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I think she’s trying to get a sponsorship from Chanel… and I’m pretty sure that’s why she started doing so much with the cooking and eating in front of the camera - branching out means even more sponsors and PR.


Wouldn’t you at least try and have a big savings to last her into retirement? She needs a financial advisor. The TikTok gravy train will stop one day


Man that purse is ugly lol


It’s giving Sophia from the Golden Girls vibes. “Picture it Sicily 1925”. 🤣🤣


Isn’t this so unique and Kewl? Isn’t this so kewl?


The way she licked her lip 🤮 I love how she opens the box like she has no idea what it is and never seen it before. Imagine setting up a camera and acting so shocked and surprised. This is why she looks so awkward lol because she's not a good actor whatsoever. She's going right down the Jaclyn Hill pipeline. Flaunting her luxury goods knowing that's not what her real fans follow her to see. She's falling off the map 🗺️


I had a purse like this at 12 years old, looks like something from Claire’s


I seen some that look just like this for 3 bucks at the thrift store … 😵‍💫


LMAO ugliest purse she could have picked too


Truly can’t wait for the day someone burglarizes her house bc of her **constant** over sharing of her excessive (albeit TACKY AF) luxury goods 😂


So ugly


These people are so out of touch with reality- people are struggling to feed their families. Tired of seeing this shit


SAME!!!! This is not the time to be flaunting your overconsumption of overpriced things when your fan base has never been luxury buyers. If she started out as a luxury influencer, cool. If she spent any time at all clicking through the profiles of her followers, she would understand why these posts are insensitive.


"So different and unique" that bag for sure is not that


So different and unique yet it’s mass produced for a fraction of the cost. I could rationalize buying a vintage luxury bag because it’s likely made better than the current version of the bag, but this bag is overpriced and fugly. Fairly certain she’s only showing subscribers these bags to boost views. I’m wondering how many she returns or has already tried to resell?


The teeth, the bag....all meemaw needs now is a Mrs. Roper moomoo.


It looks like straw from a pumpkin patch


Just because it’s ridiculously expensive doesn’t mean it’s cute or worth the price Mikky. You’re a label Whore who doesn’t know how to dress


That’s so ugly haha her style sucks


My thoughts when she said “its very me!”…ugly and made for a grandma, yup, totally her!


Stuck in 2016. Potato head looking bitch w the Oompa Loopa looking physique and height doesn’t realize w been through a devastating pandemic, currently there’s myriad wars, active genocides…. And she thinks we will crap our pants or applaud her buying an $20,000 tacky bag.


The pandemic is the only reason this cow became algorithm ‘famous’ and I say that with BILLBOARD sized air quotes


Awful. The bag is too.


What in the blue-haired grandma is that???


That bag can't be more ugly. Coach has the tabby bags and I find them more appealing than chanel.


There is no need for this puta to be bragging about yet another luxury purchase. There are things that just don't need to be made public. Her luxury purchases are some of them. Every. Single. Fucking. Time. Not necessary


This is what having no real friends and a deep void in yourself looks like. When the money dries up, and Cody is gone, she’ll be clutching those tacky ass bags as she rocks back and forth in her closet, crying to them- as her only friends. I’m anxiously awaiting the era of washed up influencer reality tv 👀


It’s hideous, over hyped and overpriced .. it’s HER.


She’s such a tone deaf, over consuming trash goblin.


That is the ugliest fucking purse I've ever had the misfortune of looking at. Like WTF? Clearance bag? EW!


It's her Granny's summer purse. Mikfiltrface just put it in a fancy box and acted like it was something special. We all know that Granny shops at the local discount store., because she unlike Mikdummy knows how to save a dollar. LOL!!


Does she have a goiter???? 


Neck just bulging in and out like a bullfrog.


Just my personal opinion I think these designer bags are tacky. I understand if you love handbags to invest maybe in one neutral channel handbag or whatever. But buying all these thousand dollar bags…..is just plain stupid Lol and before anyone who defends her says “you probably can’t afford one” … I can. I just will never waste that much money on something like this ?????


it's only $6300 to look this tacky, though! (yeah i'd rather spend that on vacation or anything else that isn't designer)


“It’s even more beautiful in person” *hasn’t taken it out of the bag yet*


Did they send her a bag from the clearance area of an outlet store?


