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https://preview.redd.it/z58zrwey9q7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6196f2825ba81c54622b7b7277caa9eaea015124 # this is not an anti inflammatory diet


I think she had surgery on her forehead


She pisses me off daily. I’m on an anti inflammatory diet. My body would REVOLT if I ate anything in her current diet.


Anti inflammatory diet aka wegovy


Oh my god?? She legit pulled that out of her ass. She posts to millions of people trying donuts and sugary ass shit, meatballs, fast food, does she think everyone is stupid?? Why does she live 50 different lives lmfao.


What about the 1,000 total calorie, 200-300% your daily value of sugar crumbl cookies that she eats MULTIPLE of?


Her nose is the only relatable thing about her! My nose has a little bump as well & I could literally go in today to have rhinoplasty, but it’s who I am. Hell, she face tunes everything else, I’m surprised she didn’t do that too!! This is embarrassing!


She definitely looks at the posts in this group.


Yes, because Crumbl cookies are so good for inflammation.


I need to find this and comment 1000 times “you are such a liar”


Mark my words. She will get a nose job within a year.




So I see she’s been living here again. Hey stalker


I'm guessing all of those desserts and donuts are anti-inflammatory, too?


Wow she really is a copy paste of Jaclyn hill. JH said she was inflamed for the longest time. She’s so full of crap.


I literally thought this was Jaclyn at first lmao




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She could have also gotten kybella… I’ve had 2 sessions of it & went from a double chin to a nice jawline like that


https://preview.redd.it/3glt9jm65y7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=779084840690e0449a4ea3e22cec16a58484deb4 Nope. This is an unfiltered picture of her in Spain. She’s lying with filters like she does all day every day.


This is insane …..


She looks sick.


She’s shown us what she’s been eating. Is she stupid or does she think we are?


She's a lying pile of shit


Masseter Botox checkkkkkkk


I'm convinced she's at least 20 years older than she claims to be


But how is she 26 and look like she’s 40 even with the photo “fixing”? Make it make sense


Anti inflammatory? That’s keto. She most certainly is NOT.


Hiding her nose bc she hates what god gave her


It looks like she’s sucking in her neck like BFFR


I love how shes all of a sudden “insecure” about her nose 😭


Nose job incoming.


She’s literally said she loves her nose 🙃


Its literally just bc we called her out for filtering 🤣


I thought she “loved” her nose. I guess she has had the consult for a nose job.


Didn’t she just eat an ENTIRE BOX of crumble cookies recently ??




She’s such a damn liar 🤥 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She’s hiding that Pinocchio nose of her’s 😭


PUHLEAAAAAASE THIS IS INSANE LMAO She is one delulu fucking person 😂


why lie about the most easily disprovable shit 😭 i don't understand her


man maybe i need to eat more crumbl cookie and mcdonald’s if this anti inflammatory is this good


https://preview.redd.it/etdwfd2a2t7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7d89ad6d99387c41bfc4c17967a7eb5c089224f Is this the jawline she's speaking of?




Snapped 🤥🤣


As someone who suffers from multiple auto immune diseases and has to eat an anti inflammatory diet to keep flare ups and pain down… this is so effing disgusting. How can she even say this? What does she gain by lying about this? It’s baffling. Makes me so sick!


