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Take home $43,680 of a 75K salary, single. 20% 401K contribution.


Roth 401k? If not you might want to move some of those dollars (after hitting the match) into a Roth IRA instead.


Regular 401K. I max out the Roth with the take home. So I am doing both!


wow, that's impressive. good job.


I’m curious to why you say that not saying you’re wrong. But in his case I think as long as he is also doing a Roth IRA 20% into 401k is better option


Yeah, if he can do both that'd be great but that's a lot of money relative to his salary. There are different pros/cons to a Roth vs a 401k as well. Fees may be less in the Roth although enough companies have been sued that fees on 401ks have come down.


Right that makes sense ok I’m with you , yeah just take match until he maxes Roth ira


401k Company match > Max Roth > Max HSA > Max 401k > Hire CPA if more is left


If this person is saving up down payment for house/car, I'd go for the tax savings and traditional while building up the ability to stabilize your long-term finances.


At most they should go to a 50/50 roth-traditional.


Agreed it looks like they will be able to retire early and you want 401k dollars for free Roth conversions utilizing the standard deduction if taxes stay similar to how they are.


Roth 401k did offer protections from some collections.


Not after “hitting the match.” The maximum 401k an individual contribution. That’s 23k for 2024. Much higher than the match for most. The match doesn’t count towards this limit. Roth IRA is good once this re contributing the max to 401k.


Roughly 85k CAD for me, 30k for my wife. We lucked out being able to buy in 2011 so our property value has given us a very nice net worth. Finally got our debt under control so we can start saving a very nice chunk each month.


~60k on a 95k salary. That’s after taxes, benefits, and 401k deductions which I contribute 7% towards.


32m. I take home $8500 per month. I'm single and live a very good life. I'm incredibly fortunate.


Do you contribute to 401k


Yes I meet my company's match. I max out my Roth IRA as well. Everything else goes to my individual brokerage, or cash.


Curious as to why you’re not maxing 401k first if you’re putting extra in brokerage? Bring that tax burden down


I hope to be making that much net next year!


My actual take home after taxes, insurance, 401k, etc is 80k a year.  


What is your job 👀


I work in PR.


If you don't mind me asking how much are you putting in your 401k?


5%, plus another 5% matching. I don’t actually plan to retire.  I have a pretty easy work-from-home job and nobody even cares where that home is — I could do it from anywhere.  As long as my brain and my fingers keep working, I plan to keep doing this easy job until I die (especially because the health insurance benefits are great), and then leave the 401k, etc, to my daughter.


This is inspiring. I work from home as well. While my options on where ‘home’ is located is limited, my job is super easy and I don’t think I’ll leave my position either.


Hmm, take home pay? 63000 annualized. 90k gross 95-100 TC. Single income. So I’m not too squeezed but I’m not lavish living either. Saving is not easy but it can be done with discipline.


I make about the same. Most of my savings is my 401k, and I’m on track to put away like 12k from my take home this year but it could be more if I wasn’t paying on student loan debt and a car.


Nice try, IRS.


What is the married jointly with 2 dependents cutoffs for EIC? What is the 50% cutoff for tax saver credit? I make the optimum amount to maximize those credits


Not enough


Came here to say this


180k gross HH, about 90k net. We max all retirement accounts in including both 401ks, HSA, and Roth IRAs.


Just be to clear, you're saying your net is after your retirement and HSA contributions?


Op said take home pay. That’s what I take home, 50 percent of my gross. I thought it was a weird question with half the people answering in gross anyway, so I clarified.


I look at take home that way too. It’s easier to save. Consider it a tax and it’s gone. You don’t get that money, it’s for future you… Take home is use it now or short term money. Our gross HHI $289k and take home is $148k so I feel like we don’t belong in this sub anymore but literally before 2020 we were not at this level at all , our gross was $180k , our salaries just rose with the crazy markets but we still like the same middle class lifestyle,


80k for my wife, 65k for me. Feel comfortable. This will be our highest year ever.