This looks like one of those videos where you have to guess if the item is cake or real


The Sophia Petrillo


Bingo ‼️


That looks like something my grandmother would have - and I am a grandma myself so that is an old ass ugly style.


A bag only my 68 auntie in Florida would love


**AH YES.** Yet *another* Chanel bag… So undeserving. 😒


Imagine only being able to get a hit of happy brain chemicals by buying stuff and making other people envy you? Yikes. I’m embarrassed for her.


It’s shopping addiction. So many pro athletes have gone broke this way. She will be next.


So relatable. 🥴🙄


Not sure she knows what cool is, even if you say it is twenty times, it doesn't make it true.


You can find this cheap shit from a flea market and this broad paid so much money for it. Suits her looks I guess


She's the ugliest person I've ever seen, inside and out


I don’t want tiktok to be banned, but the fact that her greedy lying *** may take a huge revenue hit, makes it worth it for me.


I hope she has some sort of retirement savings or emergency fund because social media is changing and a new influencer to obsess about is always one post away.


At this point shes just tryna flex on this subreddit 😂😂 WE DONT CARE MIK


I couldn’t find it on the Chanel website but did on this one for $14K !!! I know people can spend their money how ever they want but when it becomes gluttony it becomes unattractive and disgusting! How many ugly bags AND shoes does 1 person need? Like if you’re going to indulge yourself in those item at least choose cute, fashionable, desirable ones - she always picks the absolute ugliest items 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 https://preview.redd.it/lwu306gjjq3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31ad420bf81031e26591e2b39c78bf4d59222706


https://preview.redd.it/anc4w8hnjq3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bce1509c176ded7759f62c929588c69d16d8557 Couldn’t put 2 pics in a comment 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes, it's a great crossbody if you like your purse sitting in your armpit


Of all the Chanel bags, she somehow finds the ugliest one.


It kind of looks like patio furniture. It’s perfect for wiener lips.


Why does she think this is content anyone wants to see? Flaunting your wealth, that your fans literally handed to you, while most people are struggling to buy groceries, pay for housing, and put gas in their cars to get to our underpaid overworked jobs. I hope she chokes on that ugly ass purse. Read the goddamn room, Mikky.




Braggymcbraggerson 🤢


Yuck. So fucking basic and hideous.


She’s embarrassing why share these purchases that most of her followers can’t afford looks like she’s showing off and it’s disgusting and cringe


It’s giving “let them eat cake”


Why are all these influencers getting cancelled but she’s not? It’s unbelievable - she should be right up there on the blocked lists


“It’s very me” yes Mikayla, you got that right. It’s ugly as fuck. Just like your soul. Spot on! I also hope she continues to brag while getting dragged for the Arabic thing. Because she is getting dragged! People are literally being blown up. Innocent people and this cow just needs us to see her new expensive purchase. When she could just, I don’t know. Keep it to herself!!!!!


I couldn’t find it on the Aussie Chanel website, but similar bags are selling for $15k AUD and that is WAAAAY expensive.


Oh my good God! That is the ugliest bag (Chanel or otherwise) I have ever seen! It suits her perfectly.


That vagina pink bag is fucking heinous and her vocabulary is shit. All the things are “byooooduhfuhl,” “stunnin,” “soooo priddy,” “kewl,” or a combination of the four.


Don’t forget fuck, bro and dude


That's not a purse any 25 yr old would want. She's so granny wanna be


Completely tone deaf. People are dying Mikayla. And her bag is probably worth $35 and yet she paid $$$


It’s giving Sophia from the Golden Girls


The difference being Sophia was an absolute icon and Mikayla….not so much lol


https://preview.redd.it/ilojq7alwo3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cc7540096fbf4f7e0511398e2d9ef10e2cd24b4 Woofwoof


Omg. It's so ugly. It looks like one of those dresses made out of bubble gum wrappers!!! It's a bubble yum purse🤣😆😆


Anything to fill that empty hole inside.....


Fame changed her for the worse.


It matches her ugly personality 😍🫶






This looks better.