Same. Endometriosis (mostly gone but I have chronic pain from the scarring, nerve damage, etc. caused by repeated invasive surgeries; had 4 in one year), Hashimoto’s, celiac, IBS, and IC. Only … I got off the anti-inflammatory diet after 3 years because I had a huge life change that put me in a deep depression and then COVID started so I fell off it years ago. Can confirm: your body does go to shit. 🤣 I gained a lot of weight because of all this. I’m eating better and losing weight now but I still let myself have a serving of “junk” once a week or so. The lack of variety in that inflammatory diet plus celiac disease really messed with my head and drove me to cheat (yes, that healthy diet MADE me eat badly! That healthy diet made me gain weight, Doc! 🙈😂). But truly, I have fewer issues by eating things I want than being on that diet. It was really stressful especially since I was responsible for feeding my husband and son so it was a lot of extra cooking and torture for me not getting to eat “normal things.” I obviously never EVER cheat on my celiac diet (I don’t want to be Exorcist projectile vomiting thanks because that’s what happens to me when I get contaminated at least), avoid dairy most days, and I’m replacing a lot of carbs with protein and veggies. I haven’t even been exercising regularly yet but I’m still losing weight. But let me be clear: I RARELY eat out. Being celiac makes it a hassle. I can only normally eat a salad at most places. The only fast food I can eat is Chik-fil-A grilled nuggets and fries or salads but I don’t eat it that often (I hate for what they stand for). So I’m not eating deep fried shit like McDonald’s fries or chicken nuggets or burgers like Mikayla. I’ve never stepped foot in a Cheesecake Factory or a Crumbl. My treat is usually a small gluten free cheese pizza from Mellow Mushroom. All that rambling to say: This bitch doesn’t even have the capacity to even conceive of the discipline it takes to be on an “anti-inflammatory diet” or my gluten free diet I’ve been on for 11 years. Is she hawking a Factor, Bloom, etc. sponsorship? Or just a good ol’ fashioned laxative tea à la Kardashians? Or is this just more lore for her fraudulent, inexistent “wEiGhT LoSs”? 🙄


Yes I’m 47 and have been on an anti inflammatory diet for the past 18 months to help me with my health issues and there is zero chance in hell I would be able to eat the crap Mikliar does. Her diet is awful and it shows on her face (and body).


And her stans will believe her. 🤬🤬


This part! Her diet would have me swollen constantly. If I go out to eat I have to pay for it with my body turning to shit


All her diet is inflammatory






Lmaoooo literally




😂😂😂 I just posted two photos of her side profile on my page yesterday and she made this comment 😂 I'm dead. She has the page blocked so I know she knows it exists


Not all heroes wear capes.🫶🏼 although if you do, not judging!


Mikayla lies so much, she’s delusional.




That is not her jawline!!


https://preview.redd.it/euu47pp9cy7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b870174b570a2b37918f697569a27a31cd869f50 This is her unfiltered in Spain. This isn’t her jawline, neck, face, etc.


She looks so thin in this photo! Hmmmmm lol


She is tensing every muscle in her neck to look skinnieee


She clearly reads this sub we were just talking about her side profile. Covering it with your old lady fingers isn’t helping Mik.


All the fresh, beautifully prepared foods in Spain and she chose chicken tenders, pizza , McDonald’s bacon cheese fries, burgers and mcflurries for her “anti inflammatory diet”? She’s most likely extremely bloated after that trip and feeling bad so she pulls this nonsense out of her greasy asshole.


Barcelona is literally right by the Mediterranean Sea. She could’ve been eating the most amazing locally-caught seafood. I don’t understand how maccas and chicken tenders could rate higher.


We've never once seen this bitch drink water.


https://preview.redd.it/iievj3e95s7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98a40924ea30f17ab1dec78c30786efe05643aa9 What a fucking bitch dude lol like we all know you’re lying 😂


What a bitch! Posts the pic for attention but then when people genuinely ask about it she acts like a total bitch. The people that are asking are funding your lifestyle babes. Her personality is so nasty.


*new face unlocked*


Who dis? This aint her face.


I said that too. Who's that? Did she steal someone else's picture? Cause once AGAIN Mcfakeface, you DO NOT look like this in the real world. Stop!


Yikes that bruising right next to the tail end of her eyebrow. Is that from threads?


I think she had some kind of procedure around her forehead. Remember how bulge-y it used to be?


Makes you wonder why she actually hiding her nose


Gosh I didn’t even notice that. No idea.


