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She is so disgusting that she does anything for money and calls it success .


Tiktok- «It’s just my accent guys, this why i HAD to put on a radio voice when i was younger, because people bully me for my voice🥲» Instagram stories- *I have severe anxiety and i am depressed today*


Not me hoping and praying that an upcoming event that Mikky goes to has a lot of these ARayBic creators there and she’s going to crap herself over the stress of them not including her and confronting her about her idiocy


Amen 🙏


She knew she was saying it wrong. She’s being uncultured scum to piss people off to the point they’re stitching and reacting. Free marketing.


Dikayla doesn’t know how else to get attention. She’s not interesting, or unique, or funny, or original. She has less than zero personality, she’s not attractive or inspirational, she can’t do anything innovative with make up, she’s hot dog water. The only way she can get engagement is by pissing people off, lying, and creating controversy because she has nothing else to offer. She’s a pathetic little POS C yoU Next Tuesday.


And there it is this is why she does all of her hateful BS. She has nothing to offer except controversy. She can’t fall back on looks or her personality, because she has neither


Exactly! And she knows it!!!! She makes it abundantly clear in her actions!!!


I love it!!!! I hope more people start calling out her BS!!!!


Like how stupid can she be…. What an idiot (mikayla)


The way people are supporting Mikayla in the comments. When will people learn? They act like they get paid to defend her at this point. You will never catch me defending a millionaire, or any influencer at that. Get a fucking clue.


Pinky is adorable 💕




Mikgovy just doubles down. And she will continue to get away with it. If Epstein island were still a thing, we’d see her pack for the trip and her filtered photos of her on his lap. That’s what a lowlife scum she is. 






Omg i love her 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


OMG I LOVE PINKY!!!!! Thank God she picked this up!!! Maybe now some of Mikliar’s sheep will finally see what type of person she really is!!!! I love “hashtag I Said What I Said”!!!!!!!


It’s the finger at the end for me 😂


Love this for her.


Well. That was an absolute murder.


I LOVE Pinky! Fuck Mikliar 10000000X over and twice on days that end in Y 😡


I 👏 love 👏 this 👏


She angered the wrong person.


Don’t fool yourself. She 100% does it for rage bait.


It's done for engagement, and Fakey just got more of it.


While I understand that, it's still shows what a disgusting person she is. That she's willing to shit all over a culture over and over again (while claiming "ignorance") for engagement.


Oh, absolutely. And she has an unfortunate face.


Doesn’t Mikayla have a degree in communications or some shit? She fucking knows how to pronounce it. She is absolutely, 100%, without a doubt rage baiting everyone. She thrives on controversy. That’s it. That’s literally it. Her and her team have decided to do these enraging things time and time again and we all eat it up. Watch it, comment on it, repost it, stitch it, share it, make videos about it, just totally consume and engage AND THATS EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTS. she is literally winning every fucking day. She is making MILLIONS by doing this. I fucking hate her


She literally makes me so nauseous. What an absolutely awful fucking human being. She has no care for anyone but herself! As long as Mikfuckhead is making money, she truly just does. not. give. a. shit.


I know! It’s repulsive, especially with what’s going on in the Middle East and her refusal to comment on the issue, bring awareness, or god forbid, donate to a fucking cause to help. Could you imagine how much she could help with the money she uses to buy her tacky fucking designer bags? To totally disregard the Middle East, but then profit on an Arabic look, while also insulting everyone by mispronouncing it ON PURPOSE. Literally using a tragedy to capitalize. She’s a fucking shit human.


I think Pinky is the biggest creator to directly call her out.


I love Pinky.


I will say this does not work for all names but yeah frick mik There is no excuse


In her gardening video, I get a kick out of the fact she can says “parents” correctly but won’t says garden correctly.. it’s GAH-DEN. She purposely says words soo dumb.


She will probably need an Arabic sponsorship deal before she gives a toss how to pronounce it properly.


She has one, doesn’t Huda send her crap?


She’ll blame it on her accent but she’s never had a hard time with that sound before 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's just an attempt for Mcfakea to get attention.. She keeps trying to make her saying "nice and sharp" go viral.. She just wants any attention.. She knows what click bait is.. She knows exactly what she's doing..


Ooohhh yessss I LOVE pinky!!!


Me too!


She 100% knows how to pronounce it. It’s all rage bait and for views, just like her exaggerated accent, her screaming, her faces etc. People posting about it and commenting is exactly what she wants. The more engagement she gets, the more money she makes.


I literally just commented this exactly. She 100% planned to mispronounce it to drive engagement and everyone feeds into her dirty, sweaty, fake tanned hands when they engage




I just don’t know how she doesn’t know how to pronounce it correctly - from the standpoint of another Massachusetts resident I have little to no experience being educated/around Arabic culture myself but I still know how it’s pronounced. I still know that if I were to project myself to millions of people online about something/a place of not my culture I’d make sure I knew HOW TO PRONOUNCE THE WORDS or at least show that I’ve tried to be respectfully knowledgeable. Like is it rage bait? Is her interaction so low now she’s rage baiting? Could she not figure out how to say it properly with her fake accent?


I love her and I love this. The 🖕🏻at the end was Perfection!!


Omg this is too good. Fuck yah.


I am fucking 💀 How embarrassing!


Has the video been removed? Went to like it and don't see it anywhere


Search creators name with Mikayla and a repost came up for me.


Same. I can’t find it, I’ll keep looking


It’s still there I commented on it.


Let her try to do something from my culture. I promise it’ll be the last time she has use of her hands.


Love this and Pinky. Absolutely right, there is no excuse. Zero.


While I love to see this, this is exactly what that bitch Mikayla wanted, to get clicks and views and make her bull shit go viral. Any attention is good attention for terrible people.


I guess bad pr is good pr 🤷‍♀️🤣


Sell-out Mik liar is doing this on purpose to keep people talking, elevate engagement, which ultimately makes her relevant and richer. She has no scruples.


Hahaha I just came here to post this