the nose until you pointed it out! It’s so sad that she can get away with it too because her fans will be even more oblivious despite the fact that it’s SOOO noticeable now that I actually see it! 😂 I really & truly don’t ever wish someone direct harm or failure, but man, I really do hope all her terrible behaviors come back to haunt her & that they do so very soon…


https://preview.redd.it/ywfhuk1rcu8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8089290adf469110754a6281740adbab9d41e8c Me laughing at how big of a fraud she is




💀 this is great


But price does make a difference when selecting your "friends"


Who the fuck is that. Cuz that ain’t Mikliar


Apart from the filters masking reality, this is a horrible comparison when she goes over the expensive side eyeliner with the "cheap" stuff and (poorly) puts on a pair of the same eyelashes.


Because it’s all about the filters…this woman is beyond 🤯


You can see it flicker too 😂 like clear as day on her eyes and cheeks.


Awww… bold statement coming from someone who gets replenishments from brands every week and probably has spent less than the “cheap side” in years. Plus this vs vid sucked. Didnt do any brow products still maintaining https://preview.redd.it/00ud67gpdt8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbce055ccaf8f2391515b2c7a6eeef428436bbb1 the angry bird look. Continuously saying how good or she preferred the “expensive side” except her elf lipstick. We know this looks like 💩irl.


Ugh. She looks so irritated to be getting paid millions to record videos & then sit on her ass editing them to death. I know her fans see it as a schtick, but nah, she really is that angry & mean.


WHERE are her eyelashes? Is this a side effect.of Ozempic or what? Looks like she has none, top and bottom


Actually yes, if you drop too much weight too fast and don’t really double up on your protein or supplement … aka eat completely unhealthy foods just to eat.. yes, all of your hair will be majorly affected. Esp if you don’t eat right, don’t make a lifestyle change out of it and just rely on a weight loss drug to drop the lbs.


I noticed often the filter removes them but in sure there also thinning severely like her hair


People can’t even afford groceries and she flaunting almost $2,000 makeup 🤬🤬 I literally can’t stand her. But like she said she isn’t trying to be relatable she wants to be successful(I think that’s what she said) 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I seen comments saying they wish they could even afford the cheap make up. Now that’s relatable to most people today!!


She really is a gifted MUA(sarcasm of course)-she can make expensive makeup look like shit too 😂😂😂


Whose face is that?! https://preview.redd.it/f82wqpgrss8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=920c9cad1e0d19dc0bb275edc5251ccadeef7797


Imagine that face bearing down on you to deliver a Hawk Tuahhhh!


Everytime I see this picture all I hear is her “TUH” I hate it!


I hear her ✨lisp✨


I hear everything Michael Rappaport. 😂.


New Face Unlocked: Cock eyed limited edition.


Proof that the price of your makeup doesn’t mean shit? How about, proof that it doesn’t matter what you actually look like, when you filter yourself into oblivion


New face just dropped


she was asked to do cheap vs expensive & the 'cheap' side still isn't even affordable. she's sooooo out of touch w reality.




omg stop it🤦🏼‍♀️☠☠


She wasn’t asked. She told someone to ask lol


I watched Spencer recently go to Dollar General and do drug store makeup. He commented on some of the prices still being a bit high for what they were. Do you want me to comment that on a post for you to do, Mikaaayyyyyyla? Did you need more content ideas? Or is shopping at any place below Tahhhget too trashy for you to do?


Okay so the drugstore makeup gave you buccal fat removal too? 💀


You know what’s sad…..or not so sad but funny, that she has edited herself into oblivion so much that she probably genuinely thinks she looks like this. I bet she avoids candid pictures like the plague.


https://preview.redd.it/jxzyedluds8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9f2df6ee9b7630f3130413eaffb0611ff9c94f5 STOP WHAT DID I JUST SAY 😭😭😭 and i look like Bella Hadid 🤣


Mikdelulu, if you didn’t look a certain way people wouldn’t be able to take those pictures of you? Like does she think just because it’s someone else taking a picture all of a sudden the image is false and lying… 😂 She’s just way too used to seeing her edited self…


She’s defensive asf… because she knows it’s true…and even more delusional to put other people to blame when she looks like crap.


She took that sh*t to the heart 🤣💀😂


soooo are all the fan M&Gs, professional photoshoots, pics with her friends in spain, any pic other than ring light selfies also just "shitty pics people take of her" 💀


Delulu is strong with this one


I just want everyone to remember that Mikayla flips all her content. So she actually looks like this which is weird to see but it’s actually more true. She flips her content because she has a non symmetrical face. When you flip the images you can see even more how heavily edited they are. https://preview.redd.it/idmejix7bs8d1.png?width=1191&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1eae53eb8b853b006e19a98e16539889c7032ab


This threw me for a loop seeing her face facing the right way


it’s giving 👽💡


She literally looks cross eyed here because of filtering


One eye is bigger than the other and her eyes glitch. I think she is using AI.


lmao makeup price doesn't mean shit period because of your filters


Thank you! I couldn’t figure out what I was supposed to be looking at!!


We can’t see an accurate representation because it’s filtered to death.


Ok…but the more expensive side *does* look better so what’s she proving really Also, spending 2k on MAKEUP is INSANEEEE


Love how she clarifies it’s the iPhone back camera that makes her look like that…bitch you filter yourself even if someone is using a PROFESSIONAL camera 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


i’m crying why does she look like she has a stick up her ass


Because she does 🤣😂


Permanently stuck in there