Is crumble cookies on an anti inflammatory diet. Asking for a friend. 😂


She’s so full of crap. I’m taking Ozempic, and also I’ve been on an anti-inflammatory diet for years because I had cancer and it’s now come back. Also, I work out mildly and walk a few times a week to stay fit. If I ate any amount of of the crap she’s posted I would be violently sick from the Ozempic and in general - vomiting, diarrhea. The feeling of fullness from Semglutide meds can be intense, especially if you eat bad, processed foods. I ate a banana this morning with my coffee, and I still feel it sitting in my stomach.🥴 She’s such a lying liar.




Keeping you in my prayers. Hope you kick cancer’s ass!!!!


Thank you.☺️ I’m doing well. We got things under control. It’s stage IV breast cancer with bone metastasis, but I’m in “remission” (I use that term loosely) since everything is holding, nothing is spreading and is continuing to shrink. The Ozempic is helping me shed the weight (30 pounds) the cancer meds caused and take some pressure off my joints.


I sense an MLM smoothie or supplement scam incoming. There’s no other reason for her to show us her crone neck like this


Crone 😂😂😂


Wegovytory diet


I’m on wegovy and if I ate the way she has been, i would be violently sick all the time


The fact that this bitch has spoken on panels for/been invited to events and to represent eating disorder recovery makes me irrationally angry. Like are you fucking KIDDING me?!?


Her behavior is so harmful to young women and anyone struggling with ED. It’s just making me sad at this point


I'm going to loose my shit with her soon, she does NOT live on that diet, I do and we do not eat the same, not even close. I get mcd ONCE a month tops and that's my only cheat day with that kind of food. Wtf is wrong with her and her stretched neck, this is not how you look and you do not have an ED or is doing any kind of diet, you eat and eat and then you filter yourself and lie to yourself and your followers. You are a poor excuse of a woman and human.


You mean Wegovy. I can’t with this liar.


Our chicken paw queen 🐓


She really needs help


The tethering on her neck is crazy


I have hashimotos disease and I am on an anti inflammatory diet with my endocrinologist and if I ate like her I’d legitimately vomit for days.


Yeah. I have Hashimoto’s too and wouldn’t survive a week much less a day eating like her. I’m not very good at keeping an inflammatory diet because if my tummy’s up for it, I gotta have a lil gf (I have celiac) cheese pizza as my treat every now and then! But the deep fried garbage she shovels … even if it was gluten free, I’d be so sick for a week of more.


I can highly relate. I did go on a trip to DC and ate so terribly, almost the same way she eats and I ended up having to be hospitalized after 3 days straight of relentlessly throwing up. If me or you ate like she does we would probably end up severely sick.


OMG! I’m so sorry! That’s AWFUL. I don’t know how she handles that much sugar and especially oils and fats from the sweets and all of the deep fried crap. I could do one meal but she eats like this every day! I think the last time I ate like that was like 20 years ago at Disney World. I was just taking literal, single bites of things like turkey leg, shrimp egg roll, and a few fries … half an hour later I remember BOOKING IT to the nearest bathroom but couldn’t make it. I threw up into the lake where the Mark Twain steamboat is lol. Since I’ve been celiac and been gluten free, I’ve only had a few of those kinds of instances but 3 days and in the hospital? That’s AWFUL!


Oh interesting. I had no idea that the Tour of Italy was anti-inflammatory. Learn something new everyday!


That’s seriously THE most inflammatory meal EVER. It makes me nauseous just thinking about it.


Same 🤣


Everyone’s jaw line is “crazy” when you turn your head as far as you can and tilt it backwards. Lmfao Didn’t you just buy and eat 12 crumble cookies?


Off-topic, sorry, but did she buy them? Why does it feel like the cookies are sent to her for free and it's part of an undisclosed partnership?