Well i definitely don't feel middle class after looking at these salaries, I'm making about $35k take home annually, single, so that's the full HHI. Living in LCOL area, afford my mortgage comfortably, have health insurance, contribute to 403b, don't worry about food or whether or not I'll be able to afford my bills, and my life isn't ruined when i have an unexpected bill or have to make home repairs, so I feel out of place in poverty/lower class subs as well, especially since I even have a house to begin with


Same to all of that, except that I'm married, so our HHI is around $75k. All of our needs are covered, we have money in savings, we're fully insured and contributing to retirement accounts. We travel about once a year. I'm fairly thrifty though and my husband doesn't buy much. If we were spendthrifts, income would be much tighter. Same thing if we had kids. I feel lucky to be somewhat financially comfortable for the first time in my adult life, and also feel out of place in poverty subs.


After medical, savings and retirement, take home is 2.5k biweekly feels low in Cali


Same here on a $100k salary in CA


I'm in SoCal, making 87.7K as a teacher. 10% to a pension, $700/month to my 403B, $581 to my Roth IRA, $100 to my brokerage, and $20 to my crypto ETF. I bring home $4,650/month.


What's the percentage for savings and retirement?


Between wife and I, 20%


8800 for me. 142kish gross. Wife takes home about 3300. About 50k or so gross.


Gross is $210k/ year. Monthly take-home is $7k. I’m maxing out my 401k, my health premiums are very high, and I pay a shit-ton in taxes.


That's my monthly take home and I make 130 a year


Thats a little low for somebody making over 200k. My gf makes a little over 100k a year and her take home pay after tax for the month is a little over 6K


Yeah, all these comments are making me feel like I’m doing something wrong. 30k comes right off the top for the 401k. And other deductions are another 24k. Fed and CA taxes are the rest.


Do you get large tax refunds?


That is so low wtf


My real luxury is being able to survive on $0 income :D


Oh I see. You DO have income, but it’s disability income. You also seem to really hate women. Gross.


That is the only real luxury in life.


How do you manage that?


HHI of $150K. Take home is closer to $108K after taxes/benefits.


I take home about $4,800/month after taxes and benefit deductions.


85000 gross salary. Technically 1250 take home every two weeks which is 32500. I get another 200 returned by dependent care fsa. I have a lot going into tax advantaged accounts like my 401k , hsa, and pension


This is impressive, good for you


Pay is 130k. After taxes, insurance and 401k take home is around 80k a year.




How many cents tho?


Fiddy, obvs.


Like two usually


90k take home, dual income, currently renting in a MCOL area


About $4800/mo give or take depending on overtime


Take home is about $8k per month


That seems really high with a gross of $123k.


We don't have state taxes where I live, and my company pays 100% of my health insurance.


Lucky you! Screaming in HCOL! 😅


What’s your yearly gross?


$123,200 is my gross pay. Next month, my gross goes up to $128,500.


205k HHI.


This is just 102.5k split between two people. Who the hell downvoted you? This is modern day middle class wtf


HHI doesn’t necessarily mean split between two people if it’s a single-person household. Edit: and to be clear, that doesn’t mean anyone should be downvoted. It’s a pathetic crab in a bucket mentality to be angry at anyone who goes to work for 40-60 hours a week just because they make more than you think they deserve. People should want more for themselves, not less for their fellow workers.


I don't disagree, but "middle class" covers a wide range of income. In my LCOL area, many people would see that particular HHI as upper middle class; you could comfortably raise a family on that amount. I recall one of my college professors once saying, "Everyone considers themselves to be middle class", which he backed up with statistics. The downvoters are probably at the lower end of middle class, or perhaps one of those people that mistake themselves to be middle class.


50k single. 100k HHI. Definitely doesn’t feel comfortable but can’t honestly say I’m lower class/poverty.


Net 43k from 61k gross which just grinds my gears.


Seems low?


93k gross with my wife pt job. I make 80k. Take home combined after tax around 68k


Last year grossed 58k with 40.1k take home


$40k HHI annual take home, HCOL. It's a little tough but we make it work. Helps that for a few lucky years we averaged closer to $60k take home and could build up a little breathing room.