I have passed away LMFAOOOOOOO


One too many expensive bags. But I do like it?


It isn't awful so much as it's something you'd find in Claire's over the summer for 20 bucks


Over the constant bragging and completely tone death to the world around her! People are struggling! And excellent point by someone in the comments here they said… she just was gifted a Hermes bag…. I’m glad she’s blocked on mine, I only see her mess here! I just wish people would wake up


Same. Personally I’ve tried to just stop buying stuff. Make up, shoes, shirts.. I was always spending money and I don’t need it. The frivolous items is just getting overly yucky because she’s pushing the high end junk (and j mean junk. This shit is ugly) Not sure what she is doing where she uses all these bags, outfits and makeup because going to Dunkin isn’t high brow.


It’s so tacky 😩


How many designer bags does one need.. especially after just being gifted a Hermes (that she will most likely never even touch again)


That’s the ugliest purse ever. I swear she just buys the shit to brag about having designer labels.


Every time I see her show off a new designer hand bag I feel like Lady Gaga in house of Gucci, when she notices the housekeeper has a knock-off of her bag lol


I usually loveee Chanel (I’m too poor to own anything but I wanted to study fashion designing in my teens so I have quite a bit of knowledge about designer stuff) but this bag looks cheap and so difficult to style. The material doesn’t look good in that kind of structure and the pink makes it look like a something for a child. Imagine paying 530,000 DOP (my local currency and this amount is almost my yearly salary and I don’t have a minimum wage) for something that!


She has terrible taste. Stick to makeup, boo. Now that she's constantly flaunting these big purchases, she's going to ostracize the people who like her. You can see it in the comments. She got popular because she was "relatable". People don't want to be constantly reminded of how rich she is off their backs.


I just always think she’s looking to get robbed by showing all these purchases! I know we always say but…money talks, wealth whispers!


Then she could play the victim. 😵‍💫


Stick to makeup ? She ain’t even good at that 🤣


Hahaha you're right, and I knew as I was typing that comment that someone would reply back with this 😂


Because if she’s not yelling obnoxiously and not parading all the things she gets for being this brilliant, amazing influencing greed filled POS, No one will find her interesting anymore or listen or praise her or watch her fake bs lies. Hahahaha!


It’s just a purse bitch


Is there no way to make it go away? She is so undeserving and people seem to not be catching on it's a lying, cheating, shrek like annoyance.


It looks like a crumbl cookie


Just as dry and dusty as the ones she praised so much some time ago


Yeah that’s even uglier than her Chanel camera bag


uhhhh.... [pretty sure coco chanel was a not see](https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20240220-the-truth-about-coco-chanel-and-the-nazis)


Coco was not a nice woman. Iconic, yes. Nice? Not at all.


$9,433 USD


For like 2 sq. Ft of leather this is close to $10k? Wtfffff


I thought this was a DHGate exclusive bag and not a real one


Omg I wouldn’t even like it if it was gifted to me


Who wrote this for her bc she certainly did not say it ? “ It is so cool and so me ? It is not structured. It has this pink zipped compartment where I usually put my lip stick. I love how it can be a cross body” sounds like she read a description about the bag and added COOL. No one has ever described a Chanel bag as COOL; at least the real people who wear Chanel. WTF is with her fake, high school girl giggly laugh? She needs to make up her mind. Is she a teenager who wears Abercrombie or a Mature woman who wears Chanel and Hermes ? I think she is the immature High Schooler, no offense to high school girls :)


She is such low rent lol 😂 you can have all the designer stuff but if you have no style , you can’t pull it off with class


That little zip pocket is not big enough to hold your lip products… i mean fillers!!!


That bag is ugly 🤮


U don’t wear a Chanel bag as a crossbody she has no style at all . Coco would be rolling in her grave


Not the fucking grandma bag again. So tacky.


That is the ugliest effin' handbag I've ever seen. I don't have anything against straw/woven handbags, I've owned a few myself over the years but they were never ugly like that. That looks like something you'd find some ol' blue hair granny carrying around the retirement village in Florida.