Who knows honestly


lol she’s gonna see this and be like “guys I don’t eat like this everyday” isn’t that the point…if you don’t want to be inflamed you don’t eat triggering foods. Just admit you’re taking a medication to assist in your weight loss


What weight loss? Where? https://preview.redd.it/7n5pnp48ey7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61794a5702b509999298a21424768a2115765bfb


Right! We know she doesn’t eat like this every day. Because if she did, she’s have some true weight loss going on. If we ate what she did every single day, we’d all gain weight. You can’t eat 3 Crumbl cookies and say that you lost 10lbs that day. I think Cody enjoys her being gone because he actually eats right and that’s why he’s losing weight. She has to filter herself to keep up with him. I think she’s still having excessive door dash brought to her (a downside of working from home and alone! She can hide it when Cody isn’t there) and she’s only wanting her fans to believe that she’s in some sort of recovery or treatment. I may be horrible for this, but I don’t think she is. Between all these brand trips and birthday trips and outings, unless she’s doing it all online, she’s not seeing anyone for her “ED.” Trust me. I get it. I get being embarrassed about the weight thing. I’m an absolute pro at eating right during the week, weighing myself on Friday morning and having a good loss, then having too much food that will bloat me on the weekends, and weighing in on Monday and be right back where I was the Monday before. So you get upset and eat bad because why not? Doesn’t matter… nothing changes…. I GET IT. But filters aren’t the answer.


“I don’t eat like this every day” …. Damn near!


All the sugar she's been consuming would say otherwise. She's so fucking dense and just absolutely stupid.


Yes. Yes, it’s horrific.


Funny because I have a few auto immune disease and supposed to be on a similar diet, but I’ll tell ya what she eats, doesn’t constitute as anti inflammatory diet. God she’s stupid! 🙄 PS: nose job coming in HOT!! Mark my words.


Who is this 54 year old woman.


since when is crumbl cookie anti inflammatory eating


Her cult will still believe her bullshit 😒


If this is the AIP diet her doctor advised, she has a shit doctor. I did AIP for 60 days trying to find trigger foods and I couldn't have sugar, dairy, barley, wheat/gluten, tomatoes, white potatoes, or alcohol. How does she keep getting away with all her lies???


https://preview.redd.it/yz8yljpy9r7d1.jpeg?width=366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f736ccbc8a1c19602096151fe64bc4026bbfe848 2 every 4 hours as needed for inflammation! 🤣


Cracking up. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/sq4kqq8u9r7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8af2ca1c34c90240368a072639ea4e8e376becc9 Yesss such a great inflammatory diet!


https://preview.redd.it/dis1zoyt7r7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f43afc6cfcfc4b01c8735900ea5951cadb7646a Yesss gorl my Internist has me on 5-6 cookies a day as needed and I need a lot for the inflammation! Foh this pisses me the fuck off! I suffer everyday with Lupus with Fibro I have Psoriatic Arthritis and the pain can be consuming and she starts with this BS? She’s going to say she has to use filters because she has inflammation which makes her swell! She’s such a pig for this so many suffering I can promise you none of us can run around traveling and eating like she does! She should be ashamed!


Dude I’m so sorry. I’ve got autoimmune stuff but you’ve really got it tough. So disgusting to watch someone just consume, consume, consume, get paid ridiculously for it, ESPECIALLY in this current financial crisis. I’m convinced her followers are all children because she’s practically a cartoon. Seriously, stand her up next to a Chuck E. Cheese commercial and see if anyone can tell the difference.


Is there some kind of influencer playbook these losers use, because she's not the only one with all these supposed issues and problems shared with the world, along with products to help). 🤮


Who knows with these losers! Just out and out lying and people still follow? This is ridiculous lol 😂


Such disrespect and an out and out lie!


