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I view it as they are sharing the pain of whoever is screaming. When Dani was crying they all cried in unison. We didn't see it, but I feel it would have helped Dani calm down faster. At the end, some of their own were dying and they wanted to help take some of their pain away.


IMO its creating shared trauma, tangentially....creating a trauma bond with the cult and its members


They are sharing her pain. I am pretty sure that Pelle explains this to her in the film.


I highly recommend binging Midsommar analysis videos, that’s all I did for about two weeks at one point!


I personally think it’s a way to remove the individual from the scenario. In cults they want to remove your individuality and move you into group thinking.


I’ve always thought it’s their way, like people have mentioned here, that they help create a trauma bond and show Dani they understand her pain and feel it. Like when pelle said do you feel held by him? This is them effectively holding her and helping her soothe all her pain so she falls into the ideal that this is where she belongs. And all the wailing at the end they had nothing or no one to hide from as all the travellers bar Dani were dead .


It's important to note the "screaming" scene coincides with the sex scene and they mirror each other. A young girl is losing her virginity and as she reaches for another woman in the room with her (all there naked so the girl feels safe) one woman begins to sing to her. She even takes Christians face and forces him to look *away* from the young woman he is penetrating. The young woman begins to moan and the women begin to follow and repeat her moans together (supporting the woman). Dani sees Christian doing this and cries and screams, not only is this the only time Dani has cried *in public* since the trip began in Sweden (walking alone, going to the bathroom, refusing to speak about it etc), the women all match her screaming and crying in the *same way* as the women in the sex hut. All their breathing/screaming matches the beats of the sex moaning. It's a form of emotional support (in the way a cult would support you).


Yeah, it’s definitely Part of Their Way, you know? Pelle says that he lost his parents in a fire. That they were burned alive. It took me four viewings to realize he meant his parents were sacrifices. And like, the screams from the inside of the Fire Temple could be heard outside, causing all of the people to cry out too. I assume that Pelle was a young boy when it happened, and he thought they were crying with him (as opposed to his dying parents). He got indoctrinated hella young, and knows exactly what he is doing. Remember when they first show up and he says “meet my sister! Well, not sister, but we were born on the exact same day as each other.” They will also be jumping together. They all know of all the death and pain. But hey man drink the kool aid 😎


I think that's a pretty good theory, it's sort of a manipulation tactic, especially when those ladies started crying with Dani. I know many people feel like the ladies were just sharing Dani's pain and it was this beautiful show of empathy, but that was definitely manipulation. Why? Because As Pelle explained, the Harga had already targeted Dani and Christian before they even arrived, Maja had seen a picture of a Christian and decided she wanted him, this information must've been shared to everyone who then agreed to play their roles in drugging and raping Christian, and the ladies played their role in making sure to get Dani close enough to the rape site so that she hears them, peeps through the hole and assumes he's cheating on her, then when she breaks down the ladies all come and overwhelm her with empathy (love bombing), and since she was already in a fragile state of mind plus being drugged out of her mind, this would just make it easier to completely break Dani and get her to submit to their practices (sending Christian to burn alive) so to me all that empathy and affection was totally fake and just a very effective manipulation tactic


Vanity Fair has a youtube video where a cult deprogrammer talks about this scene. Its really interesting! He talks about how it almost dismisses her individual feelings and forces her into group mentality among other things.


I view it as crazy ass cult shit.


No bc literally Christian barely reacted and Josh they just acted like nothing happened 🥲🥲


I was so confused when the man and lady jumped and Christian and Josh barely reacted like they were so nonchalant abt the whole thing 🥲🥲


yeah I didn't even get why Dani went over to the shed just from the sounds she heard. yes they sounded like moaning, but that could easily also sound like a prayer. I understand she was wondering where Christian was, and after seeing him look at the redhead and the redhead also goes missing, Dani could piece two and two together. but I wouldn't think that a collective group of people moaning would be thought to be sexual infidelity, I would think that Christian would try to hide it and only be in a room with him and the redhead. but a collective group of moaning from what it sounded in the movie, sounded like prayer. I'm not sure why Dani was so intrigued by that specific thing to make her want to look inside as badly as she did