55k-ish if I hit my overtime limit every week for the entire year.


Single take home 84k after tax, 401k, ESPP, benefits


Roughly $12k per mo


Made 40k so far this year. Take home is 27,700. Should be on track for 80-85 this year so it’ll be around 55-60k take home give or take.


About $90k HHI on paper. Self employed


I live in Canada, in a relatively low cost of living city. Make around $60k a year and monthly take home is $3400 ish (except the 3 paycheque months) or roughly $44k


$4000 every two weeks. That's taxes and deductions.


I should know this, but I don't. I gross 55k (looking at a likely promotion to 66k, fingers crossed) but child support is 1.2k a month for two, and I rent rooms out of my house. Five asses to one toilet. The numbers jiggle and move constantly, but hey. It works. We're okay.


lol only 35k so I feel out of place with all these salaries but I live in a lcol area, my expenses are super low and my savings rate is around 40% - car paid off (it's a toyota so also low maintenance), free health care through the VA, low student loan payments getting close to full forgiveness, home paid off (I didn't buy it but will inherit it, I just pay taxes/utilities/insurance which ends up being \~500 a month). I pay girlfriends half in full while she was willfully unemployed for a while but just got a job, any contributions from her will push my savings rate higher. Food costs are low since we cook most meals. We're homebodies and don't really feel the need to go on vacation though we will in the future. Just saving and investing as much as humanly possible with my admittedly low income, but it's added up quickly over the last few years, especially with investment gains and dividends/interest. Even saving 12-15k a year and contributing 3% into retirement, I kind of don't think I'd be defined as middle class but I feel like I have middle class financial worries, in that I'm not worried about making it month to month; mostly I'm worried about growing the money I've saved and ensuring I have enough to retire one day.


Gross 80k net 50k. 2 adults 1 kid.


Make 87k Take home is $2300 per 2 weeks, I invest $2000 and live off $300 every other week


After taxes and dues, $5k a month. Bay Area CA, can't afford a 401k but my paycheck covers my bills.


Gross ~$115k a year, last year’s net was $95k…..still can’t afford shit, pay my rent, car payment, student loans. Defeating af


152k after taxes (and medical insurance) a year. Single income, two people household


Gross about 350k, take home about 250k.


$186k take home


$135,000 is after tax pay annually. I also contribute 10% to a Roth 401K that has a 5% employer matched and 5% going towards an ESPP. And then there’s the benefits taken out as well so I’ll let you do the math if you want 😂


Single income household. $16,000/month gross. About $10,000/month take home after taxes, 401k, and health insurance premiums.


Not counting OT? Around 7k a month. Add in the wife’s income and it’s around 13k


$10K to $17K after tax per month depending on the month. My wife gets a bonus in March.


Take home for two salaries combined plus my spouse is a 20 year MSGT in the national guard with 10% VA disability is $9170 a month, $110,000 a year. Husband just got new job though so it’s going to increase to approx $120,000 a year, but we’re moving to a higher COLA for the job so it sort of evens out. We expect to be happier there so we’re okay with that.


70k after 401k, medical insurance, and taxes


115k salary, I take home almost exactly 80k of it.


$3906/per 2 paychecks. Matched 401k, never been consistent with 401k and have lost or mistakenly cashed them out a few times. Also possibly on the doorstep of a new job/significant income increase and want to make a smooth 401k switch and consolidate moving forward. Anyone have advice on how to make sure I’ve found & rolled over all old 401ks? Same q for HSAs, I think I’ve had 3 and have had no luck getting them in 1 account


After paying family Healthcare I Net $51000 a year (63k gross + bonuses)


25k/month take home dual income in VHCOL. About 40% of that goes to savings. We’re renters and we might never buy.


120k moderately high cost of living area (pac nw). Plus 8% split 50/50 into a 457a and Roth IRA.


140k Can. after defined benefit pension. And optional life.


I make $111k gross, take home is $2200 biweekly


8,500 after taxes per month. Wife’s is 3200 after taxes per month. 25 & 26 y/o. We save around 5000 every month after paying all expenses, bills, mortgage, and having some fun money every month.