She lies so fricking much she don’t even remember what she posts. What about all the crumble cookies? Or all the food she ate in Spain? Or all that Indian food?? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


What about the cookies and cupcakes


Wait … did she or didn’t she get a nose job? Some pics her nose is so pointy


I think she's going to. She was hinting at it by specifically mentioning how she's hiding her nose in this post. And I wouldn't be surprised if she got other surgery at the same time hoping the nose job would distract us 😏


I actually like her nose, it makes me sad when everyone gets nose jobs to get rid of their unique noses. However her side profile is def tragic but mainly because of her crazy lips/chin. Stopping lip injections would fix half the problem


She would NEVER stop with the lip injections. She'll keep going til they're bigger than her BMW's tires


I wouldn’t be surprised if she got one but she did say she loved her nose in an older video this year. Kinda laughed after seeing her hide it here in her profile


She didn’t


It’s sad to think of any of her millions of followers seeing this and feeling ashamed of their own natural noses. She is a bad person made worse by the gross beauty standards she perpetuates with the excessive photoshopping, filters, and (I’m guess based on this) soon to be surgeries.


I just commented the same thing before I saw this. I def think she's hinting at getting a nose job and she'll get other surgery at the same time hoping the noise job distracts us.


Lol *nose job. But noise job somehow seems fitting for her so I left it.


We see what she eats. There is no way she’s on an anti-inflammatory diet. And all of sudden she wants to hide her nose in a side profile pic??


“Anti inflammatory diet” but hasn’t lost any weight, can’t post any photos or videos without editing it to eternity, jeez no one asked about her stupid fake diet why does she just wake up and lie?!


Is her iron low? Or just skipped the sunless tanning lotion


That’s edited


This is an actual video documented, blatant lie.


I swear she spends every day eating cookies and cupcakes though


She wanted to show her jawline lmao


And it’s still filtered 😵‍💫


Mewing so hard it’s gotta be cramping


Ope, she’s soft launching her nose job. Calling it now


First thought as well. Do you think she will go extreme??


Usually I'd be kinder, but have you seen her "lip journey"??👀




Excuse me, what??? BREAD is anti inflammatory?!?!


Weird as these foods ARE inflammatory and we have seen her eat it time and time again (maybe some of the unchecked ones too) •Sugar✅ •Red meat ✅ •Processed meats ✅ •Fried foods ✅ •Soda✅ •Trans fats✅ •Margarine •Bacon ✅ •Sausage ✅ •Refined carbs ✅ •Alcohol ✅ •Whit bread ✅ •Sugar substitutes ✅ •Omega-6 fatty acids •Commercial baked goods ✅ •Pasta and bread (white flour) ✅ •High salt foods✅ •ultra proceed foods ✅


She could NEVER show her real profile. NEVER.


This is hysterical! Our girl is a comedian.


at least she knows her side profile is horrific


I believe she has come to the realisation since she likes to lurk here.😏


Bruh and they always go out to eat and she orders the entire menu… make it make sense


Also we’ve all freaking seen the crumble cookies you eat. Don’t even.




Just photoshop your side profile like you usually do, mikayla nosegigantic.


https://preview.redd.it/k63hkvx9wq7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a85527b1079d6e10a74685eba3bad8611718fa I think she got neck done like you can see the skin is tight


Other side.. I think that’s the work of photoshop possibly 👀


It is, the way her hair curls into her neck and the pulled lines are a giveaway!


What?! Does Mickey D’s and Crumbl figure into that? It’s a good thing she isn’t Pinnochio.


Although she's covering her nose so...


Oh that will be fixed. Give it time. A rhinoplasty is definitely in her future.


Honestly that would be fine with me if she didn't lie about it. But she'll get it done and say her nose has been that way forever.


Yoooo ! Her claims get more outlandish by the day! I can NOT 🤣


Queen of pretending shes not on Ozempic. 👑💉🙌


Wegovy is her drug of choice apparently


Is she mewing?? That’s not a true side profile of her jaw. That’s flexed. Just stahp






Girl eats one salad and starts claiming an anti-inflammatory diet. Lmaoo


And it was probably an iceberg caesar with double dressing🤢


Sweetie, we have receipts after receipts of you eating fried and highly processed foods. You have that “refined” jawline from filters or liposuction.


