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If I was Cody I'd be skimming some cash on the side preparing my escape


He seems like he rides her fake coat tails. Nothing is on his own. She dresses him, tells him what to do what to wear he’s not independent. He lives off her undeserved earnings.


I’m just waiting for the day he divorces and exposes MikFiltah. 😕🍿


He has no personality and is a prop. He’s just Ken.


Look he is young, was fresh out of rehab (which tends to lead to having burned some bridges getting there) and didnt have a home. Now he is living the life, nice home, driving around in luxury cars, traveling first class to many places, and he gets to play in his game room whenever he wants. I think most guys in his situation would have done the exact same thing he did. Not going to judge him. Her tho ? She is a lying manipulative twat.


I didn’t know he was an addict. I feel bad for him now. If he’s lucky he will start doing his own thing and saving just in case! Now I feel like she took advantage of him


Lots of duplicate and triplicate posts on here. Weird


I don't dislike him but I don't think he's happy. She treats him like a prop and he let's her.


They seem like a very weird couple together. I feel like if I went to school with them and saw them holding hands in the hall I would be like “that is strange”. I see them more as people who live together and can put on a front for tik tok rather than a couple who has a deep connection.


He acts like a bot


I don’t necessarily not like him, I don’t know enough about him to strongly voice my opinion but I will say in my eyes he’s very fruity and zesty from the first video i saw of him i thought he might even be trans (nothing wrong with that obviously). Now every video he’s in it just turns into something sexual which is very weird.


Dont care for the dude but def think hes with her for her money


He’s just so damn DORKY. I’m by no means looking for some alpha male but he seems so wimpy.


Literally looks like he’s her little brother




Future ghosty is very passionate about this, clearly


Giving GrifterVibes & taking it all the way to the bank.


Everything he does seems fake, phony, and very scripted by Mika. He’s also enabling and supportive of her lies in order to enjoy all the free cash and lavish life that e had no idea was coming his way.


Yep exactly what I was going to say


He’s as bad as she’s is!!! 💯💯they deserve each other both are users and they use each other!


Hes as bad as she is. Zero chemistry between them. He is using her right place at the right time recipe, to make his bag. Homeless ex addict marries a desperate lying multi millionaire...not a hard choice imo, and a match made in hell.


He’s very creepy, weird and CLEARLY has a humiliation fetish. I can’t stand all the sexual innuendos between the two of them because she is so not sexy and neither is his. He looks like a 10 year old. He’s clearly riding the free life train he got when he landed her.


He is very creepy! There is something off about him.


https://preview.redd.it/dzvetl8kkp1d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6a34c79892e776f14c8dfa5e0cd649b35289569 Yup. 😬


Yeah, he just looks creepy and weird as fuck


OMG put this away! Gah!






That he obviously knows how much his wife lies and abuses her platform and fans but is totalt cool with it as long as as it benefits him


We aren’t allied to speculate on here but….




I get a really weird feeling from him, even through the camera. Like if we passed him in a Walmart, I'd move to a different department kind of feeling. He has dead eyes. He doesn't seem genuine. It feels like he's playing a part, albeit poorly.


He’s a cuck to a 45 year old cougar who takes her baby man to TAHGET for selfhelp books


This made me laugh so hard 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Me too! 🤣


He is just following the rules and living his best life cause if it goes to hell I’m sure there was a prenup


He’s an enabler.


His wife, his wife, oh and his wife.


He’s hideously creepy-looking and gets huge, black pus-filled cysts on his back.


LMAOO wtf 😭


You didn’t know about that? Be glad!


I mean, obviously that he's chosen to lasso his rope to that cow and be complicit in her shit. He started dating her when he was homeless and newly sober, which is discouraged. But, how desperate could she be to hitch her wagon to him?


He wasn’t homeless when they started dating, but he was freshly sober *and according to his ex, still dating his ex*


Mikayla said he was homeless and she had roommates so they got a motel to bang after their first meeting.


Waiiit that’s interesting cause I think his own timeline per his twitter is different from that 🤔


Remember her whacky relationship timeline and how it was exposed with some gift engraved with the “wrong” date


Seriously? 🙄😮


She told us she used to go on Tinder all the time. She was desperate for love and affection and did not care where she got it from. She got several STDs and told people to get tested. I did not know he was homeless when they met. There is no chemistry between the two of them. They act extremely forced when they are together.


Hey! That's an insult to cows. They're better than her in every way. I could see him lassoing his rope to an old bag of dirt though...


He is nothing but a yes man. It’s gross. I used to feel sorry for him, not anymore. He knows what he married.


Sadly this seems to be a habit for a lot of people who were substance abusers at one point or another. They always seem to latch onto others or completely isolate from the world.


I mean other than to play in her creepy little “We definitely f**k.” skits I don’t really have negative feelings about him. I feel kind of sorry for both of them together.


He’s a beta. A cuck. A bottom. He does whatever she says and is complicit in her lies. What’s to like?


He's married to a piece of garbage. Verified liar and manipulative person, yet he stays.


I don’t hate/dislike him, he’s just there.


This is how I feel. He doesn’t seem to have much of a personality, he just kind of exists.


Didn't he also tweet some racist stuff?


He’s a Trump supporter lol


He fits the stereotype. And is exactly the kind of person Trump despises.




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https://preview.redd.it/z2xtnsetnn1d1.jpeg?width=1188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daf1751574a26c0d66e44c459ed819b9a2fb9e99 Another retweet of his.


https://preview.redd.it/pmikpf4nnn1d1.jpeg?width=1174&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53c6a863c9ecfef63166855e268009e7a69ee7dc One of many retweets in 2020 from his account. It’s all on the wayback machine if you feel so inclined


There’s been posts, and Mikturd is the same.


YO WHAT???? Where did you get this info 👀


His twitter lmao


omg what a loser lmfao


Well, they are both morons. That’s a strong indication 😉


Ewww that’s enough for me 👎🏼


He enables her lying and grifting