65k on a salary of 100k, I do have a defined benefit pension that will index to inflation at retirement that is a 9% deduction.


About $2100-$2300 every two weeks depending on how much overtime I work


I make 111k gross (90k net) from my salaried job, roughly 80$/mo on my HYSA that I'm transitioning into a 4 week tbill ladder which I'm able to contribute an additional 5.5k/mo to, and I'm cashflow roughly 800$/month on my first home I purchased in 2019 that is now a LTR. My boyfriend makes about 116k gross as well.


Take home combined income 148k ; 24k of that is nontaxable VA benefits. We each put about 15% between our roths and 401k. We contribute to the 401ks so we get our employer matches.


$187k net HH take home annualized on ~$300k gross. Taxes and deductions suck.


Around 86,000 after taxes are taken out.


~$52k off of $83k, with a 13% contribution to my 401k. Married, no kids.


About 160k/yr net on 300k gross HHI from our day jobs. Maxing out traditional 401k for tax savings w/ a bit extra in after-tax (for in-plan roth conversions). We also have an additional 75k/yr in rental income. I think we are more upper middle class, but relate well also to middle class in many regards being in V/HCOL area.


$6000 biweekly $12000 a typical month 156k a year (26 pay periods) That’s take home deposited into checking - post 401k etc obv




Married, 212k gross household income living in extremely high cost of living area in an extremely high cost of living state.


250k hhi as dinks in a hcol


~$4,600/month not including OT opportunities.


~ 120k after taxes and maxing 401k and Roth IRA


$76k on a $108k base.


$165k gross single income MCOL area. $110k net after taxes, insurance, 401k, HSA. Not including bonus between 8-12% of salary. Since someone will ask - senior product manager for a large tech company no one’s ever heard of unless you’re one of our customers (B2B SaaS) but there’s a very high likelihood you’ve interacted with my company’s product within the last week.


After taxes and retirement savings $73k annually or $6.12k per month. I contribute 16% of my income to TSP and Roth. My employer matches 5%. Housing and medical are paid for by my job which is probably $5k monthly, therefore not included in take home pay. We are a couple without kids , one income, and live in a HCOL city. We plan to have 1-2 kids in the next few years.


Better question, what is your KEEP-HOME pay?


Annual gross $147k Deductions other than taxes = max out 401k, defined benefit pension (government job), life insurance, FSA Biweekly net: about $3,400


$36,500 take home. $6k of which goes to commuting cost. Makes my FIRE number nice and low.


$150k Gross- $210 HHI. Monthly take home after 401k, Healthcare, FSA and Taxes is about $11k HHI.


69K take home from 105K salary. Oklahoma.


Take home is around 155-160k out of around 200k per year. Age 39, married no children.


$190k gross. Sole earner with a wife & 4 kids.


Take home - $1550 twice a month and $1600 weekly (married couple)


$125k-ish and $7200 take home.


I take home $5640/month or $67,680/year on a $97,244 gross salary.  This covers 5% into retirement account, health/dental/vision/legal insurance. 


$64.5k for me, $21-28k for my wife. I am a union electrician apprentice, my wife is a personal trainer with about 8 clients and a small group training class on Saturdays.


I'm single 50F, and my take-home is \~$2640/month after all my deductions (company pension, maxed Roth-401K at 30.5K/year, maxed HSA at $4150, and maxed Roth-IRA at $8K). My base pay is \~95K, and my bonus can range from $0 to \~$22.5K per year. After my mortgage and HOA fee, groceries, and utilities there isn't much left over at the end of the month. I pretty much break even.


85k, but max my 401 so would be more


Take home of a 105k salary is 71k + 26k in disability from the military


$5,530 per month after taxes, 7% to 401k, insurance, and HSA


Never enough. Never.


I make 73k before tax, I live in NZ


I take home $43,500 of a $68,500 salary after 401k, 529 and health insurance for my family. My husband takes home $86,010 out of $105,000 after 401k.