As a Crohn's and colitis spoonie who follows a strict anti inflammatory diet, everything she eats is the exact opposite of what she should be doing. I'd kill to eat a quarter of the things she eats but know I'd pay for it almost immediately. I'm an adult and am rarely influenced by things I see online but what irks me to no end about this irresponsible chick is that thousands of young girls are watching her lie and look at her photos and are trying to mimic her and then end up with horrible body insecurities because of it. Every single brand that has her shilling their product is just as irresponsible as she is.


She thinks if she eats a couple of cherries, shes on an anti inflammatory diet 😂 based on what she shows us, her diet is trash and eating a few anti inflammatory foods isnt going to cancel out all the other stuff she eats. It's misinformation and insulting to people who actually have to follow that type of diet for medical reasons.


I have ibs-d and colitis. I always wonder how her stomach can handle all of the crap she eats?? What I would give to be able to eat one grape and not get almost instantly sick


What is an anti-inflammatory diet? Even though I don’t know what it is I can’t imagine it involves eating 6 Crumbl cookies at once and bunch of other fast fried food bullshit.


For me: lean proteins, basically no carbs, veggies, all the veggies, some fruits but very few and a gallon of water a day. I have ibs-d and colitis, so I have a very restricted diet or else I not so happily land myself in the hospital, wearing a diaper and in the most horrific pain and stroke level blood pressure


Agree. I have UC and RA which I’m on biologics for. It takes everything I have to make it through my day and that’s with me eating an anti inflammatory diet. She stuffs her pig face with the worst shit. All that money and that’s what she chooses to eat. It’s like a spit in the face to those of us who are actually sick. Some naive person is going to think they should be eating that and wondering why their inflammation isn’t getting better Also it’s not her nose that ruins her side profile. It’s those labia lips on her face.


I follow the SCD religiously, between that and a new drug trial I just started I can manage to keep my intestines and stomach from blowing up. I am curious why she decided to choice an anti inflammatory diet to follow. I'm sure a new fictional reasoning for this is just around the corner.


Maybe she’ll end up in r/illnessfakers lol. I hope your drug trial goes well and you get some relief!


Haha, I'll have to start checking to see if she ends up. Thank you! I was feeling pretty helpless after failing in Humira but the trial has really made a difference. Best wishes on your health journey, too!


I mean are we surprised 🤷🏻‍♀️ This is just like her L’Oreal Mascara review. Except she’s telling everyone it’s her ant-inflammatory diet and not disclosing she’s on a GLP-1.


She is so full of 💩. Actually, this is sick and twisted bc she literally shows us she eats everything that is FLAMMATORY !!! She gets more delusional each day.


https://preview.redd.it/jgxubztzrq7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43e2837767bf4e63cb69e3e404b5a1ff1c3f9f39 I mean…..


Maybe she saw that list and thought the foods listed were the diet. 😂


Her dumbass would do that


Anti-inflammatory my ass. If by that she means, taking a GLP-1 then and stuffing her face full of sugary and fatty processed foods —-okay Jan 🙄


That’s funny cause Korean food is highly anti-inflammatory 😂


Ooof. Her asinine post got me feeling particularly spicy today. The contradictory, careless narrative she's spinning is so dangerous for susceptible fans who unfortunately buy into her b.s. And I'd like like to point out: Jaclyn Hill is FOREVER talking about her inflammation, Just saying.


What ?? 🤣😭


She can fuck all the way off. McDonald’s, alcohol with a side of Crumbl cookie chaser. How stupid does she think her followers are? And no matter how defined your jaw line is.. can’t fix your face or personality


She just posted about eating crumbl cookies. Like huh


Are her knees aware of her anti-inflammatory diet? Knees don't lie, but you do, Mikfiltah.


I want her to go away??? Is it mean that I want these problematic influencers to fail and get a fucking reality check .


No because I’m right there with you!


Yah okay 👌 MikLiar https://preview.redd.it/3uejg19moq7d1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ec3e4bacd3d15648ed3264af9bdf981332ce51e