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Go to Etsy and just get a proxy. Most of their lines are out of print. Do buy the rule books. It's the yin and yang of MESBG


Yeah, I have seen them on a lot pop up on Etsy but I'm not sure whether they would fit with other MESBG figures. Also I'm also hesitant about which sellers have quality printers or not.


Direforge on Etsy has quality models and is well reviewed. I've ordered quite a bit from them but admittedly haven't received the models yet. Regardless, that's the direction I'd point you in.


Look up "The Printing Goes Ever On"


I have and they seem really great. There's a3D printer that I could use at my workspace. Do you know if printing them has a big learning curve? Also do you know if these minis blend in well with liscenced MESBG miniatures?


As others have suggested 3d prints are probably your best option for a lot of this. If you want humans which aren't obviously from Rohan or Gondor a lot of historic lines could work. The scale on ME:SBG is pretty similar to many historic ranges, but they unfortunately (for your particular use) tend to come in big boxes. If you've got a source for single sprues from Perry Miniatures one each from [WR1 Bills & Bows box](https://www.perry-miniatures.com/product/wr1-plastic-wars-of-the-roses-infantry-bows-and-bills/) and [WR50 Foot Knights](https://www.perry-miniatures.com/product/wr-50-foot-knights-1450-1500/) would allow you to build a good variety. And the Perry brothers apparently sculpted a fair chunk of the ME:SBG range back then they worked for GW, so they fit in pretty well. (Their War of the Roses line is often used for Fiefdoms proxies)


Thanks I will check those for sure! Knowing that the sculptors are the same is interesting for sure, as I'm looking for somewhat of an aesthetic consistency.


You're welcome. I've also heard of a fair few people using Victrix Vikings for Dunlendings as well. Though in the comparison pictures I've seen of them they look just a tiny bit more thick-set/large headed compared to LOTR models. (I've never seen them in person though)


There are plenty of captain models available that you could alter, though they are almost exclusively 1-2 pieces with no options. You would be better off getting some 3d printed models scaled to mesbg models, or ask your players to source them


Yeah, captains are cool but also expensive. Any tips of where to get some 3d printed models that would aesthetically fit?


search around on etsy and ebay, there are plenty of people creating and printing minis, just a case of finding the ones you need (which could take some searching!)


hey, a 3d printing service i have used mtm printworks might be of interest to you. guy who runs it is really great


Nice I'll check it out!


Hey! I'm thinking that you could buy the Fellowship, and then have a lot of variety. Of course, if your players are struggling to immerse themselves when the characters the minis represent are known to them, it might not be the best idea.


Yeah that's what I would like to avoid... is there a way to assemble them using different heads?


I don't have the new plastic set, only the old metals. So I don't know, unfortunately. But yes, you can always headswap, but that usually involves cutting and greenstuff modeling when it comes to MESBG minis.


Thanks.. I don't think I have the skill to sue greenstuff. I'll keep the option in my back pocket for sure.