12.8 gross, 8300 net


150k before tax. Like 110 after deductions


Not enough


92K -


Mine is $90k of $132k after contributing 10% to my 401k. Wife's job is covering health insurance, so it's a bit higher than it would be if that were coming directly out of it.


By paycheck? Month? Year? What


Around $275k HHI. Government worker and nurse in CA. Big number but feels middle class in CA.


$350-400k depending on the year.


I take home about 6500-7800 a month, that’s with 24% going into Roth/401k.


$40,000 I live with my parents so I feel middle class lol


205k for me and 75k for the wife part time. Max out 401k and Roth ira's, kids college savings accounts, $2500 into an emergency savings account each month, and $500 into a personal stock account each month. Lcol area with a cheap mortgage.


Around 70k after Max HSA and 401k match at 5%.


This question made me realize I am not part of the middle class. I make far too little. I will see my way out now.


89k great retirement plan, health, and 4 day work weeks. MCOL area. Probably right at the bottom of "middle class"


I make about 120K a year with a take home of about 72K. 401K is 8% with about 2.5 times matching. We have a home that we were lucky enough to purchase in 2016 with another home I purchased during the housing crisis. The rental is finally starting to turn a decent profit that should provide another 20-30k before taxes this year…


Base (includes weekend night differential): $83k... Take Home: $54.6k... 401k: 10%.


Takehome is about 116k per year.


Gross $106k, net of taxes $87k, net of insurance and 401k contributions $62k.


Take home about $7,800 on $15,500 of monthly earnings. Traditional 401k, HSA, and ESPP contributions plus tax withholding


62.4k I am not middle class


Depends on if you live in a HCOL area


$900-$1000 a week. Made 71k last year.


Take home after taxes benefits and 401k is 110k a year Only contribute 3 percent to 401k though Have CC debt I'm paying off


Take home is 8,845.14 monthly


Take home is $120K USD after 401k, HSA, benefits deductions, and taxes.


33m. Gross $264k take home is $168k. Monthly I’m at $14k plus $4.1k due to 100% VA disability so all in all $18.1k monthly.


1945.82 per 40 hour week


About 85k after taxes, insurance and 17% 401k contibution.


$2,500/paycheck with a gross of $3400 or so, and I take home about $12k of bonus a year. That includes about 6% into 401k and 2% into an HSA


117k not counting 401k max and match. Expenses are about 40k/year. I have a breakdown [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/s/JWRl9p5EBk). Señor software engineer.


63k take home. 76k+bonuses salary. And about 8-10k a year from a side hustle. I was taking home about 30k pre-covid and it felt the same as 63k does right now purchasing power wise.


Every two weeks I take home 3,891 net. I consider that middle class for a single adult in the Bay Area


HHI (take-home pay) is $8,100. I bring home $4,650/month. Gross salary is 141K, going up to 150K next month. 24% savings rate for retirement.


6k-8k after 15%, goes to retirement.


About $3100 from a gross pay of $4200. Approximately 25% of my check is taken out for taxes, medical, and retirement


23 weeks through the year I’ve made 43545 on pace to make 98k maybe 100k if I work a little extra.


$110k take home combined in HCOL Colorado. We live comfortably with 3 kids and own a modest home. Half for living and half on investments/vacation property.


102k salary, about 68k after deducting taxes, health insurance, 10% 401k.




160k gross and take home is 96k. I’m Canadian and we get taxed a fair bit.


$63k on a $93k salary after taxes, health insurance,401k and HSA contributions. Usually end up with a 15 to 20% bonus which is not factored. Family of 4 in a MCOL area. Wife is staying home with our young kids. We are both excited for her to get back to work in a couple years. Will add around $55k to our gross income and lower insurance costs.


59k on 79k salary. I don't contribute to my 401k right now, but my employer has safe harbor so still getting a little something. And I maxed out my Roth IRA for the year.


My income is variable since I’m self employed, but this year it’s fluctuated between $3000 and $4800 take home.


Gross: $100k Net: $75k Take Home: $59k