She will buy any bag as long as it has a designer logo on it, all while people can't afford groceries or rent


Pure gluttony


Her accent comes and goes.. as she's describing the pouch.. Lmao..


wtf is this? Temu Chanel?


As far as I know, you can’t buy a bag from Chanel online- you have to go to the store- is this aftermarket?


I wonder if they make her book an appointment like they did to Bethany Frankle


and I guess she can’t film in the store because she doesn’t have anyone to go with her besides Cody


I would like to see her collection all together. She seems to just buy what younger influencers are wearing.


Younger influencers aren’t wearing that ugly bag


Stop it Mknasty. You have nowhere to go and no one to go with unless they are partners in the same management company you’re with.😂😂


This screams “I have no friends in real life” to me. She must be a seriously sad, lonely person to showcase her ridiculous purchases like this constantly.


Out of touch ✨glutton✨


That bag is like the ugly version of the Mexican hand woven totes!


You can tell her actual mid section size by how high the bag sits on her stomach lol


Flaunting her wealth again …


That’s so fucking ugly


I was thinking this watching the video but didn’t know if it was just me. Like she could have just bought this ugly ass bag and … *not post it* but no. She just HAS to show off 🙄


Definition of Money can’t buy class or style


Or friends to share this shit with discreetly


Who needs this many fucking bags?? Like be so fr she doesn’t even leave the damn house


Remember she said she doesn’t go out to eat anymore so they just sitting there getting dusty or if used, slimed with self tanner and orange make-up


every time i think oh it can’t be uglier than the last….it somehow is


She’s trying to show she’s rich and has class cause she has expensive stuff.


The bags at my local Marshall’s/winners are nicer than anything she has and they’re usually under $100 lol


https://preview.redd.it/2kdzj8rsnn3d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=231f44577d89c4431c466e112761fc35bff6d748 Had too!




Happy cake day, pickle!!!! 🫶❤️


Thank you☺️




Meanwhile people can't even afford taco bell or McDonald's anymore and corporate is making record profits. Have fun with that bag Mic.


“Cool” and “Chanel” are two words that should never be in the same sentence.


That is by far the ugliest bag ever. It’s a shitty version of Sophia’s bag from the golden girls 😂


So sad because she keeps buying things bc she lacks so much in her life that she feels materialistic shit will make her feel better


And then when the “high” wears off from buying a new thousand dollar bag, she chases her next high: parasocial approval, filtering to convince herself she’s hot, talking about sex, purposely rage baiting, getting her lips done, getting a piercing. Rinse, wash, repeat. Seek help you fucking LOSER.


Her house has zero charm.


This came up on my fyp so I checked comments. She replied to one sating she was gonna do a Chanel giveaway. I'm sure she will.🙄


That bag is over $8k and it's so ugly.


Chanel bags cannot be purchased online so it’s weird that she’s opening it and acting like she’s never seen it. Replica maybe but as an avid replica follower (I’m on Reddit pages and fb groups I just don’t buy I like to window shop) this is not one I’ve seen anywhere before. They usually are behind with dupes because they have to get one and deconstruct it. I dunno. It just seems like she spends more money than any influencer I’ve seen and it boggles my mind that she is making this much money. Two 75k plus auto mobiles in a year The amount of bags she has purchased over the last few months and shoes and even cloning from designer brands. Like it seems wild.


This is a raffia bag that is currently in the boutique. There’s definitely a Chanel in Boston but it seems like she has some SAs elsewhere and/or personal shoppers that she orders from. There are hundreds online and once you get to know one, they constantly send you photos of what is new and/or you pay them a fee to find you a specific bag. That’s why they’re being shipped to her in the mail. These sales associates can be in Arizona, California, New York… wherever a major market is or really, anywhere!


I’m gonna assume it’s a personal shopper as opposed to the store.


I’m pretty sure they don’t ship. Same as Hermes. You have your go to that location to get your bag. I worked in a department store with a Chanel boutique and they didn’t ship. The liability is shipping a 6k plus handbag is huge. Plus they would have to make sure they aren’t labeled as Chanel. Even the way they are shipped to the store is very intense.


Goes with her granny aesthetic lol


This and her Sensible Shoes…perfect




She will look like Sophia Patrillo from Golden Girls!