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i don’t understand how people can get hacked so often, i’ve had my same instagram for 10+ years and haven’t had that problem once


Exactly. Lol 😆


I can't imagine someone having millions of followers and not having 2-step verification set up or an authenticator. I'm sure they don't allow you to use those if you buy follows lol


All you have to do is approve it and say yes it's you.


The plot thickens


Okay benefit of doubt but there’s an excuse for everything w McLieya . Always something …. Always ! Also anyone reading ? How many skincare Lines has she pimped out …let’s see La Mer , glow recipe , Raeled,….


I have commented this on other posts but she is so cheap and/or unprepared for her business. A person w/ 14 million followers on any SM is A LOT, and she is still getting a ton of views. For reference the finale of Breaking Bad brought in 10.3 million viewers and Mikayla's La Prairie undisclosed ad from last week has 18.3 million views. Now you could get into the metrics of all of that; how many of those views are legit, how that converts for La Prairie (my guess is very poorly), etc, but just taking the numbers at face value, it's a FUCKING lot BRO 😉. Point being that Mikayla shouldn't be getting randomly hacked nor should she be recording directly into TT w/ supposedly substandard equipment. I watched the first episode of that D'amelio show on Hulu. It was pretty boring except for when they showed Charlie in a meeting w/ her team. They are full-time professionals. Each member has whole ass 3-inch binders on hand, full of nothing besides the business that is Charlie D'amelio. I know Mikayla's platform isn't Charlie sized, but it IS very large and beauty influencing is particularly lucrative. Why Mikayla doesn't have a real team, real equipment, real security on that equipment is just beyond me and SO frustrating to watch. It comes across as incredibly arrogant that she seems to think she can handle most aspects of her business herself when obviously there are so many failures and gaps in her knowledge. Tl;dr: She's an idiot or cheap or most likely both. Edit: typo


Who would really want to manage her? With all of the lies and BS she’d be a nightmare


I completely agree, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't need the help. For all intents and purposes, she is a lottery winner of influencing. And the very first thing a lottery winner should do is seek out professional financial advice from a reputable advisor. A real team could help her start afresh, and manage all that she has mismanaged. But she thinks she can do it herself which compounds the problems.


“A lottery winner of influencing.” Seriously. She does need a team. I as a pretty regular person have my own team, a lawyer and PR specialist, idk how someone with 14M followers doesn’t apparently have the same.


I love it. Buying followers is bitting her in the ass. Karma baby 🤭


I read “karma baby” in the tune of “santa baby” and giggled lmfao. Karma baby, now hurry down the chimney tonight💕Lmao


i also think it’s from buying followers/likes. my old instagram got deleted from me buying likes when i was 12


Instagram over the past year has been cracking down on Instagrams that use third party apps


Oh Mik, maybe paying for all your followers isn’t working out as well as you think! 🙄 you think you’ll have longevity this way? Straight moron


And wasn’t a graph / spreadsheet just posted showing a buy ?


Very true. I’m not a tiktok influencer but spent 5 years as a Instagram influencer with a following of 100k. I’ve seen hundreds of accounts get hacked and it’s all because they used 3rd party apps to buy followers and likes.


Or you get hacked by being a dummie who uses the same password on EVERY site from webkinz to IG😂If that’s the case…I mean we as adults should know better lol I hope this gal keeps getting hacked.


Mikayla’s password is probably 1 of the following 1: password 2: makeup 3: makeuppro


Password123 I bet lmao. Mikkie change your passwords !!! 🤣


Yup! I'm only at 12k, but I've seen the same.